Evil Awakened (Dare to love #...

By _Nerdrabbit_

162 7 2

A once upon a time tale. Book 2 in the dare to love series. Read book 1 forbidden love before you read this... More

authors note
Prologue (Emma)
Chapter 1 (William)
Chapter 2 (Emma)
Chapter 3 (Snow)
Chapter 4 (William)
Chapter 6 (Emma)
Chapter 7 (William)
Chapter 8 (William)
Chapter 9 (Snow)
Chapter 10 (William)
Chapter 11 (Snow)
Chapter 12 (William)
Chapter 13 (William)
Chapter 14 (William)
Chapter 15 (Snow)
Chapter 16 (William)
Chapter 17 (Snow)
Chapter 18 (David)
Chapter 19 (Emma)
Chapter 20 (Snow)
Chapter 21 (Emma)
Chapter 22 (Snow)
Chapter 23 (Snow)
Chapter 24 (Snow)
Chapter 25 (Snow)
Chapter 26 (William)
Chapter 27 (David)
Chapter 28 (William)
Chapter 29 (William)
Chapter 30 (Snow)
Chapter 31 (William)
Chapter 32 (Snow)
Chapter 33 (William)
Chapter 34 (Snow)
Chapter 35 (Neal)
Chapter 36 (Snow)
Chapter 37 (Emma) part 1
Chapter 37 (Emma) part 2
Chapter 38 (Snow)
Chapter 39 (Emma)
Chapter 40 (Snow)
Chapter 41 (Snow/Emma)
Authors note
Epoligue (Emma)

Chapter 5 (Snow)

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By _Nerdrabbit_

Looking at my sons with tears welcoming themselves into my eyes I try to think of something to say. Both of them have the same looks on their faces, shock and anger.

"We... we what?" Neal asks at last, looking up from the ground, directly into ours eyes. "We... I have an older brother?" Slowly he shakes his head, running his hand through his hair somewhat nervously, "And you never thought to tell us?" This is said sarcastically as is the next part but honestly we deserved this for keeping the secret from them for so long. "Just pop it in a conversation? Leave us a note? Gone out to ride, by the way you have an older brother only we know about,"

"Neal please," I beg, "Don't be angry, it was a mistake, we shouldn't have kept it from you,"

"Damm right you shouldn't have!" Neal pipes up again, anger filling his voice, "Anything else we should know why you're at it? Do we secretly have a younger sister to?"

At this I don't reply, we haven't even got to the part when I tell them about what the dark one really asked for in that deal. We told them it was to be freed then and there and he didn't get it. Not that he wanted Emma to free him if she turned dark.

"There is isn't there?" Neal questions, looking from his father to I, who has been keeping very quiet in this conversation. "Go on, spit it out then,"

"We-" I begin but then I look at David who nods his head at me. I can't bring myself to tell them, turn our sons against us further. We lost Emma I'm not about to lose Neal or William to. Not just because of some stupid lie.

But that's what got us into this mess isn't it? A lie?

"We know where the dark one is," David blurts out, causing yet another gasp to travel around the room. "Or we know how he escaped at least,"

"Ahh of course," Neal sighs, "You gonna wait around all day or are you gonna tell us?" He looks from David to me expectantly and I see something in his eyes I've seen very little of with him and it scares me. I will not lose another child to the darkness.

Hear me? I will not.

I won't.

"It was the deal we made with him, we weren't gonna make it but Emma agreed to what he wanted. She didn't understand the consequences at the time, what it really meant. He didn't want just to escape, he wanted Emma to let him out," I explain, my voice wobbling from me being on the verge of tears. "We are so sorry Neal, we shouldn't have kept this from you. It was wrong,"

"Yes, it was," Neal agrees, "But now we have another focus at hand, Emma could have easily went back on that deal, so why didn't she?"

"She needs him," David sighs, "She must do," at this blue nods her head, frowning deeply. She knew, she knew both of these things all along but no one else did. Now I think Blue, Neal, William (who hasn't said a word) David and I all know this will mean trouble. It will divide the kingdom and so the already bleak future could be looking even bleaker.

"So what do we do?" Neal asks, "If she needs him we can't let her have him," I am about to open my mouth to suggest something but then blue speaks.

"I'm afraid it is to late for that, Young one," she sighs, "Something dark is on the horizon, I feel it, you must find out what it is,"

"Then we go to her castle, just like she wanted us to," David says, suggesting the idea I was going to before. Another gasp goes around the room.

"You'll get yourselves killed," Blue exclaims, "Journey to Oz it will be safer," she doesn't look like she's going to give in easily, but nor are we.

"No, we must reason with her first, make her see the light," I back my husband up, "It will work it has to,"

"I must protest," Blue says, "Go to Oz, the sooner you know how to stop what's coming the better, please, you must think about the kingdoms safety, you must," sighing, I take a step closer to the disgruntled fairy, looking at her apologetically.

"We must do this Blue, if we can stop her without magic we must," I say making her sigh. "And you're forgetting something, the child. Her child, our granddaughter, we must see if the babes okay, with Emma she might be in danger as much as I hate to admit it. I promise as soon as we're back we'll journey to Oz," by the end of my small speech, Blue looks slightly happier with the plan, though not completely. Having calmed her down, I look at my sons who both now look slightly... lost.

"Well then you've got a plan, I'm retiring to bed," Neal says, quickly walking towards the door. I want to shout out for him but then I look at David who places his hand on my shoulder reassuringly and looks at me as if to say leave it. However just before Neal exits, he stops and turns around.

"What's his name?" He asks, confusing me slightly but then I realise what he's talking about.

"James" I awnser honestly, "His name is James," and with that information Neal leaves, leaving William, Blue, David and the guards and I in the room. Damm it the guards, by tomorrow morning this news will have spread round the whole kingdom.

"Well I'm going to bed to," William finally speaks, closing his sad eyes at turning away from us.

"Will please," I beg, "Please son we are so sorry," but like Neal, William brushes off our apologies.

They don't care anymore. Our words, there worthless now, after all that we've done.

"Don't be," he tells us, "It's just who you are, liars,"

And his words sting like nothing else.

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