DC Universe Gets A Clean Up

By La_Flame20

280K 7.1K 3.4K

After Accidentally Killing The Joker, Y/n Is Forced To Deal With The Consequences That come With Killing The... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 2.6
Day 2.9
Day 9.2
Day 9.2 (Harley)
Day 10
Day 16
Day 16.2
Day 18
Day 19
Day 21
Day 22
Day 22.1
Day 41
Day 41 (night)
Day 41 (night 1.2)
Day 42 (Dawn)
Day 42.1
Day 43
Day 43.1

Day 9

16.2K 456 64
By La_Flame20

"It has been a week since the Joker's murder and Y/n L/n is still at large. The city is in a state of chaos as the joker clan rampage through the city searching for Y/n. Police have yet to comment on the current situation." Bzzzt

Harley threw the remote at the new TV the goons had bought. She pulled at the strands of her hair in frustration and turned to the goons lounging around.

Harley: Can any of you fucks tell me why he is not here right now?

A goon closer to her raised his hand. She turned to him and nodded for him to speak.

Brian: Because Y/n blew his brains out?

Harley: WHAT?!? Why would he do that? And If he's already dead, why the fuck DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?

Brian: We thought you knew. You've been crying about it all week.

Harley: All week? I don't even.... Brian,Who are you talking about?

Brian: Uhhh. Joker, Y/n killed him? That's why he isn't here. Or is that not what we are talking about.

Harley: What the fuck is wrong with you? I was talking about Y/n. And I still don't know WHY HE ISN'T HERE SO I CAN BASH HIS HEAD IN. Now go out there and find him, Y/n not Joker, you stupid piece of shit.

Dave: Boss please. you've got to relax.


"Ye-s-s Ma'am!"

All the goons sprinted for the door, almost trampling poison ivy as she entered the lair. She stepped out of the way in time and waited until no one else came out. She peeked inside to see Harley sitting on the couch drinking a large bottle of wine.

Ivy: Hey Harley, how you doing?

Harley: How the hell do you think I'm doing? My pudding is dead. And the asshole that did it is still out there.

Ivy: Oh God. The pain. I can't even imagine what you're going through. What would you do without your psychotic boyfriend.

Harley: Are you bullshiting me right now? Because I could do without the sarcasm.

Ivy: Hey, you seriously need to calm down.

Harley: I AM CALM!! and the next person to tell me to relax gets one in the head.

Brian: Just Like Joker. *Bang! Bang!* Sorry. I didn't mean it.

Harley: Brian get your stupid ass out here.

Dave peeked around the door to waved at Harley. He pulled Brian into the doorway by his ear, ignoring Brian's cries of pain.

Dave: Sorry ma'am. I'll deal with him. Don't let him get you down. We're all here for you. You have to be strong. Hey, Ivy.

Ivy: Hey, Dave.

Harley collapsed on the floor as she started crying again. Ivy sighed and sat next to her, putting Harley's head in her lap, whispering soothing words to her.
They stayed in that position until Harley's sobs died down. Ivy lifted her head up and brushed the tears away.

Ivy: I know you're hurting right now but you have got to take care of yourself. You honestly look like hell. You're super pale, clearly haven't eaten anything today, and I don't think you have even showered. Have you?

Harley: I .... Haven't.

Ivy: See? Come on let's get you cleaned up then we are going out to get you something to eat.

Ivy stood up and tried to lift Harley by her arm. Harley rubbed her red eyes as ivy pulled her to her feet.

Harley: But--

Ivy: No buts. Except yours in the shower. Trust me, Harley you need this.

Harley: But--

Ivy: Uh uhh. Let's go.

Ivy pulled Harley towards the bathroom ,whiles Harley dragged her feet. Harley sighed and shrugged Ivy's hand off.

Harley: Ugh. Fine, fine. I can walk. Stop dragging me.

Ivy: That's the spirit. You go girl.

Harley: Why are you here anyway? I thought you had that whole thing with Wayne Enterprises.

Ivy: Oh that? It doesn't matter right now. You definitely needed a friend so here I am.

Harley: Aww. That's nice of you but I really want to be alone right now.

Ivy: Yeah. Not happening get in there.

Harley ducked under Ivy's arms and tried to get to the couch but ivy grabbed her and turned her to the bathroom door.
Harley: I really don't want to go. I just want to crawl into bed, eat ice cream and, and *she began crying again* Mister J, why did you have to go?

Harley hugged Ivy and pressed her face into Ivy's chest, the tears staining her jacket.

Ivy: Okay. How about this. You come with me for a girls night out that you so desperately need and I'll tell you where Y/n is.

Harley: Noo. I'm not leaving this-- *Harley looked up in surprise* WHAT? YOU KNOW WERE HE IS? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN?

Ivy: Calm down, Harley. I just found out yesterday. I had just confirmed it before I came here.

Harley: YEESSS!! Finally. I can't wait to break every bone in his body and--

Ivy: Uhh, did you forget? I'm not telling you until you have had a nice long nap and massage. I already booked a spa and everything.

Harley: But I don't wanna. Can't we get my revenge then do the spa thing?

Ivy: No.

Harley: How about kidnapping him and leaving him in the basement?

Ivy: Noo! Girls night or no revenge. So go take a shower.

Harley: Fine but you promise he would still be there?

Ivy: absolutely. He hasn't left the place all day.

Harley: Great. I'll be back five.

Ivy: Nope. Take you sweet time. I'm serious. If you're out in the next fifteen minutes, you're going back in. Got it?

Harley: Yeah yeah. I heard you.

Once Harley entered the bathroom, Ivy sat down on the couch and began wondering how to get out of the mess she had gotten into. She had no idea where Y/n was. She just said that so Harley would want to leave. She jumped slightly when Dave sat next to her.

Ivy: Whoa. How about a warning next time.
Dave: Sorry Ivy.

Ivy: What are you still doing here? Harley would be pissed if she came out and saw you.

Dave: it'll be fine. There is something I want to talk to you about.

Ivy: What?

Dave: First of, everything I do, I do for Harley's own good because she's a good person and I care about her. Joker didn't deserve her, didn't appreciate her and I'm glad he's dead. Don't you agree?

Ivy: Uhh. Yeah. I do. Why are you telling me this?

Dave took a box out of a backpack that looked familiar to Poison Ivy for some reason. She hadn't noticed but he had been wearing that bag from the first time she met him.

Dave: He said to give this to you. He wants to help Harley move on from Joker. But you have to trust him and me for his plan to work.

Ivy: Who are you talking about? What are you talking about?

Dave: Please just trust me. I really want what's best for Harley.

Dave walked out without saying another word, leaving Ivy with the box. She opened it cautiously, only to find an envelope and an earpiece. She read the letter inside the envelope, her confusion and concern more evident as she read on. She started when she heard the bathroom door opening and quickly put the letter and earpiece in her jacket pocket whiles the box went under the couch.

Harley: Hey, ivy? Would we be taking the bus or a cab? Because I-- what are you doing?

Harley had come out of the bathroom fully dressed in a tank top shorts combo that maintained her color scheme but had her hair down. It still had a wet sheen on it. She stopped just infront of the door and was eyeing Poison Ivy's fidgeting manner.

Ivy: Nothing. I was waiting for you. Like a good friend that, you know, left their own plans just to cheer you up.

Harley: Wow. Instantly defensive and redirecting. Now I know you're hiding something from me.

Ivy: Nothing. I'm not hiding anything.
She walked to the door with Harley staring suspiciously at her. She turned when Harley didn't follow her.

Ivy: Can we go now?

Harley shook her head as she searched the area. She gasped when she saw a baseball bat leaning near the door. She smiled and picked it up, swung it a few times then nodded.

Harley: Suure. Let's go.

Harley skipped out the door, looking as happy as she could be but those who knew her could see that she wasn't. Merely putting on a brave face for her friends.

Ivy glanced back at place she hid the box. She considered going for it for a moment then shook her head and followed Harley out. She was sure Dave was still around and wouldn't let anyone find it. Even if they did it was just an empty box. What was the worst thing that could happen?


Red Hood ducked behind a crate in time to avoid the machine gun that was behind him. He reloaded his guns and fired blind before jumping out and shooting the gunner in the knees.

He rolled behind more crates once he landed. Taking advantage of the space between crates he shot a few thugs in the legs or feet. They fell to the ground, screaming and clutching their injuries. Only four were still standing.

Red Hood: I've got more bullets and my trigger finger is itching. But I won't kill you if you simply dropped the guns and walked away.

More gunfire echoed in the warehouse they were in. The thugs were Black Mask's men and they were here to raid one of Two-Face's gun cache. Red Hood had been had been hunting them all night, finally getting their location from an informant who told him what he needed to know after some "gentle" persuasion.

Red Hood moved from cover to cover, firing at the thugs to keep their heads down until he got close. Kicking one's legs from under him, Red Hood kicked him into another thug. A third one jumped up behind him, but Red Hood rolled to the side and used a leg take-down on him, crashing the thug's head into a crate, knocking him out.

The fourth thug moved quickly to press the muzzle to the back of Red Hood's helmet. He cocked the gun as he pressed it harder against the helmet.

Thug: Drop it, man, or I shoot. I swear, man. I'll do it.

Red Hood: I know you will. So when that happens I'll-- *Red Hood knocked the gun aside with his elbow and punched him in the gut.*

When he doubled over, Red Hood kneed him in the face then punched him, kicked him in the leg, then roundhouse kick to the back of the neck and he fell face first, unconscious.

Red Hood: Not go easy on you. That was fun.

Red Hood brushed off his jacket, bent down to pick up his guns that were lying on the floor, spinning them then  sliding them into their holsters.

Red Hood: Another gun stash that won't be getting out there. *Walked to the guy who he had heard giving orders before he attacked and crippled them* hey buddy, wake up. Wake up damnit!

The guy was still out cold. Red Hood grabbed his collar and gave him a mighty slap. His eyes opened wide awake and he held his bright red cheek, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He looked up in shock at Red Hood.

Red Hood: I've got some questions for you, get them all right, I don't break the others.

Thug: Wha- what others? Gahhhhh! *Red Hood had snapped one of his fingers and in was bent backwards in an ugly way* Jesus, you didn't even ask me anything!

Red hood: I know, now you would be much more honest, wouldn't you?

Thug: Yes. yes. I'll tell you anything, just don't do that again.

Red Hood: You had a list of targets to hit tonight. Name them.

Thug: Ughmmn. I-n my po-c-cket.

Red Hood glanced over the list before letting him go. "Is that it?"

Thug: Yeah. That's all I got. *Red Hood stomped his other hand, breaking three fingers* arghhh!! my hand. I swear that's what I was given. I don't know anything else. Okay?

Red Hood: I just wanted to have fun.

Thug: Hehe hehaha.

Red Hood: What's funny.

Thug: Nothing, you'll pay for what you've done, Sooner than you think.

Red Hood drew his gun and aimed behind him as he turned, only for someone to disarm him and kick him onto his back. A boot pressed on his chest when he tried to sit up.  Red Hood looked up the see Y/n smiling warmly, resting his arms on the leg that was on Red Hood.

Red Hood: Y/n L/n.

Y/n: I don't think we've officially met, have we? I'll go first. Hi, I'm Y/n L/n, ignoring why you already know that. I'm a huge fan of gaming, guns and redheads and I think you're a very troubled youth. Now it's your turn.

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