Darling [h.s]

By xAshleighElizabeth

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"Darlene, I want you to fuck me like you hate me" Harry pushes, taking a step closer. "I do hate you" I spit... More



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By xAshleighElizabeth

Song For This Chapter:

Na Na Na-One Direction

"I'll say that I hate a song
Then you'll go request it the whole night long
Some people say it's so wrong
But even when we fight, girl you turn me on"


Darlene's Pov:

Well that was surely a night. Not what I intended to do at all. Is it smart to be sleeping with Harry while I'm trying to forgive him? No.

The ride home was what you'd expect. Maya spotted the hickies on my neck and gave me a knowing look but luckily decided not to tease me any further. She also apparently decided to sneak a picture of Harry and I during the whole cotton candy fiasco. I can't say I'm mad though, the picture is kind of cute.

Harry practically begged me to go to some club with him to meet some of his Frat brothers. I was hesitant to go but I finally said yes as long as I was able to invite Maya. I don't exactly know why he wanted me to go so bad, he claims it's so he's able to sneak me into their parties easier. So I guess I will get something out of it.

Plus he said they wouldn't be there for two long, just to catch up before the school year started. Maya already said she couldn't come until a bit later anyways because she was working the night shift so I'm left to fend for myself for a bit.

Which brings me to right now, sitting in Harry's car on the way to a nightclub. Excitement is basically radiating off him, I think he's looking forward to being back in his element.

Once we're walking into the club I'm immediately met with the sound of pouding music and the loud sound of chatter of people from all the different conversations. He guides me over to a table filled with 4 other men seeming to be engrossed in a conversation.

We finally approach the table, Harry greeting them immediately.

"Styles!" One of the guys closer to us says patting him on the back. I awkwardly stand beside him as I feel all of their eyes on me. The attention is making me uncomfortable as they all seem to be shamelessly scanning my body.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wear a body-con dress but I'm not responsible for their behavior. Their grown men, they should be able to control themselves.

"Oh, this is Darlene" He says urging me forward a bit. I just give a small smile and a wave, feeling completely out of my element right now. None of them even introduce themselves which is making me feel completely out of place.

"That's the best one you brought here so far" One guy snickers talking about me like I'm not standing right infront of him.

I already regret coming here, I can feel my anger rising. This clearly isn't a rare occurrence for Harry, probably parading around some girl as his arm candy. The thought already makes me squeamish since these guys must assume I'm some girl desperate from any ounce of Harry's attention. But as we know that's far from the truth.

Harry just laughs at the comment not saying anything to defend me. Great. Awesome. Perfect.

Harry finally leads us to sit at the end of the curved booth, me sitting on the very outside.

"See you're clearly keeping up your reputation even during the summer, respect" The guy next to him lightly elbows him.

"Yeah" Harry laughs at the comment. I just roll my eyes and get up causing them all to turn their heads to me,

"I'm gonna get a drink" I say giving Harry a sweet smile, but I know he understands it's far from sweet.

If I'm going to get through tonight I'm going to need a couple drinks. I order 2 shots downing them right at the bar before getting myself a martini to sip on while I pretend to be interested in any of their conversations.

I return back, all of them now conversing and not even acknowledging my return, not even Harry. I'd honestly rather sit here in silence anyways.

"No dude, I swear. I fucked her best friend the day after" the boy with black hair says proudly. All the boys laugh at his declaration, even patting him on the shoulder for his 'accomplishment'.

"Nice!" He praises "I definetly am going to sleep with her the second we're back in class" The guy next to Harry chimes in.

"Caleb, Bro. She's so easy you'll have no issues" The black haired boy replies with a smirk.

I want to throw hands right now. Boys are disgusting, I swear.

"Harry remember when you fucked three different girls in one night, that shit was legendary" Caleb adds.

Wow isn't this conversation just lovely.

"Of course, how could I forget" He says sipping on his beer with a smirk. I have no idea when the hell he got that beer but I honestly could care less.

The fact that a boy could have ever talked about me in this way makes my skin crawl. It's honestly just disrespectful.

Ideas begin racing in my head of the possibility that Harry has done that. The thought makes me nauseous so I'd rather not know.

I slouch back in my seat sighing at having to endure the next two hours of this shit.

Finally the black hair boy turns to me, "Darlene was it?" he says earning a simple nod from me.

"Make sure I get your number before we leave, I'll give you a call when Harry's done with you" he continues with a smirk. I just give him an unamused look, was that supposed to make me want to talk to him. I swear all men act like it's an honor to get to speak to them, they need to get their heads out of their ass to see they're not all that.

"Zayn" Harry says sternly, this being the first time he's seemed to defend me tonight.

The dark haired boy who I now know is named Zayn throws his hands up in surrender a grin plastered on his face.

They boy across the table from me looks me up and down before speaking, "So Darlene- Oh I'm Ethan by the way. Anyways, how did you and Harry meet?" He says with a smirk on his face.

I sigh trying to hide the annoyance in my voice, "We work together at the pool" I say simply keeping my answer short.

Ethans eyes widen and he turns to Harry, "Is she the one you fucked in the locker room" He says in excitement.

My eyes widen immediately turning to Harry to observe how the hell he's going to dig himself out of this one. My nightmares are proved true, I don't even want to know the details he told them. I already know whatever he said is going to make it sound like he's all high and mighty. As if he's the one who even fucking initiated it.

"You fucked. Think you may have left out some details" I state in an obviously fake amused tone. I can see Harry's cheeks turn red but he refuses to look at me.

So much for apparently not being a conquest, here he is bragging about it. My anger is growing, I wish I could go off on his ass right now. He's on thin fucking ice, but I'd love to hear the excuse he has for this one later.

Harry still doesn't respond though, just taking a sip of his beer. But his silence is answer enough.

Ethan is now laughing, "Very nice to meet you Darlene" he says turning to me with a smug look on his face now.

I just give him a fake sweet smile before taking a sip of my drink.

"So are we going to see you at our parties next semester" The boy next to Zayn questions.

"I would say yes but the chances are getting slimmer and slimmer the longer I sit here" I respond with a sickenly sweet tone.

Harry just laughs awkwardly at my comment clearly not liking what he would say is me 'giving attitude'. He shouldn't have brought me here if he thought I was gonna just sit here and look pretty. I'm not going to be shown off like some prize.

The boy just raises his eyebrows at me in surprise, "Feisty, you really know how to pick em Harry" I just look down rolling my eyes, "I'm Noah by the way" he adds causing me to look up in acknowledgment not missing the way he's staring at my chest.

I whip out my phone sending Maya a text begging her to get here as fast as she can. I'm seconds away from storming out of here but I'd hate to give them the satisfaction.

I'm seeing a new side of Harry right now that I don't like at all. If this is how he acts all the time during the school year I'll be quick to cut him off. I shouldn't be surprised by his behavior but it's still disappointing.

I'm tuning out the conversation right now distracting myself by looking at the dance floor filled with people seeming to be enjoying themselves, can't relate. At least I have a good view of that, this table on the edge of the raised area looking down at it.

"Darlene you can be my date to the kick off party" Harry says turning to me as if he's serving his offer to me on a silver platter.

"No thanks I'll pass" I say looking at him unamused. He seems to finally sense my anger when he looks at me surprised from my response.

"Damn did you just get rejected Styles?" Zayn hollers causing the other boys to laugh. He just turns his head to glare at them but it doesn't stop their teasing.

Harry finally turns back to me, "Can you drop the attitude?" he says lowly so only I can hear.

My jaw drops from his comment, does he not understand how disrespectful him and his friends are being right now. Not just to me but to women in general. He's really showing his true colors now. It's like the mask he was hiding behind is being slowly being revealed to me.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I say in shock keeping my voice low.

"Yeah" He says with an attitude of his own at my response. He's an even bigger asshole around his friends than I thought. The second he told me he was in a frat I should've ran for the hills.

"You asked me to come here" I remind him with an unamused chuckle.

"That doesn't mean you need to be all moody, if something is bothering you just s-"

I roll my eyes, " Harry shut the fuck up and go back to your conversation" I say with irritation plaguing my voice.

He stares at me in pure confusion at my reaction before huffing in annoyance and turning away from me.

My phone vibrates in my lap and I've never checked a notification faster.

Maya: On my way, be there soon.

I decide to tune them out once more until Maya finally arrives. But I'm broken out of my silence when Ethan pipes up,

"Are those hickies on your neck" he points out with a chuckle causing everyone eyes to turn to me. I tried to cover them with makeup but it only just made them lighter.

He doesn't allow me time to answer,

"You fucked her more than once Harry? That's...new" Zayn says turning to Harry in shock. I don't even want to hear Harry's response, I can already feel the ice cracking beneath us.

"My friend is here, I'm gonna go get her" I lie standing up and walking away before anyone has a chance to respond.

I wait outside the club resting against the brick wall waiting for Maya to come. I pull out my phone and try and distract myself from the anger boiling inside me right now.

I feel relief when I finally see Maya stepping out of her uber. I immediately walk closer to her in desperation.

"You didn't have to wait outside for me" She says but also sounds thankful for the gesture.

"I'm gonna kill him Maya" I seethe. Mayas eyes widen at my declaration, "If he mysteriously goes missing you better not snitch on me"

"Oh god what he do?" She says letting out a disappointed sigh.

"You'll understand the second we get inside" I say rolling my eyes at the thought but pulling Maya along with me eager to finally have someone on my side.

I finally approach the table standing in front of it with Maya at my side. Harry gives her a soft smile but one quick enough where none of the other boys would see since they were distracted by our presence.

"This is Maya" I say simply as she gives them a friendly smile.

Noah whistles at the sight of us, "And she has a hot best friend, this just keeps getting better and better"

I turn to Maya and immediately see her eyes widen at the comment.

"You sleeping with this one too Styles or is she available" Zayn says looking Maya up and down. Maya's eyes divert to Harry looking at him in shock expecting him to say something. But he just looks down pretending to distract himself with his beer.

"Are you gonna keep talking about me as if I'm not here?" Maya snaps causing Zayn to quickly turn his attention back to her. I grin at her response, wow I love Maya. Her outburst only causes a smirk to grow on Zayns face though.

"To answer your question, no I'm not. I have a boyfriend" She lies in a sharp tone. Harry knows better than to call her out on her lie, the only thing he's done right tonight is keep his mouth shut about this.

I can practically see the steam coming from Maya, she's only endured this shit for less than 5 minutes so you can just imagine my rage.

Her fists are clenched by her sides and I know I need to take her away from this situation before she causes a scene. She feels emotions intensely. So when she's angry she's angry.

"We're gonna go dance" I say making sure to give Harry a glare before tugging Maya along with me onto the dance floor.

"Can I assist in his mysterious disappearance?" She says angrily as we go to one of the tables to the side of the dance floor to place our belongings on.

"Darlene I'm serious, I'm going to go off on his ass" She says huffing in anger.

"Let me know when so I can witness it please" I say rolling my eyes but not at her, at Harry.

"You put up with that for how long?" She says is disbelief tugging me over the the minibar next to the dance floor.

"Over an hour" I say in agony, the feeling of finally being out of the situation making me realize how bad it really was.

She scoffs at the thought, "We're not going to let it ruin our night. We're both going to get wasted and make the best of the situation" She says sitting down at the bar stool.

So that's exactly what we do, ordering drink after drink until we're completely plastered. I missed drinking with Maya. Our girls night got taken over by Niall and Harry at the bar, which I don't mind but I miss having alone time with just her.

We finally make our way to the dance floor but just before we begin dancing I get an idea.

"Wait, follow me" I say loudly over the music, Maya nods her head and I pull her to the DJ booth.

Once he sees us approaching, despite being on an elevated platform he angles his head down to hear what I wanted to say.

"Can you play Everytime We Touch" I shout, hoping he's able to hear me. Luckily he did and he nods his head in response.

I can't help the smile on my face as Maya now drags me to the dance floor,

"Why that song?" She laughs in amusement as we both begin to sway our hips to the current song.

"Harry hates it" I yell over the music with a grin on my face.

This causes a grin to form on hers as well, "I like how you think" she praises, her hands going to my hips as we begin actually dancing to the current song with now more distraction.

Just as soon as the that song ends I hear Everytime We Touch begin playing. My mood immediately improving. Just as the beat drops Maya and I begin jumping up and down with huge smiles on our faces, getting lost in the music. The floor shaking from the vibration of the speakers and my blurred vision is the perfect combo to make me feel distracted.

Maya's back is facing the rest of the dance floor meaning I have full view of the rest of the club. I can't help but feel eyes on me and I can't ignore the need to find the culprit. My eyes scan the club quickly, keeping up my movements with Maya despite the small distraction. My eyes finally land on Harry, of course he's the one looking at me. He's just watching me and I roll my eyes looking away but still feel his gaze.

"He's looking" I yell over the music in annoyance.

She rolls her eyes at my statement but her eyes light up and I can practically see a light bulb go off in her head. She pulls me in closer so she doesn't have to yell as much, both of us still keeping up our movements.

"Remember how Niall and him we're basically hypnotized when we were dancing at yours" She says loudly near my ear, just enough so I can hear her. I nod my head knowing she'd be able to feel the movement against her cheek, "You wanna really give him something to stare at?" She says in a mischievous tone, pulling away from me to gauge my reaction.

I match her, devious smile nodding my head, the feeling of Harry's eyes still boring into me. "Boston Calling 2.0?" I state wiggling my eyebrows at her.

"Boston Calling 2.0" She confirms with a smirk on her face.

Maya is the first to lean in smashing our lips together as I can still feel the devious smirk on her face. I kiss her back with a similar grin, the circumstances for us doing this making me mentally shake my head. Mayas hands pulls my hips closer while mine go to loop around her neck.

When Maya said she was gonna give him something to stare at, she meant it in every aspect of the word. Both of us are putting on a show right now. Despite feeling his stares I peek my eyes open and I'm instantly met with his eye contact. Even from here I can see his jaw clenched. I give him a smirk before closing my eyes again.

Maya pulls away a second after, being slightly out of breath.

"Is he watching?"

I nod subtly in confirmation causing her to smirk triumphantly, "Can't give him too much, gotta leave him on edge" She says and due to our close proximity I have no trouble hearing her.

I can tell she has a plan in her head, she undoes my arms looped around my neck. She uses her hands on my hips to urge me to spin around so I'm facing away from Harry and my back is against her.

Her hands stay on my hips, "No more viewing Darlene for him" She laughs, me finally understanding the reason for her actions.

The song comes to an end but Maya and I are just lost in our own little world again, thoughts of Harry being long gone. She's still dancing behind me with one hand on my shoulder and another on my hip. We sway our hips to the music, occasionally jumping to the beat of the song. When I get a bit too dizzy from the motions of jumping up and down I will reach back to place my arm behind Mayas neck to stabilize me. Usually her body to rest against.

I don't know how long we've been at it but from the thin layer of sweat I'd say probably for too long.

"Want another drink?" I shout over the music turning my head to the side and tilting it up so Mayas face is in view.

Her eyes light up at my suggestion as if it was the best idea she's ever heard and she frantically nods her head.

She quickly drags me through the dance floor, both of us stumbling a bit when someone bumps into us.

We sit at the same stools as earlier, and I am happy to say I'm having a great time. In fact I haven't had this much fun in awhile.

Maya quickly asks the bartender if they have Pina Coladas and squeals in excitement when they say yes. She orders two before I can even protest, but I don't really care what I drink right now as long as there is alcohol in it.

"I have to pee" Maya says urgently glancing to the bathrooms. The hallway to the bathroom is right next to the bar so I trust her to be able to walk there herself. Plus I'll be able to keep and eye on her,

"Go ahead" I'll wait for our drinks I say with a smile on my face.

She gives me a grateful look before scurrying off down the hallway. I can't even wipe the smile off my face right no, I missed this feeling.

I suddenly feel a presence next to me and when I glance to the side I see the all too familiar face that belongs to none other than Harry the asshole Styles.

"Oh it's you" I say the smile dropping to my face before I begin spinning on the stool away from him.

He grabs my shoulder and spins my stool back to him, looking at me as if he's expecting some sort of explanation. For what? I don't know.

I sigh, "What Harry?" I say with an annoyed groan. He should pick up the hint that I don't want him near me right now.

"Don't 'what Harry' me-" He scoffs,

"Don't you have your douchebag friends to get back to" I say interrupting him, a hiccup coming out once I finish my sentence.

"They left, I told you they'd be here for only two hours" He scolds. Well it's not my fault I lost track of time geez. Has it really only been an hour since I was over there. I swear time is so slow when you're drunk.

"Cool" I say in an uninterested voice trying to spin my stool away again but he catches my shoulder before I can even begin turning away.

I glare at him now, already feeling my anger from before rising up within me again. He's killing my mood right now.

He continues to look at me with an expression of agitation and confusion.

"Are you drunk?" He berates looking at me like a disappointed parent.

"Quit looking at me as if I did something wrong, I'm sorry I didn't let you parade me around like some prize" I say rolling my eyes.

Finally two Pina Coladas are placed in front of me. I happily turn away from Harry to sip on my cold drink, the taste making me feel like I'm on a tropical island.

Maya is taking far to long for my liking and I want to go check on her so I turn to Harry,

"Can you do one thing good tonight and watch my drinks for me" I say in a irritated tone, not waiting for his response or looking at his reaction before hopping down from my stool.

I make my way into the bathroom and see Maya having an enthusiastic conversation with two other girls,

"No listen he doesn't deserve you" She says holding on to the girls shoulders giving her a pep talk. I take this opportunity to pee as well.

When I emerge from the stall Maya seems to finally notice my arrival,

"Darlene hey!" She says, "This is my best friend Darlene, I love her so much" She begins to rant to the two girls who hang onto her every word.

Once I finish washing my hands I make my way over to her, "I have to go drink my Pina Colada but it was nice meeting you two" She say with a smile waving goodbye to the two girls making me chuckle.

We make our way over to the bar, Maya insisting that staring at her feet will keep her from stumbling as much. When she sees were in front of the bar and looks up the smile immediately drops from her face. I'm confused but turn around to see what she's looking at. Harry.

I see an anger beginning to boil in her and then out of nowhere she's lunging at him. My eyes widen standing in her way and halting her by wrapping my hands around her stomach.

She groans in frustration at her failed attempt, "Darlene let me at him, I sw-" she begins talking through gritted teeth as she fights against me.

"Maya calm down" I try to reason with her but she doesn't let up. I can only imagine the look on Harry's face right now. He's never seen Maya angry, he's in for a rude awakening.

"Better yet, bring me to his friends I'd like to beat all of their asses" She says her arms thrashing as she reaches for Harry over my shoulders as I struggle to hold her back.

"They left" I say finally being able to push her back more so she's standing in front of me now.

She huffs in defeat going to fix the out of place hair before she just glares daggers at him.

I finally feel it's safe enough to turn around to glance at Harry. His eyes are wide and full of confusion.

She glances over at the drinks on the counter and despite her anger she grabs hers and takes a sip before speaking,

"You know I defended you too. I was rooting for you guys. I even gave you Darlene's number because you seemed so desperate. But I would like nothing more than to punch you in that stupidly attractive face right now" She says with venom laced in her voice before she takes another sip of her drink. I find it weird how I'm the one trying to hold her back and not the other way around.

"Wait-wait back up you gave him my number" I say in shock going to stand next to her in confusion.

"Yeah sorry" She says in guilt, "but that's not important right now" She says holding her hand up and shaking her head to get her thoughts back on track.

Standing next to Maya now gives me a view of Harry, who still looks shocked by her sudden outburst.

"I-I...What?" He says in complete confusion, still seeming to process the fact that Maya out of all people is yelling at him.

I can't lie and say I'm not enjoying the sight, Harry's complete surprise being extremely satisfying.

Suddenly anger over takes Harry's face again, "You seriously got Maya to be pissed at me too?" he says looking at me.

I just glance to Maya her expression telling me she's about to explode but I just give her a look letting her know I got it from here.

"You're unbelievable" I scoff at the fact he still doesn't realize what he did wrong, "You can't seriously be this clueless" I say shaking my head in amazement.

He looks at me in confused frustration clearly getting annoyed I still haven't revealed to him the cause for our behavior. The fact that he doesn't even realize what he did wrong makes this all so much worse.

I sigh rolling my eyes, "You sat there and let your friends make inappropriate comments about not only me but also Maya" I say slowly walking closer to him as I scold him.

His face suddenly drops when he processes what I said, "I didn't- I- that's just how they always talk I didn't even think anything of it" He defends.

I widen my eyes at him, "So you let them talk about the other girls you brought here like that too? That's fucking disgusting" I spit out in malice a look of distaste taking over my features.

Harry looks caught off guard like he doesn't know what to say which just confirms that I'm right.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg of all the fuck ups you had tonight" I say glaring daggers at him.

He sits there speechless, I think he's beginning to actually understand were my annoyance was coming from.

"Congratulations Harry. You royally fucked up. Again" I say my voice not wavering once, not slurring one word despite my intoxication.

I shake my head and turn away from him, "Come on Maya" I say going to grab her wrist to get us the hell out of here.

She give Harry and intense glare before finally letting me pull her away. Harry seems to finally snap out of it getting up to follow us,

"Fuck Darlene wait" He shouts over the music, but I don't acknowledge his words and neither does Maya as we make our way to the exit of this club.

I try and speed up our escape so we hopefully lose him in the crowd, quickly grabbing our things from the table as we pass. I finally feel like I'm able to breathe once we step outside the door, leaving the stuffy club behind.

"I'll pay for an uber, you've had enough shit tonight it's the least I can do" Maya says in a sympathetic voice.

But what my drunk ass didn't realize is that obviously Harry would know exactly where to find us, even if we did lose him in the crowd.

"Darlene" He desperately as he approaches me. I spin around at the sound of his voice, crossing my arms over my chest to convey my disinterest.

I don't respond just staring at him in anger.

The closer he gets the more I can see the panic and desperation on his face.

"Can we just talk for a second " He pleads looking like he's going to be sick with stress.

I glance to Maya who rolls her eyes at his presence but continues tapping away at her phone to order the uber.

I think about my answer, not knowing if I should give in. But like I said, I'm a cancer and seeing the look on his face makes me sympathize with him and I can't resist.

So I nod my head.

He looks relieved before gently guiding me by my arm far enough away that no one would be able to hear him.

"I'm sorry fuck I'm sorry" He says grabbing his hair in stress as he begins to pace in front of me.

I keep my arms crossed as I watch him for a few more seconds. I can tell his mind is racing right now,

"You don't even know what your apologizing for" I sigh, not having the energy to yell at him right now. He's saying sorry before he even knows what he did wrong, that not how this works.

"Then tell me." He rushes out in desperation "I'll apologize for each one" He pleads looking at me in panic.

"By your behavior in there you're clearly not actually sorry, not even for the first issue" I say shaking my head at him, surprisingly talking in a normal voice. But this seems to increase Harry's stress when his eyes meet mine at the tone of my voice.

"No I am" He rushes out going to too grab my hand forcing my arms to uncross from over my chest, "I promise I am" He pleads desperate for me to believe him.

"Harry you didn't even realize what you were doing wrong. You still don't know. I can't-"

"Please" He says as if he's in pain, his voice cracking, "don't walk away from this again" he says and when my eyes look up from the ground I can see his beginning to well up with tears.

I'm shocked by the sight, he's clearly in distress. But I can't tell if it's from what he did or the fact he knows this could completely end everything. I'm lost in my thoughts but I finally snap out of my them when Harry drops my hand to turn around and tug at his hair again.

"Harry" I say in a sympathetic voice that I know he doesn't deserve right now, "I can't just keep giving you more chances" I continue in a low voice, the words breaking me to say.

He turns around, his eyes red and his face holding nothing but pain. I swear I almost start crying myself.

"Please" he begs as he shakes his head. I don't know what exactly he's begging for but he seems to be uttering the word alot.

"I know I fucked up-" He says looking away as his eyes squeeze shut in despair causing a tear to roll down his cheek, "but I wanna work it out"

Seeing the tear roll down his face causes my own eyes to well up. I try to will back the tears but nothing is working.

"You fucked up" I state weakly, knowing if I say too much my tears will begin flowing down. I know he already has said this but I'm hoping he'll understand what I mean with those three words. His eyes meet mine in guilt seeing the distress now on my face.

"I know" He says sounding defeated as his face hold so much sadness.

"You can't just keep hurting me" I state and for some reason that opens the floodgates and the tears begin flowing down my face, my breathing going unsteady.

I look to the ground not wanting him to see my face, but he still approaches me.

"Fuck Darlene" He says in agony, going to approach me wrapping his arms around my back. I just put my hands to my face as I continue to look down, trying to stop the tears. I don't hug him back but I don't push him away.

"I don't want to hurt you, I don't mean to" He pleads trying to comfort me but his words just earn a sob from me. He holds me tighter the hug being bittersweet, easing the pain while also causing it.

He finally pulls back a bit, resting his finger under my chin to gently bring it up so I'm looking at him with my tear stained cheeks.

"We'll figure it out" He says in comfort but I think he uttered those words out loud as a way to reassure himself more than me.

His thumbs swipe away the tears on my face which causes me to look away, not being able to look at his sad eyes that are puffy from his own tears. He's being so gentle which only pains me more, the whole situation is sinking in. This time so much worse than the last.

I throw my head back with a whine, "Why do you keep putting me in these situations" I say in frustration despite the hot tears rolling down my face.

"I don't know" He says softly.

I rip his hands from my face, "I get that you're upset too but both situations were from your actions" I say sternly.

"I know"

"You fuck up and then beg me not to walk away" I say my anger growing

"I know" He says sounding defeated.

"It's like you set me up to be hurt. I hate the person you were in there. I feel like I don't even know you" I begin feeling my breathing picking up, "You act like a total douche around your friends but completely different around us. You hurt me then say you didn't mean it, yet here you are doing it again."

My anger boils over at this point, "You think I want to walk away?!" Harry just stares down at me letting me completely explode.

"It's your fault" I say pushing his chest but he doesn't move, he doesn't even flinch.

"It's all your fucking fault" I say continuing to try and shove him frantically but nothing is working,

"It was your fault both fucking times" I say continuing my attempt to shove him due to the agony I feel.

But he doesn't move, he lets me push at him. After my breathing noticeably picks up from the whole stress of the situation Harry just hugs me to try and stop my movement but I fight against him, he just squeezing me tighter trying until my movements slow.

"It's your fault" I squeak out finally giving up as the tears begin flowing down rapidly once again.

I'm just so fucking mentally exhausted. I'm too drunk right now to be having this conversation.

"I know baby" he says softly.

I can't help but wrap my arms around him while I sob into his chest. I'm holding onto him for dear life. He's the person who caused the current pain I feel yet he's the only person who can take it away. He strokes my hair to try and soothe me which after a few minutes does calm me down.

I keep my head sideways against his chest as he continues to hug me. I feel emotionally numb right now, the rollercoaster of emotions I've experienced in the last 10 minutes tiring me out.

"I'm sorry" Harry whispers again once he feels my breathing steady.

I just shake my head squeezing my eyes shut, not being able to hear those two words again. They only hurt.

"We can figure out whats gonna happen tomorrow" I state, my voice raspy from crying.

I just feel Harry nod against me, both of us knowing in the next 24 hours everything could be done. Which is why I hug him for a bit longer then I should before pulling away.

I look up at him to see his wet cheeks, puffy eyes, messed up hair, and a look of regret. He sniffles quickly wiping his cheeks when his face comes into view again.

We aren't even dating, hell I only recently considered him a friend. But the pain I feel right now is worse than any break-up I've ever been through. I don't want our story to end here, but I'm scared if I continue all I'll be met with is a continuous cycle of hurt. He fucks up, he apologizes, I get hurt, I try to forgive him.

I sigh, "Bye Harry" I whisper turning around to make my way back towards Maya who's now standing next to what assume is our uber.

She holds the most sympathetic looks I've ever seen, the second I'm close enough she's slinging her arm around my shoulder and guiding me into the car.

She doesn't ask any questions, doesn't make me speak at all. She just lets me rest my head in her lap as she strokes my hair.

I'm just numb.


A/N: This was the longest chapter yet omg. Sorry for this one, I may or may not have almost cried writing it. Oops.

Harry fucked up again before he even was forgiven for the first time, smh.

Anyways vote and comment! LOVE YOU.

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