Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 75- new friends

1.2K 33 12
By marauderserafan01

The door again. The long corridor with no light source. Pitch black around me.
The passing doors without light, only a frame able to be seen.
Then the door at the end. It's handle glowing, radiating light from the small key hole. The black door so plain, yet so Intriguing.
A scream.

"Y/N! Y/N!"
"Baby, open your eyes for me."

I open my eyes to darkness, and manage to make out the silhouette of Fred.
"Freddie." I croaked, having to ask for reassurance.
"Come here." He says, pulling me into a tight embrace. I snuggle up to his body, his long arms wrapping around my stomach.
"Are you alright?" He asks, softly kissing my forehead.
"Bad dream." I answered, avoiding the question.
"do you want to talk about it?" He asks, hoping to relive some stress, but I can see the tired look on his face.
"It's alright. I know I'm safe when your here." I answer.


Today's a bit of a lazy day. I awoke as usual to Fred laid one my arms. It seems to happen a lot really, he seems to like being sprawled across my chest.
His arms are pressed securely around my waist, and his head curled up, underneath my chin. To Fred, it doesn't matter that his legs are off the edge of the bed, or that he's likely to get neck problems from the way it's bending. He's quite happy in the position, as long as I'm with him. And for that, I have to agree with him.

If you asked Fred about his opinions on the last couple of weeks, he'd tell you two things, two reasonings. One, that spending time with me and his family has been amazing, and he's loved every second of it. But two, it's been incredibly frustrating, to be in a house with your siblings and parents, not being able to have much alone time for the two of us. And I'd have to say, I agree again.

I feel Fred start to stir, as his legs are stretched and head moves upwards to look at me.
"Morning Princess." He says, in the rough morning voice that always managed to have great affect on me.
"Morning Freddie." I say, once again closing my eyes.
"Are you alright? You know, after last night?" He asks, tilting his head to look up at me. I can see his cute red cheeks from where his face has been compressed against me, and the sleep building up in his eyes.
"I'm alright. Thank you love." I say, kissing his head. He smiles brightly, as he usually does when I kiss him.
"What do you want to do today?" He asks, and I can feel him bring his body level with mine, his head now resting on a pillow.
"Nothing really. Let's stay here." I reply, to which Fred laughs.
"As tempting as that is. How about we pull a few pranks?" He asks, and I can literally see the smirk he's wearing, without even having to open my eyes.
"Alright. Let's do it on the git next door." I say.
"George and Lee aren't gits." He defends.
I laugh, "well they are a bit. But I was meaning the other one."
"Let's do it!" Fred laughs, sitting up in an instant.

Freds pov:
"Shut up." She whispers.
"I'm being quiet." I whisper yell.
"No your not! Control your big ass feet."

I huff, folding my arms over my chest as we walk towards the dungeons, Snape's office to be exact. I have to admire her, as Y/N holds her wand outstretched in front of her, tiptoeing down the long corridors, it's quite fun to watch actually.
We suddenly hear a cry, causing Y/N to stop abruptly. She turns around, holding her finger to her lips, to indicate for me to be quiet.
She traces the noise up the corridor, and I follow closely behind. I can't see anything.

Suddenly Y/N rushes to the side of the corridor and crouches down. I can't see what she's doing, but can hear her faint mumbling. It's only until I am a few steps behind her, that I see a little boy, a first year , who seems to be crying his eyes out.

"Hey. It's alright. Come here." Y/N says, pulling the boy into her, as she crouches on her knees. "Can you tell me your name?"
"J..Jack." He quivers.
"Alright Jack. I'm Y/N alright?"
"Y..your the quitting player. My big brother loves you." He says, to which Y/N laughs.
"Alright Jack. Can you tell me what's wrong." She asks, the boy seems hesitant so she adds, "it's alright. We're going to help you."
The boy looks towards me, and so I send him a small smile and a little wave.

"I was walking to breakfast because no one wanted to talk to me, and I got lost here. And now I can't find my way back to the common room." He cries, causing Y/N to pull him back towards her.
"It's alright." She says softly."you know. I'm going to be 18 next week, and I still can't find my way around. I get lost everywhere."
The young boy laughs, and I can't help but smile to myself. One thing for certain is one day, she's going to make a great mum.
"Right , come with me. We're going to go back to the common room to wake the others, and then you can come and eat breakfast with me, alright?" She suggests.
The boy eagerly nods, making Y/N laugh as she pulls him to his feet.

"This is Fred." Y/N says pointing towards me.
"H.hi Fred." The little boy stutters, it's clear that he has trouble with making new friends.
"Hello Jack." I say, holding my hand out towards the small boy, who shakes it nervously.
"Hey. Do you maybe want to play a prank?" I suggest, to which Jack looks unsure.

"Ill tell you what." Y/N begins, "me and Freddie here, are going to turn one of our friends skin green. You can help if you want. And if we get caught, we'll take the blame."
The boy seems hesitate, but nods nonetheless.

Y/N's pov:
"Right, here's the potion." I say, handing Jack the vial as we stand over Scott's bed. "You want to put a tiny drop on his tongue."
Jack agrees, doing as he's told and waiting for the effect. It can take up to 20 minutes, so we decide it's best that we take a seat in the common room, and wait for him to come down.
"So Jack. What's your brothers name?" Fred asks, as we sit across from the boy.
"His names Matt." Jack says, he seems to have come out of his shell a little, "he absolutely loves you Y/N. Think he fancies you a little."
I laugh, especially at the jealous look forming on Freds face, that seems to go unnoticed to everyone except me.
"How old is he?" I asked, in the corner of my eye, I can see Freds tongue press against his cheek, in annoyance. I find it rather funny.
"Oh he's a bit older. I think he was in Freds brothers year actually. Charlie is it? They were friends." Jack asks. Fred nods slightly, still in his huff.

I make eye contact with Jack and roll my eyes, gesturing to Fred, he laughs slightly, but is quite confused with my actions.

"Oi Jack. Spoke to your mum and dad recently." A first year girl says with a sarcastic tone, as she descends down the stairs. I can already see Jack start to shake, and something tells me that these girls aren't friendly.
"Oh wait, you can't their dead." The other says, and in an instant I'm on my feet and striding over.

I bend down so I'm in eye level, "what did you just say."
I can see the girl start to shake, but it doesn't stop her cocky attitude as she spits in my face, "I said he can't see his parents because they're dead." The other girl nods, a smirk spread over her face.
"Hmm. Continue taking to him that way, and guess what. You might just meet his parents." I say, standing so I'm towering over the girls, "detention tomorrow, now get out of my sight, and say one more word to Jack again, and I'll be your worst nightmare."

"You can't give us detention. Your no professor." The girl with the smirk says.
"Not a professor no. But I can go and fetch my prefect badge from upstairs if you like? Or shall I fetch the head girl one? Hmmm. Decisions decisions." I pretend to think.
The smirks are dropped of the two girls faces as they scurry off and out of the common room. Now it's my turn to smirk.
I roll my eyes at their commotion, and take my seat once again. Although still shaken up, Jack gives me a small smile, and Fred looks proud.
"Little bitches." I scoff, "This is why the majority of my friends are boys." I laugh.

"That was bloody awesome." A voice calls from my right. I turn to see a group of four young boys enter the room, all first bumping Jack as they take their seats next to him. I try not to laugh at their boisterous attitudes, and when I make eye contact with Fred, a smile forms on both our faces.
"That was rather amazing, lady." One of the boys says, looking at me. The group nod in agreement.
"Thanks ." I laugh, "I do try."
"No one in our year has been able to get rid of those two girls. On the train they were horrible to everyone." Another boy says.

"Just don't let the little bitches get away with it." I shrug, "they're a bitch? Tell them."
The boys make eye contact with each other, smiling slightly.
"There's a book about you, you know?" One of the boys that haven't spoke said.
"Really?" I ask, "can't be that interesting then,"
I notice that Fred has remained silent during the conversation. He just seems to be watching the interaction with a smile.
"You know, your really pretty." Another young boy says, "I'm Max."
"Thanks Max." I laugh.
He nods, "if I were a couple years older. I'd take you out. Maybe when we finish Hogwarts." He winks.
I try not to laugh at the boy. His attitude being so much like Freds.
"I'll tell you what." I say, "If this guy leaves. We'll see." I laugh.
The group looks over to Fred, who too is smirking, almost in success. He stands, towering the first years, and slides into the seat next to me.
"Oh so he's the lucky guy." Another first year says.
"You are dating Fred?" Jack asks, to which I smile. He shows a look of disbelief on his face.
"Was it not obvious?" I ask, laughing.

Jacks jaw drops ajar, as Fred lays his head on me as usual, his legs resting along the couch.
"Aww." The group say, and I can feel Freds smile against my stomach. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I roll my eyes, causing the first years to chuckle.
"So do any of you have any brothers or sisters?" I ask.
"I have a younger sister and an older brother." Max says, "You should see him. Obsessed with you. He goes here actually, Ravenclaw in your year. Wait until him that I met you, he's going to be so jealous."
I chuckle at the boy.

Our conversation is cut short when an angry looking, green faces Scott storms down the stairs.
"WOOD!" He screams.
"Yes?" I reply sweetly.
"I know this was you! I'm going to kill you!" He shouts. The first years seem to sink into their chairs, and Fred jumps up from his place on my knee. I however, relax into the sofa, looking at my nails, "whatever you say, Kermit."
The comment only seems to anger him further, much to my delight, but I groan when I see him reaching for his wand.

I roll my eyes, standing up, and facing my new opponent, no wand needed.
"Y/N! Your wand." Jack calls, but I just shake him off. Fred too has his wand outstretched, ready in case something happens.
"How many times Wood, have I told you not to mess with me?" Scott asks, angrily.
"And how many times, have I ignored you?" I reply cockily.
He fires a spell at me, in I easily deflect, not even having to look at him.
In one thought, his wand is pulled from his hand, and falls straight into my palm.

"Hey. Guess what Scott. You can join the little brats in detention tomorrow. Have fun." I say, throwing his wand out of the opening portrait door, and with the flick of my wrist, the boy is sent out with it.
The young first years, and even Fred, stare at me in awe, both equally impressed, and shocked.
"That's my girl." Fred says, grinning madly as he picks me up into his embrace.

"Right, who's hungry? Let's go." I say, to the first years . Who eagerly jump up from their seats, and follow Freds lead out of the common room.

I notice the unsure look on Jacks face, and so wait behind with the boy, patting the seat next to me.
"You know," I say, as he takes a seat, "I don't know my parents either. I was raised by two people who I thought were my mum and dad. And as soon as they knew that I knew they weren't my parents, they kicked me out."
The boy gives a small smile.
"I live with Freddie now." It's not much of a lie, I practically do live with him, but I can't tell him about my dad.

"My mum died giving birth to me, and my dad was killed last year because he was a muggle." Jack says. I pull the boy into a hug as I see a tear in his eye.
"It's alright to be upset. Family isn't necessarily what we are born into. I thought I had no family, and then I met Freddie, and all of his brothers and sisters. Family is who you choose it to be." I say.
The small boy nods, "I still have my brother." He shrugs, "but he's not around a lot.
I nod my head, "come on then. Let's go and show the world who's boss."
The boy laughs at my enthusiasm, and we walk down to the great hall, our stomachs rumbling.

I enter the hall with the small first year, yawning due to the lack of sleep I had gotten the night before.
I take my seat next to Fred, who kisses my cheek as I sit down.
Jack stands at the side of me, not sure if the invitation to sit down is present or not.
"Sit down Jack." I say, gesturing towards the seat at the side of me, "come on. I need my besties around me." I laugh.
Max happily sits in front, where he scans the hall for his brother. Jack takes the seat next to me, and the other three first years I haven't caught the names of, take the seats close to their friends.

I watch as Max contacts his brother,
Mouthing sentences like.
"Look, I'm here with Y/N!"
"Yes I am!"
"She's my friend."
"Fine, I'll prove it."

"Y/N." Max asks, gaining my attention, "will you please wave at my brother. He doesn't believe we're friends."
I turn around to see a brown haired boy, that looks an older version to the boy sitting across from me. I smile and give a little wave, making the boys eyes go wide, and a blush appearing on his cheeks. The friends around him look as shocked as he does, and pat him on the back in turn.

I turn back to my breakfast, seeing the clenched jaw of Fred.
"I love you." I whisper, and he replies by pulling his arm around me.
"I love you too." He kisses my lips softly, before returning to his breakfast.

"Miss Wood." I look up from my breakfast to see my favourite teacher. Not.
"Dolores." I smile sweetly, but so fake.
"May I remind you that you shouldn't be sitting with first years." She says.
"And why is that?" I challenge. She appears to become speechless, "you may leave now, thank you." I smile.
She walks off in a huff meeting the gaze of Dumbledore and sinking back into her seat.
I roll my eyes, tiredly and the first years looked shocked.

"You can't speak to a professor like that." One of them says.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Like casually. As if you would to a friend." Jack replies.
"Well I for one, think your awesome." Max laughs.
"Oh yeah? Watch me." I smirk, winking at Freddie.

"Oh Minnie!" I shout towards the top table, and am met by her look of disapproval, making me laugh.
"Wood, sit back down and eat your breakfast." She shouts, but the look of amusement is hidden in her eyes.
"The pancakes are good this morning, aren't they?" I yell.
"Yes, as always Y/N. Now shut it."

I sit down, laughing slightly at the first years faces.
"Yeah, actually don't do that." Fred cuts in, "we're her favourites. So she lets us off."
I smile.
If every day was like this one, it would be a miracle. But I couldn't shake the feeling that bad times were coming. The dream alone was bad enough. We need to prepare ourselves.

Hey everyone! Hope you liked this chapter.
It's a little longer, so sorry about that. But I thought it was cute anyway.
Can't wait for the next one.
It's quite funny actually.
Thank you all!!!

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