Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

Door marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... Meer

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 34- Meeting with dad

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Door marauderserafan01

Y/N pov:
I wake up to the familiar surroundings of the Gryffindor common room, once again. Looking to my right I see people sprawled out across the floor. Above us, stand very concerned first years looking at us in horror.

One of them walks up to me and taps my head.
"What?" I groan, my head spinning.
"Um.. sorry lady, but you look like your being crushed by the ginger." The young boy says.

I begin to sit up and shift, noticing the weight placed onto me. Non other than Fred, crushing me to death.
"GET OFF YOU GREAT GIT!" I scream, waking up my once passed out friends and the ginger on top of me.
Fred goes flying to the floor with a loud crash as I startled him. He rubs his head sleepily before standing.

He shakes his head at me and picks me up, rolling me over so he can lay at the side of me.
"dude you shouldn't lay on your girlfriend." The first year speaks again.
"Why not." Fred mumbles into my neck.
"Because you'll crush her." He says. "She's too pretty to die."

I laughed to myself. Was this first year trying to flirt with me?
"I'm not denying that." Fred said, with a small chuckle.
"You look good together." The first year says before walking out of the room.

I look towards Fred for explanation but he just shakes his head and sighs. I snuggle down into his warm embrace, five more minutes before we head to breakfast.

I'm sat at the dinner table, loading food onto my plate as I match with Ron.
Everyone's taking about the party last night, trying to remember small amounts.

"Well, count me out. I can't remember a thing." I sigh.
"I remember a few things. Like I remember Y/N screaming on the couch, 'ROMIONE' " Alicia says.
"Yeah and I remember Fred proposing to Y/N."
Katie adds.

"Well, who can forget the fact that Y/N showed Fred her boobies?" George laughed.
My face was striken with horror, he wasn't joking! I REMEMBER!!!

I sigh, and sink into my chair, shoving my head on the table. Fred puts an arm around me and laughs, "they were very nice boobies."

I shake my head as the rest laugh and continue to talk about the recent events of the party.

Suddenly McGonagall approaches our table, "here Y/N, happy birthday for yesterday." She smiles handing me a gift.

"Thanks Minnie." I say.
"You've been speaking to your father I see?" She laughs.
"M..AY...BE." I say, an obvious hint of 'yes in my voice.
She laughs before walking away, leaving me with the gift.
I wrap my hand around the pretty red ribbon and rip it open.
I see a Gryffindor scarf and on old wrinkly photo. I can just about make out the faces,

My dad, herself and a little baby. Who was the baby? It couldn't have been me, could it? I'd never been to Hogwarts before?

"Woah, you got a present from McGonagall, and got away with calling her that?" Lee exclaims.
"Teach me your ways Y/N" Fred laughs.
"Oh Freddie, I think they'd be too much for you to handle." I say.
"Try me."

"Okay, okay. Can we please have a break from the constant flirting and focus! Y/N's got keeper try outs to run today!" George moans.
"We were not flirting!" Me and Fred say in unison.
"Yeah, yeah."


An hour later.

I'm sat on my broom hovering about twenty feet in the air as the group of people trying out sit before me.
"Right. Try-outs are happening now. If you want to be keeper stay, if you don't, get lost. I'm keeping the rest of the team." I announce.

It seems that everybody already knows this information as no one moves.
"Right, what we're going to do is I'm gonna show you what to do, I'm gonna pair you up with someone from the team, and your going to do what I'm about to show. Everyone got that?"

A series of nods happen and I get on with it.
"Right then, Angelina, Alicia. Up here please. Try and score against me, I'll play keeper."

The girls get to work as I defend the hoops against the two, saving every goal as the crowd cheers me on. I then land swiftly on the ground where my team look at me shocked.

"Bloody hell Y/N, you could play keeper." George says.
"Thanks Georgie. Right then. Let's pair you up."

"Cormac, with George please."
"Lucy, with Angie."
"Mia, with Katie.".
"Colin with Alicia."
"And Ron, your with Fred."

The ginger boy looks scared. The other groups fly into the air, each taking a ring and begin practising.
"Rons here?" I see George whisper to Fred.
"I'm just as amused as you are." They snigger.
Poor Ron has heard the whole conversation and is looking very down.

I need to control my temper.
"Oi! You two. Get your arses up there and do what I've asked. Leave poor Ron alone. You might not know this but during the summer I've fucking trained Ron twice a week! So he's probably better than the two of you combined." I scream. Everyone turns to look at me, "GET ON WITH IT!"

The twins go pale, and quickly get to work.
Slightly calmer, I continue to fly around, watching as the younger students fly around. I'm impressed by quite a few, but none are nearly as good as Ron.

"You trained him didn't you?" I turn around to see Oliver laughing.
"Course I did. How can you tell?" I ask.
"He flies same as me, you trained me, so it's obvious you trained Ron."
"Guilty." I admit. "Wanna speak some words of encouragement?"

"My pleasure." He says. "Can everyone gather around please?"
No one listens to him so I raise my eyebrows at his failed attempts, "you lot! Down here please!"

The kids obey and gather in front of where me and Ollie stand.
"Oh my! The woods! Both of them!"
"They both play professional!"
"The best players Hogwarts have seen, together!"
"They were in an article, best quidditch siblings or something."

"Right, as flattered as we are. Can you all listen to Ollie please. He was keeper as most of you know. And that article, I want a copy" I laugh.

Oliver talks about quidditch for a while and how being a keeper works, tactics, defence, attack, the importance of leadership, and teamwork, everything. To be honest, I zone out for quite a while, thinking about my keeper. It's definitely going to be Ron.

Ollie finished and so I speak up, "right kiddy-winks, I don't know why I called you that, but thanks for coming. They'll be a form in the common room tomorrow Monday morning." People say their goodbyes and walk off to find their friends.

"Come on then trouble. Let's see what you have to show me." Ollie says, swinging an arm across my shoulders.
I laugh, "your either going to love it, or I'm going to be dead."
He looks at me wearily but comes to his senses, following me along as I head towards my office.

I swing the door open, and encourage Ollie to step into the room. I take a deep breath and scan his face for expression. His once questioning look is now replaced with a hope of joy. "Y/N, this is awesome! I love it!" He shouts.
"Thanks, it's what I spent all day yesterday doing."
"Well I think it's amazing, and it'll be here for many years to come."

As it's a Saturday, I spend most of the day chilling around and having some time for myself. Thinking about the amount of things I have on my plate this year: quidditch, for both England and Gryffindor, my newts preparation, the tournament, my accepted feelings towards Fred, My dad. Everything feels so rushed and complicated. But I guess I can only try and deal with it

"Come on Y/N, please talk to us."
We were sat in the Gryffindor common room and I was still not talking to the twins for the way they spoke to Ron.
Sure I was only ignoring them to piss them off but it'll teach them a lesson.
"Look we are really really sorry." They say.
"Look, we will do anything."
"Anything?" I have an idea.
"Yes anything."
"Well tomorrow your in for a treat. G'night boys." I say throwing a wink. And boy, they are in for it.

Approaching 10pm
"Harry. Can I speak to you a moment please?" I ask, walking over to where he is sitting with Hermione. Ron as usual is sending him death stares from across the room, something that had happened all because of the tournament.

He gets up and follows me into the other room.
"What's up?"
"Dad sent me a note, it said to meet him in the common room at 11, can you do that?"
"Yes that's fine. You'll have to come up with a plan to get everyone out though, everyone thinks he's a murderer after all." Harry says.
"Don't worry.. ive got it covered." I wink.
He rolls his eyes and heads back.

"Ahh, Percy. Just the person I was looking for. I have to say, you look absolutely amazing tonight. Have you polished your badge? It looks splendid." Percy has just walked into the room me and Harry were in moments before.

"Hello you. I've missed you." He says, pulling me into a hug. This is creepy. Percys never done this before, "as a matter of fact yes I've polished my badge, thank you for noticing. Anyway how can I help you? Although, I would love to stay and chat, especially to you."

"Well you see, I've tried to get everyone out of the common room, but they aren't moving. Professor McGonagall has asked me to make sure everyone is in bed by half past ten today, something to do with it being an early breakfast tomorrow. And well, as head boy, I thought that maybe you'd be able to help me." I flutter my eyelids looking up to him, and standing close. I begin to twiddle with his prefect badge, pursing my lips.
"I.. er.. of course I can Y/N. Anything for you. Say, I was wondering, would you maybe want to get a drink at the three broomsticks sometime?" He asks. God I felt bad, but it had to be done. Oh well, what's one drink going to do? Especially if it will be the most boring time of my life.
"I'd love to Perc. And thanks again. See you later." With that I place a kiss on his cheek and walk out of the room. I can sense his eyes following me as I exit. I grin to myself.

I sit down between George and Lee. After ten minutes, Percy comes in and winks at me. I had to stop myself from laughing, as it was obvious that he'd tried to copy Freds traits. I wink back.
George bursts out laughing at the sight of his brother and Fred pulls a face, mixed with jealousy.
"What was that about?" He demands.
I just laugh, "nothing Freddie."

"Can I have everyone's attention please!" Percy shouts, receiving no attention in return, "everyone out of the common room in ten minutes. Professor McGonagall's orders!"
There are many sighs exchanged from around the room as people begin to exit the room.

The twins grunt before saying their goodbyes and heading off to bed. Fred seems a little more distant than usual, but I'm sure he will get over it, after all, I'll explain the nights events tomorrow.

Once the common room was completely deserted, me and Harry sat in the front of the fire waiting. "Psst, Harry! Y/N!" A voice calls.
We look around the room but no one is there.
"In the fire!"
We look towards the fire to see a face has formed from the flames.
"Dad!" I say happily.
"Y/N! Happy birthday for the other day darling. I wish I was there, but I'll have to make up for it next year. I don't have long so quick, tell me what has happened. Did either of you put your names in?" He asks.
"No!" We reply sternly and together.
"Ok that's fine. Right so someone must have put your names in then. It would take a very powerful charm to be able to do it, something that's levels are high above someone in school. I'll have a think about it. But anyway, there's nothing we can do to change this. Your names are in the cup and that's final. So you need to be prepared. I advise you learn jinxes and defence spells, if it's a tournament that's dangerous, you'll definitely need defence. Stay calm at all times, and look out for each other. Keep your friends close. I've got to go, but I love you both. I'll see you sooner than you realise." And with a puff of smoke, the head was gone, leaving me and Harry speechless.

"Fuck! What are we gonna do?" Harry ask.

"This is what we are going to do. Someone put our names in, so we're going to fight! We are not going to give in, and even if it means we end up dead, this is not coming to an end, so I'm going to keep everyone I love safe, despite the consequences."

Harry walked over and embraced me in a hug, "it'll be alright, I know it will."

Hey everyone. Hope you like this chapter! We are going to be time skipping the the first task in the next few chapters.
Hope your all well! Xx

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