By fookenavocados28

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"you're scared" he states as he comes closer and closer. I shake my head, even though the floor was swaying u... More

Hi :)


867 42 255
By fookenavocados28

I woke up by my alarm, since I didn't expect to be woken up by my dad. We weren't going anywhere today. This was the day off before we get on the road again tomorrow. I didn't have to get up on time, but I didn't want to sleep all day and make it harder to get up for the bus later. 

After Louis left I just sat in my room on the floor thinking about ways to get sent home. The idea of staying on tour haunted me. With my dad being mad at me and keeping a constant eye on me on top of Louis's breakouts. I know he didn't mean half of what he said, but I can't keep having him yell at me, threaten me and insulting me. 

I don't know how dad feels about Sophie now either. What if he doesn't let me hang out with her either? what am I going to do without her? I would be so bored without her, she is the only one I actually hang out with that is my age. Mason is always so busy. 

I sit up and look around the dark room. The sun shines through a crack in the curtains and I glance over at the clock saying it's 10 AM. I grab my phone on the table and the bright screen makes me squint my eyes. 

*Notification from venmo*

I furrow my brows. It's not the time of the month when I get money from dad. I'm not currently working and it's not my birthday or anything. I open it up and see that my dad sent me 200£ with the message: go treat you and Sophie for lunch, hugs from dad:)


He was just screaming at me the other day. He was yelling and calling me things and now this? Did he send this yesterday or has he lost his memory. I go to the texting app where I also found a text from earlier this morning. 

Good morning pumpkin! going to be at the venue all day. Sorry about yesterday, we'll talk about it later. Treat yourself with lunch or something!

I don't want to have another talk about it. But I guess he's out of his rage towards me. I don't think I should hang around the boys anymore though. I hate having to stay away from Sophie, or making her stay away from Liam. 

I hope she'll understand. I'll heal the wounds by paying for her lunch or something. 

I look for her number and text her

Hey! wanna go get brunch/lunch or something? 

Sure sure, give me 2 hours?


I get out of bed and drag myself to the shower. It feels really good to wash out my hair from the terrible hungover I struggled with yesterday. I'd be lying if I said my body didn't still feel a bit weird. 

I stood in the shower for almost forty minutes. I had the time. I had a lot to think about. Like what I'm going to do about the whole situation with my dad. He just switched around so suddenly. I can't tell the boys my dad doesn't like them and I can't be around them... and I also can't just distance myself completely out of nowhere. 

Even though the entire thing with Sophie and the boys was giving me a little bit of anxiety, I still felt relief about having a reason to stay away from the boys. I've been trying before, but now I have a better reason. Before my dad lashing out about it they could still manipulate me into doing stuff. 

I turned the water off and stepped out wrapping a towel around me. I got my toilet bag and did some light makeup since it's quite hot out. For my hair I braided one long braid and let it fall down my back. 

I walk out and dress myself in blue ripped jeans and a white t-shirt that's clearly too big for me. It has some red details on it though so I don't look too plain. I should really get new shoes, my vans are getting pretty worn out. 

When it's getting closer to 12 I step out into the hallway with all the things I might need to go out. I walk down the hallway, feeling a bit better since last time I walked through these halls. My eyes were still a bit swollen when I got ready after my shower. 

As I get closer to the lifts I clearly hear loud voices talking behind one of the doors. It's not loud enough to hear what, but it was definitely loud enough to hear that it was someone talking. Was there an argument going on? 

One of the voices were clearly Niall's. You can't be wrong with that accent anywhere. I don't know what he was talking about. Liam's voice made an appearance shortly after that. I suppose they're all together in there.

I step into the small space that takes me down to the lobby. I stepped out to the light lobby where Sophie was waiting for me already. She was in a jean skirt and a white off-shoulder top. She looked really good in it.

"So I get you alone for once?" I say with a playful smile when she sees me. "No testosterone coming along?" Sophie carefully laughs at my comment.

"Yeah I'm sorry they always end up coming along" she says "He's like a parent taking care of two alcoholic kids and one constantly annoyed teenager"

"It's fine, I think they're nice" I lie. I should just tell her now that I can't be around them anymore. But I'll drag it out and wait to tell her until we're actually at the restaurant. 

"They like to be annoying" she says as we walk together out of the lobby. "but Liam had other shit to do today he said"

"Oh so I'm second best?" I snicker.

"Never" she says linking her arm into mine walking down the street.

The sun burned down on my skin. It was hotter than I thought it would be this time of the year. So many people walked around us but the sun was shining on us, lighting up Sophie's blonde hair and her big smile. Everyone seemed so boring next to Sophie's positive radiance.

We walked into the city of Atlanta. The buildings around us were tall and all around were different stores and restaurants. I felt the sun constantly on my skin.

"We need to get sunscreen" Sophie states as if she could read my mind.

"Yeah" I agree, turning my arm to look at it. We're not used to this heat, and my skin is definitely not used to this exposure from the sun.

I look around me to see if any store looks like they'll have sunscreen. I see a coffee shop, clothing store, clothing store, bank, clothing store and restaurant. I stop, making Sophie look at me. I look to my side at the big bank that reminded me of something.

"I need to go into the bank" I say. Sophie furrowed her brows "Alicia saw the code to my card so I gotta change it"

"You think she's gonna use it?" Sophie chuckles "You're twelve hours away"

"No, but I don't want her to know it I rather be on the safe side" I explain.

"Alright, but I hate banks so I'm gonna go look for sunscreen while you do that" Sophie says letting go of my arm. Damn it, bank alone.

I hate being eighteen. You have to do shit like this yourself. Once I had to make a doctors appointment myself over the phone and I almost shit my pants. I wish I could still ask my parents to do shit like this. Parent.

I sigh as I see Sophie disappear down the street to then make a turn to another street. I turn to look at the bank in front of me. I'ts time to start rehearsing what to say in my head.

I walk into the building filled with fancy-looking people. Men in suits and women in skirts and blazers. Heels sounding as they cross the marble floors. Everything looks scarily boring. It was high to ceiling and sounds bounced of the walls everywhere.

I walked up to a machine with a sign saying 'queue tickets'. I grabbed one and looked up to the screens showing the numbers in red above the compartments where people were getting assistance.

I look around to see a few chairs where I can wait. There's at least four people before me. I hope it goes quick. I walk over and sit down. In my head I try to figure out what to say. I rehearse how it's all going to go, that way I'll probably feel more confident.

I sigh as the people around me stand up to get assistance. How should my voice be? Do I sound nice and sweet or do I sound confident and direct? Should I smile or just look approachable? I wish I was a kid again.

A loud ping sounds making me look up to see it's my turn. Let's go for the sweet one, it will bring the assistant to a good mood. I walk pretty confidently up to the desk, rehearsing my line one last time before I get to the lady sitting on the other side of a thick glass. At the bottom is a small whole to talk through.

The older woman is in a whit blouse and has small glasses sitting on her nose. She looks tiredly at me as I approach the compartment. There's a tiny stool that I sit down on. I keep a small smile on my face but she looks at me with the same bored facial expression as before. Her grey hair is tied in a not at the back and she was chewing a gum between her red painted lips.

"Hi" I star "I would... uh... I would like.. like to" I stutter. Great start Avery. The woman raises her eyebrows at me while I try to sort my words. I take a deep breath, let's start over.

I open my mouth to try again but don't get to even get a word out before a loud screaming is heard from the other side of the bank. I see the lady on the other side widen her eyes with her jaw dropping, making me quickly turn around to the door.

A loud noise is heard, making me flinch and my ears ring. I close my eyes from the sudden bang. When I open my eyes again I see four men in black attire approach the desk at the very front. They're carrying bags and have a gun each in their hands. Covering their faces are some sort of masks covering their real faces.

It feels like hours before I can actually grasp was happening. A second gunshot is heard before a loud yelling echoes through the room again. I turn to my side, trying to see the lady, noticing she's already gone. I quickly look around me for somewhere to go but noticing people hurrying to the floor.

People hiding under tables, desks, chairs and behind anything they can find. Two of the men starts to disappear further into the bank. The other two start to move around the bank, whereof one of them moves this way.

I follow the other by hurrying to the floor. The partitions are too big for me to hide completely behind but I stay as much behind it, under the desk I just had in front of me as I possibly can. On the other side of the room I can hear one of the men yelling at people to shut up.

My heart is slamming hard against my chest while I try my best to catch my breath. My blood is running cold while sweat is probably building up on my forehead. I pinch my eyes shut trying to stay as calm as I can. I sort my thoughts. I have to call the police.

I look at the other people around me, laying on their stomachs. No one has a phone in hand. Aren't they gonna call? Why aren't they calling for help?

My eyes move from the people on my side to the black frame showing up. I can see the mask of the man now. It's slightly transparent with big black eyebrows painted on it along with pink lips. There are wrinkles added to the surface of the mask, making the person beneath look like a totally different person.

In his hands are a big black gun of some sort. It's one just like they use in the movies. He has the hood of his shirt up on his head. I hold my breath as I notice him looking right at me. He stops in his movement and I realize I should not be sitting up. I should be on my stomach like everyone else.

He looks at me for a good five seconds before getting a better grip around his gun, pointing it right at my face. He stays quiet but I feel his eyes burning into me as the weapon is held aimed towards me.

The man stays quiet, but starts to sign with the weapon to lay down on the floor. I quickly do as he says, shuffling to my knees to quickly lay down with my stomach on the cold floor. I try my best to keep breathing as calmly as I can while his footsteps echo around me.

I notice his steps coming closer to me before he steps one foot over my body so he stands towering above me with one foot on each side of me. I close my eyes, trying to tell myself I'm not going to die today. He's not going to hurt me.

He leans down, grabbing my phone of out my back pocket. Shit. Why the hell do I keep it there? He steps back over me and walks away towards the other people hiding by the chairs. I see him putting my phone into one of his pockets on his black cargo pants.

I sigh to myself. Out of relief of him walking away but also from him taking my phone away. I am screwed. At least I'm not dead but I have no clue what might happen. He walks around by the people, making sure no one has a phone used to call the police. 

I stay on my stomach, breathing fast, hoping dearly that the police will come. The seconds feels like hours in here, just listening to the guys walking around. No one says a word, the only sound is from them shuffling around. 

The silence is deafening, right up until a loud gunshot is heard from inside the bank. Everyone's attention turns to the loud bang further into the premises. The two guys look at each other before bringing their guns up to aim. 

Is something going wrong? are they aiming at their own guys?

There are sounds of a struggle coming from the place the other two guys disappeared. The two who stayed around here walked over to see what was going on while trying to keep an eye on the rest of us here. 

One of them stay here while the third one walks to see what happened. I try my best so see what's happening, looking around the people laying on the floor to see if anyone takes the chance of calling the police. 

The struggling goes quiet for a few seconds, confusing everyone around. Suddenly the struggling is back, closer. There are grunts and thuds to walls, things falling to the ground making it echo through the room. 

I can't see anything happening from my position on the floor. Everyone else seem equally as confused by everything happening. 

"What the fuck?!"  A muffled scream sounds through the room from one of the guys sounding through his mask. After that everything happens quickly. Another gunshot is heard, causing the other guys to fire theirs. 

From the vaults come the two guys that went over there originally. They run out with their guns ready, keeping an eye over their shoulders before five other guys, different from the other four comes running out after them shooting. 

Quickly a fight breaks out. The two guarding the rest of us started shooting towards the other guys but missing. One of the guys get up to another and a physical fight breaks out between them. I get confused from who is fighting who, but it causes pure panic to break out from the people on the floor. 

People trying to find better places to hide but I feel frozen in my spot. I'm too busy trying to understand what's going on in front of me. More gunshots are heard and people are thrown around by each other. 

I get myself to cover my head with my arms as good as I can as the gunshots come one after the other. I peak up to see one of the guys running with a black bag, he gets interrupted by a guy throwing himself into the other one, making him fall to the ground from the harsh tackle. 

The gasps break out when one of the guys are thrown over the desks causing me to flinch, landing right next to me with a loud grunt. It's one of the guys with the masks. He looks right at me for a second before one of the other guys land on top of him to keep fighting him. 

I feel my body shaking from how close they are with such deadly weapons at hand. The mask guys throws the other guy off of him so he falls to the floor before he stands up. He walks over to the guy who was just on him, he kicks him in the stomach making him fold before he grabs the gun from his hand. 

He turns back around and I notice him looking back to me. For a quick second my life went flashing before my eyes. I don't know if I did something wrong. Does he think I saw him? does he think I've seen too much? will this be my last moments? I stopped breathing and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped too. 

Panic took over my body, making the dumb mistake of sitting up as he walks over to me. I tr to push myself backwards, trying to prevent him from getting to me. He struts up to me quickly, grabbing my arm, pushing me up so I stand up. 

I choke on my air as he shifts me so I stand with my back to his chest as he holds his arm tightly around my neck. I bring my hands up to his arm, trying to push it off to let me go. I am purely panicked as he starts walking with me, putting the gun he stole from the other guy to my temple. 

My tears go blurry from the tears brimming my eyes to then flood  my cheeks. I am going to die. 

Another loud gunshot is heard, making the guy stop with me, still holding me the same way. I am now exposed to the fight happening around the room. The guys with the masks like the one holding onto me look around and they nod our way before shooting a couple more times. 

The guy pulls me quickly towards the exit. I keep crying, trying to not choke on my breath to get something out of me. He gets closer to the door but stops right before the door. He lets go of my neck but keeps me shielded from everyone else while stopping me from leaving. 

He goes into one of his pockets and bring out a plastic bag. He opens it up and motions to put it over my head. 

"no" I cry "no.. please" I whine, but it's barely louder than a whisper. He shoves it over my head before taking me in the same grip as before.

The bag quickly goes stiff from my crying breath. I can't see anything but I feel a wind hitting me, implying he opened the door harshly. He starts pushing me forward and shortly the sounds of gunshots and fighting is exchanged with the sounds of cars. 

I almost stumble and fall when the curb disappears under me, but he keeps me up by my neck. I wince from the hurt it caused my neck. Then I realize he is pushing me out into the road. 

I have no idea where he's taking me. It hits me I'm the hostage and the reason they take hostages are mostly to trade between the police. The thought makes me even more panicked. 

I flinch when a loud honk from a car sounds next to me. The gun disappears from my temple. I'm guessing he is aiming it towards the honking car. 

He keeps pushing me forwards while I cry quietly into the bag. I hear a car door opening and a hand on my head pushing me down. I am being pushed down and into a car before the bag disappears from my head. 

I look around me in panic. The guy that held me still had his mask up. Instead of getting into the car he closed the door and I watched him rush back to the other side of the street. People around watched him with big scared eyes. 

I look around the car that is running. I'm thrown into the back of a car, I sit up straight and look to the drivers seat where there's another guy with a black hood on and a mask. He sits quietly with his one hand on the wheel. I can't see anything on him except for the tattoo of a swallow or some other kind of bird below his thumb. 

I gather myself a little, not wanting to get myself into anymore trouble. If I've learned anything from all the shows I've watched it's to never yell and scream because they will get frustrated and you will die. 

"What are you gonna do to me" My shaky voice asks. The driver just shakes his head but he doesn't answer. I see him looking back at me through the rear view mirror before looking out the window. 

Screams come from the other side of the road as the four guys come running out and across the road, making cars hit their breaks and honk their horns. They have big bags on their backs as they run towards the car. 

"You might wanna move over" the guy murmurs while pressing a button unlocking the doors. 

The trunk opens and the bags are quickly thrown into the back of the car before they move around to quickly throw themselves in the car. Since they are four guys, one gets into the front of the car next to the driver, while the other three pushes into the back seat pushing me to the door next to me. 

The doors lock again and before everyone has the time to sit comfortably the driver steps on the gas, harshly speeding out into traffic. It was right on time because behind them was sirens along with a blue blinking light driving towards the bank. 

The guys turn around to watch it before sitting back down. No one says a word but rather holds on to anything possible as the driver zick-zacks through traffic. I hit my head in the window and is pushed into the car door multiple times as he makes sharp turns around the city. 

I barely have any time processing anything as everything happens so fast. I look around me trying to understand what is happening to me while still keeping calm, telling myself I'm not dying today. 

"Did you get it?" The driver asks. The passenger side nods in silence while cars honk their horns at us driving through recklessly. 

"They're not following" the guy next to me states while looking back at the cars behind us. 

He then looks at me next to him. I realize my mouth is open just as my eyes are widened while tears run down my cheeks in fear. I felt like my heart was about to send me into cardiac arrest any second and I was breathing uncontrollably. 

I notice my hand holding on to the handle above me. Suddenly I became scarily aware of my body and fear. It was like I was slowly grasping reality. 

The guy kept looking at me. I flinch as he moves to bring his hand up, but he doesn't touch me. He brings it to his mask and slides it up his face leaving it at the top of his head, revealing Harry's face. 

My heart immediately slowed down at the sight of his green eyes below his slightly furrowed brows. I examine every feature of his face, making sure it's actually him and I'm not just imagining it. 

I felt better, I calmed down by the familiar face. Then realization hit, making my face drop again, going tense. They were the robbers. One of them held a gun to my head while acting like I was getting kidnapped. I thought I was going to die, because of them. 

Next to Harry, Niall's face is revealed along with Liam's. I look to the driver, who keeps his mask on. The passenger looks back and see the others taking off their masks and Louis takes his one off too. He knows I know it's him anyway. 

I confused look around at all four of them as they all look back at me as if to see my reaction. 

"Always around" Harry chuckles while shaking his head causing some curls to fall on his forehead. 

One part of me was so happy it was them. They're not strangers trying to hold me as a hostage to get what they want from the police. It's just the same guys I've been around for a month. They're familiar. But another part of me is boiling with rage from what they just put me through. I was scared to death. I was barely processing anything I was just thinking about how scared I was and that I might be living my last day. They put me through that just to reveal to me it was them all along. 

The worst part about it all is that they were the robbers. They were going to do it even if I wasn't there. They were going to put the other people int here through it anyway.

"What the fuck?!" I yell without another thought, my hands on Harry's shoulders pushing him into Niall who is pushed into Liam who hits his head in the window behind him. 

Harry just snickers though while he takes off a pair of black gloves he kept on his hands. 

"Calm down Avery we're gonna drop you off" Harry says like I was being dramatic. I push him again, this time not as hard. 

"What the fuck?!" I repeat myself looking at all of them. Louis had his back towards us, looking at the road in front of us. "Get the fuck away from me!" 

"Yeah it's quite hard in this small car" Niall says. 

"I don't care, get me out!" I yell, turning to the door to start the pulling the handle. 

"It's locked" Louis says from the front seat without even a glance back. 

Two big hands grab my shoulders pulling me back. Harry holds me down as I'm almost laying on his lap with his forearm holding my chest down. 

"Calm down and we'll get you out" Harry says calmly. I look to Niall right above me smirking. 

"So what were you going to do anyway?" Niall asks "You know how a bank work?"

I ignore him and try to struggle myself out of Harry's grip. My blood was boiling from rage. I do not want to be around them for another second.

I get out of his grip and sit up again into the tight space I was just in between Harry and the door. I wipe my tears from my cheeks and try to get myself together a little bit. 

"Make a turn in here" Liam says, hitting the guy driving on the shoulder. The driver turns into parking garage and it becomes darker around us as the sun gets covered. 

"You know the story" Harry says "No talking, right?" he says, holding the smaller gun up and pretends to shoot. I just nod with an angry facial expression on my face. 

"Now go have your lunch with Sophie and act like nothing happened, alright? she'll meet you at Piacetto" Liam says, pretending to be polite and nice. The doors unlock and Harry reach behind me to open the door. It opens and I almost fall out of the car from how close I was pushed to the edge of the seat. 

Harry grabs my wrist and holds me closer to the car. Niall shoves a bill into my hand and closes my hand before sitting back. 

"Here's for a taxi!" he yells before I take a step back. Harry waves and closes the door before the car quickly drives off. I look after it as it drives out of the garage and down the road. 

I take a few minutes to think about what I just witnessed. I knew the boys were doing things that are clearly illegal. But I didn't think it was stuff this big. As far as I knew they kept guns, did trades of some sort and beat guys up... but literal bank robberies? 

This means they know how to do things... and get away with it. 


Me and Sophie walked into the cool lobby. She was talking about something and I tried my best to listen but couldn't for my life stop thinking about what happened earlier.

After they left me there it took me about ten minutes before I walked out to the street and managed to get a taxi. Niall had handed me a 100 dollar bill and I didn't end up using it all on the taxi. 

I was very on edge the entire ride to the restaurant Liam said Sophie would meet me at. I looked out the window, waiting for the police to come with their sirens on and blinking lights to get me for hiding a criminal. What if someone told them they took a hostage? what if they're looking for me? were there any security cameras?

When I stepped out of the taxi outside the restaurant I saw Sophie waiting for me just like Liam said she would. She walked up to me as I stepped out and asked me where the hell I've been. Liam had apparently texted her and told her I lost my phone and ran into them while looking for it. Then I lied and said they'd help me look and that's how I ended up so far from the bank where she left me. 

I tried my absolute best to act normal but I was all soaked up in my thoughts. How could they be doing all these things without getting caught? how do they know how to do it and how come no one knows about it? who was the fifth one? 

What else are they doing?

Sophie didn't seem to notice it though. I still nodded and responded to things she said every now and then. We went for lunch, I paid for us both even though she said it wasn't necessary and then we went out to look through some stores. 

Looking through stores with Sophie though... it never means just looking. She ended up getting a new shirt, a new bikini and a sundress. She even tricked me into buying a new bikini as well. She even made me buy a sundress too, but mine was light blue while hers was yellow. 

I was exhausted and excited to get into bed as soon as I got up to my room. I have some school work to get done though. I just decided that I will save that problem for tomorrow. I don't need more stress today. What I need is to get my mind off if what happened and to start thinking of something else. 

In the lift Sophie sighed and looked up at the ceiling. She then looked at me with a kind smile. 

"I am so lucky you're here" she says, "I look forward to the rest of the tour sooo much just so I can show you things!"

My heart stops for a second before my face automatically goes into a smile. My face almost turns hot from the sudden affection. I've never really had someone tell me they actually appreciate me like that. 

"I'm so lucky I met you" I say with a smile, causing her to smile too. She links our arms and we step out into the hallway, walking down with our bags hanging from the our arm folds. 

We part ways when I get to my room and she leaves to go to hers. I slide the card through the door and walk into the room that was still dark from me never opening the curtains. It made me feel a bit uneasy to be alone again, but Sophie got me in a better mood before leaving so... 

I dumped the bags on the floor and walk over to the window where I open the curtains to let in a little light. I turn around to see something I didn't see as I walked in. On the door is a note written with a bright red marker. 

Get to the roof as soon as you see this!! - Louis

The note was written offhandedly with big letters. I ripped the note off the door and threw it in the bin. I won't lie, after the fight yesterday along with what happened today, the Louis was the last person I wanted to meet. 

I don't know what caused me to put on my shoes and grab a sweater and walk out the door, but I did it without a second thought. Maybe it was the opportunity to maybe get some answers, or it was to avoid the consequences if I chose to be uncooperative. 

I walked down the hall again while I threw the sweater over my t-shirt. It was a bit chilly before and the roof will probably be windy. 

I step into the lift and press the button to the roof. We were already on the second highest floor, meaning it was a short ride. The doors opened again while a bell sounded. Right in front of me was Louis sitting on the edge casually while taking a drag of a cigarette. 

I take a step out and the wind starts tearing my hair in different directions. I stay right outside the lift, not walking any closer to him. I cross my arms over my stomach from the cool wind pulling me. 

Louis hops off the roof and starts walking towards me but stops after a few steps. He throws his cigarette on the ground and steps on it to put it out. 

"I don't bite" he says. 

"I'm not coming closer" I state. He tilts his head to the side and takes another step forward "Don't come closer!" I say taking a step back so I'm against the steel door behind me. 

"Okay" he agrees, holding his hands up next to his head in defeat. 

He puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out my phone. He looks at it before holding out to me, but he stays where he is. 

"I thought you'd want this back" he says. 

"Why didn't you leave it in my room when you left the note?" I ask, knitting my brows together. He keeps holding the phone out for me to take. 

"I thought you might need a cigarette..."

"I can smoke by myself" I interrupt. 

"... and ask your questions" he finishes the sentence. 

My face relaxes in the realization of what he said. I was chocked by the sudden offer. He's going to let me ask things about the things he usually yells at me for?

"You'll let me ask whatever I want?" I ask for clarification. 

"Yes, I won't answer all of it, but most" he says with a nod. He keeps holding my phone out but I stay where I am. He sees me looking at it and takes a step forward. 

"Stop!" I object. He stops rapidly and take a few steps back again. 

"I'm not going to hurt you Avery" he says calmly. 

"How do I know you're not just tricking me?" I ask. 

He sighs and lets his arm holding my phone fall down to his side. He grabs the hem of his shirt and holds it up a bit, showing his boxer sticking out a little from under his jeans and showing a bit of his stomach. He turns around assuring me he doesn't have the gun with him. 

"I'm not here to hurt you" he says again. I nod and he starts to slowly make his way towards me. I don't stop him this time. 

He holds his arm out again, holding the phone out to grab from him. When he's close enough I take a step forward and take my phone from him. I put it into my back pocket immediately and look back up to him. 

"Were you the one who took my phone?" I ask. 

"Wow, you're quick" he says "You want a cigarette?" 

He brings his package out of his back pocket and bring one out. He put it between his lips and take up his lighter. 

"Were you the one who took my phone?" I ask again. He brings the lighter up to the tip of the cigarette and lights it. 

He puts the lighter and the package away before taking the cigarette out, handing it over to me. I look down at it growing between us.

"Yes" he says "I was" 

I take the cigarette from him, putting it between my lips to take a drag from it. I nod before blowing out the smoke through the hair between us. 

"were you also the one holding a gun to my head?" I ask. 

"Yes" he responds quickly. "But if I didn't, they'd probably think you were helping us so I had to treat you like a hostage" 

I nod to his statement, it makes sense, even though there were way smoother ways to do it. 

"Who were the other guys?" I ask, thinking about the sudden fight breaking out. 

"Don't know, I'm also asking that" he says while shrugging. 

He takes a few steps backwards before turning to stroll towards the edge of the roof again. I silently and slowly follow him. 

"You don't know? what the hell happened then?" I ask furrowing my brows.

"We were doing the robbery, when Niall and Liam were by the vault getting ready to leave, they showed up and started fighting them, no clue how that even happened" Louis explains. I just nod even though I'm quite confused. 

"Why did you get me out of there?" I ask "You could have left me there"

Louis looks down to his feet, kicking some small rocks. Then he looks back up to me and for a second his eyes meet mine, but he quickly looks away. 

"First of all, they were dangerous and would probably do worse than us..." he starts "And I felt bad about yesterday, for yelling so much, so I got you out as soon as I got the chance" 

"You trust me? I could've ratted you out" I state, taking the last drag of the cigarette before throwing it over the edge of the roof.

"You're too scared to rat us out" he says with a chuckle. 

"I'm not" I object. 

"Then how come you haven't already?" he asks. I sigh knowing he's right. I'm scared he'll have people outside that can take me down. What if I don't have enough proof and they find out I told the police and they kill me before the police catches them. 

I just look out over the city in front of us, not answering his question. 

"Last question" he says. 

"You said I get to ask as much as I want" I say. 

"No I didn't" He shakes his head "Plus I can't tell you too much"




"Because you already got them thought out to find out as much as possible"

"No, I'm just wondering" 

"Okay" he agrees. "last two"

"Who's the driver?" I ask. He never took off his mask, I know nothing about how he looks or anything. 

"A friend" he says shortly. 

"That's only half an answer" I state

"Well, can't give you more than that"

"What else do you do?" I ask, not entirely sure I want to know. 

"I can't tell you" he says short and strictly. I choose to not object on it. I just sigh and turn and start walking towards the lift. 

I take a few steps, while Louis stays standing by the edge of the roof. I suddenly stop in my tracks, turning back to him. 

"Louis" I say to get his attention. He look to me and squints from the sun shining down on him. His hair blows in the wind, making some strands cover his eyes a bit. "Stay out of my rooms... and thank you for getting me out" I say jokingly. 

Louis doesn't say anything, but a small smile goes up his lips. A chuckle leaves his lips before speaking

"You're welcome... and I'll try"


I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS WAS GOOD I always feel like the shit I write is boring?!??! I need to stop this self-doubting thing. But this was pretty new to me so give me an opinion on it RIGHT NOW. thanks. 

i love you all thanks for reading still. 

(I felt like the last chapter sucked and I also felt bad for the comments saying I made them sad, sorry guys but it's gonna be a rollercoaster)

hugs and kisses 

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