Her Song || Liam Payne

By JukingAri

246K 5.1K 483

Julie and Liam. Liam and Julie. The duo were inseparable till the end of time. I guess that's a reason why th... More

Chapter 1 [Julie]
Chapter 2 [Liam]
Chapter 3 [Julie]
Chapter 4 [Liam]
Chapter 5 [Julie]
Chapter 6 [Julie]
Chapter 7 [Liam]
Chapter 8 [Julie]
Chapter 9 [Liam]
Chapter 10 [Julie]
Chapter 11 [Liam]
Chapter 12 [Julie]
Chapter 13 [Liam]
Chapter 14 [Julie]
Chapter 15 [Liam]
Chapter 16 [Liam]
Chapter 17 [Julie]
Chapter 18: Flashback
Chapter 19 [Julie]
Chapter 20 [Liam]
Chapter 21 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 22 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 23 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 24 [Liam]
Chapter 25 [Julie]
Chapter 26 [Julie]
Chapter 27 [Julie]
Chapter 28 [Liam]
Chapter 29 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 30 [Julie]
Chapter 31 [Liam]
Chapter 32 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 33 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 34 [Julie]
Chapter 35 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 36 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 37 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 38 [Liam]
Chapter 39 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 40 [Liam]
Chapter 41 [Julie]
Chapter 42 [Julie]
Chapter 43 [Julie]
Chapter 45 [Julie]
Chapter 46 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 47 [Julie]
Chapter 48 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 49 [Julie]
Chapter 50 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 51 [Liam]
Chapter 52 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 53 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 54 [Julie & Liam]
Chapter 55 [Julie & Liam]
Thank You! :) xo
[BONUS] JS Files: Julie Watson
[SNEAK PEEK] Swan Lake || Luke Hemmings AU

Chapter 44 [Julie & Liam]

3.4K 70 2
By JukingAri


Alright. Tomorrow, Liam and I will be going to Wolverhampton. We will be spending the weekend there with his family. We leave Saturday morning and return Sunday afternoon. Liam and I already planned the whole thing and we agreed that I'll be staying in Ruth's room.

Liam also told me that some of his family members were also coming to visit so it was like a little gathering. We will be leaving around 8 in the morning using a car that Liam somehow got from somewhere and we will be arriving there around 10:30.

I'm gonna be seeing his family again and who knows, I'm gonna meet some of his other relatives that I haven't met years ago. I'm so excited to go down memory lane with him and I can't wait.


I woke up around 7 in the morning. I'm sure that Nessy's still asleep. She went clubbing with Alex last night, so I was left alone. Well not really alone, alone. The boys and I went on movie night here in my dorm since they wouldn't want me to be alone on a Friday night. We watched the X-Men trilogy and we had to tell Louis to shut up every five minutes since he kept on saying that he was cooler than any of those mutants, blah, blah, blah.

I took a shower and put on a sleeveless red, floral dress and brown sandals. I grabbed a duffel bag and put some clothes and other stuff that I needed. I tied my hair into a loose braid and put on some lip gloss. Yup, I'm good now.

I walked out of my room and decided to make some breakfast. Liam and I were supposed to meet here but he's not here yet. And I'm sure that Nessy wouldn't want to cook after clubbing late from last night. I guess I should really make breakfast.

I turn on the stove and set the pan. I grabbed some eggs and bacon from the fridge and fried them. My stomach growled as I cooked so it was good that I did. As I was about to finish, I heard the front door open. I turned the oven off to see who it was.

"Julie?", I heard Nessy call out. Whoa, she didn't come home last night. "Hey," I said as I walked into the living room. She had eyes bag and it looked like she had bad sleep. "Where were you?", I asked. "I spent the night at Alex's," she answered. I smirked. "We didn't have sex!", she said with her hands up. "I didn't say anything!", I remarked. She blushed.

I shook my head and returned to the kitchen to finish preparing my eggs and bacon. Nessy followed. I turned to look at her. She really looked awful. Eyebags and sore voice, and she would whine about how much her head hurts. She's got a hangover.

"Got any sleep?", I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not drinking anymore!", she said. I rolled my eyes this time. "'Cha right," I said as I finished preparing. "You hungry?" She nodded. I grabbed a plate then put some eggs and bacon. Then I set it on the counter infront of her.

"What time's Liam coming to rendezvous?", she asked. Just when I was gonna answer, the doorbell rang. "That would be now.", Nessy said. I smiled. "I'll be back," I said. I made my way to the front door and opened it. There stood Liam, wearing a plain white shirt, jeans and converse. He was also carrying a duffel bag. "Good Morning," he smiled. "Good Morning," I chirped and pecked him on the lips.

"You hungry?", I asked. He nodded. "C'mon," I held out my hand. "I made breakfast." He took my hand and we made our way to the kitchen. Liam smirked when he saw Nessy. She looked really tired as she ate her breakfast. "Morning moron," Liam teased. "Don't start with me, Payne!", Nessy snapped. I chuckled.

I grabbed 2 plates and put eggs and bacon on each. I handed the other plate to Liam then I set the other one on the table. I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge then we started eating. All throughout, Nessy and Liam kept bickering while I was in the middle.

"So what time are you guys gonna leave?", Nessy asked. "After breakfast," Liam answered. "Oh," Nessy got up. "I'm gonna go and take a shower now. See you guys tomorrow!" She hugged me and hit Liam on the head then she went to her room. Liam and I continued with breakfast.

"Let me help," he said as I got up to put the dishes on the dishwasher. "Such a gentleman," I smiled. He leaned in to kiss me and I shivered. His lips are so addictive. He put the plates on the dishwasher while I put the leftovers and the orange juice back in the fridge. When we were finished, we made our way to the living room. "Let's go?", he asked. "Yeah," I nodded. "just let me get my bag then leggo!"

I went to my room and grabbed a cardigan, just in case it gets cold then shoved it in my duffel bag. Then I grabbed the duffel bag and swung it over my shoulder. I'm so excited. I'm going back to Wolverhampton, with Liam. I should go now.

"Hey," I said as I walked out of my room. "Let's go?", he asked. I nodded. Just when we were about to leave, Nessy slammed her door open and yelled, "USE PROTECTION! YOU'RE ONLY 18 AND YOU'RE ONLY 20!" She screamed at me and Liam. Our faces turned red. Was she really expecting that something would happnen in the weekend? Whatever, nothing will.

"BYE NESSY!", I yelled. I grabbed Liam's hand and we ran out of the dorm. "Ha, ha...", he laughed. "that was weird!" I sighed in relief. "Yeah," I agreed. "it was." He nodded and we walked out of the building to the parking lot, hand-in-hand.

We both entered his car and we slowly made our way out of the campus then onto the streets of London. We were talking about random stuff like plans after college and stuff. He also told me that they'd be touring this summer and then they'd go back to school again on September. Wow, that's a lot of work.

"...I can't imagine how that must feel..", I  yawned. Liam turned to look at me and smiled. "You should take a nap," he said. "You seem really exhausted. I'll wake you up when we're there already." I hesitated but all of a sudden, I really did feel tired. So what's the point of denying? "You sure?", I asked. He nodded then continued driving. "Alright," I smiled.

I closed my eyes as Liam drove back to memory lane. I allowed myself to sleep and hopefully, when I wake up. We're back there. We're in memory lane. We're in Wolverhampton.



Julie looked peaceful as she fell asleep. I smiled. After many years, I finally get to call her mine. She's my girlfriend. She's the love of my life and I have no intention of ever letting her go. I can't believe we're coming back home.  

I'm sure she misses it there. It's the most significant place in our life since that's where we met. That's where she became my Best Friend. That's where I fell in love with her. I'm sure Ruth, Nicola, mum and dad are gonna be glad to see her.  

They haven't heard from the Watson family in a long time. When I told my mom that Julie and I were together, she was going all crazy. She wanted me to bring her right away but when I told her about us, Julie was in America and I was in UK since it was Holidays. That's when she told me to bring her for the weekend for some catching up.  

My thoughts were stopped when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and saw "Susie Franklin". Our manager's calling? It's too early, she says she'll start talking about the tour next month. Why is she calling now? Oh, well. Maybe it's just some random reminder. I grabbed the phone before my loud ringtone would wake Julie up.

"Hello?", I greeted as I pressed the green button and put the phone near my face. "Liam," Susie said. "it's Susie Franklin, your manager!" I put it on speaker so I can focus on driving. "I know," I said. "Hi Susie!" She sounded frustrated, stressed, nervous. I don't know. "Where are you?", she asked. "I'm going to Wolverhampton," I answered. "for the weekend." She groaned.

"Louis' in Manchester, You're in Wolverhampton and the rest of the lads are in campus! I need you all together!", she growled. Whoa, what's up with her? "You alright?", I asked. "Yes," she said stiffly. "I just need all of you in the office on Monday. We have a really urgent meeting." Oh. "Alright," I said. "See you soon." She hung up.

I wonder what the meeting's all about, but I shrugged it off and kept driving. I glanced at Julie and she was slowly stirring. I thought she was gonna wake up, but then she stopped stirring. She fell asleep again. Oh, well. It's an adorable sight.

I continued driving until I saw the "Wolverhampton" sign on the side of the road. I smiled as we entered the city. It feels so good to feel the vibe and the atmosphere of my home. I drove to the subdivision we lived at and pulled over on the driveway.

I could see my sisters and parents peeking out the window all excited. I bet they're more excited to see Julie rather than me. They haven't seen Julie in a while. The last time they saw her, she was this Harry-Potter-music-lovin' girl (well, she still is. Ha, ha). Now, she's different and mature. She's also much more beautiful now.

"Julie," I stroked her hair and pressed a kiss on her forehead. She was slowly stirring. Her eyes opened a bit and she smiled slightly when she saw me. "Wake up," I added. "We're here."



"Wake up," Liam kissed my forehead. "we're here." I sat up as he pulled back and walked out of the car. I opened the door and slowly walked out. Liam helped me, being the gentleman he is. When we were both out. I saw Liam's parents and sisters running out of the house. "OMG! THEY'RE HERE!", I heard someone who sounded like Ruth scream.

"LIIIAMM!", Nicola squealed and tackled her little brother in a hug. Nicola did the same and so did their parents. They were all tackled into one, big family hug. It was an adorable sight. When they pulled away, Nicola saw me and gasped. "Could it be?", she said as she approached me. I smiled since I didn't know what to do. I'm that stupid.

"Julie!" Liam's mom, Karen, pulled me into a hug. "It's good to see you again..." She pulled away. "It's been.." she paused for a moment. "...4 years.", I finished for her. She laughed. "Ahh, yes!", she said. She opened her arms for a hug and I did. Her dad and her sisters took turns in hugging me as well. "You look so grown and beautiful!", Karen smiled.

"Thank you," I beamed. She nodded. "Well, I better prepare lunch since a lot of our relatives haven't see Liam in a while and would love to," she said. "Lunch is at 12." She told me and Liam. We both nodded. "Ruth, Nicola, I'll be needing your help," she said as the sisters groaned. "I'd love to help," I offered. "Thank you, Julie.", Karen smiled. "but set your things first in Liam's room then you can help."

"My room?", Liam asked in surprise. Liam's dad, Geoff, shook his head. "Really now, son?", he laughed. "You and Julie are together. You both are gonna stay in your room." My eyes widened. Back then, they'd let me stay in either Ruth or Nicola's room. Now, I can stay in Liam's room. "Is that alright with you?", he asked me. I just nodded and smiled. "I'll grab your stuff, you can help my mum.", he said. I nodded.

Karen, Ruth, Nicola and I went to the kitchen. It looked seriously busy. The table was full. There were cooking wares on the stove. The fridge was open. Ingredients were scattered on the table. Wow, a lot must be coming to see Liam. Like a lot of family members. Wow.

"I hope you're fine with cottage pie, Julie.", Karen said. I nodded. Traditional British Food. Sweet! I haven't eaten those in a while, my taste buds have ate American food for the past years. "I'm alright with anything," I said. She smiled.

"Ruth, can you set the tables at the backyard?", she said. Ruth nodded and walked out of the room. "Nicola," she said. "get started on the Yorkshire pudding." Nicola nodded then made her way to the oven area.

"What do you want me to do?", I asked. "Could you slice the carrots for me?", she asked. I nodded then made my way to the carrots area to start slicing. For some reason, carrots made me think of Louis. Ha, ha. My crazy friend. Okay, that was so random.

"I'm done!", Liam entered the kitchen. "Anything I can help in?" He walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss. "Awwee," Nicola giggled. "they're so adorable!" Karen laughed. "Can you and your dad help Ruth outside? Set up the tables.", she said. Liam nodded then left the kitchen.

"You guys are so adorable," she giggled. I laughed and thanked her. "I knew this day was gonna happen," Nicola said as she opened the oven with her mit. I turned to look at her. "I mean, come on!", she laughed. "You and Liam have been friends for a while. I wasn't even surprised when I found out that he had a crush on you before!" My face turned seriously red.

"I could see the way he looks at you," she said. "it's the same way he did before. He's so in love with you." My face becomes tomato red. I looked down so neither of them could see me blush. Nicola took out the tray of Yorkshire pudding and set it on the table to cool down. "Now," she said. "I wouldn't be surprised if a few years from now, you guys would get married." Okay, my face turned to the reddest of the red now.

Nicola thinks that Liam and I are gonna get married someday. I mean, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with Liam since I love him, but marriage hasn't crossed my mind yet. I still want a lot of things. I want to star in Wicked. I want to make it in Broadway. I wanna be a legend like Barbra Stresiand or Idina Menzel. Maybe after I achieve those, I can start thinking of marriage.

"Nicola," Karen snapped. "that's enough. You're scaring Julie with your marriage talk." Nicola's eyes widened then she turned to me. "I'm sorry, Julie!", she said. "It's no big deal," I smiled as I finished chopping the last of the carrots.

We finished cooking 1 hour later. We were gonna have roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and cottage pie for lunch, and trifle and apple crumble for dessert. The meals were so British. I guess they made me hungry. Liam's mom is amazing in cooking.

"Hey," Liam entered as I finished the last layer of cream for the trifle. He wrapped an arm around me. "You guys finished?", he asked. "Almost," I chuckled as he kissed the side of my head. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Nicola said as she left the kitchen. "Some of our relatives are here!", Karen said.

"Ready to meet my extended family?", he asked. I nodded. A day with Liam's family and I'm excited. I wonder what's gonna happen.


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