Darling [h.s]

By xAshleighElizabeth

229K 5.3K 5.8K

"Darlene, I want you to fuck me like you hate me" Harry pushes, taking a step closer. "I do hate you" I spit... More



2.8K 74 58
By xAshleighElizabeth

Song For This Chapter:

Live While We're Young-One Direction

"We're 'bout to make some memories tonight
I wanna live while we're young
We want to live while we're young"


Darlene's POV:

"Do another! Do another!" Maya cheers as I throw down the can of the seltzer I just shotgunned.

We currently have music blasting from my 'Songs that make me wanna shake my ass' playlist, creative name I know. Currently 'Poker Face' is playing and it's definetly hyping me up I'm not going to lie. We've all had a couple of shots, meaning we are all already a bit loose so the fun is only beginning.

"I already did two, I'll do another if someone does it with me" I laugh wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

"I will!" Niall exclaims jumping up from the couch basically running into the kitchen to grab our drinks.

Maya just looks at us giddily in anticipation and Harry looks completely amused. We are all just enjoying ourselves.

Niall returns handing me my seltzer, and fishes in his pocket to find a key. I'm already holding one of my own so I'm ready whenever he is.

"Lets see who can finish first" Niall challenges with a playful look on his face.

"You're on" I say matching his playful attitude.

"If we're placing bets I say Niall is going to win" Maya exclaims as she folds her arm over the back of the couch.

I scoff is dramatic offense, "Geez thanks for having faith in me Maya, I thought you were my friend"

Maya just shrugs with a happy look on her face, "I just have a feeling Niall is good at this" she says glancing over to him.

She has a hint of admiration on her face and when I glance to Niall he holds the exact same expression. Both of them too lost in their little bubble to notice me looking at them anyways.

Harry must notice it too because we both glance at each other at the same time with a 'did you just see that??' expression.

God they are in so deep and they don't even know it yet.

"What about you Harry?" Maya says snapping herself from her trance and turning to Harry.

Harry sits with one of his legs propped up on the couch cushion so he's able to turn his body enough to watch us.

Harry hesitates for a second almost as if he doesn't want to say his answer,

"Honestly, I'm gonna have to go with Niall too" He says guiltily.

"Wow you both just have so much faith in me" I say sarcastically, playfully rolling my eyes.

They're going to feel pretty stupid when I win. Shotgunning is one of my go to party tricks because I actually pretty good at it. I didn't feel the need to chug it as fast earlier when it was just me, but if I want to, I can down it pretty damn fast. None of them would know this though because they've obviously never been to a college party with me.

"Okay ready?" Niall says turning to me slightly.

I nod my head, we both then simultaneously create the hole at the bottom of the can.

"On three" I state looking at him, an excited smile on both of our faces.

"One, two....three" Niall chants out.

Immediately I bring the can to my mouth and tip my head back. I don't bother focusing on Niall knowing I need to put all my focus on drinking this damn seltzer. I have no doubt Niall is pretty good at this, he's kind of a party animal if you couldn't tell.

I feel the carbonated drink slip into my stomach making me feel extremely full but I don't let that slow me down. After a few seconds I'm throwing my can down in victory, Niall throwing his down not too far after.

Niall and I make amused eye contact and we give each other a high five knowing we both just did pretty damn well.

I then turn to Harry and Maya and jokingly flip them of for doubting me.

"That's for doubting me" I say laughing, feeling a bit giddy from my victory. I'm a competitive person, what can I say.

Harry holds his hands up in surrender, "I'll give it you, that was pretty impressive"

"I know" I say confidently picking up the four cans off the floor and walking them over to the garbage.

Next I need to tackle the whole seating arrangement situation. We could all just sit on the floor to make it far but I have an idea in mind that might work.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna grab some blankets and stuff" I say over my shoulder as I make my way into my room.

I go to my closet and grab a bunch of folded up blankets, placing those on the floor beside me. I then pull out a storage bin in the corner of my closet to get one of my old comforters. I'm going to try and make a makeshift bed on the floor. I know I have an old mattress topper somewhere I just need to find it.

I also decided to put a sweatshirt on since I have a feeling I might get cold later tonight.

I grab my extra pillows from my closet as well since I'll be needing those too. I'm making a pretty huge pile on the floor and I giggle quietly to myself at it. I just feel the urge to jump into it with how cushiony it looks.

I stare off a bit trying to rack my brain on where my old mattress topper is. There's a few places it could be. One of those possible places being under my bed in yet another storage container.

I basically have to lay completely flat on my stomach in order to see under the bed enough to locate the bin. Once I find it I slide it out, struggling a bit as it was inconveniently right in the middle of the floor under my bed.

I shimmy myself back a bit and go to stand up, the action causes me to stumble back a bit but I catch myself. Yeah, I'm definetly a bit past tipsy now. Those seltzers are kicking.

I again laugh quietly to myself at the thought of me almost toppling over.

Once I remove the top of the bin I take out all the extra blankets from the top. This is where I keep all my holiday themed blankets. Christmas and Halloween mostly, anyways I have a feeling that the topper is at the bottom of this bin.

I smile to myself in victory when I spot it, pulling it out. It's a queen size mattress topper meaning there will be plenty of room for at least two people to sit on. I place the other blankets back in and snap the lid back on the container and use my legs to kick it under my bed again.

I place all the blankets and pillows on the mattress topper and use that to scoop everything up. The mass of blankets and pillows is so tall that I can't see anything in front of me so I slowly make my way out of my room by memory, pushing on my cracked open door to open it enough to get through.

When I'm sure I've finally made it into the living I plop down everything finally being able to see what's in front of me again. I'm met with three faces staring at me in complete surprise.

"You know there's only four of us right?" Harry states teasingly.

"Oh really? I must of miscounted" I snicker back at him before pushing the pile of stuff closer to the couch.

"Clear out for a second?" I ask a bit out of breath from all the carrying and pushing around I've done in the past few minutes.

They all oblige, going over to the island that looks into the kitchen and continuing whatever conversation they were having while I was gone.

I carefully move my coffee table off to the side so it's no longer in the middle of the rug, being sure not to let any of the bottles of alcohol to fall off in the process. I first grab the mattress topper laying it down in front of the couch, then I take the thick comforter place that over top for a big of added cushion.

Next I take two pillows, these being a bit longer than the other two I have, and rest them against the bottom of the couch. I then place two fuzzy blankets on either side. I take a step back admiring my work before I take the two remaining pillows and put them at each end of the couch and place two folded up blankets on each arm as well.

"Okay, you guys can come back" I say raising my voice a bit so they can hear me over the music.

They all pause their conversation making their way back over, each of them having some sort of drink in their hands.

They all stop and take in whatever the hell I just made on the floor,

"I can dibs!" Niall and Maya both shout at the same time running over to it like if they don't sit there in time they'll lose their privilege.

Harry and I just share a look of amusement over their enthusiasm. I thought it was gonna be a fight for who got to sit on the couch but it seems like I was wrong.

"Oh my gosh, this is so comfy. You're kind of a genius for thinking of this" Maya gushes as I make my way to the left side of the couch.

"Thank you, Thank you" I say holding my hand to my chest in exaggerated gratitude.

"Oh!" Maya says placing her drink on the floor next to her and hopping up to go over to the coffee table,

"I made you a drink, I mixed one of the pineapple truly's with the Malibu! It actually tastes pretty good, I made one for myself as well" She says walking over to me with the drink in hand.

I accept it gratefully, while all this is happening Harry takes a seat on the right side of the couch but completely sprawls out so his whole body is laying across the cushions leaving me minimal room. I decide not to comment on it, maybe I'll just kick his legs off the couch later. He's probably doing it to get a rise out of me anyways.

But I took take a second to admire him right now in his comfy clothes, he's just wearing a plain t-shirt and a pair of grey joggers but he looks hot. Snap out of it Darlene.

"Niall!" I say loudly even though I know he's literally right below me. I definitely startle him a bit, causing him to turn around and look at me like I'm crazy.

"Can you hand me the remote" I say sweetly with a smile on my face. He shakes his head in humor leaning himself forward enough to grab it off the coffee table and handing it to me.

I grab my phone from my sweatshirt pocket and go to pause the music so we can focus on getting the movie started. I'd say we're all tipsy enough to start, but I just know by the end of it or atleast after it we're all going to be hammered.

I curl my legs up next to me, getting comfortable. I click on the TV and navigate to Hulu, since I already know the movie is on there. I've watched this movie an unhealthy amount of times, but I never get tired of it.

After typing in the first couple letters the movie pops up in the suggested searches. Within 15 seconds I have the movie playing, going to turn up the volume so we get the full effect.

"Have you guys seen this before?" I ask, the question being directed at Niall and Harry since I already know Maya has from our conversation earlier.



I glance at Harry with a horrified expression, well why the hell not?  When I glance to Maya she's giving Niall the same look before turning to me with a look that says, 'what the fuck'.

"Well then we're doing you both a favor by making you watch this" Maya states also glancing behind her to look at Harry as well.

The movie begins and I'm already a little bit too excited, I really do love this movie. Peter Parker doesn't come on screen until about 15 minutes in but when he does Maya and I both squeal in excitement glancing at each other.

"Looks like I got some competition" Harry states in amusement. Maya smirks at me from the comment, but Harry can't see because she's facing me so her back is to him.

"Are you a superhero who can shoot webs from their hands and fights bad guys all while pretending to be a normal person?" I say raising my eyebrow at him.

"Maybe I am and I've been pretending to be a 'normal person' this whole time" Harry teases causing me to roll my eyes. But I can't help the smile that creeps on to my face because it was actually kind of funny.

I turn my attention back to the movie, sipping on my drink throughout. It's actually really good, Maya was definetly on to something with this mixture.

Niall and Maya share the popcorn between them occasionally passing it back to Harry and I so we can have some as well.

After a bit my knees start to hurt from my curled up position so I decide to lay out completely like Harry but I just place my legs on top of his. I knew he sat like that to either try and get me to comment on it or force me to do exactly what I just did, but I'm tipsy so I don't care.

Harry momentarily turns his attention to me at my actions giving me a satisfied smile causing me to return a sarcastic one to him.

I just know he's extremely pleased with himself right now.

We're about halfway through the movie at this point, meaning we've been watching for about an hour. I decide to reach behind me and grab my blanket to get more comfortable.

I have to twist my body bit to reach behind me and grab it. I pull my legs back towards me a bit and throw the blanket over my bent legs so when I return them to their original position again it will bring the blanket along with it.

As I'm straightening out my legs again I feel Harry's body jerk a bit, he snaps his head to mine in surprise while I just stare a him in confusion.

His eyes stay on mine the shocked expression already off his face but I'm still fucking confused what I did, it's not like we're weren't in this position 30 seconds ago. It isn't until I replay everything in my head that I realize where my foot may have grazed.

Once it clicks a soft "ohh" sound leaves my lips that no one can hear but me. I can't help the amusement I find from it hence the smile I try to hide on my face. I mouth a 'sorry' to Harry before turning my attention back to the screen.

I swear he's so goddamn sensitive or maybe just extremely horny. Probably a mixture of both to be honest. But it's all the damn time with this man, he's lucky he's hot.

About 20 minutes later an idea pops into my head and I don't second guess it before I do it. I slowly move my foot back over to the spot I grazed last time and being to slowly move against him.

I'm watching him for his reaction and sure enough I can see him intake a breath, but I can't hear it meaning it must have been quiet. But I see his chest move abruptly.

His mouth hangs open slightly and his eyebrows furrow the way they usually do when we're sleeping together, letting me know that whatever I'm doing is having some effect on him. He's eyes land on the movement I'm causing against him but he can't see much from above the blanket. His eyes move up to mine to give me a warning look.

I just give him an innocent one back, which only seems to make him harden his glare at me.

Warning for what? I'm not quite sure, but he reaches under the blanket and grabs my ankle moving it back to its original position. I mentally laugh to myself turning back to the movie.

After a couple minutes I decide to do it again because what the hell is he gonna do with Niall and Maya in the room? I don't plan on doing anything extreme, I'm just teasing. I like to piss him off, cause he's kind of hot when he's angry.

What? Is that a crime??

I can feel that his bulge is bit more prominent now, which lets me know that whatever I'm doing is definetly affecting him.

Before you say anything Maya and Niall are facing away from us and far too engrossed in the movie. I think Niall really likes it, he seems really into it so far. Harry seems to like it as well but I keep distracting him...oops.

I watch him with an satisfied look, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile when he turns his head to look at me.

Instead of giving me a warning glare a sadistic look takes over his face, raising his eyebrows at me as if he's disappointed at that the fact that I didn't listen to his warning. This looks scares me more than his glare from earlier because it looks like he's up to something and now I regret all my decisions.

He takes my ankle and moves my leg back in place again, this time resting his forearm across it over the blanket to keep me from being able to move again.

He looks up at me with a triumphant smirk causing me to roll my eyes because I'm a bit upset that I can't continue to mess with him. But when my eyes meet his again to glare at him, it's quickly wiped from my face when I see a look on his face that makes me feel like I'm in trouble.

I regret my decisions. I regret my decisions. I regret my decisions.

I begin anticipating for him to do something, what exactly? I don't know. But I feel relief flood my body when he turns his attention back onto the screen.

He is fucking intimidating when he wants to be, geez.

I turn back to the film as well, quickly my attention being fully on Spider-Man fighting off the elementals.

Think about Tom Holland, not Harry. Tom Holland. Tom Holland. Tom H-arry Styles. Ha-Holland. Fuck this isn't working.

I don't know how much time has gone by but my attention is pulled away at the sound of Harry's voice,

"Hey do you have any advil?" Harry asks turning to me as he rubs his temples in discomfort.

I nod my head, "Yeah, in my bathroom" I say as I begin to get up beckoning him to come follow me as well.

I didn't realize he drank that much but he should probably just chug some water, he's most likely just dehydrated.

We make my way through my room and into the master bathroom, Harry trailing close behind me.

I reach up to open my medicine cabinet but I'm suddenly being spun around and pushed against the bathroom door forcing it closed and Harry's hand goes to wrap around my neck. I gasp out in surprise not expecting the sudden movements.

All it happened so suddenly it took a second to process how the hell I got into the position I am in right now.

"Do you enjoy teasing me Darlene?" Harry taunts, his hand with a firm grip around my neck but not squeezing nearly as hard as I like. But something tells me he's doing this on purpose.

Once I realize what all this is about I smirk up at him gripping onto his wrist that,

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say batting my eyes at him innocently.

Harry just laughs deeply but it holds no humour, "First the dress and now this, you're pushing it angel"

"Am I?" I say raising a challenging eyebrow at him. My stomach filling with butterflies at the nickname.

For some reason I want to egg him on, Harry once told me 'you haven't even seen what I'm capable of' and I want to get a preview of it right now.

Harry's grip around my throat tightens causing a wetness to begin to grow between my legs, "Keep up the attitude and see what happens darling" He says assertively.

Darling. Funny how the nickname that used to piss me off to no extent is causing an eruption of butterflies in my stomach.

That makes me keep my mouth shut, but I use the hand I have wrapped around his wrist and push it against me so it applies more pressure.

Harry looks at me hungrily shaking his head in amazement from the action and within seconds his lips are crashing to me. They move against mine with so much force that I can practically feel his inner frustrations through his lips. I match his pace, him squeezing my neck harder causing me to gasp. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue immediately dominating the kiss and setting the rhythm.

He takes one of my legs and hikes it up on the side of his hip so our bodies are even closer. He begins to slowly grind his hips into me, the friction causing me to let out a soft moan.

My hands go to tangle in his hair to tug on it in the way I know he loves, earning the familiar soft groan from the action. He starts breathing heavier when I keep my firm grip in his hair, not letting go.

Harry's other hand begins to slowly trail down my body and when he reaches the waistband of my pants my breath hitches.

I should stop him, but I can't and part of me doesn't want to.

He wastes little time reaching his hand past the the waistband of my pants and the hem of my underwear, his fingers exploring my core instantly. I gasp at the contact, our lips detaching.

His eyes stare into my mine, the same frustration still on his face. He holds my gaze as he slips two fingers inside. My mouth goes slack and tips back due to his now loosened grip on my neck.

Well this escalated quickly. One minute ago I was watching a movie and now Harry has his hands down my pants. Lovely.

I begin slightly panting at the quick pace that he sets, biting my lip trying to contain any noises that might escape. My focus goes down to watch his movements against me.

Suddenly my rational mind creeps back in, "Wait-" My words get caught in my throat as I gasp when he begins using his thumb to circle my clit. My eyes roll back at the feeling, fuck he's too good at this.

"Harry, wait- Maya and Niall are in the next room we can't" I pant out, my eyes squeezing shut in pleasure as he continues his actions.

"They were in the same room when you were teasing me, if anything I'm being generous right now by doing this in the bathroom" He scolds removing his hand from my neck and attaching his lips to it, biting and nipping.

My eyes flutter shut at all the pleasurable sensations I'm feeling right night.

"Fuck Harry" I moan out, my hand now using my grip in his hair to keep myself stable.

"Wait-wait, we-fuck" I gasp when his fingers graze a specific spot that has my legs beginning to shake, "we'll be gone for too long" I practically moan out.

"Then you better come fast for me, yeah?" He says not slowing down his pace just speeding it up.

Every single sensation feels too damn good to stop at this point, not that I even could if I tried.

"Yeah" I whine out in agreement, knowing that I won't need much longer anyways.

Harry pulls back smirking at me, "Good girl"

The two words cause a wave of pleasure to shoot right to my core, causing me to capture his lips in mine hungrily. He kisses me back with desire, but not the kind that I'm used to, it's much more cynical.

If this what pissing Harry off gets me I sure as hell should do it more often.

When Harry slips a third finger in I moan into the kiss knowing that with this I'll be seconds away from the release I'm currently chasing.

Harry seems to sense it too as he pins my hips against the door to steady me more. I'm forced to break the kiss to gasp when his thumb begins to rub circles much faster against me.

"Fuck, I'm close" I whine closing my eyes in pleasure and throwing my head back against the door.

I feel myself begin to clench around his fingers, the familiar build in my stomach starting to increase. I prepare myself for the euphoric feeling to wash over me but suddenly, all his movements and all the pleasurable sensations stop and he pulls away from me.

My eyes open to meet the sinister look as his face as he places all three fingers in his mouth without hesitation, sucking them clean.

"Harry what the hell" I pant out, trying to catch my breath. I'm practically throbbing right now at the sudden loss of contact and the fact that it was all build at such a rapid pace.

"Hmm?" He questions innocently.

"Don't act stupid" I snap, my frustration with him being mixed with the sexual frustration I have creating a concoction that puts pure venom into my words.

"Watch it" He say sternly, "I'm just returning the favor, doesn't feel nice does it?" He taunts in a fixed tone.

"No" I whine pathetically, looking at him with pleading eyes. This is almost torture standing here with the nagging ache between my legs. I might actually go insane.

"You can look at me like that all you want darling, I'm not finishing you off" He says in a condescending tone.

Never mind, the nickname pissed me off this time.

I huff, glaring at him to see if he's bluffing. When he doesn't budge and just holds my stare I roll my eyes and turn around ripping the door open in frustration and quickly making my way back into the living room.

Once I focus on the TV screen and see what scene is playing I luckily realize we weren't gone for that long and it's thankfully dark enough in here that if I looked like I just made out with Harry in my damn bathroom, you wouldn't be able to tell.

Niall and Maya don't even bat an eyelash at my entrance, too engrossed in the film and sharing a box of sour patch kids between them. I make a pitstop at the coffee table, grabbing the tequila and taking two big chugs.

This however catches Niall and Mayas attention and they look over to me in confusion,

"What? I thought we were gonna get hammered" I shrug innocently and they both nod in agreement muttering that we were.

Little do they know I'm trying to cure the ache between my legs that Harry just created by fingering me in my fucking bathroom by drowning it out with alcohol. I go to take another large swig and Harry conveniently enters the room just as I take the bottle away from my lips.

I death stare the asshole as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. The satisfied look on his face makes me even angerier.

Not that this has anything to do with me forgiving him, but pushing my buttons and pissing me off isn't typically the strategy most people go for when they're trying to get someone to forgive them.

Maybe I should've reminded Harry that in the bathroom so he would've finish what he started, but it's too late for that now.

I grab a box of sour patch watermelon and the handle of tequila and make my way back to the couch. Slumping down and curling my legs into myself the same way I did earlier. I push myself as far into the corner as I can to keep as much distance as possible between Harry and I.

I open my sour patch kids and begin eating them as I try and focus on the movie and not the throbbing between my legs.

The distraction works for the remainder of the film but the ache doesn't get much better. The film just helped me be able to ignore it more.

Once the credits are rolling Maya turns to me excitedly,

"I would literally watch it again right now and not be tired of it" She says perching herself up on her knees as she reaches to grab the bottle of tequila that I'm holding hostage.

I smile nodding at her agreeing with her statement and thankful for more distractions,

"No because it was actually really good" Niall says turning around so he's facing the couch now, "I've never seen any of Tom Holland's movies but he's a good actor, I will admit that"

"Yes! That's why he's my favorite british person" I respond turning my head to Harry giving him a petty smile earning an eye roll from him.

"What did you think Harry?" Maya chimes in after she swallows her second swig of the tequila, passing it to Niall without hesitation.

"It was good, I may actually consider watching the other one" Harry says shrugging.

I refuse to acknowledge his response and get up to go turn the lights on, just the one's in the living room so it's not obnoxiously bright.

"Alright, now it's time to get hammered!" Niall exclaims excitedly standing up and going over to the table filled with the various selections of alcohol.

"Darlene, turn the music back on" Maya says excitedly scrambling to stand up to join Niall in choosing her next drink.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and click the play button resuming whatever song was playing before we started the movie.

After about an hour of shots and dancing around like fools I will happily report that I'm no longer an aching mess and I'm just a drunk mess now.

Harry seemed to lighten up a bit, seeming less annoyed at me which automatically made me less annoyed with him. Which is why I'm currently jumping up and down with him singing whatever song is playing through my Bluetooth speakers.

Maya comes up behind me causing me to turn around and dance with her. I place a hand on her shoulder as we both sing the song loudly to each other, huge smiles plastered on our faces. I go and loop both my arms around her neck and she rests hers on my hips as we're both trying to sing through our laughter. We're both start swaying our hips just being completely engrossed in the song at this, in our own little bubble.

Her and I are very close together but I don't find it weird, we literally change infront of each other all the time. We also will sit in the bathroom while the other is drunkenly taking a shower so we can continue our drunk conversations.

Anyways so I'm pretty comfortable around her. This isn't a abnormal occurrence, you should've seen us at the concert we went to together earlier this summer.

When the beat of the song begins to pick up again Maya and I break away and start jumping up and down again to the music but when we feel two pairs of eyes boring into us we both stop.

I turn around to see Niall and Harry staring at us with their jaws slightly dropped, Maya and I glance at each other in confusion and keep the same look on our face when we turn our attention to them.

"What?" Maya says before I get the chance, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"That was..." Niall begins

"Hot, like really fucking hot" Harry chimes in with no hesitation.

Maya and I scoff at them, "That was barely anything, you should've seen us at Boston Calling earlier this summer" Maya says as we glance at each other with a knowing smirk as we recall the memory.

Harry and Niall's eyes widen at the statement but we leave them with further information on the subject as we just go back dancing.

I somehow got to the point in the night where I don't remember what the hell happened, I just know when I was stirring in my sleep and opened my eyes I realized I was laying my head in Harry's lap and I could feel his hand draped over me.

I glance down to the floor and see Niall laying on his stomach with one of his hands draped across Mayas, and that's the last thing I remember before falling back asleep.

Though the hangovers tomorrow morning are probably going to be hell on earth, I think it was worth it for the amount of fun we had tonight. Even if I don't remember part of it.


A/N: BYE this was the longest chapter I've written so far. Let me know if you guys like this length better. I usually write HALF this much but I really wanted to keep the events of the rest on their night in one chapter. Anyways #Harrystylesrailmechallenge like hot damn. Sometimes when I'm writing I shock myself with what I put down.

I always want to branch out more with any sexual scenes but I just feel awkward writing it lmao. But for any upcoming scenes I'm gonna say fuck it and just do what I KNOW Darlene and Harry should really do.

Also sorry if there's typos, I suck at catching them when I revise. Sometimes when I go back and reread one of my older chapters and find one I can't help but fix it and republish it. I'm literally illiterate.

Anyways make sure to vote and comment!

Here's how I picture Harry and Darlene to be right now!

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