All For One's UA {BNHA x ALL...

By NikkFreeman

79.9K 2.2K 865

What if All For One/ Hisashi MIdoriya was born into the same generation as our other 1-A favorites. How exact... More

Part 1: My humble beginning
Part 2: Shimura
Part 3: Entrance Exams
Part 4: Quirk Test
Part 5:New Quirks
Part 6:Combat Training
Part 7: Morning Hado
Part 8: USJ Attack
Part 9: Hado Memories
Part 10: She-Nana-Gans
Part 11: Class Training
Part 13:Obstacle Race
Part 14:1 versus all
Part 15: Semi Finals
Part 16: Final Matches
Part 17: Harem
Part 18: Hero Killer
Part 19: Internship End
Part 20: Me vs. Nana
Part 21:Training Camp
Part 22: Day 2 of Camp
Part 23: The Night Begins
Part 24: Before the Storm
Part 25: Death of Lifetime
Part 26: The days Continue
Part 27: New/Quirk Review
Part 28: Other Schools
Part 29: First Half
Part 30: License Received
Part 31: Saiko Background
Part 32: A talk
Part 33: Oversea Friend
Part 34: Melissa Shield
Part 35: Unfair Behavior
Part 36: I'll do what's best
Part 37: I'm a Midoriya
Part 38: Eyes like Mine
Part 39: Greatest Hero
Part 40: Rising Tensions
Part 41: Dad For One
Part 42: One For All
Part 43: A step into Darkness
Part 44: Labeled as a Threat
Part 45: Meet the League
Part 46: You're now Villains
Part 47: Killing is Breathing
Part 48: Doctor Who?
Part 49: Get those Quirks
Part 50: Not a Quiet Mission
Part 51: Mission Complete
Part 52: Eyes Open
Part 53: Wait for Me
Part 54: Dreams of Future Past
Part 55: The Heroes Attack
Part 56: Our Awakening
Part 57: Nana's Resolve
Part 58: Stop now Sashi
Part 59: Only 2 Left
Part 60: Interrogations
Part 61: Peaceful Town
62: This Could've Been our Normal
Part 63: Don't say my Name
Part 64: Meet Lady Valentine
Part 65: Wrapped in my Pinky
Part 66: Off the Island
Part 67: The Will to Kill
Part 68: Nabu Aftermath
Part 69: Toga Happenings
Part 70: The Binding of Eri
Part 71: When I see you Again
Part 72: Infiltration Tasks
Part 73: Slice and Toga
Part 74: What You Would Do For
Part 75: The Path I Chose
Part 76: Growth of a Daughter
Part 77: Of Those We Love
Part 78: Let Emotions Drive
Part 79: A Rather Rainy Day
Part 80: Night Becomes Day
Part 81: Take Aim
Part 82: The Big 2
Part 83: Just Like You
Part 84: Nighteye's Killing Move
Part 85: The Effect of Love
Part 86: You're a Midoriya!?
Part 87: We're Symbols
Part 88: Rage On Yagi
Part 89: Shortly Lived
Part 90: What Comes After
Part 91: Worried Mother
Part 92: Developing Encounters
Part 93: Their Short Break
Part 94: I Am Here
Part 95: The 3 Demons
Part 96: Eri's Second Voice
Part 97: Nagant's Belief
Part 98: Why so Stubborn?
Part 99: Underwhelming End
Part 100: Nana's Story
Part 101: Small Signs
Part 102: Too Far and Too Short
Part 103: My Responsibility
Part 104: Back in the Present
Part 105: Tomorrow's War
Part 106: Tartarus's Slayer
Part 107: The Unknown Quirks
Part 108: Demon vs. Demon
Part 109: Phase 1 Complete
Part 110: A Blue Chapter
Part 111: The Eldest Brother
Part 112: My Turn
Part 113: Who let the League Out?
Part 114: Tired of Fighting
Part 115: Not Her Son
Part 116: Inevitable Battle
Part 117: Growing Powers
Part 118: Makes me Happy
Part 119: The Other Half of Nana
Part 120: Yagi Continues
Part 121: Tomura and I

Part 12: Festival Training

1.2K 36 4
By NikkFreeman

The next day, I had gotten everyone to come over to me and Nana's apartment for training. Because of what the class saw yesterday between me, Yagi, Shoji, Kirishima and Tokoyami they were all very eager to train. I hadn't told them that Nana would be helping us train so this would be a surprise for all of them.


"Woah Midobro! Nice place" Kirishima complemented.

"Indeed. Your place looks wonderful" Momo said.

"Thank you for saying so, but more importantly thank you guys for coming"

"Of course dude. If we get to train with someone as powerful and smart as you, than there's no reason for us not to come, right Bakugo!?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you're here Kacchan," Yagi said.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN DEKU!!!" Bakugo yelled," I just can't let any of you extras get ahead of me that's all, especially you nerd"

"That's the spirit!"

A sudden voice came from overhead, and it was loud one.


"All Might!?" Yagi yelled.

"NOPE! EVEN BETTER! IT IS I" Nana came crashing down like a hero," NANA SHIMURA!"

Nana did a superhero landing in front of the class. She was wearing her old hero costume with her hair up in her iconic hairstyle and her cape making wave motions in the wind.

"M-M-Miss Midoriya!" Ochako yelled.

"That's right! I'll be helping you guys train from the request made by my son"

'Beautiful' everyone thought.

"Midoriya, that's your mother?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah. That's the floating hero Nana Shimura"

"I heard all of you wanted to get stronger so I'm here to help you do just that. Fun fact! I was the one to train Sashi!"

"Sashi!? You mean Hisashi!" Kaminari said.

"That's right! The one who beat 4 of you by himself yesterday!" Nana giggled and boasted.

"Sorry guys, she can be bit prideful especially of me"

"No worries man, she is your mother afterall" Mina said.

"Even if that extra was trained by a pro, there's no way he can beat me" Bakugo scoffed.

"Is that a challenge Bakugo!?" I asked.


"Alright, Alright. Settle down you newbies. I'm not the only one who will be helping you guys out. There's one more person and I think you'll love this Sashi!"

"Mother, you didn't"

Mother only gave me a wide smile radiating motherhood.



"You're supposed to call me by my nickname!" Nejire yelled.

She came in flying above the class and I, wearing her U.A. PE uniform and her hero wrappings around her wrists.

"Wait. Did she just say Hisa-kun" Momo asked a dark tone.

"Say it!" Nejire yelled at me.

"Apologies Nejire, but I'm not going to say it, especially in front of everyone"

"Nah ah ah Sashi. She took time out of her day so that she could help the one she loves!" Nana yelled making sure everyone heard.

'LOVES!?!' Ochako and Momo screamed internally.

'Damn. Nana has a point'

"Midoriya, what exactly is your relationship with our upperclassman?" Tokoyami asked.

"Nothing at all Tokoyami, we're just friends"

"That doesn't sound like friends to me dude" kaminari insisted.

"FRIENDS!?! Fine, if you don't want to call me my proper name then I'll just fly back home!" Nejire said as she slowly floated away.

"FINE! Neji-Bae!!!" I yelled.

"AH!~" Nejire squealed.

"Neji-Bae huh and your mom said that she loves you?" Jirou said.

"She sure does. Those two are going to get married!" Nana said to all the girls to cause gossip.

'MARRIAGE!!?!" Momo and Ochako thought.

"Hisashi! You're still too young!" Momo yelled.

"Yeah! And you still have to graduate!" Ochako Yelled as well.

Nejire floated behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck before deactivating her quirk.

"Don't worry. We'll get married no matter where Hisa-kun goes" Nejire said and she rubbed her cheek on my neck.

"Aha! Would any of you girls like to get some of Sashi?" Nana asked with evil intent.

'Get some?! Of Sashi!?' The girls thought flustered.

"I mean like in a training battle," she leaned in towards them,"what were you guys thinking?" She said with a cunning smile.

"OK! Mom, that's enough. We should get going now before we waste anymore time so where are you taking us?"

Nana had arranged the class for a small tour bus to bring us to the mountains. She would be driving us to a private area that she owns that is meant to house us for the next 2 weeks. Of course, everyone had gotten permission from their parents before we left so there won't be any worried adults while they're gone.

I was very surprised they were let go so easily. If it were me, Nana would make sure I was 110 percent prepared for anything.

'This is will a long trip'

And it was.

Ochako and Momo were sitting in the back with the girl, with shadows over their eyes the entire ride. Nejire was also with them asking the girls all kinds of questions which had been expected. It was a good way to keep them distracted and even Momo and Ochako started to engage in conversation with Nejire.

For the boys, we sat in the front with me being more or less in the middle with Yagi. Now Yagi seemed to be my seating partner which I didn't mind since he would show me and share more details and theories about quirks.

"Hey Midoriya, now that we aren't battling, could you tell me all your quirks?" Yagi asked with his pen and notebook out.

"My quirks? Hmmm, what do you know so far?"

"I only know your Rivets and Air Cannon. I have an idea what your other quirks can be but I would like you to explain them"

"I guess it is only fitting for friends to share things about themselves, especially quirks. Very well then. Ladies! I'm going to share all my quirks so you are welcome to join"

The girls in the back all looked up after laughing at something they were talking about.

"Woah really?! Yeah man I want to hear this" Mina said.

"Yeah, ribbit" Asui agreed.

I began to explain every quirk I had in my arsenal from their uses to their drawbacks. Everyone was intent on listening and Yagi was very quick to write down the details in his book, even needing a second pen that was in his bag. We also talked about theories of receiving quirks, like if I gave my Multiplier quirk to Shoji would he have more tentacles. We talk about the topic all the way to the mountains.

'You've finally opened up Sashi (sniff) I'm so proud' Nana internally cried.

When we arrived at Nana's private area, the whole class including me was stunned by how beautiful the surroundings were. It was a big acre of land surrounded by forest with a big lake in the middle to go with. There was a giant cabin where we'll be staying the next 2 weeks in and a cleared out area was right behind it, big enough for everyone to let loose on their quirks for training.

"Mom. I didn't know that you had such a nice place under your name"

"Well, it was supposed to be your 18th birthday but seeing how you and the rest of your friends are working hard to be heroes, I guessed that I could let you see it"

"This for me?..." I was baffled. I had never heard of this place's existence before, Nana had never mentioned it once.

"Sure is. A hero needs a place where he could settle down and relax but also needs a place where he could train to his heart's content. This place, is for you Sashi"

At the moment I could almost shed a tear. The kindness my mother would show me always passed my expectations and went beyond. It's inspiring just how loving one person could be for their young ones.

"Thank you mom"

We stopped in front of the large cabin house so that everyone could grab their things. Everyone had packed their school PE uniform, workout clothing and casual clothing but only 3 pairs each. The cabin had a laundry room where we could wash our clothes after we finished training.

"Alright! Now then, let me explain a few things. For the next 2 weeks after school, you'll be all picked up by the same bus you came here in, and will be driven by me back to this cabin. You can leave any personal belongings here if you want, but if they go missing, then too bad!",she said the last part with a smile.

"You will all spend the night here as well so that it will be a one way trip to school in the morning. Additionally, this cabin is split into two sides from the main lobby from boys to girls so no mixing unless Sashi is present!" she said while giving me a thumbs up.

Some of the girls blushed.

"Breakfast will be served by yours truly, and will be handed out an hour before school starts. If you have allergies, please notify me later.

"Each and everyone of you will be trained by me and Nejire and sometimes Sashi. We will be working in groups that you've already established from long, close, and support. Tomorrow I will be teaching close range fighters, Nejire will be assisting long ranged fighters and Sashi will be training the support fighter" she said as everyone got into three groups by themselves.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Nana boomed.

"Yeah. Are you really capable of teaching us?" Bakugo questioned.

"Oh! So you don't trust that you will gain anything from me?"

"That's right. You are physically fit and have some muscle I'll give you that, but compared to our generation, your Float quirk won't be able to handle us"

"AHAHAHA! Since you don't believe me, I guess I'll just prove it by fighting you right?" She said with a heroic smile. Fun fact, even Sashi couldn't beat me!"

"Woah, even Midobro couldn't beat you?!" Kirishima asked.

"You must be really strong," Yagi included.

"So what!? That extra and everyone else was weak to begin with" Bakugo declared.

At his comment, a sudden breeze of chill air passed through everyone as Nana was now floating right in front of Bakugo with her eyes shadowed.

"What did you say about my son?"

Bakugo was frozen for a second and even had a sweatdropped but he regained his hotheaded composure.

"I said he's weak and if you want to prove me wrong then you will be fighting me!!"

"Bakugo, You've done goofed" I said.

"Alright then! Everyone, you have 10 minutes to unpack your belongings, find a room and change and if you're not out in the clearing behind the cabin then I'll have you running laps around the lake which is about a mile! So get going!" Nana yelled with a heroic voice.

The class quickly did so what they were ordered. The boys ran up to the left while the girls ran up to the right.

"Mom, maybe you should go easy on them a little"

"No way", She clenched her fist in a motherly way," That Bakugo kid! He got me all fired up after calling you weak"

"Don't mind him mom aha, he's just the prideful type in fact he's got the most pride in the school"

"I don't care. Gosh he reminds me of a friend back in the days! Anyways, you better get going too Sashi or you'll be running laps too"

Nana ruffled my hair in a rough way before floating away and zooming away. I'll explain more about her quirk later so don't you worry.

After everyone had gotten changed into their PE uniforms, we all half circle in front of Nana who was waiting with her hands on her hips. The class looked to be pumped about training with their own heroically determined smiles on their faces.

"Wow. Look at you future heroes but do you have what it takes to live up to that title?!"

She began to clip of her cape and handed it over to Nejire on her left.

"Bakugo, Todoroki, Yagi and Sashi. You 4 will be going up against me and your goal is to pin me down or knock me out" Nana revealed,"This will ensure no one will have doubts about my teachings and also will serve as a great opening to your first day here"

"This is exactly the same kind of match we had with Midoriya," Tokoyami said.

"I was a little inspired so I wanted to try it out" Nana said.

"I don't need help from these extras to knock you out!" Bakugo yelled.

"We'll see about that," Nana smirked.

"Mom, I think you're taking this too seriously"

"Absolutely not. I am preparing you all for the future and what's to come. You need to become even stronger if you hope to defeat evil!"

With that the 4 of us surrounded her a square formation and in our battle stances while the others were a safe distance away.

"I want all of you to bring your absolute best and the rest of you t watch" Nana begun floating," This is what a pro hero looks like"


Nana did a fast pushing motion to her feet and a huge gust of wind formed sending her flying into the sky.

"Wait that's just like-" Todoroki said.

"All Might" Yagi finished.

"I won't let that floaty bastard get away" Bakugo said as he launched himself up with his Explosions.

I also copied what she did, picking up Yagi and Todoroki on my back and using Air Walk and Air Cannon sending us up after her.

'Let's go mom'

Nana had finally started to come down from the sky and headed straight for Bakugo who was yelling the whole time.

'You first'

She started to spin mid air and did a wheel kick to knock away his arm that was ready to explode and used her other foot to drop her heel down on his back sending him down.

"Kacchan!" Yagi saw.

Nana then did a quick pushing motion above her head, sending her zooming down to catch Bakugo before he hit the ground.

"Don't go and catch me!" Bakugo argued.

"Ha! I'm not just catching you" Nana assured.

She grabbed the back of his uniform and threw him straight back up and us. He collided with our group midair sending us falling to the left.

I used my Barrier to create a landing pad for us in the air before activating a Hypertrophy arm and hand grabbed Todoroki like if I was holding a spear and threw him at Nana.

Todoroki zoomed past her flying off but he managed to touch her foot creating ice around her lower leg up to her knee but this was easily broken from her smashing it into pieces.

I caught Todoroki before he went too far by using another Barrier that caused a loud thud to be heard.

"Sorry Todoroki!" I yelled.

"It's alright," Todoroki said.

After getting rid of the ice, Nana was met with an explosion from Bakugo sending her down to the dirt but using her float and little bit of wind pressure, she managed to keep herself from touching the ground and sent herself straight towards me and Yagi.

"Your fight is with me!" Bakugo yelled as he sent another large explosion at Nana.

She simply flew right through it and prepared to punch me in the gut. I set up 2 Barriers right in front of each other with Strength Enhancer and Kinetic Booster to block her punch.

"NANA!" Mother yelled while making her fist come into contact with my barriers. "SMASH!!"

Her fist blew right through my barriers smashing them like glass.

I coughed up a mouthful of blood and the momentum of her punch carried toward me.

She landed her attack to my stomach, sending me flying but not before Yagi came from behind me and sent a punch right to her face.

"SMASH!!!" Yagi Yelled.

This was for not. Nana dodged his attack and gave him a jab to his stomach sending him flying towards my direction.


Bakugo had Todoroki in his hands and zoomed past Nana. He sent Todoroki with an explosion to boost his speed while Todoroki had a spear of ice in front of him. The spear would not kill her but it would start to freeze over once it has made contact.

'Time to finish this' Nana thought.

She bent backwards like that scene in the matrix in midair, dodging Todoroki's spear. She then grabbed the bottom of his legs and slammed him down to the ground knocking him out.

Bakugo came in screaming with an explosion ready but she already had her hand on his face as she she slammed him into the dirt next to Todoroki knocking him out.

'Now for the last two'

I was above her when I sent a fully charged Air Cannon down. She raised both her hands in a rock and roll sign, and flicked her middle fingers at me sending a huge amount of wind pressure at me.

I was sent flying more up but Yagi came down from behind me and was about to land a 100 percent punch to her but he was stopped when Nana caught his fist with her bare hand. She flipped him right over her shoulder slamming him into the ground knocking him out next to Bakugo.

"Oh Sashi~"

She was already behind me as I slowly turned around.

"What did you have for lunch"

"Oh just some noodles"

"That's good" She said as she struck me in the back. Both of her feet were still on my back like if I was a stool while we plummeted down to the surface. When we landed a large dust cloud formed blocking the view from everyone watching.


No one knew or had anything to say. This whole was quiet with their jaws dropped at the display of power from my mother as she easily took down the strongest students in their class.

Once the smoke cleared, the 4 of us were limp being knocked out from her attacks. Me and Yagi were hanging from her shoulders while Todoroki and Bakugo were being carried by her arms.

"This is the level you should be when you're 54!" Nana yelled.

"YOU'RE 54!!!?!?!?!" the class screamed.

"This will be it for your first day here. Take our display as inspiration to where you should be or motivation to push you to your limits. I did not just knock out my own son so that you can take it easy so WORK HARD!!!" She boomed.

The whole class nodded and they were sent into the cabin to unwind a bit and focus on what they needed to work on for tomorrow they would begin training.

As for myself, I had woken up first due to my Recovery quirk and went and helped heal Yagi, Todoroki, Bakugo and..... Nana.


"It's fine, I don't mind healing those who will get hurt so stop apologizing"

"(haa) Thank you Sashi and thank you for healing me as well, these boys sure do pack and attack with them huh. That green hair boy's punch really did some damage to my arm when I caught his attack. It almost felt like his punch" Nana whispered the last part.

"Who's punch mom?"

"Ah! Oh, nobody Sashi"


The 3 eventually woke up to a nice dinner on the cabin's long table in the cabin's dining area and after we finished, we were sent into our rooms for the night.

Nana had made sure everyone was in bed by 9pm since we had to wake up early. After she finished the girl's side she finished the boy's side even making sure I was tucked in before she left.

"Goodnight Sashi, I love you~"

"Goodnight mom. I love you too"

'Today was a great day'













"NO,NO, N-"




I remained lying down on my bed as I looked over at my alarm that read 4 AM. I didn't want anyone to be late for school especially since we would have to drive a while to get there.

'More memories huh'

The memories tonight were a bit different than the last. Instead of getting 2 different types, I was shown in the same fragmented fashion one person's memory. It looked to be targeting the Barrier user who I took his quirk from.

'Have I already gotten used to it'

Maybe my mental strength was strong for me not react to yet another murder. What I've seen so far, it looks like the memories I'll be seeing go down in order from the most recent quirks to the oldest.

"Haha! The Barrier user wanted to become a hero but was too weak. It's a shame that he couldn't live up to his dream and become one, but it's more of a shame to blame you father for it right before killing him"

'To have easily corrupted an individual by having society misdirect his disappointment and changing it into a hatred for his own blood, it only shows just how easy a villain can be changed from a dreamer into a murderer'

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