Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 28- train ride

1.7K 44 26
By marauderserafan01

Warning: some detailed description about blood, cut and wounds.

Y/N's pov:

We made our way onto the train, sitting in our usual compartment. I try and put my luggage to the top but as per usual I'm too small. Fred took it off me and placed it on top of his for me.
"Thanks Freddie" I say, pecking him on the cheek. Why the hell did I just do that. I carried on walking trying to avoid his awkward glances as he's ruby red.

We sit down. Me next to George and across from Fred and Lee. "So Y/N come on you know this question. What gossip have you got for me this year?" Lee asks and I smile mischievously.
"Well Lee, I've got a very juicy secret here but I'm afraid I don't know all the details, Georgie does though, and I'm going to get it out of him soon." I smile.
"Oooo go on them Y/N tell me what you know" Lee says intrigued. I look over towards Fred.
"Well Freddie here, is in love" I say smugly.
"Aren't you Freddie dear!" I laugh.
He doesn't look up.

Everyone laughs and I make my way over to Fred sitting down and placing an arm around him. "I'm joking Freddie, although if you tell us who it is we can help you, you know?" I ask.
"Yeah that's not happening" he says "besides I already know how I'm going to ask her and I'm going to do it before Christmas" he says rather confidently.
"Ooooo" I say mocking him. "Right I'm going to get my robes on, you might wanna do the same when I'm gone" I say turning to the boys and heading out of the compartment.

After changing I walk back, getting to the door when I hear boys talking. "Fred come on, just ask her" Lee says.
"How do I know she likes me though?" Fred asks.
"Mate she's head over heels for you! It's so obvious you like eachother!"
I slide open the door and walk in, the three boys immediately shut up. To my horror, all three of them are stood there, half way through getting changed.

I instantly throw my hands over my eyes, turning around to face the door, but instead walk straight into it, causing myself to instantly fall back to the ground. The boys burst into fits of laughter as I'm laid across the floor, hand still remaining over my eyes.

"You alright there love?" Fred laughs.
I say to the boys, "no I'm not alright! I see my three best friends naked and then nearly give myself a concussion."

"You can uncover your eyes Wood." Lee laughs, "we are dressed."

I slowly remove the hand from my eyes to see the three boys leaning close to my face, smirking to each other. I sit up to see that they aren't at all dressed, and have all got their shirts off. I throw my hands to my eyes yet again, as the three laugh.

"It's only our shirts Y/N, come on!" Lee laughs.
He pulls my hand from my eyes and sat in front of me are the boys, flexing their muscles dramatically.

I don't want to show weakness but I can tell I'm blushing madly at the sight.
"Like what you see Y/N?" Asks Fred, whose staring at me for a reaction.
"W..w..what I mean, I must admit I like the view." I say rather confidently with a laugh.

This causes Fred to blush and the other two boys to laugh at him. "Left you speechless once again Fred?" George asks.

"You know, Fred, Lee. I don't think this is at all fair. She's just seen all three of us naked." George joked.
"Oh piss off." I laugh. I know they were joking, so unlike I feel with most people I don't feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah piss off George!" Fred yells pulling me into him protectively. I know I shouldn't be thinking this but I'm suddenly really nervous being placed into his bare chest.

"Hey, calm down man. We're not going to make your girlfriend strip. I'm sure she's saving that for you." George laughs.
Lee's face is thrilled as he starts to scream, "finally!"

"Lee shut it!" I shout, releasing myself from Freds grasp, "he's joking."
He rolls his eyes at the two of us before turning back to George.

I then am pulled into the memory of the conversation the boys were having when I walked in. I look around knowing that he's told Lee.
"I'm hurt" I announce grabbing my chest dramatically, "you've really told these bozos and not me!" I say looking towards Fred. He doesn't seem to get my joke so just sits there awkwardly. "I'm kidding Fred, you can tell me when you feel like it, I don't understand why you won't tell me though, I won't tell anyone, I think I'm pretty trustworthy and I don't speak to many people other than you guys.

WAIT hang on! I know who it is!"
Fred looks petrified as he awaits what I'm about to say.
"You like HERMIONE!"
Fred looks slightly relieved as laughter is released into the room.
"No you dipshit!" He says to me laughing. He pulls me towards him and sits me on his lap. I look at him raising an eyebrow.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Freddie, do you?" I say sarcastically, remembering the journey here.

I stand up laughing as the other two boys snigger at Freds embarrassed expression.
"Seriously though Fred, I know I tease you but I know you love me really. So when your ready to tell me, I'm here!" I say now seriously.
"I know Y/N" he replies.
"She gonna burst" I hear George laugh.
"Come on Y/N I know you hate people keeping secrets from you but there's a reason, we can't tell you what but your gonna love it!" Lee says.
"Fine" I say, sighing and looking out the window.

After a while George and Lee are asleep on the opposite side to me and Fred. I'm tired but I can't get comfy anywhere. Fred noticed and so picks me up as he lays his legs onto where I was sitting, placing me in the middle of his legs, my head laying on his chest. It was so comfy. "Thanks Freddie" I whisper before falling asleep. Just before I hear him whisper. "Anything for you my love".

"Click" a bright flash causes me to flutter my eyes open. Taking in my surroundings I see George once again holding a camera, with Lee laughing in the back. I then realise that I'm covered with a jacket and oh my lord, I'm laid on Freds chest.

I immediately jump up and the same goes for Fred and I try and reach the camera George is holding. It doesn't work he's too tall. "These are the people that reckon they don't like each other" he says to Lee.
"Young love" Lee mocks. I look over at Fred blushing again slightly. He gets up and chases George around until he grabs the photo, out of the corner of my eye, I see him smiling as he observes it, only to pocket it.
It must be to throw it away later.

The remainder of the ride back to Hogwarts consists of constant teasing of me and Fred by non other than the two people I consider my brothers.

Walking up to the castle I'm exhausted and am struggling to keep up with the boys fast paces. Fred notices and picks me up, placing me on his hip and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Thanks Freddie." I mumble into his shoulder.
He's always so kind and considerate. We make our way inside and into the Great hall, everyone staring at me and Fred. I wonder why?

He lets me off his back and we sit on the long griffindor table, Fred next to me and across from George and Lee.
"Welcome students" Dumbledore beams down. "Welcome to another magical year at Hogwarts and to some of you that may be your last."
"Woo!" I cheer
He looks down on our group laughing at me as the whole hall turns round to face me laughing with me. Freds eyes fall on me and he laughs shaking his head at me.
"Yes that's right Y/N, woo! Only two years for you. I won't have to put up with the constant troubles you, Mr Jorden and the twins make." everyone laughs.
"You love us really" you shout, "never a dull moment!"
"That's quite right Miss Wood"
"Anyway, I want to announce a very special event happening this year,
The triwizard tournament!"
"Your joking" me and Fred scream at the same time.
"No I'm not joking Miss Wood , Mr Weasley!"
Dumbledore begins to explain the tournament.
Just then a loud crack of thunder bellows through the sky as the doors swing open.
"My lord, it's Mad eye Moody!" Someone says up the table.
"Bloody hell! The auror?" Another says.
His glass eye scans the room before landing directly one me, I gulp as he doesn't break contact.

Dumbledore continues explaining about the torment, I don't really care to be honest. But there's a few words that I instantly pick up on,
"Anyone below the age of 17, will not be able to compete in the tournament." Thank god, it meant that Fred and George couldn't enter.

With this the twins start to complain but I just roll my eyes.

Dumbledore goes on about the regular notices and explains that there will be two new schools joining us. I wonder who.

"And now." Dumbledore began, "I would like to present Beuxbatons girls." With this my head instantly shot up as many familiar faces entered the room, all scanning around for me. They all smile brightly when they catch my eye and that's when I see her, my best friend.
Fleur Delacor.

When she sees me, she ditches her head mistresses words to walk to the front, screams and comes pelting towards me. I jump up from my seat and engulf her in a hug. The whole rooms eyes darting towards me.

Speaking in French:
"Oh I have missed you." I say.
"I've missed you so much Y/N! I can't believe I get to be here. And you got kicked out! That wasn't fair, not even allowing you to say goodbye."

In English:
We get interrupted by professor Dumbledore.
"Y/N would you please release miss Delacor and allow her to sit."
"It's been two years sir!" I complain, only to realise I've said it in French and the whole room is looking at me confused.

"Shit!" I say in English, "sorry professor, wrong language." With this he laughs along with the hundreds of eyes on me, before returning to my seat next to Fred.
"You can speak French?" He whispers.
"Freddie, I think you've forgotten that I was sent to France at age 3." I laugh.
"Oh yeah." He replies, looking down, and I could have sworn I saw George mouth something consisting of the word love.

I'm then dragged out my seat yet again, by Fleur, over to the group of my old friends. I'm taken into many hugs as I say my hellos. The Head Mistress, Madam Maxime, looked at me quite sternly. Oops.

Once I return to my seat, Madam Maxime addresses the hall, "hello Dumbledore, it's nice to see you. Hello Hogwarts students. I would just like to say thank you for having us and I'm sorry about the state of my hair, I was hit by a rather strong spell." She looks directly at me and I start to laugh.

The whole room again turns to me as I continue to piss myself with laughter, the boys around me joining in.
The teachers stare at me in utter confusion whilst the same woman glares harder at me.
I speak up with a laugh, "look I already told you that you should move out the way. But I think your hair looks rather nice."

The whole room erupts in laughter after gasping at my words, this makes me break down harder in my seat. Her hair that once hung low now big and poofy with the ends burnt to a crisp. I could have sworn that I saw Professor Mcgonagall chuckle.

That's when Dumbledore announces the next school, and in rush lots of boys doing tricks, the Durmstrangs. Each one look towards me as I'm sat on the table instead of the bench. I get multiple winks which I return laughing.

That's when another catches my eye.
"Victor get back here!" His headmaster calls at him.
"I will be back in a minute." He says, in the best possible English he could speak. I look around and that's when I see him, walking towards me, completely not caring about the other students gasping at the sight of him.
"That's Krum!"
"Victor Krum!"
"Of course he goes for wood."
"Well what do you expect she's a professional quidditch player"
"No, she was a professional quidditch player."
The last one comes from no other than Angelina Johnson.

He rushes towards me, lifts me from my feet, pulling me into a hug and spinning me around. He pulls me to the front with him, still cradling me in his arms, refusing to let go. I laugh as I'm taken away from the table. I look around and see every pair of eyes is on us. His friends start to snigger and make a few comments.
"Wow he wasn't lying she's stunning."
"I need her autograph."
"Never mind her autograph I need her address."

I look over Victors shoulder and stick my middle finger up at the boys, who become embarrassed and look away. Vic laughs in my ear. "Oh how I've missed you."
"And I've of course missed you."
"Ready to meet your team?" He asks.
"Course I am, will meet them in two weeks I think. Just after the champion selection." I reply.

"Hem hem." Somebody suddenly coughs, we turn around to see that everyone is still looking at us and Dumbledore is laughing.
"Mr Krum would you please mind putting down my student." Dumbledore says to Vic.

Vics not very open about things, except to me, he however, doesn't get embarrassed really easy, and says things how it is.
"No can do professor, I don't think I can let this one go after not seeing her for two years." He laughs.

Dumbledore laughs in response and I receive a rather nasty grin from Victors headmaster.
Ignoring him, I am taken over to his friends that greet me.

"Nice to meet you, i see what you were talking about Krum, very pretty in deed." A boy says to me.
"She is isn't she." Vic laughs. I laugh with them, mumbling thanks.

I look over to Fred who's staring at me, jealousy written all over his face. Come on, I've told him that me and Vic are just friends.

I stand up, saying my goodbyes to the boys and make my way back over to Fred. I gain whistles from a few of the already seated Durmstrang boys who are talking to the Hogwarts boys about me. Fantastic.

"Y/N can you come here please?" I turn to see Dumbledore signalling me to join him at the podium. My friends look at me with question. I shrug my shoulders and walk towards Dumbledore.

Many eyes are on me whilst Dumbledore begins to speak.
"I would like to say that every Thursday night as of now, you may go to the quidditch pitch at 6pm, to watch Miss Wood."

I stare at him blankly wondering what he was referring to.
"Here Miss Wood will be training the English professional quidditch team for the World Cup this year. Performing as not only centre chaser again, but as CAPTAIN!"

I shake my head as the hall erupts in cheers and Dumbledore tells me to return to my seat. People throw winks my way, but I don't really care. I'm more interested in Fred, who looks pale and sad.

I sit down next to him, ignoring the questions I'm being asked and place a hand on his knee, making him flinch.
"Are you alright Freddie?" I whisper.
"What. Oh yeah I'm fine." He says, sending me a reassuring smile before deepening the conversation.

After eating we make our way up to the common room chatting. Fred and George still want to enter even though there's an age restriction. Walking back I turn a corner and walk straight into someone's chest sending us both flying back. Cedric! Someone had told me that he had a thing for me. As for me, I never felt the same way back. I don't know why, he's perfectly nice and super good looking, I just don't feel that way about him, maybe due to a certain Weasley.
"Oops sorry Y/N" he says laughing whilst he helps me up "wasn't watching where I was going. I've been so worried, did you get back from the cup safely?"
"Hey Ced, yeah I got a little hurt but I'm fine now? How was summer?" I ask making conversation.
"Not bad thank you, how about you?" He asked.
"Yeah great apart from Freds constant pranking." I laugh. Cedric looks behind me to see Fred. I turn around and see him, Fred looks like he wants to tare Cedrics head off. Must still be mad about Hufflepuff beating us at quidditch last year.

"Fred how nice to see you" Cedric says smirking.
"Pretty boy" Fred replies nodding. He's always called Cedric this and to he completely honest, I have no idea why.
"Anyway, we should get going, see you round Ced." I say pulling Freds arm to hurry him along.
"Yeah, see you round Y/N" he calls after me.

When we reached the dorm, Scott was sat on his bed. His eyes immediately looked me up and down whilst nodding to himself. "Eyes off Scott" I heard Fred say.
"But she's a pretty sight to see, that one" he said still staring.
"I'm warning you now, you get your eyes off her or my fist will be the last thing you see." Fred replied. This made me chuckle, I always knew Fred was protective of me, but never like this. "Alright, alright I'm going, see you've changed over the summer though Y/N"
Scott said.
What did he mean? I've changed? How?
With that Scott left the room.
"Thanks Freddie." I say hugging him.
"Anytime love" he replies smiling.

I sat down on his bed. "Freddie, what did he mean I've changed over summer?" I ask.
Fred immediately looked uncomfortable.
"Well, erm. I don't really know how to say this but your body has changed quite a bit."
"What?" I ask.
"Y/N look, there's been some changes in your body." He says nervously.
"Like what?" I ask genuinely confused, "Fred just say it how it is"
"Fine, you've grown In areas that are more personal such as your hips and chest. And your even prettier than before. Your skins glowing, your hairs got lighter and your cheek bones have taken form." Fred said bluntly, still not trying to make eye contact.

How did he know this and I don't? I decided to ask him.
"I have? How do you know? Is it really that obvious?" I stand in front of the mirror stood sideways, he was right, my hips had become more formed making my stomach look smaller. My chest had also grown, how could I not have noticed. My skin had cleared up and my eyebrows more arched.
"Y/N don't worry about it, it's a good thing it makes you look even prettier, only problem for me now is that other boys won't be able to take their eyes of you!" Wait what, why is that a problem for him.
"Fine anyway, what do you need to show me?" I ask changing the subject.
"Nothing really, I just like to spend time with you." He says.

"Alright then. Erm I sort of have a problem though." I say quietly.

His eyes immediately fill with worry and he stands up, "what? What's wrong?"
"Erm your mum kind of forgot to change my bandages on my stomach and I'm kind of bleeding everywhere." I mumble.

Fred walks over to me and wipes the tear that has fallen from my eye. "It's alright. We will take you to Madam Pomfreys. Can I take a look though?" He asks.

I nod slowly as he lifts my shirt slightly, gasping at the sight where my stitches had opened.
"Y/N this is bad! We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey." He says.
I nod in acceptance and he picks me up carefully bridal style, bringing me out of the room.

He leads me into the common room and the attention immediately turns to me. Both Lee, George, the 'golden trio' and multiple other friends come running over towards me.

"Oh my fucking god Y/N!" George shouts.
"Frederick Fucking Weasley! I swear if this is your doing!" Lee screams at Fred. I wondered how they knew but then noticed the blood soaking through my white shirt.

"No it wasn't my fucking doing Lee! Now all of you, out the way so I can get her to the hospital wing!" Fred screams.

They all gulp and take a step back, it wasn't that often Fred got angry. He quickly led me out of the common room, rushing to the hospital wing. I was now covered in blood as we ran through the halls, I felt like I would pass out at any moment.

Suddenly a new hand is pressed to my back as I lay in Freds arms. "God, is she alright?" The voice of Ced asks.
"Yes I'm getting her to the hospital Cedric. I need to move quickly so if you'd mind moving out the way please." I hear Fred say. I didn't have the energy to even look up, so left my head in Freds chest.
"Look I can take her from here?" Cedric asks, pulling his arms further around me. No Fred! Please don't leave me! I wanted Fred to take me so badly, not Cedric.

"No it's fine. She would want me with her." Fred says calmly, although I could feel him tense up.
"Yes but she'd want me there more." Cedric scoffed.
"Look Diggory, I haven't got time to argue with you about this, I know Y/N's situation and right now she's the top of my priorities. So I'm taking her to the hospital wing, so move now." Fred said sternly. I admired him for this. In fact I was proud of him. For being understanding with Cedric so that he didn't fight with him, but instead made me the most important thing on his mind, not the obvious jealousy he showed with Cedric.

We continued waking quickly and Fred would say comforting things such as
'Nearly there darling'
Or 'your going to be alright.'
'I won't let anything happen to you'

We eventually reach the hospital wing where I hear Fred explain the situation to Poppy.
"Right Fred, I need you to do me a favour. I know she trusts you with her life. I need you to remover her shirt Fred. I can't stop mixing this otherwise it won't work, is that alright Fred?" Poppy asks him.
Fred speaks nervously, "y..yes of course."

I have no energy to move or protest, not that I would. Out of all people, I'm glad it's Fred. I trust him more than anyone in my life, so if someone was going to help me, I'd rather it he him.

I feel his soft hands on my stomach, as he carefully lifts the shirt over my head, leaving me in only my bra.

Freds pov:
"I need you to remove her shirt Fred."
Oh god. She'd want me to wouldn't she? She wouldn't mind knowing the situation we were in? Oh god I'm just going to do it. I felt so bad knowing I couldn't act for permission.

I take a deep breath before clasping the bottom of her shirt and pulling it over her head. My eyes go wide at the state of her, blood is pooled everywhere, the bandage that bloody, it's no longer white. The thing is, why did it suddenly begin to open up. I know my mum said the stitches were only temporary and that Y/N would need to see Poppy back at school, but surely it shouldn't have happened like that.

I hear madam Pomfrey gasp at the side of me, indicating that it really must be as bad as it looks. She instantly begins to unravel the bandage, revealing the most gruesome thing I've ever seen. It's absolutely huge, it seemed to have widen even more than it did on the night it happened.

Madam Pomfrey instantly begins to pour liquids onto the cut, causing Y/N to scream unconscious in pain. Tears form from my eyes as I watch her suffer, knowing full well that there's nothing I can do to help her. I hold her hand tightly at the side, watching the scene play out.

A little while later, madam Pomfrey wraps Y/N in a fresh bandage before turning to me, "that was very bad Fred. She will have to stay in a few days. After that you'll have to keep a close eye on her, even if she lays on it funny, it could cause something to reopen."

I quickly nod and my gaze turns back to the tired girl, whose eyes are fluttering open. "Love your awake. How are you feeling now?" I ask.

"Do you want the lie or the truth?" She moans groggily.
"The truth." I say.
"Like I've been hit by a bus." She laughs.

"Trust you to be cracking jokes about this." I laugh.
"Well someone's gotta keep the air positive, especially with you sad bastard crying for the last hour." She laughs.
"You were awake?" I ask, slowly rubbing the back of my neck.
"Course I was. And I found it rather cute Freddie. And before you say anything, yes it's fine that you took off my shirt, just like you were thinking, I trust you more than anyone." She laughs again.

Oh god, I forgot that she could read minds whenever she wanted to.
"You read my mind?" I ask scared.
"Sorry, you can't always control it, it's said that when your in immense pain it just does it, only for a few seconds though, so all I saw was you questioning about taking my shirt off." She says. Oh thank god.

"It's alright love." I whisper.
"I mean it though Freddie, thank you for being so considerate, it means the world to me." She says softly, holding my hand that's placed at the side of her bed.

Authors note:
Hey everyone. Hope you enjoy this chapter, something I just did last minute.
Hope your all well. Xxx

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