Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 25- the cup

1.8K 53 13
By marauderserafan01

Mention of broken bones

Y/N pov:
"Y/N, for gods sake get up!" I felt someone shaking my shoulders violently.
"Piss off."
"Y/N it's the day of the cup! We've got to get going! We've got to walk to the port key."
I recognised the voices of both Hermione and Ginny.
"Get lost losers I'll apperate." I say.
"Y/N, you may have got your apperating license before you should but that doesn't mean you have to be lazy!"
I had gotten my license from Dumbledore after he had found out about me saving Bill.
"It's fine by me." I say.

The two girls huff and leave the room.
"Y/N darling. Come on. You've got to come with us, it'll be boring without you. Plus you know where it is and you can introduce us to your famous people."
"For gods sake Fred. I'm up." He had begun bouncing up and down on my bed.
"Good, now join me downstairs for breakfast." He said.

I forced myself up and got ready. Normal hair, normal make up, but I pulled on Freds jumper over my clothes before walking downstairs.

"Good morning, I hope you slept well." Molly beamed as I entered the family sat at the table. They were all laughing at me.
"Yeah great thanks Molly did you?" I received a yes thank you reply before taking my usual seats.
"Where's Bill, Charlie and Percy?" I ask.
"They're apperating." Ron said.
"What! They're allowed to apperate! So you got me up when you know full well I don't have to walk." I moaned slamming my head on the table.

"She really doesn't like mornings does she?" Ginny said to George.
"That's why her and Fred make the perfect couple." He replied, echoing laughter farting around the kitchen.
I groaned in frustration not having the will power to fight back.

Tons of sweets emerged from the twins pockets as Molly went ballistic at them.

After what felt like an eternity of arguing, Arthur announced it was time to go, so I quickly ran upstairs, to get the tickets, leaving the other three on the counter for the boys. We bid Molly goodbye and Fred and George trailed at the back of everyone.
"Cheer up guys. Come on we will persuade her eventually." I said.
"Yeah but Y/N those really were the last ones! We spent 6 months doing those, making them, testing them, making antidotes and now they've all gone to waste!" Fred moaned.
"Look, your the Weasley Twins. The best pranksters I know, other than myself of course. So I'm positive that we can recreate the rest of them,"

"The rest of them?" They asked in sync.
I pull out a handful of the sweets I had managed to grab off of the kitchen counter, "you really think I don't know talent when I see it?" I laugh.

I got pulled into hugs as one of the boys speak to me, "how will we ever repay you?"
It was Fred being sarcastic as usual.
"Turn around." I say.
With that I hop onto his back, "onward" I say, pointing to the others. He laughs as he carries me along to the group.

Eventually we reach the top of the hill to see a man I've grown to love. "Bout time Arthur."
Amos Diggory. I jump of Freds back to greet the man.
"Some of us had a sleepy start." He said, looking around towards me. When Amos saw me, he ignored the rest of the group and ran towards me, pulling me into the tightest hug ever, "Y/N how lovely to see you again. What a gorgeous young woman you've become. I couldn't believe it when Ced told me about your quidditch, you really did make it Y/N"

"Thanks Amos, where's Ced?" I ask.
Just then, a boy jumped from the tree, shaking hands with Arthur and making his way over to me, "there's my bestie." He laughed.

We did the handshake we made when we were little and made light chatter for a while.
He turned to Fred and George, "hey Fred, hey George." He held out his hand for them to shake.
"Hey Cedric." George shook the boys hand.
"Pretty boy." Fred nodded towards him.
Cedric rolled his eyes before excusing himself to catch up with his father.

"Fred you really need to get over yourself, he beat us ONE game last year. Please atleast try to be nice. You know he means a lot to me."

Fred just rolled his eyes and sighed before pulling me over to the ugly boot centred in the field. Great. A portkey.

We placed our hands on it, it began spinning us around.
"Harry!" He quickly took hold of the boot. The familiar sickening feeling had begun as Arthur told us all to let go.

CRASH. The ground was surprisingly soft. I look up to see Cedric and the parents coming down to the ground with ease.
"Hey. The grounds really soft." I say, looking at Cedric.
He laughs until I hear a voice from beneath me, "that would because your on me love."
"Oh shit! Sorry Fred." I laugh, jumping off of him.

The next thing you know is there's a loud groan coming from our right, I see George hunched up in a ball.
"Rough fall mate?" I ask.
"It's..."he replies in between whines. I start to laugh as he rolls over to reveal a sharp rock underneath him.

This makes me and Fred die with laughter at the sight of him. "Shut it Y/N. Not all of us could have had a boyfriend to break the fall."

"He's your boyfriend?" Ced asks, he wiggles his eyes brows at me, he was the only one I'd ever told about my feelings for Fred.

Fred then got a bit defensive, "yes she's my girlfriend. And I'll be talking her over here now." He pulled me away from the group and walked with me.
"What's up Freddie?" I ask.
"Nothing love, just stressed about my mum." He admits, although I feel this wasn't the case.
I reply with a simple 'ok' before joining in with the groups conversations.

"Right Arthur. We have that tent over there. So I'll see you later, Ced. Bye Amos." I say leading Arthur away.

I perform a simple spell on the tent and the group look at me confused. "In you go." I say.

They follow orders and stumble into the tents where their eyes go wide. I had made the tents look huge on the inside. "Y/N this is awesome." Mr Weasley said.

"Get our of the kitchen Ron we are all hungry!" Arthur suddenly expressed.
"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" Said Fred and George from the table with their feet up.

"Feet off the table!" Shouted Arthur
"Feet off the table." They laughed.

I was sat on my bed, painting my nails green when Fred came up to me. "You wanna go out and explore a bit?"
"Yeah go on then." I finished my nails and grabbed my wand before heading out of the tent. It was a little darker and we had been joined by the three older boys.
"Y/N this is amazing!" Bill said, running to hug me.
"Yeah it's alright." I laugh, "anyway, Arthur is it alright if me and Fred take a look around. I know my way."
"Yes that's fine Y/N but make sure you stick together." He says.

With that I take Fred by the hand, guiding him in and out of the crowd.
"You want to take a look what the stadiums like empty?" I ask.
"What? You can actually do that?" He says in disbelief.
"Well you probably can't, but your with me so you'll be fine." I laugh.
I lead him through the trees and up a hill. We can sneak onto the roof from the tree. It was as gorgeous as I remembered it.
"Woah!" Fred said mouth Ajar. "Wouldn't you love to play there?"
"Kind of did Freddie." I laugh.
"Oh yeah." He says realisation kicking in. "Was it as good as they all say it is? You know the feeling of freedom but power at the same time?"
"It was amazing. Too hard to describe. Incredible to know all those people were cheering for you, but at the same time scary knowing you could let them all down. I miss it. And everyday I think about going back." I say honestly.
"Then do it. Go back. I can tell it's your dream. Also they're lost without you. Everyone knew you were the best player." He says.
"Thanks Freddie, but I don't know. However now I haven't got my "mother" stopping me, I just might. What's life without a little risk. Besides, my injury count isn't near as high as it should." I joked.
"I'd come to every one of your games." He says, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"I know you would. In fact, you better." I laugh. "Anyway come on, there's something I want to grab."

We begin walking back towards the crowds of people, I put my hood up to make sure no one recognises me.
"Why've you got your hood up?" Fred asks, raking my hand.
"I'm trying to avoid people recognising me. It's frustrating." I sigh. "Now wait here a minute"

I return later with a bag. "Come on Freddie, lets go back."

"What's in the bag Y/N?" George asks.
"Oh I bought some face paints, thought it would be cool. Bought a couple of Ireland scarves as well, I can't wear one of course because vic would kill me, even if I do know Ireland will win." I say.
"Yeah but Krum won't see you." Says Charlie.

"Oh actually we are going to see him after the game." I say. Everyone suddenly screams in excitement, especially the girls. "What it's only Vic. I just thought that if I'm going you might as well come with me. I haven't seen him in nearly two years."
"Y/N this is awesome. Is he really that good looking in real life?" Ginny squeals.
"Erm I don't know how to answer that one Gin. He's my close friend."

"Yeah your close friend that you nearly slept with." Adds Ron.
I receive a look from Percy on this matter as he shakes his head. I hold my hands up in surrender.

"Anyway, moving on. Who wants their faces painted?" I ask.
"Me!" Shouts George before anyone else can answer.

I go inside the tent and sit at the side of George.
"Ok what do you want Georgie?" I ask.
"A clover please, covering half my face!" He says excitedly. I get to work, being very precise on detail until it's complete.
"That's Y/N! He says, running out of the tent.

"My turn love." Fred says entering the room. He sits himself on the counter in the bathroom, in front of the wide mirror.
I stand in between his legs.
"Ok what do you want?" I ask.
"Can I have the flag on my cheeks please." He replies.
I begin to paint his face, careful to get every detail which is hard due to the fact that he won't stop moving.
"Freddie stand still!"
"I'm trying love but it tickles!" He laughs.
I laugh with him.
"Alright your done."
"Wow Y/N it looks great!" He says, peering into the mirror. "Your turn."
He paints a small clover on my cheek and I laugh at his tongue sticking out in concentration.
He says, "something small, I don't want to cover up your pretty face."

I blush madly at this, and he takes my arm, he dips his finger in the paint again before writing 'Fred's' up my arm.
"Now everyone knows your with me." He laughs.

God he's cute.

"Right, Y/N, Fred? Ready to go?" Arthur sticks his head through the tent.
"Dad leave them their snogging!" Came the shouts of George, followed by laughter.

I begin to walk out with Fred and I whisper in his ear, "I've got a surprise for everyone. I've been asked to do something by Fudge. I just wanted to let you know, I'm not telling you though."

He nods as we make our way to the stadium.
"Blimey dad, how high up are we?" Admires Ron.
"Well let me put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know. What are you doing it the Ministers box? Surely you couldn't afford this Arthur." A voice I can't stand says.

Arthur is about to reply, when I turn around meeting the mans gaze. "Oh erm, Miss Wood. How lovely to see you."

"I suggest you move along now......
Uncle." I say sternly.
"You know?" He asks.
"Of course I do. Now if you'll please leave, I'm going to head back." I walk back to Fred to hear the conversation still continuing.

"Honestly though Arthur. How would someone of your class be able to afford something like this? Surely the house didn't cost enough."

That's it, I'm going to flip.
"I'm warning you now. You say anything more and I'll throw you down those stairs, family or not. And you Draco, don't look so smug, next to your daddy. Now run along. We have a game to watch." I threaten.

Arthur turns to me appreciatively, "thank you Y/N."
"No worries." I say.

"Ahhh finally, Miss Wood how pleased I am to see you again." The minister turns to me, indicating to the seat next to him.
"Cornelius, how lovely. Thank you again for my invite and allowing my guests to be here." I say politely shaking his hand. He shakes Arthur's hand before showing the others to their seats. I'm sat next to the minister as requested and Fred. The others either in front or to the left.

"You know Y/N this is the Bulgarian minister, although I'm sure you remember." Fudge says indicating to the man on his right, "I was hoping that you might be able to translate."

"You can speak Bulgarian?" Fred whispers in my ear. I nod slightly before turning and speaking to the Bulgarian minister.

**in Bulgarian.
"Hello minister, how lovely to see you again. I'm looking forward to catching up with Victor again."
"Hello Y/N, it's been a while. Krum has spoken so highly of you, glad to know you have both kept in touch."

*back to English.
"Oh Y/N, I do hope that you will reconsider our offer. I would like to see England great again next year." Fudge says to me.
"I've been thinking about that actually, and if I can be guaranteed to continue training at Hogwarts I will be willing to take my place." I say.
"Of course Y/N. So will you accept?" He asks.
"Of course." I say. He beams at me.
"Did I just hear you right?" Asks Fred.
"Yep. Quidditch next year for me baby!" I scream, laughing loudly.
"Oh I simply must announce this Y/N," the minister says, "we will announce it later alright?"
"Yes sir." I say.

Shortly later the teams mascots appear onto the pitch. The Veelas sent everyone loopy and George tried to jump the railing, Fred however, was staring at me.

"You ready Y/N?" The minister asks, motioning for me to step up.
"As I'll ever be." I say excitedly standing up.

"Where are you going?" Asks Fred, the whole Weasley family turn to look at me.
"You'll see. Got to do my chores haven't I minister?" I laugh.
"Indeed you have Y/N" he laughs. I take his hand and step into a bedroom, soaring out onto the pitch. My face appears on the big screens as I land onto the podium in the middle.

There's screams and cheers and I wave to the crowd and people begin to chant my name, "Wood, Wood, Wood, Wood!"

"SILENCE!" The minister announces.
"Now welcome all to the annual Quidditch World Cup!" He waits for the cheers to calm down before continuing. "It is my great honour, that I present Y/N WOOD! Now as Miss Wood is here tonight, she will be releasing the balls and handing the trophy to whoever will be this years World Cup winners.
Now as we are on the subject, before we will begin, it is my greatest pleasure that I announce, the return of Y/N WOOD as not only chased for England once again this year. BUT AS ENGLANDS CAPTAIN!"

Cheers erupt the stadium once again as I look to see Fred looking gobsmacked.

"Y/N would you like to say anything?" The minister turns to me. I take my wand using it as a microphone bellowing over the crowd
"Well I don't know how to follow that." I say, laughing echoing in the arena, "but I guess all I can say is, I can't wait to be back, and this time next year let's hope I'll not being doing this, and I'll be receiving that cup instead. But for now, it's my great privilege, to announce the start of the World Cup! HERE WE GO, IRELAND AND BULGARIA TO THE PITCH!"

Screams erupt as my favourite friend zooms to me, the camera is on us as I do a backflip midair landing on the back of Victors broom, I hug him tightly as the crowd screams even louder, "missed you."
"Oh I missed you too Y/N!" He says to me, hugging me. Right let's get you to the balls then shall we?"

He drops me off as I shout back to him, "good luck vic!" He nods in my direction before zooming off to take his place.

I speak into the mic once again. "Now I trust you all know the rules, if you don't I haven't got a clue what your doing here." I receive laughs again from this statement, "but Captains, shake hands please!" They shake hands before turning towards me. "With that I declare the game has BEGUN!" With my complete and utter force I launch the balls into the air before jumping back on my broom and heading back to see the Weasleys.

Freds pov:

"Y/N's captain!!! Wow!" I scream to my family.
"That's my sister!" Screamed Bill cheering.
Y/N did a backflip and landed on the back of Krums broom.

"HOLY SHIT!" I scream, "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!" I know she wasn't, but there was no harm pretending for a little while longer.

Everyone in the box turn to me, "what?" I ask.
"YOUR HER BOYFRIEND?" A random man asks me.
"Yeah?" I reply nervously.
"That means you automatically gain free tickets to every England game! Bro your so lucky! And to have a girl like that wow! I'd love to meet her." He exclaims.

At that moment Y/N walks back into the main box in which cameras are placed, she bows deeply laughing at all of our reactions.
"What?" She asks.
"Fucking hell Y/N that was awesome! Your returning back not only to play for England, but as Captain!!! And that backflip was awesome Y/N! You just started the World Cup! You had over 60 million people cheer for you!" I say, running over to give her a hug.
"Oh well." She says, before taking her seat once again.

Ludo Bagmin starts to commentate the match as Y/N and the ministers talk. She can speak Bulgarian as well, wow. The words just rolled off her tongue.

"Y/N. Once you arrive at Hogwarts you will have to train harder than ever before. As your Captain not only will you have to attend your little Hogwarts matches but the counties as well. I'll be in contact with Dumbledore and I will provide a way for your team to get to you. You will train them at the grounds at Hogwarts, and no one must disrupt." The minister says to Y/N.

"That's fine by me sir." She replies.

The game was shortly over and Krum caught the snitch, Ireland however were already 160 points ahead so still won the game. Y/N had flown off again and announced the winner, handing the cup to Ireland and flying around the pitch.

"Dad when will she be coming back?" I asked.
"She has to do a few laps of honour Fred." My dad replied, "as she announced the winner, she has to fly with them and the minister. I can't believe it Fred! I'm telling you, this will make her even more popular. If it's true you love her, you make sure she knows it."

"I will dad."


Hey everyone. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Three chapters out today! Safe to say I've been incredibly bored. Anyway hope you all enjoy.
Have a good night. Xxx

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