Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 11- The trance

2.1K 58 15
By marauderserafan01

Freds pov:
"George!" I whisper, shaking my twin from his tired state.
I receive a groan in reply, "what Fred?"
"I just asked Y/N to be my fake girlfriend and she said yes!!!" I said excitedly.
George immediately opens his eyes and begins to laugh, "oh your not joking" he stops laughing.
"Fred, that's just fucking sad, get a grip and ask her for real."
"Baby steps George, baby steps. If we act like we're together, not only will the other guys lay off her, but she might actually like it" I say in hope.
"Whatever you say Fred" George replies, drifting back to sleep.

Y/N pov:
"HELP HE'S HERE!" I jump out of bed to see Fred already awake, jolting up in the same form as me. He takes my hand, and we instantly run along the corridor to where the scream came from. We see a couple of boys surrounding a dorm, so we join them. Looking in, it's revealed to be the fourth year boys dorm. Ron lay in his bed, surrounded by people asking questions.
I make out his words, "He was here! He had a knife! He nearly killed me! Told me to tell him where Harry was! I refused! But then he asked where Y/N was!"
That's it! Panic washed over me. Sirius Black, mass murderer is looking for me. "Y/N. Enjoy your sleep" an evil cackle rings through my ears.

It was as if I was struck by lightning. I'm falling backwards, the floor moving from under my feet. Gone, totally gone.

Freds pov:
"But then, he asked where Y/N was!"
"Y/N" I scream, louder than ever before. She'd fainted, into my arms. She'd gone completely. Immediately having heard the screams, the professors barge in. Mcgonagall starts to ask questions to Ron, but I'm too focused on Y/N to even listen.
"STOP!" I yell, catching the teachers shocked attention, "help her, please" I say indicating towards the fallen girl in my arms. She seems so out of it. She suddenly begins shivering, her head moving back and forward shaking. There was nothing I could do, except support her head. She starts to scream and cry and suddenly blood emerges from under her top.

The teachers start to scan the room, no one was in sight. They immediately clear the room of everyone and they rush over to her. They try to get me to leave, but there was no way I'm having that. I remain, the girls head in my lap. A tear runs from my eye, falling onto her reddening cheek, the worst part is, there's nothing I can do to help her.

I'm told to let go of her, but I can't bring myself to do it. Not being able to remove her from my grasp, the professor orders that I take her to madam pomfrey immediately. So that's what I do, I pick her up. She looks tiny in my arms, she's panicking and doesn't even know it.

When I reach the hospital, I lay the girl down on the first bed I see and instantly run for help. As it being the middle of the night, a very sleepy Madam Pomfrey, runs out to sort Y/N. I'm asked to leave yet again. Why can people not understand that I'm staying whether they like it or not. I sit down by her bed, grasping her hands, trying to get her to stop shaking. But it doesn't work. Madam Pomfrey casts charms upon charms, but nothing is making a difference.

Almost 2 months later:
Molly Weasleys pov:
"Mum! She's still not awake. I'm going to lose her! I can't lose her mum, I just can't!! She means too bloody much to me!" My son cries in front of me, on his knees head in his hands. I've not seen Fred cry since he was 5 years old, and here he is, distraught at loosing this girl. She must mean an awful lot to him.

There's nothing that I can do, nothing I can do to help Y/N or my son. I pull him into a hug, and I sit next to him at Y/N's bedside. He hardly moves, the only time he moves is when he needs the bathroom, or when he is forced to go to dinner. Otherwise he sits and he cries. He's a mess. His eyes look dreadful, he is pale. He looks sick. Please wake up Y/N! I need you back! I need my son back!

Y/N's Pov:
"I've got your precious boyfriend!" A voice calls. I'm surrounded by fields. I run towards the voice, fire engulfing around me.
"Y/N!" I hear a voice, Mollie Weasley? Professor Lupin?

I'm distracted by the endless cackling coming from the other side of the flames. I take the opportunity, wand in hand and jump over the fire.
"Y/N no!" An unknown voice booms over the rest.
I come face to face with a woman, curly brown hair and the glare of a snake. Fred hung from her grasp, knife to his neck.
"No! Don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him. I'll go with you! Just don't hurt him!"
"Y/N no!" Fred screams. The witch digs the knife deeper in his neck causing blood to trickle down his neck.
"Come to your senses have you? Doing the thing you'd hate for a pathetic red headed blood traitor, I still have no idea what he wants from you. Now go" She pushes Fred to the ground and clasps my arm tightly, before disapperating with me. The last view I get is the only place I could call home, being taken into flames, the love of my life, struggling on the ground. The unknown man, still screaming for me to return.

End of trance:

After what felt like years of repeating the same dream over and over again. It stops. I can hear faint whispers. Someone's crying.
"What if she never wakes up George? I can't loose her! She's too important to me!" A voice shouts, sobbing.
"I know we all love her, but Freddie. You've got to let her go! It's been 2 months and she hasn't woken up! What makes you think she's going to? You can't sit here, you haven't eaten a proper meal since it happened. You look absolutely awful."
"Fred, Y/N's like a sister to me! She really is! And I love her to death, but you've got to look after yourself. She wouldn't want this! What would she say if she saw you like this? Refusing to eat? Refusing to talk to anyone?"
"I don't know. But look, she means so much to me. She knows she does. Imagine if I wasn't here when she wakes up! George don't you dare say anything! She will wake up"
"Look Fred. We are just looking out for you. She wouldn't be happy to see you in this state. To see you fussing over her and not living your life, imagine what she'd say"

The room falls silent so I take it as my chance to surprise the three boys I had begun to know so well. I open my eyes, and they all are facing away, in deep discussion.

"Actually, I would say he's the sweetest boy I've ever met, but needs to get a grip and look after himself" I mumble. My head still hurting. The three heads snap up and I'm suddenly crushed on the bed.

"You ever leave me like that again and I'll have to kill you!" My favourite red head grins. The other boys hug me and head out of the room to fetch Madam Pomfrey, it's only know that I get a good look at Fred. He's laid at the side of me, a hand secured my waist. His eyes are bloodshot and filled with tears, his under eye swollen, with thick black bags. His hair messy and his usual grin faded.

He begins to cry again. This is the first time I've ever seen the boy get upset.
"Hey, hey it's alright. I'm here" I say soothingly, pulling him in for another hug. He tries to tell me how worried he's been but can't get the words out over the sobs.
"It's alright darling" I say.

Freds pov:
"She will wake up"
"Look Fred. We are just looking out for you. She wouldn't be happy to see you in this state. To see you fussing over her and not living your life, imagine what she'd say" George says.

I wipe my eyes again, ignoring the pain running through my face as I touch them.

"Actually, I would say he's the sweetest boy I've ever met, but needs to get a grip and look after himself" I hear a mumble. She's awake! Thank fucking god, she's awake. I've got my girl back! After two months! I've got her back!.

I sit there, and I cry. I cry and I cry and I cry. I'm cuddled in her arms, not able to speak as I cry.

"It's alright darling" she says. I love you. Fred for gods sake tell her you love her. I put my head on her chest and she plays with my hair. I missed her so fucking much.

Madam Pomfrey rushes in, followed by George and Lee, who are now beaming.
"Y/N dear. Finally! You have no idea how worried I've been! Fredrick get off her! Your going to suffocate her!"
"It's alright Poppy" Y/N laughs, "what happened?"
"Well dearie, I'm sorry to have to tell you like this but someone put you into a sleep coma, we have no idea who or how. Most people wouldn't be able to break out of it either, luckily thanks to your strength you've broken yourself out of it, which is nearly impossible. We never thought that you'd wake up again." She says with tears slipping from her eyes.

"Poppy don't cry. Come on! Why is everyone moping me. I'll be alright. I'll tell you, I've experienced some of the scariest dreams in my life but I'm back now! I'll be totally fine." She says trying to stand up.

"Y/N, you mustn't leave dear" Poppy says, "your too weak."

This won't end well, not with Y/N's stubbornness. Knowing her, she will be back on her broom before the end of the week.
"Poppy, I feel absolutely fine and I have more important things to deal with right now" she says, indicating to me.

She's lying there, after two months of suffering torture, realistic nightmares running through her head constantly. She wakes up, and she's trying to take care of me. This girl.

"Y/N no! Mr Weasley will be fine. You need rest!" Poppy tries to explain.

"Poppy, thank you for everything you've done for me over these past two months, but there is no way I need rest. I'm not going to sit here moping when I've already lost two months of my life. That's two months I'll never get back! And I'm not going to waste anymore." This girl.

She strokes my hair comfortingly, and Madam Pomfrey gives up.
"Poppy, by any chance do you have a potion for Freds eyes?" Y/N asks, moving her hands from my hair, lifting my chin and looking at my stained eyes. I'd not viewed them yet, but from the way people stared when they past me, I knew they were bad.
"Yes dear." She passes me a potion and I try to refuse stating that I'm alright, but Y/N insists.

After making sure I'm alright, Y/N's eyes drift to the edge of her bed, noticing the hundreds of 'get well soon' cards and sweets. Despite the circumstances, it was a funny sight, seeing her shocked face. She laughed, god id missed that laugh so fucking much.

"Y/N, you should stay in bed a while longer you know. You've just woken up, maybe take it easy" that's no use telling her.
"Fred, do you want me to give you the same lecture again?" She asks. No I don't, I immediately shut up. She quickly shoves my head off her chest and stands. She then realised what she's wearing, look in extremely confused.

"Oh I hope it was alright darling. I changed you a few times. I thought you might be comfier in my jumper instead. I'm sorry if that wasn't alright, normally I'd ask first but obviously I couldn't" I say slowly. She seems hesitant at first but then beams at me.

"You do realise I'm keeping this?" She says with a grin. After seeing months of her scared panic face, I melted with the sight of her smile.

"Anyway, come on then Fredrick. Help me! I'll admit to you, two months of not walking gives you quite the dead leg" she laughs stumbling.

"You really do make a positive out of every situation don't you?" I laugh.
"Course I do." She says, matching the laughter once again.

"Y/N, I have to warn you that there are a lot of concerned people waiting for you here." I say.

"What like who?" She asks, looking confused.

"Well, your mum and dad were supposed to be here, I thought that school was supposed to contact your legal guardians but I guess not. Oh and George must have written to my mum, as she turned up not even an hour after the accident" I say.

Y/N starts laughing madly, especially at my confused expression, "George didn't write to your mum. I probably should have mentioned this sooner, but after the accident durning quidditch, I got asked to fill in some forms, and I kind of put your mum down as my guardian."

She really thinks this high of my family?
She gets on so well with each and every one of them. It's so nice to see.

Y/N becomes really unsteady on her feet. Despite her protests, I quickly wrap an arm under her thigh and the other supports her back, I carry her bridal style out of the room and into the great hall. Hundreds of heads turn towards her, and gasps fill the hall, but over everyone, I see a frantic Oliver Wood running to his little sister.

"Y/N!" He almost screams, making her flinch and burry her head in my chest. I don't know why this bothered her so much. Did something happen I don't know about? Olives makes a gesture for me to pass her over but she just grips onto me tighter.
"Y/N I'm so glad your alright. I'll let you settle but in a few days, we've got to have a talk, especially after I received a letter from mum saying how mad she is she wasn't contacted." He starts to get angry with her, and guilt washed over her face. She doesn't need this right now. I push him out of the way and carry the girl further into the hall where I meet my families gaze. Molly immediately rushes out of her seat and toward the two of us. "Y/N dear. Thank goodness your alright. Come and sit down dear, get some food, you must be starving!"
Suddenly out of no where, we are joined by another red head and a young brown haired witch, Ginny and Hermione.
"Y/N! We are so glad to see you! We have been so worried" Hermione says as we sit down.

Ginny tried to relive the tension. "Not as worried as this one though" she says pointing towards me, making Y/N laugh. I feel myself blush. Every time she laughs it makes butterfly's signal in my stomach, that was when I heard it every time. After two months without it, the feelings have grown worse. Much deeper.

Y/N receives greetings from a number of other students, who she smiles to before leaning her head back on my shoulder.
"Wait" she stops, oh no what's wrong, is she hurt, is she doing to faint again, to my relief the only thing she comes out with is, "what date is it?"
"It's the 20th of February darling" I reply softly, waiting for the reaction.
"WHAT?" She screams, here we go.
The table begins in sympathetic laughs towards the young girl.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't get anyone presents, I feel awful!" This girl. She's been in a coma for two months and is worried about Christmas presents, my dear god. She is the most selfless person I have ever met.

"Y/N dear" my mum replies. "Don't be silly! There's nothing you could have done. I know what will lighten your mood though, there's a stack of gifts in your room for you. As well as Freddie's presents of course"
Y/N smiles but then sends me a confused look before Mum continues, "Fred refused to open his gifts until you were with him"
Y/N sends me a sympathetic smile.

"So what else have I missed?" She asks.
Before I could stop him, knowing that it'll make her already unstable self break even further, Ron begins to tell her about Buckbeeks sentence and the trouble with Malfoy.
Y/N looks like she could cry. But before she does, she catches her tear, and her emotions turn to anger. She was in a bad place right now, it'd be wrong to expect her to not have changes in emotion,
"That little prat!" She screams, storming off down the hall. I quickly run to follow her and round the corner.
To both my horror and amusement, there she is, the 5,3" girl, holding the scared Malfoy by the neck against the wall.

I don't manage to catch their conversation as Malfoy is before I know it, running for the hills, and up the stair case, Y/N still debating whether to follow him or not.

Deciding if most likely wouldn't be the best option, she strolls back over to me and I throw my arm over her, leading her way up the Gryffindor towers.

Y/N pov:
When we reach the dorm, I look around to see quite a few presents addressed to me and Fred scattered around the room. Freds eyes also light up at the sight as he makes it obvious this is the first time he has been up here since that night.

Not sparing another moment, we begin to tear open the many presents. In the end, I receive: a quidditch book from Hermione, sweets from Ron and Harry, new leather quidditch gloves from my brother, a lovely short black dress from Ginny, and nothing yet again from my parents. I wasn't going to dwell on it though, as I don't mind not receiving gifts, it just made me jealous to know that my brother got everything he's ever wanted and I get sent to France instead.
I look to see one more present in the corner of the room, from Molly. To my delight it's my very own knitted jumper with my initial on the front. I've knitted myself a few times, but I was no where near as good as mrs Weasley at it. Normally I'd put it straight on, but because I was wearing the familiar scent of Fred, I couldn't bring myself to take his jumper off.

"Y/N I feel bad! I haven't had a chance to get anyone anything!" Fred turns to me.
"It's fine Freddie, how about we go out next week to Hogsmede and grab what we need, I need to do mine as well remember."
We planned it for the following Saturday, it should be a lot of fun. But I have no idea what to buy for Fred.

After chatting some more, trying to keep our minds with positive thoughts, Fred leaves to go and see his family, and I drift off to a once peaceful sleep.

Time skip:

I wake up bright and early in the morning, not by choice. I roll over and it's 4 in the morning, and there's a ginger in my bed, snoring, his arms wrapped fully around me, I never expected to be doing this with Fred Weasley!

When I saw him, I jumped back, and instantly fell off the bed. I landed with a really loud thud. This shook Fred awake as he quickly hurried over to me, picking me up off the ground and placing me back on the bed.
"Falling for me already Wood?" He replies, oh my god, his morning voice is so hot.
"You wish Weasley, gave me quite the scare I'll admit" I laugh.
"Sorry Y/N. I just wanted to wake up in my girlfriends arms."
I fake a laugh at his cheesy line, but I can't help but see that he's acting serious. I completely forgot about that! The fake dating thing, I guess he still wanted to continue it. I let it go, and we fall back to sleep together.

A few hours later :
"Ready to announce  Hogwarts hottest couple?" Fred grins.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
We walk down the stairs and Fred wraps an arm around my waist, I follow by placing my arm around his. We sit on the couch in the common room, waiting for George and Lee. Before I can sit down, Fred pulls me onto his lap. Whilst we wait, we receive a few glares, mainly from other boys. Angelina passes the common room, seeing my on Freds lap and instantly storms out the common room.

Later we are joined by Ginny, "oh my godric!" She screams when she sees me on Fred. "I knew it! I'm going to tell mum! She's going to be so happy!"
"Ginny wait!" Fred calls. He quickly tells her about the situation and she looks like she could cry. She walks off upstairs with a simple, "that's a shame. You'd make a cute couple"

This makes Fred blush madly. Later we are joined by George and Lee. George laughs his head off at the sight of us, but Lee looks confused. Fred must have told George last night.
George explains the situation to Lee and he bursts out laughing, "that is so sad guys! We know you like each other so just get together already!"
"No we don't!" Me and Fred reply together.
"Aww look already acting like an old married couple" George adds in.
"Piss off" I shout at him.

"Anyway Y/N how you feeling this morning?" They turn to me.
"I'm alright" I lie, knowing something is definitely wrong with me. There had to be a reason why I was placed into a coma. And I was going to find out who did it, and why.

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