Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 6- gryffindor!

2.9K 67 55
By marauderserafan01


This is the updated version of chapter 6, please see towards the end of the chapter for the original.


"Here eat this. It's chocolate."

Looking up, I thought I was hallucinating. Surely due to the result of a dementor attack.

But nooo.
The look in Freds eye confirmed that I was right in what I was seeing.

I had a reason for recognising the man.
That reason being, that he was the very man who me and Fred had decided to dye his hair pink and yellow.

Hilarious for us. Not so much for him.
Until this moment.
For I wasn't finding it was funny now.

"I..I... Thank you?"

The man smiled, he had a nice smile, a warmth or comfort to it almost.
The kind of smile that made you feel guilty, something that I could tell was happening to both me and Fred right now.

"What was that?" Ron exclaimed, listening with both fear and mild interest as he replied.

"That was a dementor. Horribly, nasty creatures they are. I imagine that they're searching the train with... well with Sirius Black being on the lose."

I noticed a slight bit of hesitation in his voice. Was he scared of the man?
I mean, who wouldn't be, he's a murderer.
But I got the sense that it went deeper than that, making a mental note to possibly check that out one day.

"Now. If you excuse me, I think I'll have a little word with the driver."

The five of us exchanged looks as the man left.
Looks of disbelief if you will.

I shook my head as if to rid my thoughts of the dementor we had just encountered and of any thoughts surrounding the strange man and his chocolate.

Putting a brave smile on my face, I turned to the youngest three, "everyone alright?"
My gaze landed on Harry, seeming him shaking slightly and wanting nothing more than to be invisible by the looks of it.

Closing the door to their compartment, me and Fred made our way on a steady walk down the train.
Now becoming even more hesitant than what we were walking up in the first place.

"Are you sure you're alright?"
Looking up, I met Fred's eye, seeing the concern flashing through them as I did my best to smile as if nothing wrong.

"Fine Freddie. I'll be fine."

He slid open the compartment door, the two of us quick to let ourselves in and take seats on the bench.

"Why's your hair look like that?" Lee asked, looking between me and Fred as if nodding his head from side to side.

And that left George to gasp loudly, "YOU SHAGGED."

Followed be a Lee's, "FINALLY"

This would take some explaining.


"It's beautiful."

It really was.
It was impressive more than anything.
It's grand walls stood tall, what Fred had pointed out as the Gryffindor tower being one of the highest points.

I was actually starting to wonder whether I wanted to be a Gryffindor or not.
Something told me there would be a lot of steps involved.

"You're gonna love it!" Fred grinned, once again pushing me forwards as if to direct me to the carriages.

"What are those?" I asked, my nose scrunching up as I looked at the patterned black horse-like creatures.
They were gorgeous, unlike anything I'd ever seen before.

"What are what?"

"Those!" I pointed, "those things over there pulling the carriages."

"There's nothing pulling the carriages." Fred ensured me, looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Oh." I shook my head. The things still not going away as I pretended not to notice them, "must have been a trick of the light."

I sat next to Lee on our carriage ride up to the castle, still a little spooked about seeing a horse pulling the carriages when no one else appeared to notice them.

But nonetheless, the scenery was beautiful.
We passed through forests and fields and finally we arrived at the grand gates.
The ones that could be argued both kept intruders out, but people in.

The carriages didn't take us through the gates. Instead we were made to step down from them, lining up at the metal gates and waiting for an older man stood with a quill and sheet of parchment.

He looked like a right miserable sod if I'm honest.

"That's filch!" Fred had said excitedly, rubbing his hands together with a mischievous smile, it could almost be considered evil.

"Wait." I paused, "THE Filch.... As in, Filch the arsehole who took the dungbombs off you?"

"That'd be him." George nodded, "complete wanker. Deserves to be in Azkaban more than Sirius Black."

I rolled my eyes.

"Jordan Lee."

Sighing, all three of us watched as Lee was allowed out of the bitter cold, straight through the gates and up towards the castle.

Cursing at the fact that our last names began with 'W's' we shuffled every time another kid was allowed through the gates.

"Weasley Fred."

"I'll wait for you on the other side." He winked, patting me on the back as he made his way through the gate.

"Weasley George."

I sighed as I was left to keep myself to myself as a list of another five children were called and interrogated at the gates.

"Wood Y/N."

And finally it was my turn.

"You're new."


"A Wood?"

"That's what my last name says, yes."

Probably grumbling about something to do with 'kids these days', the man eventually managed to allow me to pass, me rolling my eyes at the dumb old fool.

A signature smirk made its way on to my face.
I wouldn't be surprised if I scared Freddie.

And suddenly the dungbomb in my pocket was gone.
Wonder if anyone would notice.


"Miss Wood I presume?"

A witch in emerald green robes stood at the top of a grand staircase, a pointed black hat sat on her head and her lips pursed.

"Yes professor." I smiled.
Some sort of instinct told me that I'd like this women.
Unlike the old prick outside.

"I'm professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house and Hogwarts Transfiguration professor."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. "Where is everyone?"

"They're at the feast of course." She smiled, but then turned to Fred with a look that got him unnerved. "Somewhere where Mr Weasley should be right now."

Fred gulped, then sending the professor a cocky smile, "I was showing Y/N here, where to go professor, "slinging his arm over my shoulder."

"She's got eyes, I think she'll be perfectly capable to enter the first room in the building Mr Weasley." She said pointedly. "In which case you'll see her soon, now hurry along, you don't want to keep everyone waiting for their food now do you?"

Fred shot me an apologetic look, to which I smiled back.
It wasn't a problem. I wasn't worried.

"Now Miss Wood, I'm sure that you're excited to be sorted. You'll be going after the first years so make your way to the back of the line will you please. And I'll call you to have the sorting hat placed on your head."

These kids were taking the absolute piss.

How hard was it to sit on a stool, place a hat on your head and move to your table.

The hat was taking so long for one girl, I think she fell asleep up there.

But as I wished that my time to go up would come faster.
I also started to worry.

What would happen if I got put in Slytherin?
From the sounds of it, Slytherins were the Gryffindors enemies.

I only had a couple of friends, all of which were in Gryffindor.
I had a good feeling about remaining friends with Fred, George and Lee.
I didn't want anything to spoil it.

"Y/N Wood."

I don't think I've got time to panic.


Freds Pov:

Gasps filled the hall as she walked down the aisle in between ours and the Hufflepuff table.

I wasn't surprised in the slightest, I thought this might be the reaction she'd get.

"The quidditch player!"

"Y/N Wood!"

"Best not be Gryffindor, we'll not win the cup!"

She seemed not to pay it any mind, not even looking when her own brother had shouted, "what the fuck."

I guess now there was only time for keeping my fingers crossed and breath held as I prayed for her to be put in Gryffindor.

McGonagall placed the hat on her head, strange to not see it bury someone like it did the first years.
Not that she had a big head, that is NOT what I was trying to say.

The hat seemed to take a while to make its decision, something that she rolled her eyes at.

But eventually it seemed to be able to make its decision, shouting on the top of its lungs much to the relief of us, her and the hangry kids sat waiting for the feast to begin.


And my heart could start beating again.

Thank fuck.

Thank fuck she's not in Slytherin.

I couldn't even begin to describe how bad that would have been.

It'd be going against my morals, nah I'm only kidding but still.
Being friends with a Slytherin- no thanks.


Y/N's Pov:

"I told you." He sung, as he crossed his arms over his chest, sliding over on the bench so I could sit down next to him.

"Told me what?"

"That you'd make Gryffindor of course." Freds cheeky grin making me laugh slightly as I shook my head.

"Erm, no. I think you'll find that I told you!"

"No I told you!"

"Godric would you stop flirting for like two seconds." Lee begged, his hands going to his head as he smirked at the red cheeks forming on my face.

I was about to make some cocky remark about his feelings for Alicia, though instead a voice caught my attention.
A voice that I hadn't heard in so long.



There he was, my 'brother'.
What am I kidding.
He's basically my brother, even if I was left on someone's doorstep like Harry Potter.

Pulling me into a hug was the boy that I hadn't seen in ages.
I wrapped my arms around his waist as I laid my head on his chest, happy to be in the comfort of him for the first time in months.

"Since when were you coming here?" He grinned, "you were supposed to be staying at Beuxbatons over the summer!"

"Change of plan." I grinned, appearing innocent though he could see straight through me.

"Oh christ Y/N. What did you do?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Don't worry about it." I shook my head, "now, let's discuss strategy, shall we? I reckon we've got the cup this year, right Ollie?"

"Course." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder once more, "me and you, like old times. We'll smash it! Now come meet my friends."


Question Time!!!!

Favourite quote from Hermione?


Well that's chapter 6.
Finally at Hogwarts!
Loved meeting Remmy, honestly I love that man.

And now we've got Ollie too! Cos we love Oliver Wood, even though he's like in one movie.

But still!

Let me know if you liked this chapter/ are liking this book more than the other.

Written 6 chapters in a week!
That's like a huge accomplishment for me 😂

Hope you're all alright!
And happy reading!!!


Here's the original version of chapter 5:

Your POV:
The first day Of classes had finally come, having never been in a real class, I was excited to say the least. I grabbed my shower bag and cleaned up, preparing for the morning and getting myself ready. I placed on my new robes and headed towards the boys room. As I opened the door, Fred was on his bed snoring softly, making me smile at the cute boy. Lee and George were on George's bed and turned to me as I walked over to them.
They started whispering, "Y/N, that lazy fucker won't get up! I think that we need a plan to wake him. We were thinking, Freds terrified of chickens. I know random right?" As they saw the confused expression on my face. I did however, transform into a chicken and went to lay at the side of him in his bed, making sure that when he opens his eyes, I would be the first one he'd see.

I grew impatient waiting for him to wake up so let out a loud, chicken sound. He startled and his eyes flew open. He screamed and jumped back landing on the hard floor. It was hard to keep my concentration from all the laughing and quickly transformed into my human self, still laughing.
"You dicks!" Fred shouted, getting up from the floor, "and I don't know why your laughing missy, I'll get you back for this."
"Oh you will, will you? Well good luck with that one Weasley!" I reply cockily. Without a hesitation Fred jumps on me and begins tickling me at the waist. He then lifts my shirt slightly to reveal my lower stomach, where he begins 'blowing raspberry's' on my stomach. I laugh, thinking about how child like he is.

"You know, you look pretty with yellow hair."
"Fred come on, its not my fault! Let's go! We're going to be late for potions! And it's the first day!" I whine.
"Ok, ok. Can't keep greaseball waiting can we?"

We walk out of the Great hall, joining Lee and George in potions. As per usual, me and Fred were the last to leave breakfast and now we're late again! We made our way to the dungeons dreading what's about it become.

We try to sneak in and sit at the back, ignoring everyone's gazes but Snape turns around from potion he was making and stares and me and Fred trying to sneak in.

"FUCK!" I shout.
"What was that, Miss Wood?" He turns to me.
"I said Fuck!"

Snape doesn't say a word, and continues making the potion. Fred sits next to me and whispers in my ear, "that was awesome, no one ever speaks back to Snape and gets away with it"

"Well I am pretty awesome aren't I?" I laugh.
"So this potion is a potion called Felix Felice, also known as liquid luck, one drop and it will be the luckiest day of your life! Very hard potion to brew though."
This only made me turn to Fred and say, "flirting heh? Fred Weasley! How scandalous."

"WOOD! Perhaps my message wasn't clear, come here!" Snape yells.
I smirk and at and get up to join Snape at the front of the classroom.
"So if you think that you can't pay attention in this class, perhaps you know everything there is to know about potions? Tell me, what is veritersirum?"
"The truth potion, it makes things impossible to lie. Also banned at this school"

"What about polyjuice?"
"Using a hair from the chosen person, it allows you to transform into another person for a few hours with one dosage."

"And what about ammortia?"
"The most powerful love potion, it's also know to smell like the person your in love with." Snape scoffed

"Interrupt my class again and you'll be put in another detention! Now go and sit down."

I slowly walked back to my seat, fist bumping everyone along the way. When I got to my seat I was sure that I saw a smile come from Snape. Fred was laughing to himself, i noticed that he was staring at me. I'd pretend not to look but I could feel his eyes on me constantly.

I managed to get through potions without having another detention, I got a few more threats from Snape but that was about it, besides the fact that Fred was staring at me. The thing is, I don't know why. I've stuck up for myself before, why did he make a big deal out of it every time?

Time skip....
care of magical creatures:

We walked down to the edge of the Forbidden forest and I found myself getting more and more excited. Apart from the unicorns, I'd never actually met a magical creature. The four of us continued down the rocky path, almost there. We passed a few Gryffindors in our year, I'd grown to know them as Alicia and Angelina. I'd often spoken to Alicia and I actually quite like her, she's quite sweet. Angelina however, has never really spoken to me, Lee told me that is something to do with the twins, apparently she'd always liked them but they've never really payed attention to her. She'd often shoot me glares as we walked past her, I just ignore her.

Whilst I walk, next to Fred and behind George and Lee, I often find mine and Freds hands occasionally brushing together. Every time it happens he smiles, but when I look at him, he looks away. I was feeling fearless and I've just picked up the courage to do something.

After walking a little longer, our hands brush together again, I quickly reach for his hand and intertwine our fingers together. He seems a little bit weary, but I give him a reassuring squeeze, which he returns. We reach care of magical creatures and our hands have never parted. Fred has the biggest smile on his face, similar to the day I'd met him.

We approached a large man with a big fuzzy beard. He looked quite nervous and you could tell that he was unsure what to say. Me and the boys were the first to arrive and so I made my way over to the man, he seemed really nice so I thought it would be nice to reassure him. I walked over, pulling Freddie along with me.
"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" I said holding a hand out to greet the man.
"Rubius Hagrid" he said shaking my hand.
Others arrived and the man tended up, I tried my best to comfort him, "don't worry Hagrid, you'll do great. This is my first day in a proper class as well, come on we will do it together."
"Thanks Y/N" he replied "say d'ya think you'd be a'ble to hel'p me?"
"Course I can, let me know what you'd want me to do." I'm unsure to what the man is asking but follow the man, Fred was still attached to my arm.
"Ello class, great to meet y'all. Me names Hagrid and I'm gon'a be your professor this year." Hagrid began. People rudely starting laughing at him and mumbling under their breath. This made me fuming, I managed to catch some words of Scott, the boy from the dorm, "big fat oaf, no brains and somehow he's doing to teach at Hogwarts."
Hagrid obviously heard this and so he tended up. To my amusement, Scott's nose was still busted and a big black bruise had formed around the nose. Fred noticed my hair turning red and gripped my hand tighter.
That's when I spoke up, "Oi Scott, I suggest you shut your mouth before I mess up your face even more!" Scott stood frozen whilst the rest of the class gasped at the surprise of a girl being the one to hit him.
"Right erm as I was saying, today we're gonna be looking a rather big creature, now I must warn you before you enter, this animal isn't very friendly to those who mess with it, you must stand back and obey my every command. It's very important for your safety." Hagrid continued. I was suddenly starting to regret agreeing to help him.

We walked further into the forest and a huge bird like creature stood a few feet away, it was eating a ferret, ripping it to shreds. Oh shit.
"Right then class, this is a Hippgriff, names Buckbeak, now I already know Y/N has offered to help me, so could you come here please Y/N"
I looked back at Fred who was clutching onto my hand in fear. I gave him a reassuring smile and let go of his hand, and walked towards Hagrid.
"Right Y/N, I want you to walk forward a few paces and bow, nice and low. It may take her a second but if she bows back, you can walk up to her and pet her, if not then I want you to walk back and away. Got it?" Hagrid explained.
I could feel fear in my eyes as I walked forward, I made sure to bow nice and low and straight away the Hippogriff bowed back. I stood up and began to walk forward when the hippogriff came running my way. I was paralysed on the spot as I saw Lee gripping his arms around Freds waist to stop him from running to me. To my surprise, the hippogriff didn't try and attack me but instead stopped right in front of me, nudging me with its head. I stroked its beak, laughing when it got down on the ground and laid on its back. I started rubbing its belly and it pulled me down to the ground. I was now laid on its stomach and it had its legs around me, as If protecting me.
I looked at the group and they were completely shocked, along with Hagrid.
"She's never done that before!" Hagrid said laughing, "she won't even let me stroke her for more than a second."
Fred still looked weary, but laughed as me and Buckbeak rolled around on the floor.
"Ya know Y/N, I reckon she'd let you ride her. What do ya say? There's only one person who's ridden a Hippogriff before, they're extremely proud creatures"
Hagrid walked over to me and helped me to me feet, before I knew it, he was lifting me up and I was on the back of the Hippogriff, soaring through the sky.
"This is amazing!" I shout. We flew around the castle overlooking the grounds, swooping straight down to the lake, the water reaching my feet. I guided her back to where my classmates were now cheering and I made eye contact with Fred. We landed firmly on the ground and the Hippogriff rolled on its back again. I fussed it and then turned back to Hagrid who was beaming with joy. I made my way over to Fred who rushed forwards and engulfed me in a huge hug. "That's was awesome, but never do that again! You nearly gave me a bloody heart attack!" He said with relief in his voice.
"It's true Y/N, the boy never shut up. She should be back by now, she's going to fall, I swear to god if she gets hurt!" George mimicked him, earning the finger from Fred.
"Right that's it for today's lesson guys, Y/N I'd like you to stay behind please. Your friends can stay too." Hagrid called.
"We're gonna head back Y/N, gonna head to dinner, Fred said he'll stay with you" Lee called, pulling George along. I nodded and made my way back to Hagrid and Buckbeek, Fred remained quite a distance away.
"Y/N I don't know why, but for some reason you showed more than a human interaction with Buckbeek, almost as if you could understand each other. I've never seen it be done before. I was wondering, do you have any ideas as to what that could be?" Hagrid asked.
I decided it would be best to tell Hagrid, not about all of my powers, just the one about animal interaction. "If I tell you Hagrid, you must promise me you won't tell a soul! If anyone knew, it could become my worst nightmare!" I said seriously.
"It's alright Y/N, your secrets safe with me."
"Well for some reason, ever since I can remember I've been able to speak to animals. That's how I was communicating with Buckbeek. Hippogriff communication is far too high pitched for a normal human to hear. And for some reason I can hear it." I reply honestly.
"That's brilliant Y/N. I'll try and figure out why this may be for you! But no one will judge you for it, it's a gift Y/N! You shouldn't be ashamed!" He said sweetly.
"Thanks Hagrid. I'll see you next class." I smiled.
I walked my way back to Fred, he took my hand. It looks like this will be a common thing now. Holding hands with Fred, wherever I go.
"He'd right you know" Fred spoke up, "you should be proud. I'm very lucky, it's not very often I meet such an amazing girl like you"
"Thanks Freddie. Anyway come on! Let's go to the feast!"

Time skip:
We walked into the class and me and Fred took a seat at the back, behind George and Lee.
"Right class, today, we are going to be learning about animagus forms." Mcgonagall began. I could feel Freds eyes on me, constantly. "An animagus is where you can form into a specific animal. It can take years to conquer, and shows the most excruciating pain the first time you change. Most witches and wizards with determination to do such things, say it was definitely worth it. It is very rare to be able to transform before the age of 25, however there have been some people known to be successful. I myself am an animagus. I will show you my form now" just like that, Mcgonagall was gone, and there sat a ginger cat. She transformed back and the students gasped, clapping.
"Now it takes specifically 9 months to become one, this is due to the mandrake leaf, you but hold the leaf in your mouth without taking it out, not to eat, sleep or anything. Due to the most common factor of swallowing the leaf, many people have had to start all over again. If you have the determination to become it, you may be able to." She suddenly stopped talking and turned to Fred "is there something wrong Mr Weasley?" Fred was still in a trance and continued to look at me, not paying attention to Mcgonagall. I quickly elbowed Fred in the ribs to get his attention and pointed at Mcgonagall still waiting for an answer. Then she spoke up, "I understand that Miss Wood may be a distraction for you Weasley, but please snap out of it and stop looking at Y/N!"

The class sniggered and I could feel my cheeks heat, I notice Freds were the same. I look up to see Lee and George turning around to us, giving Fred the thumbs up.

The class continues and there's been no calling on me. I knew that Mcgonagall knew I was an animagus, but it made me nervous, what would the whole school think of me?

To my horror she turned to me, asking me to demonstrate. Knowing I couldn't say no, I look at Fred, giving him a small smile and walked to the front of the class.
"So Y/N here, has been an animagus since the age of 8! Now if you recall what I said it is very uncommon for you to be able to do it before the age of 25, so this is absolutely incredible. Now Y/N, would you please demonstrate for us? Class, whatever Miss Wood, transforms into, is her spirit animal."
Spirit animal, spirit animal? What's my spirit animal. Before long I quickly transform, I'm somehow now my spirit animal. I looked down and I had hooves, oh dear lord, what am I? I heard gasping from the students, as well as Mcgonagall and notice that I'm looking down on everyone, the room seems to have shrunk greatly. Not managing to control myself, I change back into my human form, gradually shrinking. Clapping and cheering erupts the room as I walk back and take my seat. I wasn't able to focus on the rest of the lesson and instead sat down, thinking. What was it.

We left the classroom and I was in front of the three boys, walking rather quickly. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Freddie, who joins me at my side, placing a hand around my waist. I lean into his shoulder, enjoying the comfort.
"Freddie. Can I ask you something?"
"Of course darling what is it?" He replies. Every time he calls me that it makes me nervous but also makes me full of joy.
"I don't know what I transformed into last lesson, I thought of my greatest moment and suddenly felt myself shift. I think I've found my animal! I just don't know what it is" I laugh.
"It was some sort of horse Y/N" Fred replies calmly, "and if you were listening to the rest of the class, Mcgonagall said it was a thestral. According to her, the natural thestral can only be seen by someone who has witnessed death"
"Wait but I've never seen anyone die, at least, no one that I can remember. Strange" I thought back trying to remember seeing someone die, never.

We walk in silence to the dungeons. Lee and George following in our footsteps closely behind. We knock on the big green doors and within seconds the open to reveal Snape, his usual sly grin.
"Hmmm, what do we have here. Let's see then, Weasley and Lee, you go over there and start cleaning those cauldrons, no magic allowed!" He says.
"Which one?" Fred and George reply at the same time.
He then just points at George. George heads over to Lee and they instantly start scrubbing.
"You two! With me!" He shouts at us. We follow him into a smaller room, only just big enough to fit the two of us in. "Now I want you to organise these vials, you have an hour and they better be done. Now no magic allowed" he shouts again. He slams the door and we hear is footsteps fade. I take out my wand, instantly the bottles are organised.

Fred looks at me and smiles. "So we're stuck in here for an hour, what do you want to do?"
"How about we talk. How did you guys meet Lee? And how come I'm a 'threat to Angelina" I laugh.
"Well we met Lee on the train, first year and have been friends ever since. As for Angelina, she's always followed me and George around wherever we go. Quite annoying really, it was just yesterday she asked me to be her boyfriend for the 20th time this year. Every time she runs off crying after I've said no." He laughs.
"Why don't you say yes, I mean she's a cow to me but to everyone else she seems quite decent." I reply, knowing full well that I don't want him to be with her.
"She's fine, just clingy and I don't like her that way. Besides I've got my eyes on someone else."
I felt really sad but tried to play along, knowing that we were just friends.
Me and Fred continue to talk when I hear footsteps getting louder. I quickly stand up and get a bottle, as he walks in I pretend to place it on the shelf, where I'd just picked it up from.
"You two can leave" Snape calls.
"Bye bye Snapey!" I shout loudly, but pull Freds hand and start laughing before Snape has a chance to reply.
Fred laughs with me as we run down the corridors, hand in hand.

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