Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 5- the hogwarts express

2.9K 76 19
By marauderserafan01

The Hogwarts Express.

This is the updated version of chapter 5, please see towards the end of the chapter for the original.


"Y/N Wood."

A gasp left the brunette boys lips, pushing his glasses up on to his face as he stared at me.
To say he was only in third year he was quite a tall kid. Not far off my height.

"Harry Potter." I mocked, he looked just like I'd expected really. And it was no shock to see the lighting bolt scar on his head, yet for his sake my stare purposely didn't linger.

"You're the girl Ron's got pictures of! All over his walls!!"

I didn't know what to think about that.

Seeing him at the leaky cauldron wasn't what I had expected.
I had thought that I'd meet him at hogwarts, the train at most.
Yet apparently not.


Me and the boy looked down the stairs, where we saw Hermione and Ron beaming at the sight of their best friend, each clutching their pets as if their life depended on them.


"You actually blew up your aunt? Awesome." I grinned, raising my hand to give him a high-five, only to lower it slowly when I saw Mollys deathly glare.

I noticed Fred bite his lip to stifle his laugh, not wanting to be the focus of his mothers frightening gaze.

Now I do have to say that I don't usually get on with someone so well, so fast.
Yet I immediately liked Harry.
He seemed like a good kid.

My thoughts were disrupted by a familiar man walking through the door and into the seating area, my orange juice slipping out of my mouth, on to my own knee when I saw the sight in front of me.

It took general will power not to laugh.
Yet meeting Freds eyes caused an eruption of giggles coming from the pair of us as we saw the very same man that Fred had distracted for me yesterday.

The only difference being, instead of the man's brunette, slight grey hair.
In return was colours of neon pink and yellow, making him look like he'd been on a bad night out.

"Oh God we are so done for." I attempted to whisper to Fred, yet instead my words came out with bellowing laughter.
Gasping for breath I managed to make eye contact with the man himself, him sending me daggers my way, though a trance of a smile could be seen settled on his face.

"We're fucking screwed." He whispered back, feeling Mollys angry gaze on him.


"Harry, might I have a quick word."

I paused as I passed the pillar.
I know, I shouldn't be listening to peoples conversations, but I'd always been a nosy sod.
It was practically for the greater good.

"Do you know who this man is?"

Tempered to peak around the pillar to take a look, I resisted the urge.

"Sirius Black?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.
Sirius Black?
The name rung a bell, but who it was I had no idea.

"There's a killer on the lose, Harry."

"Mr Weasley. I just.... What's any of that got to do with me?"

I could tell that Arthur was trying to chose his words carefully.
Very carefully.

"It's just that.... Since he has escaped Azkaban, I fear that..... well, I fear that Black might.... Go looking for something."

"I'm still confused as to why that has anything to do with me."

Arthur sighed, "just be careful Harry. Avoid trouble, don't run towards it."

Arthur stepped out from behind the pillar, me doing my best not to look like I'd been listening, simply by looking at one of the posters on the wall.

Shooting me a wink, Arthur walked off in the direction of his family, leaving Harry to come out from behind the pillar, very confused.

"Alright Hazza?"

A grin broke out on his face, "Hazza?"

"New nickname." I shrugged, "everyone's gotta have one."

"Go on then, what's yours?"

"People call me maze."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "maze?"

"Short for amazing." I winked, patting him on the back as I walked passed him, "see you round Hazza."


Platform 9 and 3/4

"What do you mean you run at the fucking wall, Fred?" I shouted, "these pranks are dropping Fred, you seriously can't think of anything better to try and get me with?"

Rolling his eyes, he turned me around to where a kid with what looked like a shopping trolley was sprinting towards the wall.

"FRED!" I screamed. "You can't prank innocent kids!"

But to my surprise the kid didn't hit the wall with a thud, and to what I expected, be landing on the floor.
No. Instead he passed through what seemed to be an invisible barrier surrounding the wall, disappearing from thin air.

Fred looked at me with a cocky smile, to which I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"You need help?" He offered.

"Do I need help? To do what, run at a wall? Think I'll manage thanks."

He put his hands up in mock surrender, taking his own luggage and making his way to one of the walls.

I stared at the wall in horror.
My nerves escalating as I picked up a run as I made my way towards it.

I wondered if it would hurt?
If I'd end up with a concussion.

All I can say is that I certainly ended up with a concussion, my head hit the brick wall, sending me flying backwards at an awkward angle, both me and my luggage being disregarded on the floor.

"Y/N!" The sense of both urgency and laughter filled his voice as he made his way towards me, "wrong wall you fucking idiot."

And I cringed so hard then and there.


"That was absolutely hilarious."

I'd never seen the ginger boy grin so much as I stood at the side of him, my hand cushioning my bruised head.

"It's fucking killing me."

I'd at least expected sympathy.
But nooooo. I was with the Weasley twins, I didn't get sympathy, I got laughter.

I wouldn't admit that I found the whole situation as funny as they did.
I was gonna remain spiteful.

"You should have seen his face." George laughed, pointing at Fred, "think he almost had a panic attack."

Fred glared at his brother, then placing his hand on the bottom of my back pushing me towards the doors of the train.

It was like he was trying to get me in front of him so he could see me.
Perhaps so we didn't get split up. Or perhaps so he could keep an eye on me.

Either way, I let him guide me towards the door, just missing the crowds of people swarming the doors as we rushed to find a compartment to ourselves.

For some reason, I got the feeling that these boys would already have their own compartment waiting for them.
Not even the first years daring to sit there.


"Lee Jordan in the flesh."
I outstretched my hand ready for him to shake, only to be pulled into a hug.

"Heard so much about you from Fred of course." He whispered in my ear, before pulling away, "great to finally meet you."

He was quick to make his way across to George, quick to pull him into a hug, patting him on the back as he spoke to him.

Lee Jordan was pretty much the guy you went to if you had a problem.
I'd spoken one sentence to him, and I could already tell.

I settled down in the window seat of the compartment.
Pulling my legs up to my chest as I looked out the window, on to the still very busy platform.

I could briefly make out a glimpse of bright ginger hair belonging to Molly and Arthur.

I'd miss them.
They've been like parents to me in the last month.

Speaking of parents, they were things that I had managed to avoid luckily on the platform, they'd surely have been there to wave Oliver off.

Who knows, I might have passed them.
They might just not have recognised me from the massive lump forming on my head.

I smiled as George settled on the bench in front of me, his head resting on the door as he laid his feet as far as they could go without invading my space.

Fred and George were certainly the most relaxed in the group, the energy seeming to source from Lee, as he bounced about like an excited puppy.

The four of us turned our heads as a rather tall man walked past our compartment, in his hand a briefcase with the words, 'R.J Lupin'

"Briefcase wanker."

The boys just looked at each other as the comment left my mouth without a second thought.



"So do you play quidditch?" I asked Lee with a smile on my face, happy to hear about something that actually interested me.

However he looked at me like I had two heads. "Yeah right." His tone laced with sarcasm, "definitely not. Instead I tell those blind bats or idiots that don't understand quidditch, what's going on up there."

I shook my head with a shocked laugh, "most important part of the game."

"Course it is."

As the train ride continued, I learned many things about Lee.
How he had lived in America for the past five years, lucky enough to gain a place at Hogwarts, though having to leave his poor muggle mum by herself for the majority of the year.

How the sorting hat had considered putting him in Hufflepuff, before he made a rude remark under his breath and the hat had shouted a rather loud 'GRYFFINDOR!'

I learned that him, Fred and George had been best friends since their first year after the twins had rescued him from an angry Snape after catching Lee out of bed after hours.

I continued to listen to their stories with a content smile on my face, until in a matter of seconds the sky turned dark and gloomy.

Rain poured down the windows heavily and eventually the train came to a stop.

"Does this usually happen?" I asked, hoping to turn to the boys and see bored looks on their faces.
Though to my disdain, instead they held faces of confusion and fear. The latter coming from Lee, as he scooted closer to Fred and away from the compartment window.

"Looks as if someone's getting on." Fred said, pointing out the window to where a dark finger hunched over the trains entrance.

"I'll go and see what's going on." I smiled, praying that they hadn't seen through my wall of hidden emotions. And instead saw a fearless girl.

"I'll come with you." Fred offered, jumping to his feet and I have to say, god was I relieved when he said that.

Quietly and slowly we made our way out into the corridor, treading lightly as to not startle any of the kids in the dark compartments, that's lights had continued to flicker.

But then we heard a scream. A scream that sounded far too familiar to both me and Fred.


I took off running, towards the source of the scream, Fred hot on my tail.
It didn't take long to come to the compartment, or to even guess which one, for a black figure had pushed open the door, it's feather-like fingers having grasped the door knob, opening with a screech.

"Holy shit! Ron!"

A dementor.

A dementor sucking on Harry's soul.

Feeding on his fear.

But then the beast turned to me.
It's lips parting as it neared me, wanting a taste of my own fear.

I jumped back, my back clashing with Freds front  as we scurried to get out of the way.
That's it. I thought we were done for.

We'd settled on the floor, wrapped up in each others arms as neither of us dared to move a muscle.
Holy shit.
This is how I die.
I die before I even turn of age.
Fucking fantastic.

Until a light appeared.
They'd always said light was faster than sound.

But then again they always say if you see the light, you're dead.
Walk towards it.

And then everything from their happened at rapid pace.

I wasn't dead.



Question Time!!

If you could have one day in Hogwarts, what's the one class you'd take?


Hope you're all alright!
Long week this one 😭
Can't wait for Christmas now!

Please tell me someone got the briefcase reference? I'm gonna be so disappointed if not.
I saw the opportunity so I took it! 😂😂

Hope you liked this chapter!
Thanks everyone


Here's the original version of chapter 5:

Y/N's pov:
"So what do you want to do today?" Asked Lee.
I thought for a second, we've not played a prank as a group yet. "How about we prank Snape!" I shout.
"I knew there was a reason why I loved you!" Fred almost shouts planting a kiss on my head. This sent shivers down my spine as I look up to him who has just realised what he had done.
"Aww look he's blushing" called George.
"I am not!" Fred lunged on his brother.

After a while we had planned our prank on Snape and were ready to play it. We were currently waiting outside his office for him to come out. As soon as he walked out the door, 5 buckets of slime would fall on him, covering him from head to toe. We were waiting around the corner to witness this, and then run. Excitement overcame us and we were currently laughing our heads off, imagining what was going to happen.

Then it did,  a first year decided to knock on Snape's door and run away. Furious Snape slams the door open, desperate to catch whoever was responsible. Next he's covered head to toe, as planned, in sticky green slime. We can't control our laughter anymore and so we let it all out.
"WEASLEYS! JORDEN!" Snape shouts, knowing full well who it was before he even saw them.

"RUN!" Bellows Lee. Fred immediately grabs my hand making a run for it. George and Lee have already split apart from the other two as Fred noticed me trailing behind. Still running he brings me in front of him and picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck as he continues to run as fast as he could. Before I knew it, I'm still in Freds arms, a door slams behind me and I'm slammed against a wall, pitch black. Fred was still laughing and we hear running outside, knowing Snape is here. I quickly silence him, putting a hand over his mouth as he stops laughing. He looks down at my small frame, grinning. I remove my hand from his mouth and start to laugh as well. The footsteps grew nearer and with both of us laughing, somehow we needed to silence ourselves. Fred noticed this as well. Without warning, I'm against the wall and Fred crashes his lips into mine. Sending those common butterflies straight through me. I part my lips and he uses this as the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, our tongues dance, fighting for dominance. Fred was pressed up against me, his tongue down my throat, I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, every now and then slightly tugging at the ends.

The door smashes open! Revealing two other boys walking into the small room we were in. Lee and George. Me and Fred, assuming it was Snape continued kissing, knowing that Snape would punish us more for dumping slime on him, rather than making out in a broom cupboard. "Wow George, what did I say. I'm afraid you owe me 10 galleons" Lee says proudly. George sighs.

Me and Fred instantly rip apart noticing the two boys. I blush deeply, the first time I had seen Freds face since the kiss. His face blushed, his lips were puffy and his hair messy, now back to its normal shade of ginger. Instantly we left the cupboard not uttering a word to one another.

We round the corner and to our horror, run into an angry Snape. "WEASLEYS, JORDEN MY OFFICE TOMORROW DETENTION!" He bellows. He then notices me, "and who might you be?" He asks surprisingly rather calmly.
"Wood" I reply.
"Well, Wood, my office along with the boys. And don't let me catch you again!" He scoffs, however his face seemed to ease as he looks at me, he seems deep in thought. I shook off the familiar feeling and headed around the door with the boys.

As we enter the common room we once again burst out laughing but we are then comforted by a rather angry Percy Weasley.
"And where May I ask have you been?" Percy screeches.
Fred replies with a simple "library".
"Sure you have, Fred I don't think you've ever stepped foot in a library!" He reply's.
"Oi that's not true I have! It's Y/N who hasn't! And you know what Perc, she didn't study once and managed to get 9 o's so I don't think you can really lecture me!"
Percys face instantly dropped.
"Wow Y/N is that true? You got more than me!" Percy says impressed.
"Ugh yeah" I managed to reply.
"Right now all of you, upstairs and get yourselves cleaned up! I know you've been up to no good! Now go and wash whatever that green stuff is from you!" Percy yells. Without hesitation we all run up the stairs, ignoring the stares I was getting from most of the boys in the common room.

We decided to sit in my room, as Scott was in the boys. That's when Lee turned to me and Fred "so then, are we going to talk about the cupboard situation or are you going to avoid the situation forever?"
"We're going to avoid the situation forever" both me and Fred replied.
"You looked very comfy in there together" announced George. If looks could kill, he'd definitely be dead.
We then tuned to each other trying to avoid each other's gaze.
"Anyway boys, what classes do you have tomorrow?" I ask, avoiding the situation.
"We've got a potions first thing, Care of magical creatures and then we end on transfiguration. Then of course we get to go and visit jolly old Snape again. Can't wait for that. What about you?" George said.
"Oh so do you all have the same classes then?" I ask, receiving a nod from the three. "Oh I'll probably just follow you around then, better than by myself, even if you all are the most annoying people I've ever met!"
"Oi" they all replied.
"What do you mean though Y/N. What's on your timetable?" Fred asks.
"Oh I must have forgot to tell you, I don't have to do lessons, I never really have. I've always been told to study alone. Probably because I caused too much damage. It's been like it ever since people recognised I had 'gifts' whatever that means. I see them as a problem, something from stopping me live me life normally."  I say.
"What do you mean 'gifts'?" Asked Lee.

"Well I erm. I can do things without needing a wand. Somethings that aren't possible to do even with a charm, and no one knows why." I reply.
"You mean like your hair? And the fact that you aren't a regular animagus?" Fred asks.
"Well kind of yeah. Those are only little things though, things that aren't at all dangerous, where as in some cases, some of my traits are. I have to really watch my temper and keep it under control, which is hard enough as it is, never mind trying to stop yourself from releasing hell" I say plainly.
"Y/N I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it." Lee confirms.
"It's alright Lee, don't worry about it. I don't mind talking to you three about it, it's everyone else that I don't want. What is it you want to know?" I reply.
The room falls silent, not daring to ask a question when George speaks up.
"Erm well, what kind of things can you do?"

"I can do quite a few little tricks.I've always been able to, some things are quite wonderful really. The face that I can do these things, however when I'm angry or upset they become hard to control, and dangerous for anyone in my path. Which is why I always look on the bright side of things"

"I don't want to push you, but do you think you could show us, some of these things?" Fred smiles.
"Yeah, why not. Someone give me and idea."
I reply.

"Can you become invisible?" Lee asks.
"Lee don't be stupid, the only invisible object in the world is Harry's cloak!" George scoffs.

With this I begin to turn invisible, vanishing from thin air. I reappear at the side of George's head and whisper in his ear, "good thing I'm not an object" this causes Fred and Lee to chuckle. "Guess your right" replied George laughing.

"Can you read people's minds?" Fred asks nervously.
"I can yes, however I never do. I feel that it's an invasion of privacy." I smile.
"Come on Y/N ! Read my Mind. I want to see if this is true!" Lee shouts happily.
I sigh, and begin to look into Lees thoughts.

Him and George are running down the corridor when they come to a broom cupboard. They hear a noise from within and instantly throw open the door. There is Fred kissing someone, pinning her against the wall, not even acknowledging the two who had just walked in. Then Fred moves to reveal a small Y/N turning crimson red in the face.

"Lee Jorden!" I bellow, he erupts into laughter.
"What's wrong Y/N, cat got your tongue." He laughs as I struggle to find the words to scold him. Instead I walk away and into the corner of the room. He continues to laugh as I pout in the corner ready to attack when he least expects it. He had turned his head and was whispering what he'd just shown me to George, who was also trying very hard not to laugh. With this I made both my arms stretch outwards, another one of my powers, grasping them both by their collars and pinning them against the wall. My arms were about 15 feet long at this point. I muttered a non vocal charm and removed my arms, the stayed pressed against the walls, completely paralysed. I took my opportunity and summoned a pen from my bag. Excellent, a black sharpie. I took off the cap and waltzed over to the boys who were still unable to move. I drew a moustache on both their faces and then a huge dick on both their foreheads, laughing at the sight. Little did I know, Fred had been watching me, admiring me, not what i was doing, but how I was doing it.

"Next time boys, I warn you. Do not mess with me!" I said, in a click of my fingers the boys dropped to the ground and I allowed them to move.
"You, my dear. Are absolutely incredible" Fred whispered in my ear.

The night came to an end, and I found myself drifting off to sleep in my room, thinking about Fred Weasley.

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