Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 2- Sore Loser
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 4- Charlies assistance

3.4K 82 60
By marauderserafan01

Charlie's Assistance

Here's the updated version of chapter 4, please see towards the end of the chapter for the original.


I didn't know whether to be thankful or worried when I got seated next to Fred at the table.
For the rest of the evening, he continued to send the occasional smile my way, but no direct conversation.

Though I did feel eyes on me when I walked, but I'd always get those, used to the fame that came with my love for quidditch.

Maybe sitting next to him, a table full of gingers, except me of course, would mean that we'd actually have a decent conversation.

It was a pretty fancy place.
It would be if the ministry had paid for it all, though I could tell that Molly was itching to cook.
It was like the woman didn't even want a break.

The food was definitely not as good as hers though.
I guess I know why everyone says she should become a professional chef.

By now I'd gotten sick of the lack of conversation between me and the oldest Weasley twin.
Deciding to be the first to comment, I set it off with a simple compliment.

"You look nice."

He seemed slightly shocked that I'd spoken to him.
I didn't get where this sudden attitude was coming from, normally we were great, exchanging playful banter and challenging each other to do dumb shit.

"Thank you?" He smiled in question, "you... you look nice too. Perhaps you should be a Ravenclaw, blues your colour."

"Nah." I shrugged, "reckon I'd look better in red."

"Did you have a nice conversation with Charlie?"

I looked at him oddly, "yeah he's nice. Got cut short by your eldest brother though. I do like Bill, he seems genuine, Y'know?"

Fred mumbled something under his breath I couldn't quite hear.
Taking notice of his frown, I did my best to cheer him up.

"To be fair though, I have to say that they're both a little too normal for me. Much prefer someone with a great pranking history and a jokester."
He looked up to meet my eyes, "though, course I did like them."

Fred shook his head, "no. I get what you're saying. They used to be like Percy, but less of the study-hard control freaks. Both head boys, quidditch captains, you get the picture."

This information hadn't surprised me either.

"Bet they can't pull half a prank as good as you though." I winked, ignoring the slight blush on his face as I did so.

Though I was starting to like this new side to him. This way of being able to tease him.
Clearly it was working, why not carry on?
A little harmless flirting would never be objected to.

"So Y/N."
Turning my attention from Fred, I looked towards Charlie, who was sitting across from me, his fingers clasped tightly together as he pondered.
"Why was it that you didn't participate in the cup this year?"

"Oh." I shrugged, rather disappointed by the question- it was one I had been wanting to avoid.
"We'll my mum, well, adopted mum, didn't really like me playing. I'll not go into too much detail, it's not interesting."

Clearly taking note that I didn't want to talk about it, Fred was quick to jump in before I got asked too many questions surrounding that.
I shot him a grateful smile with his next statement. "You know Victor Krum, right."

Before I could answer a cry made its way across the table, from the youngest Weasley brother,
"KRUM!!" Ron screamed, his smile widening, "He's not just an athlete, he's an artist! And don't get me started on his abs."

"Ron you haven't even seen his abs."

"I can imagine them!!"

Shaking my head I returned to the subject at hand, "yeah, stayed in touch a little after last years games. He's a pretty good friend."

Dinner continued with a lot of small talk. No more heavy subjects, instead Molly continued to ask her eldest sons about their work and current lives away from the family home.

You could tell that she missed them greatly.
I couldn't imagine being so close to someone for so long, only to have them move so far away.



"That's what she said."

"Honestly George, gain some maturity." Percy rolled his eyes at his brothers remark, looking done with life by the second.

I sniggered under my breath, trying not to get caught by Percy.

The pyramids were a mixture between great and boring.
On minute, I was in complete awe, looking at how they had crafted the pyramid and the history behind them.

Then after five minutes came the fact that we were staring at a great slab of rock.
We couldn't go inside it.
Now that would have been cool.

Noticing Freds towering figure beside me, I tapped him on the shoulder, beckoning him to come closer, allowing me to whisper in his ear,
"Reckon we can trap Percy in one of those?"

A wicked grin formed on his face as he made his way over to Charlie, the one to be most persuaded out of his older brothers, who just might perform a little spell for them.

"How's about we put him on the top instead." Said older brother grinned, pulling his wand from his pocket and twirling it between his fingers.

"Simple wingardiam leviosa perhaps?" He directed his question to me, in which I nodded.
It seems it would be the best option.

Directing his wand to Percy, the three of us watched as the snobbish Weasley was raised slightly from the ground, as if an invisible force lifting him.

His polished black shoes no longer touched the sandy ground, his arms were no longer dropped at his sides, instead rather waving around frantically as he panicked.

I snorted, holding my mouth and nose behind my hand as I tried to look oblivious to what was happening.

This was different to Fred, for he was smacking George's hand in order to show him, and holding his stomach as his laughs echoed in the surrounding area.

"Whaaaa....... What's happening." Percy looked around in horror, too panicked to notice Charlie's outstretched wand, "mum what's going on?"

But Molly and Arthur Weasley were too busy talking to a tour guide, doing their best to understand the history behind the great pyramids.

"Let's see him go higher!" I encouraged, not feeling an inch of sympathy for the pompous snob.

I felt like a little kid in a sweet shop.

Percy's cries continued as he reached the top of the pyramid, I wondered if the top was at a point, and if his arse would get sore after being left to sit on it for too long.
Who knows.

But unfortunately, for only a minute was Percy sat on the top of the pyramid, for Molly Weasley turned around with a shriek when she noticed one of her boys had been stranded at the top of a pyramid on the family holiday.

And let's just say.
Molly Weasley was fuming.

Bumping Freds outstretched fist, I grinned, "totally worth it."


Leaky cauldron:

"You should have seen his face!" Ron howled with laughter as he explained the story to his bushy haired friend.

She was rather nice, Hermione.
With brown frizzy hair and dark eyes, I had only known her a day and she seemed to be living dictionary.

I had a feeling we'd get along decently well, as long as she didn't try and stop me playing my pranks with the boys.
That was my one necessity if I wanted to survive the next three years.

I was told that Harry Potter could be arriving soon.
I didn't know too much about the boy.
Course I'd heard his story so many times.
But did I know it all? Was there parts missing?
Did he tell it differently?

Even so, I'd treat him like a normal kid.
Cos that's what he was after all.
He wasn't special.
He wasn't weak.

Harry Potter had spent the last three years in the spotlight, and I was determined not to make him feel like a walking celebrity.
When he was around me, I hoped he could view me as a friend, rather than a pesky student wanting a rundown of the events, or just to be able to say that they had befriended Harry Potter.

"I've got a plan."

The air on my neck sent shivers down my back, causing me to shake slightly.
I angled my head slightly, allowing the boys lips to reach my ear.

"I say we prank him."

Following the direction of his gaze, I turned to see a bald headed man, minding his own business.
He looked rather sweet.

Now usually I'd agree.
I'd be all for it.
But it seemed to be a wast of talent for just a normal guy.

So instead I tapped his shoulder.
Then taking his chin in my hand and directing his head to a rather tall man, sitting in the corner with a book in his hands.

Scars littered his face and I almost felt sorry for the stranger.
I'd make sure the prank was harmless, always do.

And that's how the ultimate prank began.
With Fred intruding on he strangers time sat alone with a book, asking him a bunch of nonsense and allowing me to sneak the key from the table he was sat at.

The room 519.
That'd be a lot of stairs to walk up in search of that.

Freds Pov:

"Yeah. I've read about goblins too."
I was completely making this up as I went along, and I don't know if I was being too convincing.

The poor bloke had liked extremely concerned, just by me approaching him.

"Rather miserable creatures." I added.

The man shook his head, "seriously misunderstood. They just don't like others company."

I wondered if he was hinting towards something there.

"You like care of magical creatures then?" I offered, raising a brow to look more interested.

The man shrugged with a frown, "prefer defence against the dark arts if I'm honest. Always my favourite subject back when I went to Hogwarts."

"Oh yeah? What house?"

"What do you reckon?"

I  laughed, "well you're sat there with a book in your hand so I'm gonna guess Ravenclaw."

To my own surprise he shook his head, a mischievous smirk on his face, "you're looking at a fellow Gryffindor."

I masked my surprise, "how'd you know I'm a Gryffindor?"

He winked, "cos you're a Weasley aren't you?"
I nodded, "there's not a single one who's not been in Gryffindor. Plus, you and your twin brother over there and the image of your uncles. Gideon and Fabian of course."

I was shocked at how much this man seemed to know about me.
He hadn't stricken me as the type to actually form a conversation with me either.
I'd expected it to be like pulling teeth.

Noticing the strands of brown hair and those piercing grey eyes. I was quick to leave the strange man who seemed to know everything about my family, "thanks for the chat. I guess I'll see you around."


Y/N's pov:

Finding his room wasn't that hard.
To my luck, it was the first door on the fifth floor.

I wasn't trying to be creepy. Sometimes things just must be done. This was one of those times.

I just prayed he liked apples.

You see, the twins and I noticed earlier that there were fruit bowls in every room.
Giving us the perfect opportunity to sneak potions into the fruit, to be absorbed by an unlucky witch or wizard what could even be days later.

And lucky for us, we'll be here a week!
Meaning the chances are, some unlucky person were bound to be our latest victims.

I did try to be respectful.
Not looking around the room that appeared to have been a bombs sight.
It was absolutely covered in his belongings.

Not focusing too much on that, I quickly made my way to the fruit bowl, pulling a vile from my pocket.
One drop. That's all it took.

A devilish smile on my face, I made my way from the room. Taking steps two at a time.
I couldn't wait for this to play out.

Shooting Fred the thumbs up, i beckoned him over to both discuss the next stage of the plan, and getting him away for what was sure to be a complete boring conversation.

And then there's the stranger.
Who did not know what he'd be waking up to a few days later, after snacking on an apple that had seemed innocent in its bowl.



Who's fitter??

Sirius or Remus.

I know! Tough one!


Hey Guys!
That's another one for you to enjoy (hopefully)
Loving how this is going so far.

In my opinion so much better than the original!

Let me know what you all think, and what you want to be included in future chapters!


Here's the original version of chapter 4:

With the first day tomorrow, I had to make sure that I looked amazing. For once I woke up bright and early, ready to start my first day, and not having to be dragged out of bed.

I walked over to my draws selecting what I am going to wear.

**what you wear**
I decided to dress quite casually but I still wanted to look nice. Luckily class didn't start until tomorrow, so I had one more day, to spend some time with the twins and my new friend Lee

. I pull my hair into their usual beach waves and apply some light make-up. I get out my golden hooped earring and black vans, similar to the ones I bought Ginny. I make my way out of my room and get ready to wake the boys. I didn't know If I could get down the stairs yet, and quite frankly, I didn't want to risk it.

I knocked loudly on the boys doors, to receive no reply, except groaning. I use this as my opportunity to open the door. Luckily Scott was missing from his bed, however, the other three looked like they were passed out. I make my way over to Lee first, slightly shaking him and whispering in his ear. "Lee, let's prank them! Do me a favour and pretend I've left will you? And please don't be alarmed either!" Lee looked confused but simply nodded whilst I hid in the corner.
"Guys she's gone! Come on, let's pull a prank on her!" Lee called.

Fred and George immediately jolted up ready to start planning. They hadn't noticed me yet so I took this opportunity to turn into my animagus form. No one knew that I could do this. I quickly shifted, and laid before them was a large grey wolf. Lee looked like he wanted to scream with joy, but kept it together. I quickly snuck by the bed, purposely knocking everything over in its path.

"How the hell, is everything falling off the shelves?" Fred asked.
"Lee are you doing this?" Continues George.
"No, that's strange." Fred got up to look at the side of his bed and made eye contact with me. His face fell pale and he looked like he wanted to scream.
"Fred what is it?" George asked at Freds startled face. George got up at the side of Fred and they both looked paralysed. Lee was finding it hard to disguise his laughter. I immediately, pelted my way towards the boys tackling them, as they let out loud squeals, they were generally scared and thought they were being attacked by a ware wolf. Watching them both struggle under me I decided to start licking their faces. At this point the boys were still sacred and Lee was laughing his head off. I got off of the boys and laid on Freds bed. "What are you laughing at Lee? There's a fucking ware wolf in our room!" George screamed.
"We need to get Mcgonagall!" Fred replied.

Knowing that this would go on to far, I changed back into my natural form, bellowing with laughter. Me and Lee collapsed onto his bed the laughter becoming uncontrollable.
"Fucking hell Y/N, I knew you were amazing but that's bloody awesome!" Fred called.
"Completely awesome! You have got to teach us how to do that!" George exclaimed.
"Thanks guys. 3 years definitely didn't go to waste after that." I replied.
"Three years!" All three boys said together.
"Yes and it was the hardest three years of my life but that was totally worth it!"
"How come your animagus is a wolf?" Fred asked.
"Oh well, I'm not really like most people who can perform the animagus, most people can only transform into what's known as their spirit animal, for some reason, I can transform into whatever I like."
"Wicked" Fred and George said.
"Can you do a donkey?" Lee said hopefully. "I love donkeys, they're awesome."
I quickly shifted into a donkey, letting out a huge "eeee or"
The boys fell over in laughter.
I transformed back and laughed along with the boys.

"This is awesome, gosh Y/N think how many people your going to be able to pull now! They wanted you before, but imagine them when you show them this!" Lee called, Fred just glared at him.
"Actually, you can't tell anyone about this! I haven't told anyone! I'm scared people will judge me for it, if you haven't noticed I'm not normal at all, my hair changes colour and I'm not even in a proper house." I say.
"Y/N this is what makes you amazing! Your gorgeous!" Fred said.
"Erm Y/N, your hairs green" Lee laughed holding it to my face for me to see.

"Huh, it's never turned that colour before. I wonder what it means" I continue to look at my hair, the pale green  growing stronger and stronger.
"It's alright, we can go to the library and figure out what it means after dinner." Lee says.
"Alright, thanks guys" I hug them before we start to head down for dinner.

Sat at breakfast.
Freds pov:
"God my hair is still green! What the hell! Everyone is looking at me. Come on!
Whatever it is I'm feeling it's overtaking every emotion. Right now I'm pissed off so it should be purple. But no! It's fucking green!" She ranted.
"Darling, everyone was looking at you before." I say.
"Not helping Fred. What do you mean they were looking at me? Was something wrong? Did I have my hair wrong? Don't tell me I had a zit?" She panics.
"No darling, don't you dare say that, your perfect. Anyway the comments were quite the opposite really." I say.
"I don't know what that's supposed to mean but thanks Freddie." She replies smiling.
Greens my favourite colour, I really like her hair being this colour. Don't get me wrong, I love her natural brown colour, but the green is hot!
"Well I love it. Incase you haven't noticed, greens my favourite colour! And who cares if people are staring, people were staring before. Let's just give them a show!" I say running out of the Great Hall.

Your POV:
"Where the hell is he going?" I say.
"No idea. He will be back though, he won't go far without Y/N here." George said to Lee. I blushed, making Georges and Lee whisper between themselves. What does that mean? Fred won't leave me? No, surely they just mean because he's my best friend.

We continue to eat breakfast, piling the bacon onto my plate. I kept checking my hair, but it's still bright green, for gods sake.

Suddenly a loud bang erupts the hall as the doors open wide. In struts Fred Weasley, hair glowing bright green. Making direct eye contact with me the whole time, smiling mischievously. For some reason, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so bad. He comes running up to me, grabbing my hand and pulls me away from the table. He pushes me against the wall in the corridor. "So what do you think? Loving the match?" Fred laughs.
"Oh my godric Fred. I love you!" I reply laughing.
"Good, because I love you too." He says grinning. We take a few moments, staring into each other's eyes. His green eyes reflect strongly, specks of brown and blue fill them. His new green hair, messy from where he'd been dying it. His strong figure managing to pin me against the wall, his knee parting my thighs. He began to lean in closer, me doing the same. My stomach filling with butterflies. Suddenly he's flying back, crashing into the other wall.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!" Oliver comes strutting down the halls wand in hand obviously trying his very best to hex Fred. Fred stumbles to his feet and takes out his want, ready to block the spell incase Oliver shoots at him. "Oli, stop!" I scream. "Y/N, he was on you! He's not allowed to do that! That's Fred and your my sister! No! You can't be together!" He bellows.
"We weren't Oli! For gods sake! Plus it's none of your business! I'm not 5 years old anymore! You can't control me!" I shout back.
"Yeah but I can tell mum and dad on you! I wonder what they'll say knowing you've been snogging a boy!" He says.
"You know what, fuck you! You want to tell them, fine, tell them! But I'll tell them about you and Malissa, last year! Don't think that they'll think much about me kissing someone then, do you?" I shout.
"Look I'm sorry. I won't tell them. I was just angry. I thought he was forcing you and I don't want to see my sister do that, like, ever! Please forgive me" he says calmly, his head dropping slightly, knowing it wasn't his place to say anything. We hug it out and he walks off, happy with me, but still glaring at Fred. Crap Fred! This is going to be so awkward. I walk back over to Fred his expression hard to read, I send him a small smile as we walk back into the hall in complete silence.

We sat down across from Lee and George. Further apart this time as Oliver is still sending us glares from a few seats down. We sit in silence for a few minutes before Lee speaks up. "So are we going to head to the library, see why you've got green hair?"
I nod and stand up, the three boys following. They lead me through the castle to the library. It's huge! I never thought I'd actually step foot in a library. It's never been something I wanted to do, but I need answers. We grab a few books and sit down at a table before I turn to the three boys. "You know, this is my first time ever stepping foot in a library" I laugh.
"What do you mean Y/N, surely there was a library at your old school?" George asks.
"Course there was, I just vowed I'd never mess about spending time doing stupid shit" the three laugh at me.
"Good one Y/N, you are joking though aren't you?" Fred asks.
"Honestly, no. It's never been an intention of mine to come to one if these" I reply
"But what about when your studying" Lee asks .
"Never studied before" I laugh.
"But don't Beuxbatons do their OWLS a year before us?" George wonders.
I reply with a simple "yep"
"What did you get then Y/N? If you didn't study? Even me and George study from time to time." Fred laughs.
"Oh erm, I don't want to sound cocky but I got 9 o's" I reply quietly. I never have liked to be praised. The boys faces were funny though, they look really shocked.
"God you really are perfect" Fred mumbles, expecting no one to hear him.

"So your telling me, you got perfect grades and didn't study once!" George yells.
"Pretty much, yeah" I reply nervously.
"That's awesome" Lee praises.
"Yeah well, when your teachers as awesome as he is, you start learning all the spells at the age of 3. I'd say it gives you quite a good start." I laugh. "Now enough about that, let's figure out why my hair is green!"
We begin to read through the endless piles of books.

Around an hour later:

"Y/N , can I talk to you outside for a moment" Lee asks dropping his book. I nod, leaving the other two boys at the desk and head outside with Lee.
"What's up Lee?" I ask.
"Well I don't know if your going to like this but I've just read that the main colours your hair can turn are red, blue, yellow and purple, am I right?"
"Yeah Lee"
"Well it says that when a different colour appears if forms into the colour of those you fall in love with!"
"Wait what"
"Y/N your hair is green! Green is Freds favourite colour"
"Shit, I really am in trouble, I thought it was a stupid crush! Lee please don't tell anyone! If they ask let's just say that's it's like when I start my period or something."
Lee laughs at this. "I won't tell anyone Y/N but won't it be awkward to say it's your period"
"No I don't really care, it's true anyway" I laugh.
Lee looks as if he's about to pass out. Boys.
"Come on Lee is only a bit of blood, your not even going to see it!" I laugh
"Sorry it just makes me uneasy." Lee days wearily. I just laugh and we make our way back inside.

"Well we've figured out the hair situation" Lee announces.
"Oh, really what is it?" Fred asks.
"Erm well it's when Y/N's friend comes to stay" Lee says, sending me to the ground with laughter.
"Erm what?" George asks, clueless.
"You know, her monthly friend that plays her a visit. Her friend that she doesn't invite" he says slowly, praying the boys will understand. At this point I can't breathe from laughing so much.
"My period guys." I manage to let out.
George has the same shocked and uncomfortable expression as Lee had. But Fred just laughed at his brothers, unaffected by it.
"What's up Fredrick aren't you uncomfortable me those idiots" I ask.
"No not really, when Ginny first got hers, guess who was left to deal with it whilst mum was at work" he laughs.

Aww that's so sweet. Fred helping out his little sister. He'd be a great dad.
"You'd make a good dad Freddie" I say, his smile seems to widen at the nickname. "Ok but seriously, let's get out. This place gives me the creeps" I laugh.

The three step out and we begin making our way to the dorms, Fred places his hand around my shoulders, unfazed by the information he had just received. I could feel a small blush creeping to my cheeks at his warm touch. I could finally admit that one thing to myself. I love you Fred Weasley.

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