Pregnant by a Weasley: Fredxr...

By marauderserafan01

192K 4.6K 2.3K

Y/N has spent the summer as usual at the place that she feels home, the burrow. She attends Beauxbatons, and... More

Chapter 1- Y/N Lily Wood.
Chapter 3- Egypt
Chapter 4- Charlies assistance
Chapter 5- the hogwarts express
Chapter 6- gryffindor!
Chapter 7- An idea
Chapter 8- Smells like shite
Chapter 9- First game of the season.
Chapter 10- the boggart.
Chapter 11- The trance
Chapter 12- the truth
Chapter 13- Hope
Chapter 14- always
Chapter 15- The christmas gifts
Chapter 16- hello big brother
Chapter 16- older Weasleys
Chapter 18- Summer
Chapter 19- Charlies in charge
Chapter 20- Truth or dare
Chapter 21- Caught in the act
Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?
Chapter 23- hello
Chapter 24- hello Dudley
Chapter 25- the cup
Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2
Chapter 27- nightmare
Chapter 28- train ride
Chapter 29- the prank
30- Snape
Chapter 31- the unexpected
Chapter 32- help
Chapter 33- Its my birthday
Chapter 34- Meeting with dad
Chapter 35- Dragons!!!
Chapter 36- Moodys lesson
Chapter 37- preparations
Chapter 38- the first task
Chapter 39- lets party
Chapter 40- new team
Chapter 41- Ammortia
Chapter 42- a date?
Chapter 43- dance lesson
Chapter 44- finding THE dress
Chapter 45- getting ready
Chapter 46- the Yule ball
Chapter 47- confessions
Chapter 48- morning
Chapter 49- the truth
Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?
Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?
Chapter 52- seeing them again
Chapter 53- christmas
Chapter 54- world cup
Chapter 55- interview
Chapter 56- astronomy date
Chapter 57- the second task
Chapter 58- recovery
Chapter 59- the future
Chapter 60- preparations
Chapter 61- the breakfast before
Chapter 62- the final task
Chapter 63- The graveyard
Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred
Chapter 65- The letter
Chapter 66- cheer up
Chapter 67- a date
Chapter 69- Good morning
Chapter 70- run Harry
Chapter 71- Angry/ thankful
Chapter 72- The hearing
Chapter 73- Caught in the act
Chapter 74- that bitch
Chapter 75- new friends
Chapter 76- umbitch
Chapter 77- detention
Chapter 78- Birthday part 1
Chapter 79- Birthday part 2
Chapter 80- very educational
Chapter 81- we need a plan.
Chapter 82- New Ammortatia
Chapter 83-dumbledores army.
Chapter 84- Mr Weasley
Chapter 85- Plan of action
Chapter 86- A free man
Chapter 87- The joke shop
Chapter 88- good job Neville
Chapter 89- caught
Chapter 90- detention again
Chapter 91- weasleys departure
Chapter 92- reunite?
Chapter 93- ministry pt.1
Chapter 94- ministry part 2
Chapter 95- back from the dead?
Chapter 96- Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.
Chapter 98- im going to be a dad?
Chapter 99- Georgie
Chapter 100- WEASLEY!
Chapter 101- a special surprise
Chapter 102- a cave?
Chapter 103- Whatever his fucking name is
Chapter 104- stop crying
Chapter 105- weirdest feeling.
Chapter 106- What are you... stupid?
107- Oops
108- Madeye Moody.
109- bloody fool
110- Promise
111- mistake.
112- ill get the sword
113- Tired
114- RAB
115- unfair
Chapter 116- fucking disgusting
117- little bastard
Chapter 119- Not worth living

Chapter 2- Sore Loser

4.9K 111 86
By marauderserafan01

Chapter 2: Sore Loser

This is the updated chapter 2, to read the original, please find it at the bottom of the chapter.


"Come on then Ginny! Let's see what you've got."

I launched the Weasleys battered quidditch balls into the air, allowing Ginny to take possession of the quaffle, as I mounted my broom following after her.

Passing the ball back and forth I discovered that she was a decent player. Pretty skilled, excellent hand-eye coordination and a pretty good aim when it came to shooting.

"Alright, try holding the quaffle lower down your arm when you're carrying it. Currently, one knock into you and you've lost it. Either that or you'll drop it. If it's further down you've got a stronger grip and if you drop it, you've got a better chance of getting it before your opponent."

I liked sharing my tips.
Victor had taught me that.
Victor Krum, who I hadn't seen in ages!
He was always really good to me, treating me as if I was his sister, nice man.

We keep in touch of course, sending eachother regular updates and messages, but seeing as though we live in different countries, it wasn't always possible to see him.

"How can I stop the spin when I throw?"
Brought out of my thoughts, I looked towards Ginny who had the quaffle under her arm like I had shown her.

"You're probably twisting your wrist too much. You want to throw it as powerful as possible. And as far as possible in most cases. So watch what happens when I twist my wrist."

I gestured for her to pass me the quaffle, which she quickly did, watching intently as I demonstrated.

I made sure to curve my wrist, showing her what a bad throw really is as the quaffle ended up spinning so rapidly, that it dropped suddenly, a little under 4 metres away from us.

"I thought you were supposed to be England's number one?"

Rolling my eyes as two ginger boys approached below us, I turned my attention back to Ginny, who seemed more than pissed by their arrival.

"Chuck it back." I swerved towards the ground, managing to catch the ball as Fred threw it up towards us.

"Right then Ginny." Turning my attention to the girl as I continued explaining how she could improve.

I threw the quaffle again, aiming at the quidditch hoops this time, keeping my arm straight, my wrist strong and applying as much pressure as possible. I ended up passing the quaffle through one of the hoops, pretty impressive when you're half way across the field.

I raised my eyebrows at Fred, who looked suddenly sluggish, "I could do it better."

"Woah. You see this Ginny?" I said sarcastically, "we have a new competitor and of course he's brought his brother. Let's see shall we?"

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. No. Let's not bring me into this!" George insisted, glaring at Fred, "I never doubted you Y/N!"

"Oh well." I shrugged, "you can be such a good friend and take responsibility for your brothers actions. Plus it's a game of quidditch, what could go wrong?"

Fred and George made their way up to the field, Fred looking as cocky as ever, George looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else.

"I can't believe you've just challenged Englands best player, last year." George whispered to Fred, though his whispers were more quiet shouts so it didn't really hide much to the girls.

"How about we make this a little more interesting." I grinned, my hands clasping together as I thought. "Losers have to....."

"Sit with Percy and let him explain his whole rock collection to you."

"Ah. An excellent suggestion Ginny." I almost laughed, doing my best to force it back down my throat. "So it's settled then, you two will be listening to Percy ramble about his rocks and you'll find me and Ginny chilling near the fire with a hot chocolate."

I could just see it now.

George continuously shook his head, knowing that he'd secretly have two downfalls.
-having embarrassed himself in front of an English legend.
-having to listen to Percy about his rocks.


The game was in full action.
Bludgers bouncing around wherever they pleased due to neither team having any beaters.
It wasn't so bad, it just meant that attacks were completely unpredictable and it was 'do your best to not end up with a broken arm'

I'd already scored two points, Ginny making us two up by scoring another.
Which meant that the boys had succeeded in scoring two of their own.

Neither team had any keepers, so it was like you had to defend before the posts, which wasn't the easiest when we all had brooms flying in different speeds.

Taking the quaffle from Ginny, I zoomed down the other end of the pitch, aware that I had a ginger boy on my tail. Praying to god that Ginny was behind me, I spun round on my broom, allowing it to keep travelling forwards as I faced the other way.

I just saw Fred raise his eyebrows, not understanding where I was going with this, but little did he know that Ginny was about to pass me, where he would have no chance of intercepting the quaffle.

Ginny had scored another.


"I'm making a hot chocolate." I grinned, Ginny by my side, her arm linking with mine, "anyone fancy one? Come on George. I'm sure it will be better for Percy to explain all to Fred, he was the one asking after all."

A wicked grin appeared on George's face, "I think so too Y/N. See you later Freddie."

We left the ginger boy, with his eyes wide and back straight from where he was seated next to his older brother.

Chuckling to myself, I closed the door and pressed my ear against it.

"And here's a metamorphic rock. These are formed through the change of igneous and sedimentary rocks."

"Oh lord kill me now."

"Sorry? What was that Fred? Did you have a question?"

"Course not Perce. You carry on."


"Enjoy your big brother bonding sesh then Freddie?"

"Loved it Y/N. Y'know, I didn't think my Saturday nights could get any more exciting."

"No idea what you're talking about Fred." Percy shrugged, having been filled in on the plan before hand, wanting to make it even more torture for Fred. "And remember you have a test coming up this week, I'd like to see what you've remembered."

The poor boy looked terrified.

I shook my head and walked over to Fred, a mug in hand.
"You aren't going to tip that on me are you, love?"

I acted oblivious to that phrase.
I 'didn't even notice'
I didn't even notice that my cheeks went red heart sped up to a rapid pace.
Nope. Completely normal.

So instead, I shook my head, smiling, handing him over the hot chocolate. "Here you go loser."


Our summer adventures at the burrow didn't last long, however, for the following night Arthur Weasley ran into the house, a proud smile on his face as he showed his family his newest reward.

"You're kidding me!"
"Holy crap."

Molly was beaming as she looked at the paper, her children clearly not expecting those words to come from her mouth, it was either something really good or really bad.

"We've won a trip to Egypt!"

Together the kids began to cheer, Fred and George going as far to start waltzing around the room with each other, bright smiles on their faces.

"Oh this is so exciting." Molly laughed in her husbands arms, "we really must go and pack, we leave tomorrow."

I sat down in the living room, a hint of a smile on my face as I thought about how happy I was for them.
It must not have been often that the kids got to go on holiday.
Or Molly and Arthur, really.

They didn't have much money.
I was truly happy to see that good things do happen to good people, despite what others might think.

"Y/N, what are you doing in here?"

I looked up to see Arthur Weasley stood at the door, his hands on his hips and his brows furrowed, "I thought you'd be packing with Ginny?"

"Oh don't be silly Arthur." I laughed awkwardly, "I wouldn't intrude on a family holiday. You're all so excited. I'll probably go and stay at the leaky cauldron. I used to go there as a kid to escape the house."

The man walked over and took a seat next to me on the couch, laying his hand on my shoulder, "Y/N, we want you to come. As far as I'm concerned, you're part of the family now. Me and Molly love you, the kids love you. Please come with us."

I smiled, hugging the man around the waste, "thank you Arthur."


"Rise and shine you sleepy heads, we're going to Egypt!!"
I think Molly Weasley took the news quite well, her excitement was through the roof.

"Up, up. Come on Ginny get up." I was out of bed as usual, ready for Molly coming in to wake Ginny.
"Oh Godric, I forgot to pack the travel food, Y/N be a dear and wake Fred and George will you please. A simple water charm should work."

I grinned. Almost wickedly.

"Rise and shine boys." I whispered as I entered their room as quiet as a mouse. Watching the cracks in the floorboard as I made my way over to the sleeping twins.

With in a matter of seconds, George was already looking at me, a smile on his face as he noticed my wand in my hand.

I whispered to him, "time to wake Freddie."
An evil laugh escaped his lips, a low chuckle would describe it.

"Aguamenti ."

Jumping awake, the ginger boy sprung to his feet, covered in water so badly that he failed to notice me staring at him.

Fred was ripped.

I didn't know what I had expected really, though it certainly wasn't that.
He wore a pair of grey jogging bottoms that hung low on his hips, and no shirt.

I don't want to exaggerate but god that could make anyone's morning.

Looking around to scale his attacker, his eyes landed on me, a smirk forming on his face as he saw me standing there in my fluffy Pajamas.
Oh Godric, I'll never hear the end of this.

"Awww thanks for waking me, love. That was really kind. Must return the favour."

And there it was again 'love'. Was it just a word that he used often?

He slowly approached me carefully, me not noticing as I slowly backed away, my back bumping into the wall.

My heart rose, my hands shook.
Not with fear though.
No if it was fear i'd have already thrown punches.
I couldn't understand why my body was betraying me.

Couldn't understand why my cheeks went red and I must have felt warm to touch.
It's got to have been for the fact that he was shirtless. That's what did it.
I'm sure it is.

He got really close to my face.
My breath getting louder and louder.
It was now that I realised how tall he actually was. Compared to me he was huge.

Taking me completely by surprise, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest in an almost hug.

And that's when it hit me. I remembered what he was doing.
'Returning the favour'
This was him covering me in water the same as I had done to him.

"Oh you bastard." I laughed, shoving the ginger boy away who began to laugh along with his brother.

"Get dressed, we've got places to be."


Question time!!!

Which would you rather be in possession of?

-Invisibility cloak.
-marauders map.
-elder wand.
-resurrection stone.


Second chapter guys!!

Completely different to the original so I hope you like this one better.

I'm actually really enjoying writing again now that I'm not cringing from the original story 😂
Sorry if you liked the original better.

Here's the original if you prefer to read that.


This is the first version of chapter 2:

Molly and Arthur sat in the living room. Their 5 children upstairs doing god knows what. I was in the kitchen finishing the dinner, laying it out on the table neatly.

It was practically perfect, everything laid out neatly and I was excited to show Molly and her family what I'd made.

I walked Into the room telling Molly dinner was ready, she walked upstairs telling her children.

I went into the living room giving thumbs up to Arthur who was the only one who knew of my plan. I began to become nervous thinking that Molly and her children wouldn't like it. What if I'd got something wrong? Or what if they hate the food completely or that I've managed to screw it up or something.

God I'm acting like I've left the teabag in someone's cup and given it to them.

I sat at the table with Arthur waiting for the others. The 5 children came in beaming, throwing compliments my way as they sat down ready to dig in. Molly hadn't entered the room yet.

Fred sat down on my left, throwing an arm around my shoulder in a friendly manner.

"This looks amazing, Y/N." He said, instantly tucking into the food in front of him.
I laughed as he did so, noticing that when he looked up he turned a fiery shade of red.

Molly eventually walked into the room, seeing all the food and instantly tears formed in her eyes as she ran over to me, bracing me in a hug as she sobbed into my neck. I just let out a small laugh and patted her on the back comfortingly. Fred smiled at the interaction with his mum. Why do I keep looking towards Fred?

Everyone began tucking in as they grabbed their favourite foods, piling their plates full. The worst was Ron, he wasn't filling his plate, rather shoving his mouth full instead.

I laughed at their expressions. All of a sudden, Fred put an arm around me, "you know Y/N, curry is my favourite." He said thanking me.

"Oh I know, Molly told me, thought it might be a nice surprise for you all."

"It's lovely Y/N dear. Thank you so much!"
She said sweetly.

"Actually, would you mind if I'm excused for a moment, I've forgot about something." I said remembering the owl I had gotten Fred.

By the time I returned, everyone had finished eating and the plates had been cleared, I held the cage behind my back and smiled at Fred. He had a confused look on his face as I was staring straight at him.

"What's wrong Y/N?" He asked.
"So Molly told me that, you have an owl George, along with Percy. Ginny a cat and Ron a rat, and I couldn't help but notice Fred that you didn't have anything." I said still looking at him.

"Yep I needed a broom instead" Fred said trying to cover his frown.
"Well I took matters into my own hands then" I said, bringing out the owl.

Freds face instantly lit up as he shot up, embracing me in a hug. Before pulling away he kissed the top of my head, startling me before letting the owl out the cage and stroking its beak.

The sight made me laugh and I could see tears in Mollys eyes once again. Who knew this woman was so emotional.

The night continued as Molly took her children upstairs to arrange their things ready for September. I noticed she was talking to Ginny in her room. "Ginny dear, please tell me that your uniform still fits dear."
"Mum don't worry, I can make do" Ginny sighed.

Grabbing my bag, I knocked on the door, to see Molly and Ginny with sad faces. When they saw me they put on fake smiles.

"Molly I'm really sorry for going behind your back. I really am, but I can't just sit here." I pulled out the two sets of new robes, handing them over to Ginny. Both their faces lit up and Molly broke into tears. "Thank you Y/N, your really like a daughter to me!" She exclaimed through sobs.

"And your already like a sister to me!" Ginny interrupted. "Thank you Y/N!" With that I left the room with Molly.
"Thank you dear, honestly, Ginny has always been so insecure about what she wears so thank you so much! I'm glad she's happy. Now I'm going to check on the boys to see if their uniform fits them still.

She entered the twins room with me running after her trying to tell her that I'd bought robes for everyone. Everyone was in the twins room, Ron and Percy. By the looks of it, Molly had already told them the news.
"Molly can I speak to you for a second please" I asked, trying to ignore everyone's down faces.

Molly followed me into another room and I pulled out the robes. Two sets for every person.
"You really are one of a kind Y/N!" She expressed "I'd be happy to welcome you into the family."

She turned and walked back to the room her telling me to take out the robes. I didn't want to make them uncomfortable so returned back toward Molly, handing her the bag and sitting down near the door. The boys looked confused. One by one, she pulled out the robes handing them to the boys.
"Oh my godric!" Exclaimed Percy, "these are brand new. Mum how."

Molly just looked at me and smiled. When Ron and Percy eventually left the room, they patted my back affectionately, thanking me on their way out.

I watched as Molly pulled out the set of books, and handed them to George. "You'll have to share with Fred!" She said. With this I pulled Fred out of the room and dug in my bag. "What's up Y/N?" He asked.

When I found the books I grinned and passed them over to him. He quickly held me in another hug and thanked me, packing them away in his school trunk as I did mine.

After calming her down we all arrived downstairs, where I was going to give everyone the presents I'd bought today. I made sure to get one for everyone.

The family was sat in the living room, talking amongst themselves when I entered the room, a few bags in hand.
"I saw a few things last week at Diagon ally and I wanted to get you them as a thank you." I said.
"Y/N you didn't have to get us anything!" Arthur exclaimed.
"Well I wanted to so I just hope you like them." I said.
First I handed Percy a new quill, it was designer and I don't really know what the obsession was with it, however I saw that Percy had wrote in one of his letters how nice they are and how jealous he is of his friend Margot for having one.

When I pulled it out, he rushed up, grabbing his note pad as he instantly began to write, shouting thank you. I laughed and turned to Molly. I handed Molly a gift bag with a necklace in it, it was a locket. Inside was a picture of her whole family smiling back at her. It had to be charmed so that it would fit them all in, the family of 9 not able to fit in the tiny piece of gold.

On the front 'mum' was engraved into it. She sniffled, wiping her eyes or any water before pulling me into a hug. She whispered in my ear and I felt comforted by her words, "I hope you know that although we've not known each other very long Y/N. You're welcome here whenever you want."

"Thanks Molly."

I turned to Ron, and handed him a box of Bertys every flavour beans, two liquorice wands and 3 chocolate frogs. He jumped up and down, squealing like a child on Christmas morning as he tore into the chocolate. I should have known that he'd be excited about food.

Then it was Arthur's turn, I handed him a box and he instantly ripped it open, first a black radio and record came out. Arthur looked confused at first but then realised.

"Oh lord! Y/N this is one of those muggle playing devises. Oh my! Thank you! Will you help me play a song later?" He asked eagerly.

"Of course Arthur, your welcome. I then handed him another small present, a rubber duck. He instantly screamed in excitement, leaping through the air, asking me about its function. It was a good job I'd done my research because it wasn't the type of thing I'd been taught by my parents either.

After Molly had settled him down I returned my attention to Ginny. I handed her a few blouses and pairs of trousers. Ginny dressed in what looked like Fred and George's old sweaters so I decided to get her a few things.

Then I handed her a pair of black vans trainers and she jumped in delight. I took her out of the room and handed her a short black. V-lined dress and a pair of black heels.

"Don't tell your mum about this one, I think we'd both get into trouble. But I thought that maybe when we have a party you could wear this. I hope you like it." I said nervously. I was three years older than the girl, but I knew that at her age I was dying to get in a dress and party.

"Y/N I absolutely love it! Thank you! And don't worry, I won't tell my mum. I want to make it till at least age 15!" She laughed.

We walked back into the room, and I went to the corner and pulled out two huge boxes. They were easily half the size of me. I handed one to Fred and one to George. Quickly they ripped the paper of the box and tore it open. I had filled their boxes with every human prank possible. Their faces were priceless, I've never seen them this happy. George seemed very interested in the ring that squirts water, where as Fred was admiring the electric shock hand shake. They looked at each other for a moment, obviously agreeing something without even speaking. Before I knew it, I was sandwiched in a hug. I laughed at the boys as they ran upstairs.

"You know Y/N." Ron said to me as the boys joined us and sat on the couches, "you share the same name as the youngest quidditch player ever. Her name was Y/N Wood. Absolutely incredible player, I've always wanted her autograph."
I gave Fred and George a pleading look, not to mention that Ron was talking about me.

I noticed Fred speak up, and I held my breath "guys I think Y/N wants to tell you something."
"What?" I ask.
"Well I think she forgot to mention the fact that she's the best chaser England has ever seen!" George finished. The family of red heads turn to me.
"Your Y/N! Y/N FUCKING WOOD, the one who led us to victory last year! Youngest player in history. The one I've just been talking about and you didn't even fail to mention that was you! Why didn't I recognise you sooner! I have a poster..........." Ron cut himself off abruptly after his little announcement.

Normally Molly would tell him off because of his language but she looked too shocked to even notice. Everyone stared at me as I blushed. Arthur seemed especially shocked by the news and pulled me into a conversation with Ron about my 'greatest plays'.

"It was awesome that time you went up against Krum Y/N. Never saw it coming! He dived for the snitch 150 points below and you scored an extra 10 the minute he caught the snitch! Bulgaria would have won if you hadn't had scored that." Ron began, obviously getting excited. I rolled my eyes.

"Victor did great though Ron." Suddenly a grey owl soared through the window and a letter landed on my leg.
"Ah, speak of the devil." I said, knowing it was 'wolf' Victors owl. To this day I still have no idea why he called it that.

"What! Your friends with Victor Krum?" Fred and George asked in shock.
"Course I am." I laugh, "he's like my big brother."
Ron squealed in excitement as I tore open the letter.

Dear Y/N,
I hope life is treating you well. Sorry about you struggles in Beuxbatons, I hope you are alright and well.

Im training harder than ever at the moment, Bulgaria want some revenge on England with how well you played last year.

You really should accept England's offer Y/N! They're useless without you!
I miss you.
Let's meet up again soon.

All my love,
Your big bro,

I smile at the letter, passing it to the boys who desperately are trying to read it.

"So let me get this straight." Ron begins, "England are begging for you to rejoin the team! And you said no! You are turning down the chance to play for England."

Everyone in the room agreed with Ron. "Been there, done that." I say quickly.
"Your mad, Y/N, do you know how much money and fame you'd get from this! Your already in the top 5 most famous players, Y/N you could become number one!" Ron encourages again.

I roll my eyes again, "Ron I've got plenty of money, I don't want fame and fortune, never have, never will. And trust me, as much as I'd love to accept again, they might find someone better than me."
"You're mad." Fred and George say together.

"Y/N, your the best player England's ever had! How many owls have you got asking you to reconsider?" Molly asked seriously.

"Well, I don't know, about 3 a week, but that's not important. It would only stir trouble at Home, which is the reason I left in the first place."  I say, looking down.

The others know not to push it, so let it go Straight  away.

After a while of catching up with Molly, I ran upstairs to the twins room, knocking and letting myself in. The joke things I'd bought them were all over the floor, as they were admiring each and every one. I sat on Freds bed, laughing as George had chased Fred around the room, electrocuting him with one of the toys. After settling down we rested on the bed talking.

"So Y/N. Me and George have been wondering this question since you told us about your school. What was so bad that you got kicked out?" Fred asked grinning.

"Well" I started, "they're not big on pranks at all, where as I find them extremely funny. And well, there was this awful woman, from the ministry that came over to see if we were 'following our expectations as a school'. She looked like a toad! And I thought it would be extremely funny if we made her toad like self a little more realistic. So I snuck into her room and put green dye in her shampoo and soap, she was stained green for weeks."

George and Fred were laughing their heads off, admiring me as I spoke.
"That's not what kicked me out though. Not even a week later, I set the headteachers head on fire. It was priceless"

"I never saw you as the prank type Y/N, you seem too nice." Fred said.

"Well Weasley, I guess you were wrong, besides, I don't prank people I like. So that's probably why. Well not bad anyway, those pranks are harmless." I laugh.

After chatting some more, we all fell asleep, me in Freds bed, George on the other, and Fred on the floor.

Weeks later...

Weeks had now passed and I had grown extremely close to the family, Fred and George especially. I got constant whines from all of them about accepting England's offer, and I've promised Ron that I'd get Vic's autograph for him.

It was the last day before everyone headed back to school, I would be joining them of course, but I'd be taking the floo network a little later with Molly. No one knew I was going to Hogwarts and I decided to keep it a secret until the last minute.

Hours later
We were stood on the platform saying our goodbyes to the group, who believed that they might never see my again. Ron and Percy had seen their friends and had given me a hug before leaving. Ron had told me once again to remember him when I go back and play for England. I just laughed at this.

Ginny was attached to my arm, saying her goodbyes and telling me to keep in touch, before heading off.

Then George ran up to me, embracing me in a hug and running off along to the train, leaving Fred. His eyes were full of tears, even though he tried to hide them.
"It's ok, don't worry. You never know, we might see eachother again!" I said hoping he wouldn't pick up on me lying.
"I'm going to miss you so much! Thank you for everything you've done for me and my family, and I hope that by some miracle that your at the Burrow at Christmas." He picked me up spinning me around in the air before planting a kiss on my head, wiping his eyes and making his way to the train.
Molly turned to me, "they're going to have the surprise of their lives tonight" she laughed.

"I can't wait"

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