SCARS | 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈...

By obx_cult

63.7K 1K 721

❥︎ "JJ is missing Pope! What do you not understand about that? He could be getting tortured right now and we... More

1 - John B and Sarah are gone
2 - Heywards Offer (part 1)
3 - Heywards Offer (part 2)
4 - The Phantom
5 - Helping JJ
6 - Breaking the wall
7 - Changes
9 - Run away
10 - Thoughts
11 - Still children
12 - Comrades
13 - Truth?
14 - Kiara's missing
15 - "Is that a hickey?"
16 - Pogues don't keep secrets
17 - "Stay the hell away from our daughter!"
18 - Depression?
19 - Parents
20 - Break in
21 - Plans
22 - Drugs
23 - Breaking Kie out
24 - Small Confessions
25 - Friday evening party
26 - Aftermath of a party
27 - Cover Up
28 - Friends or Lovers?
29 - Arrested
30 - Here Again
31 - Assault
32 - Heyward's Sacrifice
33 - Kicked Out
34 - Scars for a Maybank
35 - "Just us?"
36 - Last summer's boat ride
37 - "This shit has got to stop!"
38 - First Day of School
39 - "Like father like son"
40 - Ending of our Childhood
41 - 1 month later
42 - "It's not a request, it's an order"
43 - "Did you do that to yourself?"
44 - The Shooting
45 - The End of the Pogues
46 - The Raven Haired Boy
47 - The Hooded Figure
48 - Missing Person
49 - Where is JJ?
50 - Drug Runnings
51 - The Gun Shot
52 - He's alive!
53 - Attempted Escape
54 - Rescue
55 - Life Support
56 - Luke Maybank pt.1
57 - Luke Maybank pt2 /// Jiara

8 - The Fight

1.4K 22 8
By obx_cult

{ JJ POV }

"Fine JJ but if we get caught with that thing, your gonna go to jail dude, and your old man ain't gonna bail you out this time" Pope stated

"Yes I know that Pope" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey we don't need anymore 'bitch fights' okay?" Kie said obviously reiterating what I said earlier.
"Yes I agree, now let's go and get this over with" I said, zipping up my back pack which had the gun in.

Pope was dragging us through tons of boring ass shops, looking for lots of different stuff which I didn't even know existed.

I only ever bring a pencil to school! I don't know why he needs all these different textbooks and notebooks and shit.

I don't even know why we were buying all this stuff when we still have 2 weeks left.

"Ughh how much longer do you need Pope" Kie complained, she had a single bag which contained the basics like;pens, pencils,rubbers and rulers.

I didn't get anything and if I ever needed something I would ask Pope or Kie they always have spares.

John B was the same, we were always unorganized.

"Just a few more" Pope said looking at a science textbook in deep concentration.

Me and Kie rolled our eyes and tried not to laugh.

"Oh you know what fuck it! What's the point!?" Pope suddenly exclaimed.

"Woah, buddy what's gotten into you" I mocked placing my hand on his forehead.
"Get off" he snapped throwing my hands back down.

"I think you mean what's the matter with you, JJ! Are you on something? Your walking around looking like you've just escaped a prison camp! Fucking look at yourself dude, before asking what's wrong with me!" Popes sudden outburst kinda shocked me.

"Jesus, Pope" Kie remarked
"Bro - what was that for?" I asked in a tone of fake hurt.
"I'm sorry, but I mean it is the truth" he shrugged his shoulders

There was silence.

"So than y'all done now?" Pope asked irritably

"Well I don't think you have enough yet" Kie said sarcastically looking at his 2 shopping bags stocked with school supplies.

"Yeah I think your right Kie, let's go to some more shops" he jokingly replied, grabbing her hand and dragging me along by my shirt.

"No I was joking" Kie said laughing
"Yeah I know me too" Pope chuckled.

"Ok than I think we made it so far without getting ambushed, so let's quickly head back to the van" I spoke, tugging on their arms.

"Alright, alright let's go than" Kie whooped throwing her arms in the air and running to the car park.
"Crazy girl" Pope said shaking his head and smiling.

"Come on man you already broke the first rule remember: no Pogue on Pogue macking" I stated

"Yeah? Well I think that rules out the window now" He replied running after Kie and dragging me along with him.

"Kie slow down" Pope called out
Kie came to a halt and waited for us to catch up.

We were walking past the dodgy part of town and we passed alot of alleyways I checked every single one as we passed.

I don't know why but I have this terrible feeling that somebody is waiting for us.

"Guys come closer" I whispered pulling them towards me.
"Whats wrong" Kie asked
"I have a bad feeling" I replied

"Relax, it's fine" she said pulling away from me

"Come on Pope" she grabbed his arm and they skipped Infront of me

I just shook my head, they never listen. I can't believe I'm the one doing this, but Im not going to let anything happen to my family. Ever.

Pope and Kie were in fairy world or something like that, because they were skipping around infront and not giving two flying fucks about anything around them.

I kept my bag on one shoulder and I had my hand near the zip ready to pull out the gun incase we needed it.

I heard something crash behind me. I whipped around quickly and saw that a trash can had fallen over.

That's wierd because there's no wind or anything.

I looked around me when I suddenly heard yelling, I quickly turned forwards again and saw that Pope and Kie weren't there anymore.

"Oh shit" I panicked. I started running to the source of the yelling leaving the trash can uninspected.

When suddenly a hand grabbed me and yanked me down an alleyway.

"Yo what the fuck" I shouted, frantically kicking out and trying to punch or kick anything I could.

"Ey ey, JJ calm down" they snickered, grabbing my wrists and holding them against my back.

I looked at them.
"Seriously rafe, 3 on 1!?" I said struggling in Kelce's grip.

"Oh so the Pogue can count" Kelce exclaimed.

"Where are Pope and Kie?" I questioned giving them a fiesty glare.
"Who?" Rafe asked grinning
"You know who who they are" I griped
"Ohhh, the pretty Pogue girl and that nerdy boy"

The other kook that I've never seen before started laughing.

"Shut up! She would never go for someone like you! And that 'nerdy boy' happens to be the exact same one that beat your ass just a few days ago" I exclaimed angrily

"The proof is on your face man" I said directing my eyes to his busted lip.

"Shut the fuck up!" he screamed coming right up to my face "don't ever say that to me again" he hissed and gave me a thump on my chest.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped trying to kick him, but I missed.

He just tutted at me

"It's fine, your friends are being well looked after" The other kook sneered.

"Hey get the fuck off me!" I heard a females voice that I instantly recognised as Kiara's, scream from the alleyway next to ours.

I headbutted Kelce's face and made a run for it, I ran to the neighbouring alleyway where I saw Kie and Pope surrounded by 3 other Kooks.

"Hey man come back here" Rafe said yanking my shirt and pulling me backwards into him. He held onto me tightly.

"Let me to you prick, or you're gonna regret" I threatened, desperately trying to escape.

{ Narrator POV }

3 Pogues and 6 kooks it was obvious who was going to win in a fight, but what they didn't know was that JJ had a gun.

They were all in the same alleyway now, JJ was being held back by Rafe. While Kie and Pope are being held by 2 random kooks, they've never even seen before.

Rafe had enough of JJ and pushed him into one of kook buddies, Kelce.

Then he strided up and stood Infront of the Pogues.

"You lot are the reason my sister is dead. That shitty boyfriend of hers John B was a fucking prick! I knew you were a bad influence on her and look where it got us now! She's fucking dead!" He shouted

"The only prick I see here is you!" Kie called out.
"I second that" Pope added

Rafe licked his lips and sauntered over to Kie.
"Your gonna regret that princess" he seized her chin.
"Take your filthy hands off her!" Pope fumed.

He released her quickly.
"Oh your just asking for it now" he said punching Pope straight in the jaw

Kie gasped!
"You asshole! " JJ seethed "don't lay another hand on him you dick!" JJ tried to deliberately anger him so he would hurt him rather than Pope.

"This isn't any of of our faults, it's your phsyco father that framed him and it was you who killed Peterki-" JJ tried, to continue but was abruptly cut off.

"DON'T EVER SAY HER NAME AGAIN" Rafe screamed and landed a kick to his stomach.

JJ groaned out in pain and doubled over as he kicked the exact spot where there was already an existing bruise.

His hands were still firmly being held behind his back.

"I can give you more of that" rafe hissed "and I can already see that you've had your ass beat! You probably deserved it!

"Rafe leave him alone!" Kie called.
"Don't touch him you, little motherfucker!" Pope yelled

"You wanna say that to me again, huh?" Rafe asked, not giving Pope time to answer before he also kicks his stomach.

"Stop!" Kie screamed at Rafe.
"Don't hurt him!" JJ yelled "please hurt me not him"
"Happily" Kelce replied smacking the side of JJ's head.

"None of you were even there that day! And y'all just believe John B? I didn't kill Peterkins! Your friend wasn't as innocent as he says he was" Rafe announced lying smoothly.

The Pogues remained silent.

But then he walked up to Kie.
"Let her go, Arch" Rafe ordered
The kook called 'Arch' released Kie and stepped away.

"Hey Kiara, how you doing princess?" Rafe smirked
"Get the fuck away from me, Rafe" Kie warned

"Rafe I swear to god if you hurt her-" JJ started but was cut off by another hit to the head.

"Hey, get away from her!" Pope yelled as he saw Rafe was getting closer and closer as Kie shuffled back.

Rafe suddenly grabbed her face and squeezed it tight and forcibly pushed his lips onto hers.

"GET OFF HER!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU RAFE!" Pope screamed, kicking out his arms and legs as 2 people had to hold him still.

"No, stop! She doesn't like it!" JJ shouted, desperately trying to get away from Kelce, who was squeezing his wrists tight.

Kie was hitting him and trying to pull away from him but he just grabbed her tighter.
"Dude, that's too far" Kelce called out
"Come on rafe that's enough" another kook said.

Rafe bit down onto her lips hard and than let go and pushed her onto the floor.

Kie was breathing heavily and blood was dripping down from her bitten lip.

"You asshole" she cried out standing up and was about to fight him, but just than Pope escaped and jumped onto Rafe punching him furiously.

They let go of JJ and went to help Rafe fight off Pope and Kie.

Kiara and Pope were fighting as a duo but there's no way they could win against 6.

JJ took this opportunity and he quickly unzipped his bag and pulled out the gun.
"GET BACK" he shouted pointing the gun at them.

"Now!" JJ warned, switching safety off.
The kooks slowly backed off with their hands in the air.

"That's it against the wall" JJ ordered still pointing the gun at them.
They obeyed.

"Good now stay there, if any of you move off the wall I will shoot"

JJ helped up Kie and Pope with one hand while the other had the gun pointed to the kooks.

"You okay?" He asked them
They both nodded. Kie had blood dripping down from her lip and to her chin and she also had a few small bruises forming on her face. Pope also had a few bruises starting to form and his nose was bleeding.

"Right you boys better get out of here and if you ever do this again I will shoot you to death, and I mean it! You are to not touch my friends or I. Everyone go NOW! Apart from you Rafe"

They all scattered and Rafe just stayed with his face on the wall.

"Scared now?" JJ asked, holding Rafe's shirt pulling him back a bit and smashing him into the wall again.

"No" Rafe replied dully
JJ turned him around so they were facing eye to eye.

"Rafe, man I fucking hate you, look at what you did to Kie. Look at her you son of a bitch!" He said raising his voice.

He turned his head to face Kiara who had her face in Pope's chest anyways, Pope had her arms round her hugging her tight.

"Yeah you see that" he whispered placing the gun on Rafes forehead, he put his hands up slowly

"JJ no, he's not worth even one bullet" Pope intervened.
"Let me handle it" JJ replied cooly.

"Give me one reason to not shoot you right the fuck now!?" He spat at Rafe, with gritted teeth.

"JJ please, don't shoot him" Kiara pleaded

"Give me a reason!" JJ shouted ignoring Kie's request.

"Ok ok look I'm sorry, alright! Just take the gun off me you idiot" Rafe snapped.
"Don't give me attitude Kook, your the one with the gun on your head" JJ griped, pushing the gun in a bit.

"So your gonna kill me just like that Pogue did my sister"
"She wanted to go with him" JJ hissed and started to count.

"5, 4, 3, -"

"Okay, fine! I'll leave you Pogues alone" he muttered.
"Good, now get the fuck out of here and don't ever touch us or Kiara again!" He ordered giving Rafe a well deserved kick.

Hestarted running. He was nearly out of the alleyway when he paused.

"My dad, h-he's gonna come for you, this isn't over" Rafe seethed

"Oh yeah? Well you can tell his lying ass that I'll be waiting !" JJ exclaimed.

"Fuck you JJ, I hate you!" Rafe screamed, throwing his middle fingers in the air.

"Well I'm not too fond of you either, kook" JJ replied switching the safety on. He pointed it at Rafe and he just sprinted off even faster than before.

JJ laughed and so did Pope and Kie.
"The fucking idiot, the guns on safety" he said throwing the gun back in his back pack.

"Come here Kie" he said opening his arms and she came into his warm embrace.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to either of you, okay? I will have to be killed before I let anyone else hurt you." JJ said softly.

"Your really reckless bro, but I'm glad we have you" Pope said patting JJ's back.
Kie nodded.

"You really beat those kooks good, Kie" Pope exclaimed

"Really? You did good too" Kie said going on her toes and placing a light kiss on his cheek.
She quickly pulled away though probably because of her bitten lips.

"Ok let's go back to the chatue and get you two cleaned up" JJ said quickly
"Good idea" Pope said blushing.

This was a very long chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it. You'll definitely be seeing more of Rafe and Ward in future chapters.


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