SCARS | 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈...

By obx_cult

66.9K 1K 757

❥︎ "JJ is missing Pope! What do you not understand about that? He could be getting tortured right now and we... More

1 - John B and Sarah are gone
3 - Heywards Offer (part 2)
4 - The Phantom
5 - Helping JJ
6 - Breaking the wall
7 - Changes
8 - The Fight
9 - Run away
10 - Thoughts
11 - Still children
12 - Comrades
13 - Truth?
14 - Kiara's missing
15 - "Is that a hickey?"
16 - Pogues don't keep secrets
17 - "Stay the hell away from our daughter!"
18 - Depression?
19 - Parents
20 - Break in
21 - Plans
22 - Drugs
23 - Breaking Kie out
24 - Small Confessions
25 - Friday evening party
26 - Aftermath of a party
27 - Cover Up
28 - Friends or Lovers?
29 - Arrested
30 - Here Again
31 - Assault
32 - Heyward's Sacrifice
33 - Kicked Out
34 - Scars for a Maybank
35 - "Just us?"
36 - Last summer's boat ride
37 - "This shit has got to stop!"
38 - First Day of School
39 - "Like father like son"
40 - Ending of our Childhood
41 - 1 month later
42 - "It's not a request, it's an order"
43 - "Did you do that to yourself?"
44 - The Shooting
45 - The End of the Pogues
46 - The Raven Haired Boy
47 - The Hooded Figure
48 - Missing Person
49 - Where is JJ?
50 - Drug Runnings
51 - The Gun Shot
52 - He's alive!
53 - Attempted Escape
54 - Rescue
55 - Life Support
56 - Luke Maybank pt.1
57 - Luke Maybank pt2 /// Jiara

2 - Heywards Offer (part 1)

3.3K 40 3
By obx_cult

{ Pope POV }

JJ, Kie and I were stood in the corner of the tent wrapped in blankets watching the whole area being packed up and loaded into trucks.

It's been about an hour since we got news that John B and Sarah were gone and it was currently 10 in the evening.

Mine and Kie's parents are talking to Shoupe and some other officers just outside the tent, and every now and again they would look back at us and then carry on talking. I really wonder what they're talking about. Probably talking slack on us.

All of this was for nothing, John B is dead, I lost my scholarship for running out of the interview and now it's all just gone to shit.

I ran a hand through my hair anxiously, what was gonna happen from now on? How is JJ gonna take this all? How is Kiara gonna take it? How are we gonna do anything without John B? Are we still gonna look for the gold? I felt like I was about to have a panic attack.

But I was broken out of my thoughts when Kie suddenly spoke up, finally breaking the silence.

{ Kiara POV }

We were all just standing silently and I was wondering whether I should say something but I thought maybe it's not a good time. Maybe they just need a bit of time to process what has happened in the last hour.

I turned when I felt a movement coming from Pope he was clutching his hair and he looked really stressed, so I decided to speak up.

"Guys.." I started thinking of what to say next, both the boys turned to face me.

"wh-whats gonna happen from now on, what are we gonna do?" I questioned. I was nervous for what they were going to say because I really had no idea what we were going to do.

"I don't really know Kie" JJ said blankly.
I sighed, I could tell that he was extremely scared but tried his best not to show it. I knew what was gonna happen to him when he got back home and I felt a pang of guilt, knowing that I can't really do anything about it.

I just had to hope that something would come up for him so that he doesn't have to return to that shitty father of his.

"I think we should just stick together and we will work it out as we go along, baby steps" Pope added.
"Baby steps" JJ mocked.

I placed my arms round both the boys and and they placed theirs back on me. I suddenly felt really clingy.

"It's crazy how quickly they can pack it all up! it's like they never even had a whole operation just for two 16 year olds, they even had to have the whole fucking island out looking for us! Like why!?" Pope exclaimed.

"Yeah, the infamous Pogue and the Kook princess" I said sadly chuckling.

"Well at least John B died as the island celebrity" JJ said half smiling and half teary eyed "and as for Sarah she was already the outer banks celebrity anyways"

{ Narrator POV }

The adults came walking back into the tent and looked at the teens who had their arms round each other, they just smiled sadly at them.

"You ready to go Kie" Mr Carrera asked.
"Yeah dad, just give me a sec" Kiara said turning round and giving them a final hug. "well see you, I guess"

"Of course, how about tomorrow 4 o'clock" Pope said, not wanting to spend a second away from his remaining friends.

"Sure" she replied sadly
Mr and Mrs Carrera nodded at the 2 boys and than climbed into their car with Kie following behind.

{ JJ POV }

"So than Pope, JJ" Heyward said with a smirk
"Yes?" I asked confused

"Would you like to come stay the night at ours, son?" Heyward asked me
"Umm.. Im not sure, I really don't want to bother you uh especially at a time like this" I replied quickly stumbling over my words. And did he just call me son?

"Oh no no it won't be a bother at all, we want you to come over, your like another son to me and your all going through a hard time so maybe it will be good for you to come over" he said.

Truth is I really did want to go over, anything to stay away from my dad even if it's just a little.

I love Heyward he is like my second dad, a proper one unlike my own.

I wasnt sure how long it would take until my dad finds out that I stole his boat, and to make it even worse it went down under the storm.

"Thankyou Mr Heyward, I would love to come over" I said after a minute of hesitation.

"Yes bro!" Pope exclaimed fist bumping me
I smiled weakly at him.

"So than, that settles it officer" Heyward said turning to the the guy "I will be taking the boy home for tonight, no need to call his father" his voice lowered into a whisper "I will tell him in the morning about that" the officer nodded and walked away looking back at me and winking.

What the fuck! Why did he wink at me and what was Heyward talking about, was he supposed to be whispering, because if so he's really crap at it.

I turned to Pope and he looked at me with the same expression that I had. Confusion.

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