Intermediate {K/DA X Maleread...

By KilliosKorosu

327K 6.6K 3.4K

Y/n L/n or known as Shirone the White Fox in Heavens Arena. A well known fighter throughout the city of (C/n... More

Biography (Update)
Chapter 1: Enter Y/n.
Chapter 2: Tournament
Chapter 3: Tournament 2
Chapter 4: Tournament 3
Chapter 5: Tournament end
Chapter 6: K/DA
Chapter 7: Friends huh?
Chapter 8: Next day.
Chapter 9: Behind a Concert
Chapter 10: Unforseen events
Chapter 11: Contract!?
Chapter 12: The Other Side🎡
Chapter 13: Moved in
Chapter 14: 'Normal' day for Y/n
Chapter 15: A day with Seraphine
Chapter 16: Looking over Memories
Chapter 17: Opening up
Chapter 19: K/DA's Game Night
Chapter 20: Candy Shop
Chapter 21: Sudden change
Chapter 22: Discord
Chapter 23: Shopping with Ahri
Chapter 24: Mending the pieces
Chapter 25: Odd Monstrosity
Chapter 26: Aftermath
Chapter 27: Exposed
Chapter 28: Secrets
Chapter 29: A Day with the Diva
Chapter 30: A pretty much normal day.
Chapter 31: Date with the Ninja
Chapter 32: TRUE DAMAGE
Chapter 33: Back to the Tower
Chapter 34: Shirone Vs Strife
Chapter 35: An Eventful day
Chapter 36: How they met.
Chapter 37: Secrets that needs to be told
Chapter 38: Troublesome
Chapter 39: Incoming..........
Chapter 40: Magic Lessons
Chapter 41: Within K/DA
Chapter 42: Unexpectedness
Chapter 43: Kingdom of Demacia
Chapter 44: Troublesome Problems
Chapter 45: One's Journey
Chapter 46: The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 47: Ancient Fear
Chapter 48: The Demons inside

Chapter 18: Grocery with Kai'sa.

7K 144 58
By KilliosKorosu


In a forest, a booming sound of an explosion was heard as many trees falls down from the shockwave that occured from it.


A loud bloodcurdling scream was also heard followed by loud thuds of heavy footsteps as more and more trees falls down from it.

The sky was filled with nothing but dark clouds that lightning flashes from it followed by the booming sound of thunder.

*Bang Bang Bang!*

Gunshots were heard followed by screaming that resonates around the forest
as many people in matching clothes have been sighted running away from deep inside the forest.

All of them were dressed as seemingly Soldiers as they screamed once more when a tree went flying towards them, killing a few.

Some of them stopped and started spray shooting once more but it was futile as a large blast of red energy went towards them, disintegrating their whole body, but it didn't stop there.

The red blast continued it's way towards it's path, destroying anything on it into dust until the stray blast went hitting a mountain and as a result.

Utter destruction.

The soldiers that saw it went hopeless, tried running once more but..


A large claw hand went slamming down, crushing them in brutal way as another roar was heard.



In K/DA's mansion.

Y/n was seen napping on the ground underneath the Sakura tree with his headphones on. He had his School uniform on after half a tiring day in school.

Suddenly, when a petal falls right onto his nose, he started stirring awake as slowly, his eyes opens revealing those soft E/c eyes of his.

He got up slowly and rubs his eyes o get rid off his blurry vision before he looks around the place.

Y/n: What time is it?

He said as he looks to his phone besides him.

Y/n: Only 2 P.M? Hmm.. Dammit.. I only had couple hours of sleep... Oh well...

He groggily stood up and stretches his body, popping his stuff joints earning an audible pop as he slouches in relief.

Y/n: Hmm,... I'm hungry..

He then went inside as there he saw the girls in the living doing their personal business. Ahri and Akali were nowhere to be seen as only Kai'sa and Evelynn were there.

But the loud sounds of sound effects in the upstairs, seemingly coming from the Game room made Y/n think that's where the other two were.

Kai'sa was busy writing something on a notebook and Evelynn was the only one who noticed Y/n coming as she looks to him from her phone.

Evelynn: Done with your nap already darling?

Y/n: Y-Yeah... But now I'm feeling hungry..

He then went over to the kitchen to the fridge but he frowns when there wasn't anything good to eat inside, heck there weren't that much either.

He then grabs a stool and checks the cabinets as it was also the same, barely having food in it as he sighs in annoyance.

Y/n: Hey girls, there's no food in the kitchen.

Evelynn: There isn't?

Y/n: No, I even check the cabinets but nothing.

Kai'sa: Sorry Y/n.. I was planning to go get groceries today but it seems it slipped my mind.

Y/n: *Sighs* Its fine. I'll just go out and get groceries myself.

Kai'sa: I'll come with you!

Both of them look at her as seeing this made her blush slightly due to her shouting all of a sudden.

Kai'sa: I-I mean.. i-it's my fault for forgetting groceries so I feel bad.. That's why I'm coming with you.

Y/n: Right... Sure, whatever ya say.

Kai'sa: R-Right...

Evelyn: I'll also come with yo-

Y/n: Good! Go get changed and we'll meet at the garage in a few minutes!

Kai'sa just nodded before going upstairs to her room to get ready as Y/n did the same thing, all while both left Evelynn by herself as she sighs in annoyance.

Evelynn: Sure both of you just forget about me while I just sit here and wait... Great.....


Both Y/n and Kai'sa were now on the road in a car.

They were now wearing casual clothing with Y/n having his glasses on, F/c turtleneck, rip jeans and boots as well as a LONG scarf covering his lower face while Kai'sa had a shirt on that shows a bit of her cleavage, along with leggings that hugs her figure well and a small jacket that only reaches to her ribs and lastly a cap to cover her hair/identity.

They were now nearing the city but both had this awkward atmosphere around them.

Though it wasn't bothering Y/n as he was simply looking out on the window but for Kai'sa. Well she doesn't like the silence as it seems too much awkwardness for her.

Kai'sa: S-So..... Y-You know E-Eve's gotta be a bit angry when we get back, seeing that we just i-ignored her right?

She stuttered starting a conversation which Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: You couldn't handle the awkwardness huh?

Kai'sa: J-Just answer the question please...

She stuttered again while blushing a bit. It looks a bit funny though, she's quite taller and older than Y/n but here she was, slightly blushing to someone so young as her.

Y/n: Oh please, it's not like Evelynn is someone I can't handle.

Kai'sa: Hehe.. Y-You'd be surprised..... B-But this is Eve were talking hehe... The Diva of our group. Many guys gawked at her but none can't even get close to her unless she's the one to do it hehe...

Y/n: So I heard. To be honest I've heard a lot of rumors about your group, especially her but I'm not sure if they're true. Pen even told me that she's the big sister of your group right? Despite the age between her and Ahri.

Kai'sa: Y-Yeah. Eve and Ahri may be the same age but Eve is older than her, f-for a few months.. S-She's like a big sister to us..

Y/n: I can see that, besides she's not that scary. I mean look at me. I'm still alive and I doubt you all can do something to me...

He said nonchalantly, not even caring what Kai'sa just said which made her sheepishly smile a bit.

Kai'sa: Y-Yeah but t-trust me.. Y-You do not want an angry Eve, Y/n.

Y/n: Whatever you say Kai..

After that conversation, the awkward silence came back once more which Kai'sa deeply hates it, internally wanting to converse more with the White Fox of Heavens Arena.

Soon enough they made it to the city, to the supermarket as there they parked the car and went inside.

Y/n: Alright.. You handle the food for tonight's dinner and I'll handle the snacks and other beverages! :3

He said rather excitedly at the snacks part which Kai'sa sweatdrop, especially when he had a catlike look on which was kinda adorable to her.

Kai'sa: R-Right.

Y/n: We'll meet at the counter if we get all the things we need, alright?

Kai'sa: Y-Yeah.

Y/n: Good I'll see you then...

Y/n then immediately left her as she sighs, looking down for a moment before smiling back once more.

Kai'sa: I'll just have to cook something delicious when we get back.. I wonder what the girls are doing now? Probably the two making Eve annoyed and angry...


Back at K/DA's mansion.

Evelyn was still in the living room now holding the notebook Kai' sa had been writing on before, writing something on it as well.

It revealed to be a song as Evelyn was humming a tune but then erases some of the lyrics.

Evelyn: No that's not it...

She groans in exasperation as she tries to thinks of what lyrics to put but two people who were practically shouting at each other cut her thoughts off and were not helping with her slight headache.

Ahri: No fair Akali! That was my win!! You cheated!!

Akali: Ha! You wish! I was just way out of your league 'Ri! If I have to say the real cheater is you!!

She dramatically pointed at her which the Fox gasped dramatically as well.

Ahri: *Gasp* How dare you accused me of such a thing?! I did no such thing!

Akali: Uhuh you did too! With all of your tails trying to distract me!!

Ahri: I did not!

Akali: Did too!

Ahri: Did not!

Ahri/Akali: Did not/Did too!! Did not/Did too!! Did not/Did too!! Did not/Did too!! Did not/Did too!! Did not/Did too!!!-


Both girls suddenly flinched as they shakily turns to Evelyn who now had a broken table in front of her as her lasher's were practically lashing around in the air as she was covered in a dark purple aura.

Both were now sweating nervously as they look at her with sheepish smies.

Ahri: H-Hey t-there Eve... W-We didn't see you there......

Akali: Y-Yeah.. W-What she said.....

Evelyn: You two........

They flinched even more when they heard her voice was deep and demonic which means she's angry.

Evelyn: Such immature girls you two are.. It looks like I'll have to drill some sense into you two....

Ahri/Akali: (We're doomed...)

They were silently cursing at themselves for not noticing Evelyn so they could have avoided this but no..


A loud thud was heard throughout the mansion as well as the clicking sounds of Evelyn's heels walking away with her left hand smoking hot leaving two Idols behind with comedically large bumps on their heads...

Ahri/Akali: Sorry.... We're sorry...

Evelyn: Honestly. You two are so childish.. I mean, come on. Our own bodyguard is the youngest of us all and you two are the ones to be immatured instead.

This comment of her made two comedic arrows hit them right on the heart which hurt as it was true but though.

Akali: S-Speaking of which, W-Where's Y/n? Is he still outside?

Ahri: Y-Yeah. I don't see Bokkie anywhere too.

Evelyn: Oh, those two are not here, they went out to get groceries.

Ahri/Akali: ...... >O< WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?

Evelyn: Yeah I know, the nerve of them to leave me here with you two, especially our dear little Fox~ Ignoring me like that...


After some time, Y/n and Kai'sa were now exiting the Supermarket store, holding tons of bags but Y/n was holding about 9 bags with 4 of his tails while Kai'sa had only 2.

Y/n: Geez finally! It almost took us forever in there!!

Kai'sa: Are you sure you don't want any help?

She asked, feeling bad and concerned for him but Y/n waved his hand nonchalantly.

Y/n: Don't worry your pretty face about it. Besides most of this bags are snacks that I've chosen so it's all good.

He didn't even spared a single glance at her as Kai'sa had a small blush on.

Kai'sa: (P-Pretty face?)

She quickly dismisses the thought as she looks back at Y/n who was humming happily while looking at the certain bag he's holding which was full of sweets.

Y/n: I can't wait to eat this all :3....

Kai'sa couldn't help but sweatdrop at his character of having a sweet tooth as it also worries her.

Kai'sa: You know... Having a sweet tooth is not bad but.... too much sweets is quite unhealthy Y/n...

She stated worried for his health but Y/n dismisses it.

Y/n: You worry too much. Don't mind me, you mind your own business while I mind mine...

Though she looks a bit hurt by what he said but shook it off knowing he's like this but inside she knows he's kind.

Y/n then looks at the time and saw that it's a only an hour away before sunset.

Y/n: (Huh.. It's still an hour away, I didn't think getting groceries would be this fast then again, I wasn't alone.. Hmm... might as well look around a bit)

He then turns to Kai'sa.

Y/n: Hey, it's still early to go home, why don't we head on a cafe for a break?

Kai'sa: H-Huh?!

Kai'sa looks at him surprise at that. She didn't expect him to say that but then again a small break before going home is not so bad but she's with Y/n so......

Kai'sa: S-Sure. I wouldn't mind...

Y/n: Really? Good, for I know a good place to go! It's just a few minutes walk here so we'll just leave the groceries in the car,

Kai'sa nodded as they did just that before going to the mentioned Cafe.

Kai'sa: (Huh Cafe Coffee?)

Both got inside as the bell rung, as Y/n immediately takes off his glasses notifying a certain someone inside.

???: Welcome to Cafe Coffee-Oh Y/n!

Kai'sa looks in front to see a young man wearing glasses at the counter as Y/n then had a smile on his face.

Y/n: Hi ya Ben! How are ya?

Ben: It's nice to see you, considering you didn't came for morning coffee this morning..

Y/n: Yeah, I wasn't craving any for it.

Ben: Heh Understandable.

He chuckled before looking at the girl besides Y/n and looks at her surprise.

Ben: Oh I didn't know that you made new friend~ Are you on a date or something~?

He teases which earned him a glare from him while Kai'sa blushes a bit.

Y/n: No! No, we're not on a date!

He exclaimed making him chuckle. Kai'sa was still blushing a bit as she spoke.

Kai'sa: Y-You two know each other?

Ben: Yup! I'm a very good friends with this little adorable guy right here.

He grinned as he ruffles Y/n's hair making him grew a tick mark and Kai'sa giggled slightly.

Y/n: Hey! Who you calling little and adorable!!

Ben: Well you~~

Y/n: Grr... Dammit Ben! I swear, you're always like this whenever I make new friends!! It's annoying!

He exclaimed in annoyance making him chuckle while Kai'sa couldn't help herself but smile, especially when Y/n considers her as a friend.

Ben: Well it's not everyday I get to see a friend of mine to make new friends and this time you didn't deny it~

This made Y/n realize what he said as he looks at Kai'sa who only looks away, adorning a blush which didn't go unnoticed by Ben which he smirks.

Ben: (So, my intuition is right.. It's a good thing I sent Sera on an errand or it would have been very awkward- -_-¡ Okay, that made me sounded like a bad guy there hehe....)

He couldn't help but grins sheepishly at the thought while Y/n looks at him confused.

Y/n: OI! What are you grinning at for?!

Ben: Hehe, N-Nothing... Anyway, what can I get ya?

Y/n: Just give me a large slice of chocolate cake and some (F/f) Boba.

Ben: Okay, what about you miss?

Kai'sa: I'll have a slice of Cake as well and a-a cappuccino would be fine.

Ben: Okay then! Just take a seat while you wait.

Both of them nodded as they took a seat at a table and wait.



Both sat there in silence as Y/n was on his phone while Kai'sa was looking around the place, having to feel the warm aura of the place but though,she couldn't help but feel awkward from the silence around them as she looks at Y/n who was playing on his phone.

Kai'sa: ....S-So.. d-do you always come here for m-morning Coffee?

She stuttered out as on the inside, she was cursing at herself to the way to start a conversation.

Y/n heard as he looks up at her briefly before going back to his game.

Y/n: ...Yeah. Almost every morning to be exact.

Kai'sa: I-I see... (Then that means, he always comes here everytime he leaves the house in the morning..)

The silence around them came back and Kai'sa doesn't like it which didn't go unnoticed by Y/n as he puts down his phone, now looking at her.

Y/n: I get it that you don't like the silence? Hehe.. Sorry about that.. I guess this was a bad idea after all.

Kai'sa: NO!

This startled Y/n when she stood up so suddenly from her chair which she realized and blushes deeply in embarrassment,

Kai'sa: S-Sorry... It's just.... I-I just really really don't like the silence...

Y/n: Hmm... Understandable so why don't we have a conversation then.

Kai'sa: U-Um sure... But what's there to talk about?

Y/n: Hmm.. Well how about we talk about dancing then? I mean you're the main choreographer of your group right?

This made Kai'sa beam in excitement when the word "Dance" came.

Kai'sa: Sure!!! I would love too!!!

That made Y/n smile but as then Kai'sa started to talk a lot, all of it were related to dancing, all the things she learned, the techniques and skills she had to master, it made Y/n chuckle a bit at how the quiet one of K/DA was talking this much.

Y/n always wondered what kind of person Kai'sa is, since he rarely talks to her err well he barely talks to her anyway since the only ones to talk to him were the other three but mostly Ahri, but it's not his fault that the Fox continues to annoy him.

Akali was cool to talk to too but to him, it look like she was trying hard which made him a bit weirded out.

Evelyn was okay too, if only she would stop looking at him like some kind prey which most women tend to do that a lot to him but she's a bit much worst though.

Kai'sa then stops talking as she looks down blushing which Y/n perked an eyebrow at.

Y/n: Huh why'd you stop?

Kai'sa: S-Sorry... I just... I think I shouldn't bore you with the things I'm saying.... I-It's dumb?

This made Y/n frown but then sighs.

Y/n: Don't say that.. Its not dumb y'know.

Kai'sa: Huh?

Y/n: Having to be compassionate of one thing.... It's not dumb at all.. It shows that you really love doing what you love the most and that's dancing, am I right?

Kai'sa: M-Mm!

Y/n: Look we may not talk that much but it doesn't mean, I don't like your company.

Kai'sa: W-What?

Y/n: We rarely talk to each other right?

Kai'sa didn't say anything as she just nodded.

Y/n: I don't know that if you're just that shy, or didn't have the chance too or are you just scared of me or something. But just to let you know, I don't mind your company around me.

Kai'sa: H-Huh?

Y/n: Out of all of you girls, I tend to find you to be the most normal one.

Kai'sa: W-What? What do you mean by that?

Y/n: Its exactly what I mean... I mean the Fox is too much of an annoyance to me, Akali is okay but can be a bit too much when she's spying on me and for Evelyn, well let's just say.... she creeps me out.

He couldn't help but shiver at the last part while Kai'sa was blushing a bit and giggled but wait.

Kai'sa: W-Wait a minute? Did you just say Akali was spying on yo-

Ben: Sorry for the wait, here's your order!

Kai'sa was cut off when Ben came in, holding a tray much to her dismay of wanting to talk with Y/n more which the worker noticed and cast her an apologizing glance.

Y/n: Finally!! Took you long enough!

Ben just chuckled and gave them their order and Kai'sa grew a look of surprise when she sees Y/n's plate which was filled with a whole chocolate cake.

Ben noticing her shock stupor chuckled again.

Ben: If you're that confused this is what slice means to him, a one whole piece of a 7-layered chocolate cake that is.

Kai'sa just nodded at him as he then leaves the two alone.

Ben: Enjoy the cake you lovebirds!!

Kai'sa: L-Lovebirds!?

She blushes a deep shade of red making Ben laugh while Y/n ignored it as he drools at the sight of his cake.

Y/n: <Itadakimasu>~~!!

He said as he took a slice and bit on it.

Y/n: Mm~~!!! <Oishi>~~!! X3

He says while munching and holding his cheeks in a rather feminine way making Kai'sa sweatdrop but smiled nonetheless but more importantly...

Kai'sa: (CUTE!!)

Almost instantly, she brought out her phone and took a picture of Y/n who had his fox ears out that way twitching a lot due to pleasure of eating the delicious cake, without him knowing.

Kai'sa: W-Wait, d-did you just speak in J-Japanese?

She asked in realization.

Y/n: <Mochiron! Watashi wa ikutsu ka no gengo o hanashimasu>!

He says it rather proudly.

(A/n: -_- Google translator wasn't that much of a help but yeah...)

Kai'sa: U-Uh w-what?

She asked confused making Y/n slumped down and deadpans.

Y/n: -_-.... I said, of course! I speak several languages. But my main language is English and Japanese!

This made Kai'sa a bit impressed as they continue to eat their cakes but Kai'sa was basically staring at Y/n who continues to eat his cake in glee, unaware of being stared at.

But though, fortunately Ben saw her staring at Y/n with a smile which lead him to smile in amusement at this and continues to clean the counter.

Ben: (Ah... Love... Such powerful and yet dangerous emotion...)

But then, sweatdrops and shivers for some reason.

Ben: (....... I pity you Y/n....)


Y/n: See ya Ben. Thanks for the service!

Kai'sa: Y-Yes! T-Thank you for your service.

Ben: Its nothing! A friend of Y/n's is a friend of mine!

He chimes making Kai'sa nodded shyly which made him chuckle as both of them left the cafe.

Ben: Being a Bodyguard of a celebrity huh.... Y/n might be having fun if he stayed that long...

He couldn't help but smile and be happy for his friend and speaking of friends, here comes the other one now.

Sera: Hey Ben! I'm back!!

Seraphine suddenly comes in through the door holding a box in hand a she sets it in on the counter and Ben couldn't help but sweatdrop a bit.

Ben: O-Oh Sera, you're back....

Sera: Yeah, so what did I miss? Any interesting happened while I was gone?

Ben: Ahahaha.... N-No.. nothing much... hehe...

Sera: Hmm....

Sera then proceeded to stare at him making Ben sweat nervously as he puts on a wry smile before Sera stops glaring.

Sera: Oh okay then...

She then walks to the back as Ben exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Ben: Geez this girl is scary.... Hehe... Y/n sure has it hard huh....

He couldn't help but chuckle nervously at the thought of it but then again, both he and Y/n are on the same page.

You do not want an angry Seraphine.

As both Y/n and Kai'sa are walking back to the parking lot, a cold breeze suddenly blows by making Kai'sa shiver a bit as Y/n notice this.

Y/n: What, are you feeling cold?

Kai'sa: A little bit, I didn't think that it would be this cold.

She shivers a bit as Y/n just nodded.

Y/n: Well what did ya expect? It's the season of Fall. Days or nights like these are bound to be cold.

Kai'sa: Y-Yeah... I should have wore more clothing hehe

She sheepishly chuckled making him sigh.

Y/n: Lets just keep walking.

He said as he started walking again with Kai'sa following after him.

Though, she was still shivering from the breeze while Y/n wasn't bothered by it but when he looks at her, hugging her arms to keep herself warm, he couldn't help but sigh.

One of his tails comes out and gently wraps itself around Kai'sa who flinch in surprise but calms down noticing it was only Y/n's tail as she looks at him.

Y/n: ......... By all means, this doesn't mean anything, got that? I'm just doing my job. Wouldn't want one of my bosses to get a cold.

He stated while looking away as Kai'sa nodded, bashfully.

Kai'sa: T-Thanks....

Both continues their walk to the parking lot as Kai'sa leans in from the soft, fluffy bushy tail wrap around her. It was quite large for a tail to a short boy but Kai'sa wasn't complaining.

Kai'sa: (S-So... So Warm....)

It didn't take too long for them to reach the car as there Y/n went inside with his tail unwrapping itself around Kai'sa, much to her dismay of wanting to feel it's comforting warm by alas, it's just her being hopeful.

The drive back home was bit long considering the distance between their hidden mansion and the city, and the sun had set making it nighttime.

Both Kai'sa and Y/n gets out of the car from the garage as they take the groceries off of it but with Kai'sa taking small glances attention fox.

Kai'sa: H-Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Hmm? What's up?

Kai'sa: T-Thanks for h-helping... A-And I-I had fun time at the cafe.

Y/n looks at her from the corner of his eyes, seeing the Idol blushing a bit was a bit of surprise to him but cast it aside as he takes all the bags with him, using his tails leaving none for Kai'sa.

Y/n: Glad you did then, now come on. Let's go make dinner..... and maybe you could teach me how to.. c-cook?

He muttered the last part out while blushing a bit but Kai'sa heard as she giggled.

Kai'sa: Sure! If that's what you want.

Y/n then blushes even more seeing her smile at him as one thing came to mind.

Y/n: (Cute....)

Y/n then opens the door but.

Akali/Ahri: WHERE WERE YOU TWO!!!!!!????!?!?!?!?

Both of them got startled when Ahri and Akali instantly appeared in front of them out of nowhere, thus screaming at Y/n's face, who was unfortunate a he had to cover his ears from very LOUD scream, leaving him hearing the ringing sound.


To be continued.....

Word Count: 4500+


I'll just post this here for there's a chance I might unpublished this in finding it a crappy chapter.

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