Bandana baby (sequel to Bulli...

By fayesxoxo

342K 8.5K 3K

I'd suggest reading the first book (: >>> Bullied by Magcon More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
a couple years later...

Chapter 18

11.3K 231 177
By fayesxoxo

"Dylan!" I screamed. "Yes momma?" She slowly walked into the kitchen with her head down. "What did you do?" I asked pointing to the cake I spent half my night making smashed all in the floor. "I didn't do it!" She wined. "Who did? Who let you get in the fridge!?" I asked. "I didn't do it!" She stomps. "Hey, don't give me an attitude. You know it's not nice to lie." I crossed my arms. "Im not lying!" She wined again. "Dylan Taylor Grace-" I started then Hayes and Luke walked in. "When are you two not together?" I rolled my eyes. "Let's see? Never. And sorry about the cake. I was trying to get something to make a sandwich with and I knocked it over. I got this mop to clean it up!" Luke laughed holding up the mop. "Ha ha! I told you so!" She giggled running out. "Ugh, clean this up. Im going to go buy a cake." I stomped up the stairs to get ready.


"Aye, Dyl. You want to go cake shopping? Sorry I accused you." I giggled bending down to her size. "Yes! I'd love to," She said.

I went to her closet and picked her out floral leggings, a black top, black flats, and put a floral head band around her brown wavy hair. I applied her some red lipstick because she was wanting some then I went and got myself ready.

I went to my closet and picked out a black along sleeve, jeans, and some black flats. I grabbed my tan purse and also applied some red lipstick to match my beautiful daughter. I brushed through my brown hair and walked out of my room and went into Cameron's.

I stood at the door frame and watched my girl talk to Cameron. "Will you come with us to get another cake?" She asked hoping into his lap. "Sure, pretty girl." He smiled. "Let's go!" She smiled jumping off of his lap and dragging him into the hall where he stopped facing me. "Wow." He smiled looking at me as he bit his lip. "You look... Stunning." He smirked. "You too," I smirked at him as I walked past him down the hall. I could feel him staring at me but I didn't turn around. I heard him pick up my daughter as she wined wanting him to. I heard him whisper before I turned the corner to head down stairs. "Your mother is quite the beauty. I can see where you get it from." Just only imagining his smile.


I walked out to the car and jumped into the drivers side. I started my car and turned on the radio as 'Love me like you do' by Ellie Goulding came on. As I searched through Twitter I sang the song. "My heads spinning around, I can't see clearly no more. What are you waiting for? Love me like you do. L-love me like you do." I sang then I heard a scream. I panicked as I rose up to see Cameron holding Dylan over his shoulder. I calmed down and giggled. I admired his way with Dylan. Also how his hair was messed up and his smile was wide showing his perfect white teeth.

He was wearing black skinny jeans, vans, and one of his United XXVI shirts. I admired his clothing suggestion too.

He buckled Dylan in the backseat and he hopped in the passengers seat. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready." I smiled pulling out headed down town for the cake.


People are probably wondering why I am making such a big deal out of this. Well, if you haven't noticed. It's been almost 5 years since Magcon broke up (not really but let's pretend😂) and I'm celebrating it with the family I have now since the others couldn't make it. I'm just trying to make it perfect.

"Dylan, honey. Calm down." I sighed holding her hand as she tried to run. "Mommyyy! I want to go home. I'm hungry!" She wined. As usual. "I'm trying honey." I said. "Ohh! Candy!" She squealed running toward a candy bar. "No. No. No. It will spoil your appetite." I said lifting her up into my arms. "Cammy! She won't let me have any candy!" She started to kick. "Come on. One candy bar won't hurt." He smirked. I gave him a devilish look. "Are you seriously encouraging her? You act like a 4 year old your self!" I huffed. "Why thank you. Now let her get the candy bar." He laughed as he put the cake in his other hand. "You heard him." Dylan sassed. I rolled my eyes and finally gave in.

Stupid Cameron.

I walked up to the counter and laid the cake on it. The brown headed lady smacked her gum as she smiled at Cameron. Cameron was too busy messing with Dylan in his arms. "Hello, there." She smirked at Cameron. "Hey?" He laughed. "You're Cameron Dallas!" She smiled. "The one and only." He shrugged not even paying attention to her. "How about you give the ugly little thing your holding in your hand to the ugly big thing beside of you and we can go to my house now." She winked. I raised my eye brows and started to speak but Cameron beat me to it.

"You listen here, if you ever call Jasmine ugly again it'll be the last words to come out of your mouth. She's more prettier than you'll ever be. And don't even think about calling little Dylan ugly. She's the most beautiful thing that's walked this earth. How about you go find someone else to play around with because it sure ain't gonna be me." He growled. She look stunned. She rolled her eyes and handed us the cake and our change back and stomped off.

Too many bitches in the world.

"Thank you for taking up for me." I smiled kissing his cheek. "No problem. No one will ever insult you or Dylan as long as I'm around." He smiled. "Oh! Look honey! What a beautiful family!" An old lady smiled at her I suppose husband pointing to us. "Oh, why thank you. But we're not really a family. He's just a friend. And this is my daughter, Dylan." I smiled. "Oh, well. What a lovely name for a lovely lady like her! But by the way, you would make an amazing family. I hope you have an amazing day." She smiled waving. "As for you!" I smiled waving bye to them.

"We would make an amazing family, ya know?" He smiled. "Maybe." I rolled my eyes giggling.


I got home and Dylan ran into the living room and jumped into matts arms. I got everything ready and started sitting the table. "Need help?" I heard a voice say from around the corner. "Sure." I smiled at my brother. "What's been wrong, sissy?" He asked as he puts the forks on the table. "I just miss the family." I sighed. "I know. But that's what this dinner is for. Right?!" He smiled. "Right. I just wish all of us was here." I sighed. "It'll be okay. I promise." He smiled kissing my cheek. "I love you, little brother." I smiled. "I love you more, big sister." He smiled back. "Only not really." I giggled. "I do." He smiled. "Keep dreaming bub. And go get everyone in here." I yelled as he walked out of the kitchen.

I washed my hands and sat down in between Luke and Dylan. "Everyone dig in." I smiled.

Taylor still looked down but he'll be okay.

"Wait!" Cameron yelled. We all looked confused. He ran out of the room and then came back 5 minutes later. "Now I just wanted to make you happy, Jasmine." Cameron smiled. "So I am. Surprise!" He yelled as I saw Jack, Jack, their kids, Aaron, and Shawn walk in. I jumped out of my seat and ran into Shawn and Aaron's arms. "I missed my boys!" I cried. "We missed you too." They both said kissing each side of my cheek.

We all sat down and ate and had a very good time until Alexa stood up..

"Attention everyone! I'd like to make an announcement." She smirked.

Oh gosh.

"Everyone knows sweet little Dylan, right?" She smirked more pointing to my child.

No. No. No. Please not yet.

"Well, I'd like to inform everyone that the father of this child is Cameron Dallas." She smirked. Gasps went around the room.

Nooo- wait what?!

Everyone knew it was a lie but Dylan look confused. Luke grabbed her and ran up stairs. I looked at Cameron and he we about to speak when Taylor flew up mad and ran outside.



"Taylor! Taylor! Ta-" I screamed as I stopped in my steps and just stood there on the porch as he was leaned over a table with his head in his hands breathing hard and crying.

"What do you want?!" He screamed. "Stop screaming. I came to tell you the truth." I said calmly. "What truth! That you made me feel like shit these past almost five years because I cheated on you because I was forced but you cheated on me and now it's made me feel like you're not worth shit. Fuck you. Go fuck Cameron again. I'll never forgive you for this. You should've been the one suffering. Not me!" He screamed. "I've never. Ever. Been with anyone else. You're the only boy. I promise." I started to yell as a tear slipped down my face. "I fucked her to save you. Because Alexa was gonna kill you! What's your reasoning? Stop lying to me. You can't promise when i know the truth. Dylan is Cameron's baby. I was hoping I didn't know the guy. But with my best friend? You're pathetic." He laughed.

"I didn't do anything with Cameron! And you know what? You're right. You don't know the person. You don't know who you really are do you? Have you looked in the mirror to find your self? Have you thought about who you are? You don't know yourself. Do you?" I laughed in his face. "What the fuck are you talking about. Are you crazy?!" He yelled. "No. You're crazy. You're crazy because you can't tell the damn child is yours! Dylan is your child! It's your kid. You haven't even payed enough attention to her to realize that it's your child! If you look her in the eyes you can see you in her. So much of you. That's how you don't know yourself! You don't know yourself because it's right in your daughters eyes." I cried. "Dylan isn't mine." He stated calmly. "Dylan is yours. I came home to tell you that day when I found out but you where in bed with Alexa. That's why I left. That's why I never came back. To get away from you. From everyone. I was scared. But if you just look at her face. Into her eyes. Into her voice. Into her little hands. Into her. You'll find yourself. Because I know I found me. She's yours Taylor. I was scared to tell you before. She's your child and I have proof. But if you don't want to believe then that's your problem. You can leave. Everyone can leave and I'll live with my family. The family I've had from day 1. Luke, and Me. And then the newest, yet best thing that's happened to me. My daughter." I cried as I turned around to walk away.

"Wait." He spoke. I turned around and stopped as I crossed my arms. "What's her full name?" He asked. "Dylan Taylor Grace Caniff." I smiled through my tears.

He just started crying harder and he walked over to me. Then he just hugged me. "I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry I done that to you. I'm sorry I done that to Dylan. I guess I was too blind before. I have a daughter. A beautiful baby girl." He just latched onto me. "It's fine, Taylor. Just calm down. Go talk to her. I think she'd like to meet her dad." I smiled. He started to walk but he stopped and looked at me. "Jasmine, what happened to us?" He whispered as he wiped the tears out of his face after we both screamed until we could scream no more. "You was lightening and I was thunder, the timing was always slightly off." My voice cracked as a tear slid down my face.

It was dead silence for about two minutes and then he looked at me and smiled as he walked past me back into the house as I stood there froze at what happened.


After everything was calmed down I sighed as I walked into my home to see everyone's face white. "What?" I asked. "What happened?" Cameron asked. "Things and stuff." I shrugged taking a bight out of an apple skipping up the stairs like the teen I once was.

"I love you, daddy." I heard a little voice. I stopped in my tracks and turned around in the corner to my daughters room. "I love you too." Taylor smiled as he was sitting in the floor playing Barbies with Dylan. I smiled. "Mommy! Mommy! I found daddy!" She said grabbing my hand as she drug me into the room. I looked at Taylor and smiled as I sat down in the floor. "Watch this!" She said as she was showing off her dolls.

I laid my head on his shoulder as he laid his head on my head. "We made something beautiful." Taylor smiled. "Yes. Something that will change the both of us for the better I believe." I smiled.


"Bye you guys. I love each of you and thank you for staying with us. Come back soon." I said to each guy as I tried not to cry. We all exchanged our goodbyes and then Dylan got to Taylor. "Wait. Is daddy leaving?" She asks. "He has to baby girl." I sighed. "No!" She screamed holding on to him. "Dylan. Come on. He'll be back soon." I said grabbing her arm.

"No! What if he doesn't? He's been gone since I was born. I'm not letting him go for the rest of my life." She cried.

No one has the heart to tear them apart.

"Want me to stay another week? I ain't got nothing to do." He shrugged. "No. You're coming with me Taylor. Who cares about that." She said referring to my daughter. "That is my daughter. Shut the hell up and get out." He screamed. "No." She laughed. I turned around and grabbed her by the hair and threw her outside. "Get away from this house or I'll call the cops." I said. She got up and walked away.

I walked back inside to see Dylan sitting on Taylor's lap playing with his hair. "I love you." He smiled. She stopped what she was doing and grabbed his face. "I love you too!" She giggled as she kissed his cheek.


Since it was close to Valentine's Day we turned on the movie 'The Notebook' since I haven't got to watch anything lately. Taylor and Dylan was asleep. Dylan was in between us as she had her head leaned on Taylor's chest and her feet on my lap. And Luke was also asleep but he had his head on my shoulder. So I watched the movie until I drifted off into a sleep.

Let the truth be told.😏 UPDATES!🎉

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