A Vampire's Love - Edward Cul...

By TheFrenchWriter99

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Edward Cullen has never wanted to sleep more than he did at this moment, as he started junior year for the um... More

Chapter 2 - Friends
Chapter 3 - The Beginning
Chapter 4 - Friends
Chapter 5 - Hot & Cold
Chapter 6 - Threats
Chapter 7 - Birthday (1)
Chapter 8 - Birthday (2)
Chapter 9 - Birthday (3)
Chapter 10 - Warning
Chapter 11 - Thoughts
Chapter 12 - Family (1)
Chapter 13 - Family (2)
Chapter 14 - La Push
Chapter 15 - Roots
Chapter 16 - Answers
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Confessions
Chapter 19 - Questions
Chapter 20 - First kiss
Chapter 21 - Isabella Swan (1)
Chapter 22 - Isabella Swan (2)
Chapter 23 - Gone
Chapter 24 - Reason
Chapter 25 - Decisions
Chapter 26 - Him
Chapter 27 - Not Her
Chapter 28 - Fight
Chapter 29 - Port Angeles (1)
Chapter 30 - Port Angeles (2)
Chapter 31 - Port Angeles (3)
Chapter 32 - The Game
Chapter 33 - Nomads
Chapter 34 - The Hunt
Chapter 35 - Lost
Chapter 36 - Danger
Chapter 37 - Blood
Chapter 38 - Prom
[NEW MOON] Chapter 39 - Party
Chapter 40 - Disaster
Chapter 41 - An End
Chapter 42 - A Beginning
Chapter 43 - Quileutes
Chapter 44 - Guidance
Chapter 45 - Almost normal
Chapter 46 - The Pack
Chapter 47 - New Recruit
Chapter 48 - History
Chapter 49 - A New Threat
Chapter 50 - Jacob Black (1)
Chapter 51 - Jacob Black (2)
Chapter 52 - Born to kill
Chapter 53 - Fearless
Chapter 54 - Rules
Chapter 55 - Inevitable
Chapter 56 - Paralyzed
Chapter 57 - Imprint
[ECLIPSE] Chapter 58 - Lone wolf
Chapter 59 - Humanity
Chapter 60 - Home (1)
Chapter 61 - Home (2)
Chapter 62 - Reunion
Chapter 63 - Alpha & Beta
Chapter 64 - School
Chapter 65 - Unexpected
Chapter 66 - Training
Chapter 67 - Scent
Chapter 68 - Clans
Chapter 69 - Intruder
Chapter 70 - Partner
Chapter 71 - Tutor
Chapter 72 - Clearing
Chapter 73 - Clothes
Chapter 74 - Army
Chapter 75 - Newborn
Chapter 76 - Theories
Chapter 77 - Graduation
Chapter 78 - Control
Chapter 79 - Target
Chapter 80 - Bet
Chapter 81 - Negotiation
Chapter 82 - Compromise
Chapter 83 - Battle
Chapter 84 - Aftermath
Chapter 85 - Engagement
[BREAKING DAWN] Chapter 86 - News
Chapter 87 - Prenuptials
Chapter 88 - Wedding Day
Chapter 89 - Ceremony
Chapter 90 - Reception
Chapter 91 - Isle Esme

[TWILIGHT] Chapter 1 - Forks

4.5K 65 14
By TheFrenchWriter99

My eyes went from left to right every time I stared at the trees that passed by, as the car drove off to a new destination. Head empty, I contemplated the city that was going to be our new home.


After being promoted as a Chief detective, my mom, Heta BROWN, was transfered to Forks police station, which was the main and only reason why we were moving in. I've always been fascinated by her guns, her ability to defend herself and the people in need, and how no matter how horrible the cases could be, she liked being on the field instead of being trapped in an office.
I understood the meaning of "opposites attract" when I saw how different my mom and dad were. If my mom showed her affection discreetly or wasn't very sociable with anyone that was not family, my dad was all the contrary.

My dad, Hakeem BROWN, worked as a surgeon and would start his first day of work in two days at Fork's hospital. Both of them worked in fields, where they were constantly exposed to blood, and yet they made a person like me who was disgusted by the mere sight of it.

When the car slowed down and suddenly made a turn into the alley of a small house, I became more aware of my surroundings. I stared at the facade of the house, and looked around. The neighborhood looked calm, and was surrounded by the forest behind the houses.

Forks sure was a small and quiet city, which was a little scary to be honest.

According to my research, the sun only appeared 10 days a year, at most. The humidity here was no joke. I didn't like the cold nor did I like the heat which was why spring was my favorite season. Even though it seemed like Mother Nature didn't quite like me because I had to deal with pollen allergies.

The first thing I did when I jumped out of the car, was stretch my body, which caused a lot of bone cracking sounds.

"You'd say she's older than the both of us reunited." My dad joked as he looked at my mom.

" I'm getting older, you know ?" I shrugged.

My mom chuckled. "You turn 17 in a few days, what are you talking about ? Just wait until you turn 30."

"I might already be in a retirement home by then." I added while unloading the car with our luggages.

The furniture of our previous house was supposed to be delivered around the beginning of next week. Since we arrived on a Saturday, I guessed that today and tomorrow would be about unpacking and resting before meeting new people whether it was at work or at school.

I haven't located where the school was yet, but considering how secluded the neighborhood seemed to be, I assumed I wouldn't be able to catch a bus or even worse, walk there. My mom agreed on dropping me off before going to work until I got my own car. I'd arrive at school early but I didn't really have a choice.

My dad was the one who opened the front door and stepped in what would be our house for a long time. As I took my first step in, I sighed. It was time...to start all over.


I realized once more how this city was small, when I found out that there were only 357 students in Forks High.
We were now 358.

Most people here seemed to know each other. They actually looked like even their ancestors grew up on this land. I started to doubting about the possibility of blending in right away, when a few glances were thrown my way in the corridor as I tried to find my way to my first class. I was the new kid, the new source of curiosity. If someone could just kill me already it'd be great.

Did I mention that it almost looked like I was the only black student here ? Because it did. I hadn't even seen a tan person yet.

According to the timetable I was given, my first class was Spanish with Ms Garcia. At least it wasn't a class I sucked at, early in the morning.
I loved learning languages. French wasn't an option in my old school, but here it was. When I was filling my subscription papers to school with my parents, I signed up for the French classes, because I thought it'd be a waste to stop learning and practicing a language just because it became an option. If I had to suffer while learning their conjugation for years, I better make something out of it. Besides, my good grades in these classes helped me compensate my poor skills and knowledge in other subjects.

When I walked in the classroom, I wasn't surprised to see how small it was compared to the ones I was used to in my old school. Why bother, when there were barely 300 people ? There were posters on every wall of the room. One was the map of Spain and its cities, and another one represented the spanish speaking countries on the american continent. The other posters were advertisings written in Spanish.

It was with determination, without even glancing at the other seats, that I walked straight up to the last row of tables, near the windows. I always liked to sit by windows, because it allowed me doze off peacefully and benefit from the natural light of the sun. Well, for that part it'd be quite hard in Forks. Besides, people wouldn't be bold enough to turn around just to stare at me, right ?

The class got fuller but no one dared to sit beside me.

I was busy taking out my stuff from my bagpack that rested on my lap when I felt a presence stop near me.

"May I ?" a dulcet voice came out from the perfect lips of a freaking Apollo sculpted by the hands of an angel.

As soon as my eyes met his...what ? golden ones ? I froze.

Had I known there were such beautiful creatures hidden in this city, I would've begged my parents to move in way sooner. If I thought I'd be the center of attention, I was wrong. He was tall and quite slender, his hair was messy and had a brownish color that almost looked like his eye color. What caught my attention the most was how pale he was. Even paler than the people I've seen so far. Now, I could understand that it was difficult to get a tan in Forks, but to this point ? He was wearing a black pair of jeans with a dark blue shirt, which contrasted with the color of his skin. He seemed...cold, except for the warmth of his golden eyes that lit up his face.

He didn't wait for me to speak, as I was sure I was staring at him for too long, and pulled the chair without making any sound.

"Oh, sorry. This seat is not occupied." I spoke for the first time.

The breeze of his scent came to my nostrils as he sat down quietly on the chair. He even smelled good. At this point, I secretely hoped he sucked at some classes, otherwise he'd be too perfect to be true.

When the teacher, Ms Garcia, closed the door of the classroom, I understood that no more student would come in and that we were about to start. It started with the teacher introducing herself before checking that everyone was there by calling our names.

"Aiyanna Brown" she finally called.

"Aquí." I answered in Spanish, as she asked us to.

"Edward Cullen."

"Aquí." the voice as sweet as honey of the guy beside me, was heard once again.

It went on until she called everyone, and then finally, the class started. As it was the first class of this semester, the whole hour was meant to introduce what and how we were going to study for the rest of the year.

I found myself dozing off during the class. The scent which emanated from the guy sitting next to me, Edward, was quite appeasing. It made me want to get him in my bed, cuddle and breathe in his scent as if he was my only source of oxygen. I scoffed lightly at this thought. I guessed I missed my bed.
Since our furnitures haven't been delivered yet, my dad bought inflatable beds to avoid sleeping on the floor. It was okay, but the difference with a real mattress was noticeable. I didn't think I'd ever get used to it.

When some sort of buzzing sound, followed by the sounds of students quickly grabbing their stuff to leave was heard, I understood that the class was over. Edward was the first one out. How the hell did he gather his stuff so quickly ? I didn't even have the time to process that the first period was over.

As I grabbed my stuff and put them in my backpack, I encountered the bright eyes of a guy who looked younger than me and more lively. He had blond hair, and his face was lit up with a warm smile in my direction.

"Hi, you must be Aiyanna."

"A-e-yanna" I corrected him. "But yeah."

"Oh sorry, A-e-yanna." he said again, properly this time. "I'm Mike. Do you need help finding your next class ?"

I went through my bag and looked at my timetable again, to see what period I had next. "Civilisation with Jefferson, in the 6th Building. It's the one just in front, right ?" I asked him as I pointed at the building visible from the window from our class.

"Yeah, it's that one. I guess you don't need me then."

I chuckled lightly. "I guess" I joked.

We both came out of the classroom, and walked to our next class. We met the curious glances of the other students as we walked past them.

"How do you like Forks, so far ?" Mike asked me out of the blue.

"Haven't seen much of it. But it's really...green." I answered referring to the forrest that literally surrounded the whole city. "This is the most interaction I've had so far." I continued, referring to the high school and its students.

"Yeah, it's quite quiet around here. You'll get used to it."

I hoped so.

To my surprise, Mike walked me to the doors of my building, completely ignoring the fact that he'd have to walk back to the building next to the one where we had our Spanish class.

"You didn't have to come with me, you'll be late to your class now." I told him.

"It's okay. I guess I'll see you later, Aiyanna." he said.

"Yeah, see you."

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