25 ~ Scared

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"so you are interested in purchasing a robot" the human female wearing a bright blue uniform spoke as she stood at the large front counter of the store

The worker lifted her arm as a screen appeared and she swiped through the different robots available at the store "Each robot on display is a unique facie2 model that our employees helped design. You can also customize your own robots on our website and we will have it delivered to you" 

"also you should be aware there is an extra charge for identifications chips. However, each robot needs an identification chip anyways, if a robot does not have an identification chip when scanned they will be taken in and they will be deconstructed" the female spoke and taehyung nodded "okay thanks, I'll just look around a bit more" 

Then taehyung and hoseok walked around the store as you and jungkook stayed at the counter

However, you couldn't stop your hands from shaking as you thought about the deconstruction you had just seen and you wanted to leave. Then you felt pure fear as the worker spoke out "is there something wrong with your robots movements, we can fix the robot here if you want"

Jungkook glanced to the side staring at where the worker was looking and he noticed your shaking hands. His eyes widened but he quickly spoke out "no, she is fine" then taehyung yelled "y/n and jungkook, let's go" 

You walked towards the front of the store and soon everyone was back outside on the city street

"so are you going to get a robot" hoseok asked

" I think I might order one" taehyung said while hoseok nodded and they continued talking but you stared down at your hands trying to force them to stop shaking

Then you felt a warm hand gently grab yours. You stared up at jungkook feeling surprised but he simply stared at his two friends as they talked and soon your hands stopped shaking

"alright, let's go home" hoseok spoke as you all began walking down the street. You felt jungkook let go of your hand when he seemed to notice you had stopped shaking and you wondered why he didn't give you to the worker. You clearly weren't a normal robot

You stared at your wrist as you walked and suddenly you thought about what would have happened if hoseok hadn't made you an identification chip. You almost died... but you were just made of metal

You walked silently and soon you watched as hoseok, yoongi, and taehyung went down the street waving to you as they left. Then you and jungkook continued to walk down the street back to his apartment. 

You followed jungkook into the apartment and as you sat down on the couch you kept staring at your arm "this chip is keeping me alive- I mean here" you weren't sure if you were technically alive

Jungkook sat down beside you on the couch and you sat quietly staring at the window looking at the dark city sky

You were a robot, you weren't alive so...why were you scared

As you glanced at jungkook you could see his concerned expression as he spoke "you know I wouldn't let them take you right, I knew the chip hoseok made would work. I wouldn't put you in danger"

You stared at jungkook as you said "I know jungkook" and you did. Deep down you knew jungkook wouldn't put you in danger

Jungkook still seemed worried but he eventually got up "alright, well I'm going to sleep. You should shut down for now too y/n"

System order from jungkook: Shut down

You watched as jungkook walked to his room and you heard him close his door

System H and A activated: Order ignored

You simply sat all night staring out the window seeing the bright stars as all you could feel was fear, you were terrified of what could happen to you if you didn't act like a normal robot... you would be deconstructed

So you needed to act like a normal robot which meant you couldn't be ignoring jungkooks orders anymore and repairing the H chip

Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a voice "y/n, come on" you looked up seeing jungkook. You glanced out the window seeing the bright sun and you realized it was already time to go to the cafe

You felt fear as you thought I am a robot, I am a robot, I will act like one

Instead of greeting jungkook like normal you simply spoke "understood" and you got up.

Jungkook seemed surprised but you walked after him out of the apartment and to the small cafe

As soon as you were inside the cafe you instantly began working making sure you didn't say anything unnecessary

You continued working like normal as you watched as yoongi stared at you intensely and you found yourself feeling uncomfortable


That was all you could think about as you cleaned the counter. However, soon the loud jaemin walked into the small cafe with renjun and jeno. You called jaemins name as he walked up to the counter smiling brightly.

"good morning my beautiful jungkook-"

"stupid robot" a loud voice made your eyes look up instantly while you felt nothing but pure fear once again thinking the male was talking to you

But your worry somewhat went away when you saw the voice was from a man in a suit and he seemed to be glaring at a customer, you remembered his name was jimin.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Jin apologize" jimin said as the tall robot with him, who you assumed was named jin simple spoke "I apologize sir"

The man glared and  jaemin's eyebrows scrunched as the man spoke "you're sorry, are you kidding me. How about making sure this stupid hunk of metal doesn't get in my way" the man demanded while jimin kept apologizing

The other customers whispered and looked hearing the male yelling

"I was not in the way though, from my memory you fell by hitting the cafe counter resulting in you spilling your beverage over me and your suit as well" you looked over seeing jin speak. His clothes were covered in coffee

The man seemed shocked "w-what. Shut up" the male said angrily and then your froze seeing the man push jin as the robot stumbled back before he fell to the ground. You found yourself wanting to move and help jin

Do you want to be deconstructed

You looked over seeing jimin as he tried to stop the man from hitting jin again. You felt angry staring at the male but you still didn't move because you were scared

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