5 ~ Bored

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"who was your previous master" hoseok asked

Accessing unknown H chip 
ERROR: H chip not found

"this information is not available" you replied and hoseok sighed as he leaned on his hand

"we asked a bunch of questions but no answers for any of them, I guess getting a new memory chip is the only thing we can do" taehyung spoke while he looked at you and soon jungkook got up from his spot on the couch

"well I have work now and we wasted all out time getting no where so let's just go. I'll figure this out later" jungkook huffed out while you heard another voice

"yeah you're right. We have to get to work soon" taehyung sighed while hoseok nodded in agreement.

You watched as the three got up and began getting their coats on and naturally you got up from the couch seeing jungkook leaving,

You slowly walked over to them and you stood behind the three humans as they got their shoes. Jungkook noticed you standing a few feet away from them and he glared as he spoke "what are you doing, stay here"

"but I am meant to follow you to make sure you are safe. You are -" but before you could finish jungkook sighed "ugh don't say master again, just come on then you stupid robot"

Jungkook waved his hand over the door and as it opened you quickly followed the three humans out of the small apartment building. Soon you were out on the busy city streets and you found yourself staring a every human and robot walking past you. It felt different actually walking among the humans and robots instead of watching from the narrow entrance of the alleyway you were found in

There was all types of humans and each seemed to be near a robot. The facie2 model of course, none like you

You continued walking while you felt something bump into your legs. You looked down to see a small human child. She had a bright pink dress on and was holding something that appeared to be a stuffed plushie in her hands

The little human quickly looked up at you trying to figure out what had suddenly stopped her from running, then it was like there was a small sparkle in her eyes as she spoke "wow you're a pretty princess just like me" she gushed out

"My name is-" but you were cut off when you heard a familiar angry voice "don't talk to that thing chaemi, come over here" jungkook stood ahead of youwith a cold stare. He seemed to have noticed you had stopped following him and looked back to see you and the small human

System data: chaemi added

Chaemi seemed to known jungkook as her eyes lit up again and she rushed to pull out a piece of paper from the small pink bag she wore "look, look, I made you a card. I made one for taehyung and hoseok too" you watched as the small child happily handed the pieces of papers clutched in her hands to the three humans.

"thank you mi we appreciate it, do I have to look after you tonight" jungkook asked as he had a small smile on his face taking the piece of paper from the girl. 

"no, mommy says she isn't working late, so no neighbor time"

system update chaemi: jungkooks neighbor

"wow thank you so much for the gift" taehyung interrupted as he wrapped his arms around chaemi tightly, she simply giggled as she let out a small "you're welcome"

But soon chaemi wriggled out of taehyungs grip and she ran over to you once again as her fluffy pink dress took up so much space it was touching your legs "I'll make sure to make you one next time" she said smiling brightly and you looked at her with you same stoic expression you always had on

"understood" you replied as the girl frowned while she looked up at you

"oh, you must be a robot. You can't smile huh" another emotion you didn't recognize was on chaemis face

"that's so sad" she continued

Add 'sadness' to hard drive?
yes or no

System updated: new emotion learned

You didn't want chaemi to be upset. She looked much better earlier when she was smiling at the three humans as she held out the little pieces of paper with her drawings on them. The small human glanced up at you still with the same sad expression and you found yourself wanting to do something so she wouldn't look so sad

Error: attempting to access unknown hardware

"well it's okay, I'm still happy to have new friends" chaemi said and soon that same smile was on her face and you finally understood the smiling expression on her face was showing happiness. 

Continued to adding 'happiness' to hard drive?
yes or no

System updated: new emotion learned

You couldn't help but think that it would be better if jungkook was happy too, he always seemed so angry ever since you met him. 

"MI, COME OVER HERE WE HAVE TO GO NOW" a loud voice boomed as she stood down the city street "coming mom, bye" chaemi then rushed down the street to a taller human who has similar features to her...that was her mother

"come on then IHAH" hoseok called while you followed the trio down the streets again until a small cafe came into view. 

You walked in following the three humans and hoseok immediately sat down and pulled out a small rectangular piece of metal from this pocket which when placed on the table a large screen popped up. 

You scanned the laptop as you found out it was the newest laptop model. 

You then noticed jungkook and taehyung were setting up and cleaning as they began working so you sat down across from hoseok while he was typing.

"what are you doing" you asked and hoseok looked at you

"oh I simply work from my laptop so I spend most of my time here. Pretty boring huh, sometimes I want to do something fun but you know I have work to do. oh well you probably don't know what boring is or understand the concept of fun" hoseok laughed lightly at the end. He was happy.

You did a quick search on the emotions hoseok had told you about and soon you added them to your system

Add 'fun' and 'boredom' to hard drive?
yes or no

System updated: new emotions learned

You simply sat watching while hoseok began typing away for hours, you stayed there just like you knew jungkook wanted you to do.

You watched as people entered the cafe, you watched as hoseok seemed to endlessly type on his computer, you watched as taehyung began making drinks, you watched as jungkook gladly took orders, and you watched as the sun set through the large cafe window. 

You watched but never moved, you knew you were meant to stay in your seat so hours had passed. Hours of no interactions, hours of simply sitting and watching the same things.


Your hands started to move and tap silently on your knee.

you wondered what this was...maybe this was what being bored felt like, but you wouldn't know


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