28 ~ Together

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LIFE: Download Complete

You slowly opened your eyes and soon you felt tears form as you looked up to see yoongi staring at you "you are broken" yoongi said with a cold voice as he sat in front of you

"a robot should not express tears. You are broken and need to be repaired" he said simply while you could see jin sat beside you also staring

Broken...you wondered if that was why your family left you alone

"I am not broken" your voice cracked slightly while you spoke and yoongi stared at you intensely but suddenly you heard the back door open again

Hoseok smiled brightly "you can come inside the cafe now" he spoke out

You watched as the others walked into the cafe but you stayed sitting on the ground thinking about your memories. However, someone must have noticed you were still outside because you heard the door open again and you assumed it was hoseok but you froze when you saw jungkook instead

He was so angry

Your hands began to shake again while you thought... this was it, jungkook was going to say that he didn't want you around. He didn't need a robot, especially a broken one. You felt panicked as you looked up at him and suddenly you spoke out "do you think...do you think I could be fixed"

Your eyes got teary again but you didn't cry, you didn't want jungkook to feel sad. You had caused him enough trouble but still in desperation you had suddenly spoke out

"what do you mean" jungkook asked but you refused to look at him

"if I could be fixed, do you think...." you paused as you tried to hold in your tears

do you think we could stay together

You stayed silent once again while you thought about the day jungkook first found you and you came to another realization...jungkook never wanted you in the first place, it was better if you just left

"you're not broken, why would you need to be fixed" your thoughts were pushed away when you heard those words but you still refused to look up at jungkook

"I'm sure you were programmed to think the cafe was in danger" he said simply as if he was trying to convince himself that you were simply a normal robot but you knew that he never said anything about protecting the cafe

You both knew that you weren't just a normal robot

"look at me" jungkook said while and you slowly looked up as he sighed "I was angry"

You knew it, he was angry and he was going to throw you away. You couldn't help but look at the ground once again afraid of what he was going to say

"I was so angry because all I could think about was what would have happen if they scanned you. What would happen if they...if they took you away. I was so worried y/n" jungkook spoke out softly as you looked up once again and you saw it...jungkooks eyes were teary as he held such a panicked expression and you felt so much pain seeing jungkook about to cry

Suddenly jungkook leaned towards you as he gently reached his arms out...and he hugged you

He was holding you tightly as if you were going to disappear so you reached your arms out and gently hugged him back

"you stupid robot. Don't ever scare me like that again, I order you to never risk yourself like that again" he angrily spoke while you stayed in his arms 

System order from jungkook

"alright jungkook. I'm sorry" you answered and pulled away from the hug and you gently wiped away the tears from his face

Jungkook blushed while he slowly smiled at you and he got up from the ground "well come on" he held out his hand and as you grabbed onto his hand you felt the warmth from his hand travel to yours

However, the warm feeling you felt was soon pushed away when you walked back into the cafe and there was pure chaos everywhere

"HOSEOK STOP" taehyung screamed as he held onto hoseoks arm as he was trying to run away from him "I just want to talk to y/n to see what is going on, let me go"

Then you noticed jin was taking off his shirt while jimin screamed and was trying to make him stop "I meant we will clean the clothes when we get home not now"

You then watched as renjun tired to help jimin in making jin put his shirt back on while yoongi of course sat quietly in his spot

Jaemin was also crying for some reason about how his love was not real as jeno was comforting him

However, as soon as everyone noticed that you had walked in they all looked at jungkooks hand which was tightly holding yours

Hoseoks tried to run over to you but jaemin screamed "this can't be real, you stupid cafe worker"

Jungkook glared while jaemin got up and soon the tears in his eyes seemed to disappear and instead he looked at you with that same smile he always had "it doesn't matter if you're a robot jungkook, we can still be together" you were confused by what jaemin meant

Jaemin ran over and as he did jungkook held your hand slightly tighter and spoke "back off, I told you she's mine and I don't plan on letting her go. Also, you've been calling my name this whole time" he smirked

"WHAT, what's you're real name then" jaemin said while he looked at you "my name is-" but soon jungkook cut you off "you don't need to know"

Jaemin angrily yelled at jungkook as you simply felt happy seeing everyone in the cafe

Even if you were abandoned, you found happiness with jungkook

System attempting to be activated...denied

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you saw the screen but you thought it was just another system from your program your parents had set in. So you simply watched the people in the cafe as you held jungkooks hand tightly feeling pure happiness

You were happy you and jungkook were together

"finally, now all I have to do is activate the system" a voice mumbled

He typed away at the computer angrily mumbling as the activation was denied. He tried again to activate the system, the typing getting more aggressive until suddenly a screen appeared

System Active


He smiled and began typing an order

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