31 ~ Confessed

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System damaged: System internal backup activated

System power restored: System on

You slowly opened your eyes in confusion as you remembered what had happened. However, your thoughts were soon interrupted when you felt pure fear as you finally processed where you were

Your eyes looked around the area seeing the robot parts surrounding you as you recognized the familiar scene

You watched in fear seeing the large metal arms moving as they tore apart more robots and the pieces fell to the floor in a pile. You felt panicked as you just wanted to move, to run

System movement is damaged




You couldn't move but at least your vision was working so you quickly scanned the area 

You saw two guards at the door like you had seen before when you first saw this room and you also saw plenty of robots being ripped apart...being deconstructed

You watched in fear as one of the large metal arms went to reach for your leg out of the limp pile of robots you were placed on but just as the metal arm was about to reach you the arm made a loud whirling sounds as it was shut down only a few inches away from your leg

"I see you are awake. This device was charged enough to completely shut down a robot but it seems you are slightly different than a normal robot, but I already knew that" the man seethed as he glared at you holding the device that had shocked you in the alleyway

He was right though, you couldn't move

The guards who were by the door were suddenly beside the man holding guns at you as if they were waiting for you to move. The male who continued glaring at you adjusted the nice suit he wore and he also looked much older

"I thought you had been killed just like those stupid inventors that made you. Trying to ruin my company" you froze hearing the mans words

The people who made you

No this couldn't be...did he mean your family

"they said they could do it. They took the rare metal we keep around here for our machines" you looked at the giant arms which pulled apart robots with ease. These machines and you were made of the same material

"they said they knew how to make it so they could create a robot who grew up with the human. That they had already made a robot who could feel" the man spoke while he looked at you

Your finger slightly moved while you begged your body to run. You wanted to get out of here because this human, the way he looked at you. Anger, disgust, but most of all hatred

"I couldn't believe it until I got my men to follow them home. To observe them living in that small home and that was when I found out about the robot they managed to create. YOU" he glared at you angrily

"Do you know what would happen if people had robots who could feel. How my business would suffer. Robots are simply devices for humans to throw away, do you understand" the man seethed out while he lifted his leg and slammed it down onto your lifeless hand. The flesh covering it was slowly moved away showing the metal underneath while he repeatedly stomped on it

"You see these robots around us, all thrown away by their owners because I can make new robots to replace them. If humans get robots that can... That can FEEL. Then they won't throw them away because they will be attached, I wouldn't keep getting money" he gritted out while he smashed your hand over and over again reminding you of the other human that looked at you with such hatred

"So. I killed them and it was so easy. The genius kim inventors were killed just like that... but they still refused to tell me where they put you" he looked into your eyes with pure anger 

"they said you were their 'daughter' and that they wouldn't let us touch you" you felt your anger and sadness grow hearing this man. You had used your system search the moment he came into view

The co owner of seoulco robotics, he was the one who controlled finances while another man controlled robot building

"When the son of those stupid inventors tried to activate your GPS again I could track you and realized you visited one of our stores so I found you by using the information from your identification chip when you scanned at the store" you suddenly thought back to when you came into the large seoulco store

"your supposed 'parents' were useless" he laughed 

So you weren't abandoned, namjoon... he was alive and he was looking for you. Your parents, they protected you

"s-shut up" your stuttered out your voice not working properly because your system had been damaged and you didn't have enough energy

He glared at you but then quickly held a calm expression "your voice shouldn't be working, well it doesn't matter soon you will be deconstructed. My partner and co owner even tired to agree with your parents, but after I got rid of them he had to give up. Soon I will be able to keep selling seoulco robots to the idiots of this city." he laughed while you simply spoke

"y-you are the idiot" you said

"what" he glared down at you

"y-you were right about one t-thing, my parents made me so I c-can do things without even being commanded t-to. I-I c-can't move but I have e-enough p-power to d-do something else. S-say hello t-to video calling" your voice was cracking excessively giving away how weak you were but right now as you watched the mans eyes widened you felt like you had all the power you needed to function

"d-did y-you get all t-that h-hoseok" you asked your voice was breaking more frequently while you heard a soft voice reply

"I did y/n, now just wait for us" his voice cracked as well but you knew it wasn't because he was damaged like you...hoseok was crying

"YOU STUPID ROBOT" the male huffed out angrily. You knew hoseok would record the video call the moment he saw the man confessing

"t-that's what you get f-for killing my p-parents" your voice was still shaky and the man glared at you

"FINE WELL YOU'LL BE SCRAP METAL ANYWAYS" the man started the machine again. You felt panicked and fear but you quickly found yourself using more energy

System call: ended

You didn't want hoseok to see you being ripped apart knowing the human was already crying. You watched as the machine made whirling noises again as the arm reached for your leg and the male ran out of the building with the two guards by his side

You couldn't help but stay there motionless while you slowly closed your eyes as you thought about jungkook...and you thought how you could have confessed how you felt

How he made you feel warm

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