9 ~ Robot

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You felt your body turn as you looked back and soon you dropped the groceries from your hand. Your feet moved quickly as you ran at full speed towards the human who was currently towering over yoongi as he kicked him. You reached your arms out and pushed the male over before he could kick yoongi again

The other male looked at you in surprise while the male who had fallen glared at you with such hatred. You didn't know how you were moving on your own but you did understand why you moved, you wanted to protect yoongi.

"so you were just acting like a robot" the male seethed out as he got up from the ground and he tightly clenched the knife in his hands as he glared at you thinking you were yoongis owner...he thought you were a human. You stared back at the male with the same stoic expression on your face and the males anger seemed to rise as he screamed "STOP PRETENDING"

Then it happened

He pulled the knife back and swung down and you moved quickly as the knife stabbed through your hand as you saw the exposed wires. You stared at the injury for a few seconds but the human was clearly surprised by what you had done so you quickly twisted your hand and you grabbed the knife with your uninjured hand as you lifted your leg and kicked the male in the stomach

The male groaned in pain while he stumbled back and the other male was glaring at you from where he stood. You could tell from the expression on his face that he was getting ready to attack you at any moment so you quickly decided

System H and A activated: ready to call authorities

"leave or else I will be contacting the authorities" you spoke and the human on the ground was quickly helped up by the other male as he spoke "You're lucky you're a human" then they ran off talking about how you 'acted' like a robot but you hid your hand from them so they would not see the wires, you knew that what you just did was far from normal...

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard yoongis cold voice "y/n, why did you help. It was only logical for you return to jungkook" yoongi said while you slowly shook your head not really understanding what had happened or understanding what these new systems meant or where they came from so you simply spoke 

"we should get back to our humans" you knew you and yoongi would be late if you kept staying here and once you were late jungkook, hoseok, or taehyung would ask questions and you knew you had to hide what had happened from them

System A deactivated

order: return to jungkook

 You could clearly see the exposed wires from where you had been stabbed but you could still move your hand and only one of your fingers wasn't functioning properly. You were glad since this meant you could hide your injury, especially since the large sweater hoseok gave you covered your injury easily. 

Right hand damaged: fix fortem wires for nano flesh to activate

You simply picked up the two grocery bags and soon you and yoongi were back to walking down the busy city streets until the cafe came back into view

You watched as yoongi opened the cafe door and you walked in behind him as you hid your hand with under the large sweater sleeve. 

The three humans turned to look at the cafe door as they heard it open and hoseok smiled "hey you two are back, great job yoongi right on time to head home" he said as he packed up his small laptop. Soon taehyung and jungkook were both taking off the aprons they wore and they were packing up and cleaning as well

Then after a few moments everyone was ready to leave. You silently followed behind the three humans like normal but this time you still had yoongi by your side as your thoughts raced

"HEY, come on IHAH" jungkooks loud voice brought you away from your thoughts and you noticed that yoongi was following hoseok as they walked down a different street along with taehyung.

You soon walked behind jungkook as you both arrived at the familiar apartment and you couldn't help but think...is this your home now, did you even have a home before

"hurry up you hunk of metal I need to put the groceries away" jungkook said while you quickly walked into the apartment and closed the door. Jungkook took the groceries from you and he began unpacking

You felt hurt by his words but you simply stayed quiet and sat on the couch watching as jungkook put away all the food you had got and once he put away the final bag of food he turned to look at you

"alright I'm going to bed I guess just sit on the couch again" he said as he went to walk off to his room but you found yourself saying

"why do you call me 'hunk of metal' I have a name"

Y/n, my name. I would like to hear you say it.

Jungkook froze as he slowly turned around "w-what did you say" he was clearly shocked by your question.

"hunk of metal" you repeated

You remembered the way the two males in the alleyway looked at you and yoongi with such hatred, just like how jungkook looked at you sometimes 

System error: report to jungkook of injury

yes or no

You looked at jungkook and spoke again

"why do you hate me"

System alert: unknown system attempted to be accessed

You looked at jungkook as he looked at you stunned "w-what did you just say, did you just say I hate you. H-how would you even know that" jungkooks heart rate increased as he stuttered

You realized his confusion and shock was overwhelming him and you couldn't help but know that what was happening to you wasn't normal for a robot...

Right, you were a robot. You weren't supposed to be wondering about why jungkook looked at you with such hatred, even if it made you feel hurt

"I'm sorry I believe my battery needs to be recharged. I will be shutting down now" you simply spoke out

System shut down unavailable without jungkooks orders

System H and A activated : shut down

Then you saw the shocked expression of jungkook as he stood in front of you fading as your vision blurred until you saw black

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