4 ~ IHAH

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System update: leg fixed
Nanoflesh: activated

You watched as the exposed metal wires from your leg were covered with a layer of synthetic skin and hoseok sighed as he leaned back looking at the many broken metal tools around him. 

Hoseok looked at you intensely but you couldn't recognize the emotion on his face and before you could try to understand the expression hoping to learn a new emotion taehyung smacked the back of hoseoks head making the expression disappear

"hoseok stop staring at her, you're probably scaring her" taehyung hissed while hoseok groaned "ouch tae you didn't have to hit me"

"hah yeah right, like the stupid robot can even feel anything. Well hoseok, what am I supposed to do with this thing" your master sighed out

"relax, I can just quickly find out if she is really a broken facie2 model. We should test the emotion recognition first, Um what was it again....oh right. System emotional processing" hoseok spoke while you soon did a system search and quickly answered

"systems emotional capacity includes fear, anger, pain, and distress. All capacities for detecting human danger applied and running properly"

System alert: learned emotion 'exciting'

yes or no

"so it has a normal emotional processing system that all robots have in order to detect is their assigned human is in danger. I wonder if maybe you're right jungkook and it's just the memory chip that's broken, if it is we could easily replace the chip and we could have a fully functioning robot" hoseok practically screamed out the last part as he smiled and his heart rate was beating faster

You recognized the emotion on his face, he was excited again. Excited... you liked that emotion but the the human in front of you also seemed to be experiencing another emotion you couldn't recognize

ERROR: IHAH trying to access unknown hardware function

ERROR: attempting to access missing H chip

System search: H chip and an IHAH model does not exist, seoulco robotics has never made a chip or model of this type. Please search another inquiry.

System search: All robots should be able to access all functions of their parts. No functions should be restricted unless the current owner has requested it.

Why did you exist then, you knew you were IHAH but why did you not exist anywhere. Why did you go through a system reboot, why were you missing parts, why were you injured, why couldn't you access certain parts of your functions when you knew your current master had never restricted anything.

You had so many questions as you sat on the small couch but one thought kept coming up

Who was your old master and why did they throw you away

You couldn't help the flood of questions that followed after as you stared at the clean wooden flooring of the living room

Who were you really

Why were you here

Where you unwanted by your human

Why were you-

"does she have a name" hoseok asked as he stared at you and you looked up at him taking your gaze away from the ground

"that robot called itself IHAH" your master said as hoseok furrowed his eyebrows "what a strange name"

"what about your past owner, did you have one, where's your master" taehyung quickly asked and you sat up slightly as you stared at the brown haired male standing near you

"my master is right here" you replied while you slowly lifted your finger and you pointed at your master who looked back at you with wide eyes

"jeon jungkook, born in busan, currently lives in mega city of seoul-" but before you could finish talking taehyung began laughing loudly while your master just continued looking at you with wide eyes, you wondered what emotion was on his face

ERROR: unknown seems function attempting to be unlocked

"This robot thinks you're it's master" hoseok chuckled with a small smile on his face 

"what, no I'm not your master. That is so weird, don't call me that. I'm jungkook you stupid piece of scrap metal. Ugh hoseok just give this thing to someone already" your master sighed out

"well unfortunately for you jungkook once a robot has an assigned human it can't change the name it has assigned. Robots can't learn remember, just like they can't learn more than the basic emotions for recognizing if their assigned human is in danger. Seoulco also made sure they don't change their owners names so robots wouldn't be stolen by other humans and sold" hoseok said while you were thinking about what your master had said earlier


Accessing unknown system hardware: DANGER
Name: Master - locked-

danger danger danger

Name: Master - unlocked-

Name: Maste
Name: Mas
Name: Ma
Name: M

Name: Jungkook

Detecting unknown systems: please refer to closest robot diagnostic center

yes or no

"this seriously sucks, I don't want this robot near me" jungkooks voice was very...different. You found yourself wondering about the emotion he was feeling again, especially when his eyes seemed so cold

"you can't go on hating robots forever kook. They are everywhere" taehyung breathed out

Hatred, he looked at you with hatred.

"I can do as I please tae, listen I called you two over here to get this thing out of my apartment and to it's real owner already" jungkook said

"calm down alright, we can figure it out. Just don't get so angry" taehyung sighed

ERROR: accessing unknown hardware

danger danger danger

Add 'hatred' and 'anger' to hard drive?
yes or no

System updated: new emotions learned

You sat quietly while you added each new emotion to your system making sure to understand what each emotion meant. Your system continued to tell you that you had errors, but for some reason instead of accepting and going to a robotics shop to fix your errors you ignored them

"listen, I think for now we just let the robot stay here. I can look into getting a new chip for it and then I can look into programming a reboot" hoseok said as taehyung nodded his head in agreement

"fine" jungkook spat out while you looked up at him and he just continued to look at you with such hatred. The way his eyes seemed to darken as he stared at you made you want to look away because you...

you really didn't want to be hated. 

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