12 ~ Blush

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"go pick that up" jungkook ordered while you simply walked over and picked up the kitchen towel he just chucked across the living room. You then walked back over to jungkook as you handed him the object "here you go"

"THIS IS USELESS" jungkook sighed in frustration as he took the towel and placed in on the kitchen counter while hoseok stared at you intensely from his spot on the couch. Yoongi also sat beside hoseok while taehyung was sprawled on the floor as if he was exhausted.

If you could feel physically tired you would look exactly like taehyung right now considering you had spent the past hour walking around and following jungkooks orders.

"hoseok let's stop" taehyung sighed out while hoseok looked at you clearly frustrated as he replied "no there has to be something"

"no there isn't. I've been ordering this robot around for an hour and nothing, clearly it's just a normal robot that has some sort of name changing function" jungkook sighed out

"I'm convinced there has to be something else, I mean why else would her model not exist" hoseok said and taehyung got up from his spot on the ground and he began walking to the door "we have work now so no more, you're just overthinking hoseok" taehyung sighed

It had been two weeks since jungkooks fever and it seemed as though the humans had been convinced there was something not normal about you. You had spent everyday by jungkooks side since hoseok had stated that jungkook should tell him if anything happened like when jungkook had a fever, but you made sure to keep quiet and simply helped jungkook whenever he ordered you to. 

You did have to admit that you felt somewhat closer to jungkook at least, well more like he was comfortable with having you around now. 

There was also another odd thing, jungkook no longer called you stupid, a hunk of metal, or any thing else. He just referred to you as robot and although he never said your name again it still made you happy that he seemed to not hold so much hatred in his words towards you

You had also been having a hard time hiding your injured hand, you didn't want to bring more attention towards you especially when they were convinced there was something not normal about you. So you had decided to not tell jungkook always hiding your hand under the sleeves of the large sweater you wore as you basically did everything using one hand but the humans didn't seem to notice 

"come on robot" jungkook said as you looked up noticing everyone had gotten ready to go out so you quickly followed the three humans out the door. You walked with yoongi down the street as you felt happy seeing the bright sun outside but of course your face remained stoic

You walked to the cafe like normal and taehyung and jungkook began putting on their aprons getting ready for the day. You sat down across for hoseok and beside yoongi like you always did for the past two weeks.

Normally hoseok would begin typing away on his computer right away but you noticed he stared at you intently, he had been doing that a lot over the past two weeks

You heard a clatter and you tuned your head to see jungkook had dropped the cup he was holding and taehyung sighed "kook, be careful" 

Then you watched as jungkook picked up the pieces of the cup and you immediately stood up when you saw jungkook had cut his hand. You walked over and pulled down the bandage kit from the counter wall and grabbed jungkooks hand

His eyes widened but he stayed still as you gently help him. You put on some medicine and then tightly put on the bandages "your wound is very deep. I suggest you rest for today"

"she's right jungkook you can't pass around drinks with an injured hand like that" taehyung spoke out with a worried expression and jungkook sighed as he went and sat across from hoseok and yoongi

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