21 ~ Warm

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You stared out the window seeing the dark sky and the soft bright lights from the city as you thought about your memories from your H chip. It had been weeks since you found out that the chip had been damaged and you were confused about why you appeared to be much older then your memory of when you shut down

You were also confused about your systems, even in your memories the systems were unknown

You were brought away from your thoughts when you heard the loud sounds of someone getting up and you knew it was jungkook. You glanced to the side and seeing the human male walking into the living room and he looked towards "goodnight"

You watched as he slowly went to walk to his room but you simply sat there feeling confused and hurt. You had known from your memories that your family was trying to make you more human, so why were you in an alleyway alone with no memories

You wondered if maybe...they knew you would always be a robot so they had left you

You looked up at jungkook and suddenly you spoke out "jungkook, what do you see when you look at me" jungkook seemed surprised by the question as he slowly turned to look at you again. He looked confused as he stared at you but then he sighed as he slowly walked over to you

Then he leaned his arm on the couch so he was closer to you as he spoke "I see y/n"

You froze realizing he used your name once again and he stared at you intensely

However, jungkook quickly leaned away from you as he chuckled

"thank you" you said as you stared at the human in front of you and he seemed shocked 

"whatever, just shut down or something" he spoke while you simply followed his orders but before you shut down you saw his red face as he mumbled out "stupid robot"

System shutting down

"y/n, wake up"

System order from jungkook: System ON

You eyes opened while you looked up to see jungkook yawning tiredly while he walked towards you

You simply sat up on the couch as jungkook sat beside you but as he yawed again you noticed he seemed tired. You glanced at jungkook as he was watching tv beside and you realized that over the past few days jungkook always seemed to sit beside you on the couch as soon as he woke up

You wondered why he continued to have you around. Ever since the day he found you with your injured hand he had you walk with him with work and had you follow him everywhere. 

You wondered if that meant he wanted you around...especially since he would wait for you and he would often walk with you side by side

You stared at the screen in front of you but soon you glanced at jungkook as he sighed loudly when you heard loud knocking at the apartment door. Jungkook groaned as he got up from the couch and he lazily opened the door

You heard the loud excited yell of your name from the two humans "y/n, we came to see you" 

You heard jungkook groan "you guys are so loud" as they walked into the apartment and you quickly got up from the couch to walk over to the familiar humans as you spoke "taehyung, hoseok" 

Hoseok happily grabbed your arm and pulled out a random metal tool from his pocket. Jungkook quickly grabbed your arm so you were closer to him as he glared at hoseok and taehyung smacked hoseoks shoulder  "don't do that hoseok" he said angrily

Hoseok wanted to know what type of metal you were made of since the day he helped fix your hand. He said when he first fixed your leg he knew there was something different but when he fixed your hand he knew that the material you had was not the same as other robots. Taehyung clearly wasn't happy that the human was constantly trying to determine what type of metal wires your model was made of and he often yelled at the other human while jungkook would move you closer towards him

You looked up seeing taehyung arguing with hoseok while he pouted but you kept thinking about your H chip and your memories. You had thought about asking hoseok to fix the chip. He was familiar with working with robots and he had fixed your injuries before but when you scanned the chip after you figured out it was damaged your realized that hoseok wouldn't be able to fix the chip himself

The chip was made of a specific rare type of metal which meant that hoseok wouldn't have any of the metal to fix the chip himself. You also knew that if you asked hoseok to fix the H chip he would immediately know the chip was different from any chips that normal robots had

You had also realized that the rare metal from the chip also seemed to the be the metal that made up your metal parts

You wondered how your parents obtained this metal, what exactly did they do to get it. Why were they not there when you woke up. Why didn't your memories download. Why was your H chip damaged. Where was namjoon-

"y/n" you quickly looked up hearing your name. Taehyung looked at you concerned as he leaned closer to you and he gently placed a hand on your shoulder. You could hear hoseok and jungkook talking as you watched a bright smile form on taehyungs face when he noticed you seemed fine

Soon taehyung went back to talking with hoseok and jungkook. You admired the three humans in front of you as their laughter seemed to fill the room and you thought It didn't matter if you didn't know the rest of your memories because for now you felt happy as taehyung wrapped an arm around you as they all smiled... and you felt warm

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