19 ~ Friends

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System temperature rising

Of course it was, you felt extremely nervous. Despite your facial expression remaining stoic you were panicking as you realized yoongi had spoke about your injury. You had already helped taehyung at the cafe before which was not normal for a robot but hoseok had thought it was simply since jungkook had ordered you to help the male. However, you had no idea how to convince the three humans that you were just a normal robot now

Hoseok dropped the metal tool he was holding while he stared at you in pure shock as you suddenly thought back to the day that jungkook had found you and hoseok had fixed your injured leg. You remembered that hoseok had said something about you possibly having a damaged chip so you quickly spoke out "my memory chip has been damaged"

Hoseok looked at you with furrowed eyebrows as he seemed more confused "well, I did think some sort of chip of yours was damaged before... If it was your memory chip that would explain why you can't remember what happened to you, but this hand is really damaged" hoseok said as he slowly picked the metal tool up

Hoseok continued to look at you confusion while taehyung sighed with a sad expression on his face as he spoke "well you know some people just don't like robots out there hoseok, maybe that's why she got injured"

"we were attacked by two human males who seemed to have a strong dislike for robots" yoongi added while taehyung frowned and looked at your injured hand that hoseok was in the process of fixing again

"who was it" jungkooks voice was low, almost angry. You wondered if he was upset at you again

"they shouldn't have injured her just because she is a robot" jungkooks said as he still sounded angry but you were confused by his words...why he was so angry and upset, but as you looked at him you knew that he was upset for you

You felt happiness but your face remained cold not being able to truly express your emotions but then you heard hoseok groan in frustration "why is this so hard to fix"

 hoseok struggled with his tools and taehyung looked at his friend confused "hoseok you're normally really fast at fixing robot parts why are you taking so long, this happened the last time you fixed y/n" taehyung spoke and hoseok looked at him and sighed

"the machinery is different, the wires aren't made of the same material and the bone metal structure is different too" he looked at your hand confused and you watched as his tool bent slightly and his eyes widened

However, with the broken tool a screen appeared

System capacity 100%: Nanoflesh activated

The metal exposed on your hand slowly began being covered by flesh

"NO" hoseoks screamed as he picked up the broken piece of metal

In the chaos of hoseok freaking out as taehyung tried to calm him down and jungkook trying to figure out how to calm hoseok it seems they forgot about your supposed 'damaged memory chip' and you were relieved. You were also glad that yoongi had not mentioned how you disobeyed jungkooks orders the day your hand was injured by the humans

You sat up in your spot as hoseok was screaming about his broken metal tool but soon you heard a knock at the door. You quickly walked to the door and you saw a very happy chaemi, she rushed over to you and held out another piece of paper

"thank you" you spoke and accepted the gift. You expected to see your name written on the paper like the last gift she gave you but this time there seemed to be another drawing

You were interrupted soon by jungkook as he spoke "what are you doing here" 

You watched as chaemi pouted "I'm here to see y/n because we are friends" she hugged your legs tightly while you looked down at the small human


You knew the concept. You understood that much at least but you had never been a friend to anyone or had one yourself

"she can't be you're friend, she is a robot. They can't feel things like that. They won't understand" you silently stood there taking in jungkooks words

Then why did you understand, what was wrong with you. Your memories, you needed to finish downloading them-

"y/n" you looked over realizing you had not been paying attention to the conversation. 

"jungkook has an unexpected shift at the cafe with taehyung do you mind staying here with yoongi until we get back" you looked at hoseok and jungkook sighed

"I'm guessing she needs an order you idiot, stay here" jungkook spoke as he looked at you

System order from jungkook: Stay in the apartment

"yes, understood hoseok" yoongi spoke emotionless while you slowly turned your head "understood"

"but you can't leave y/n with yoongi she will get lonely" chaemi spoke out while jungkook sighed "you can stay here with them for a bit chaemi, we will be back soon" he said as the small humans eyes sparkled happily

"REALLY, YAY" chaemi screamed then the three humans left the apartment making sure to lock the door

You sat on the couch already knowing what the younger humans wanted to do. Her favorite movie, so you quickly played it and chaemi rushed over with her bunny plushie

Then she struggled as she got onto the large couch and she happily sat between you and yoongi. She soon patted your arm gently and you turned to look at her "don't listen to jungkook we are friends" she said happily

"we are so close that you can have bun for the movie so you don't get lonely" you looked at chaemi while she smiled brightly at you as she placed the small bunny plushie in your lap

"robots do not get lonely chaemi" yoongis voice cut through as he sat on the other side of chaemi on the couch. She pouted again and her face showed anger while she crossed her arms

"y/n is different. She will protect bun and bun will make sure she isn't lonely, right y/n" chaemi looked at you with a bright smile

You paused for a moment as you didn't want the small human to be sad, so you said something that you knew wasn't normal for robots, you promised to protect another human other than your assigned one "of course chaemi, I will protect both bunny and you, thank you" 

Yoongis eyes turned to you and he stared at you intensely while you stared back. His eyes were a deep brown but they were cold, you wondered if your eyes also looked like that. So cold, so empty, so... not human.

He simply turned away from you as chaemi spoke "YAY" then she happily watched the movie on the large tv and soon she fell asleep

You glanced at the sleeping human as you thought... you needed to know the rest of your memories, so your vision quickly faded to black

System shutting down: LIFE downloading

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