6 ~ Feel

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As you sat in the chair you felt your fingers mindlessly continued to tap your leg. 


You paused as the thought had come to mind again, you knew that robots weren't capable of feeling emotions

System alert: unknown system hardware attempting to be unlocked.

Before you could think further you looked up when you heard jungkooks voice "alright let's go" 

Jungkook and taehyung were both standing next to your table and you noticed everything was neatly cleaned on the counter. You got up from your spot as hoseok packed up his laptop and you pushed in the small cafe chair before you followed the three humans out the door

As you followed the three humans down the street you could hear hoseok sighing "I'll keep trying to look into the situation with IHAH but for now just watch over her alright, we should go tae" 

Jungkook huffed out in response "fine" then taehyung and hoseok walked away and parted down the street most likely going back to their home

Jungkook glanced back at you and then he began walking down the street once again

You continued to follow jungkook down the street knowing you had to follow your assigned human in order to keep him safe, however, your feet stopped moving when you noticed a familiar area. You slowly walked over to the small alleyway where you were found and you stopped right at the entrance

You were left here... for some reason you couldn't stop staring at the cold ground where you were sitting only a few days ago and that was when you saw it. A sparkle seemed to shine from inside the alleyway reflecting the bright city lights from the main street and you found yourself walking towards the object

You bent down as you picked up the small piece of metal, a necklace. However, before you could inspect the necklace further you heard a loud voice "IHAH where are you"

You quickly put the necklace in your pocket and walked out of the alleyway to see jungkook looking around the street for you but as his eyes landed on you he sighed "what happened to staying right next to me you stupid robot" 

Soon you arrived at the familiar apartment building and you followed jungkook back up to his apartment door. You followed him inside after he unlocked the door and you watched as he went to the kitchen and he began cooking. He was cutting a few vegetables when another screen popped up

System alert: Jungkook has been injured

"ugh" jungkook groaned out in anger as he held his finger. He seemed to have cut his finger as he was cutting up the vegetables so you quickly moved to his bathroom and searched for some bandages

You returned to the kitchen and you gently grabbed jungkooks hand while he looked at you in surprise but soon he looked at you with that cold stare once again "let me go" then he took his hand away from your grip

"you are injured, please let me help you" you spoke as you gently took his hand again and this time he didn't fight as you placed the small bandage on his finger

You then led him to sit down at the kitchen table "please sit, I can made you food" and before he could argue you went into the kitchen and began working. You made him a huge full course meal and even made dessert while jungkook sat on the kitchen chair watching you 

"I could have done it myself" jungkook mumbled while you placed the food you made him on the table.

You stood by his side while he began eating and soon he was smiling as he ate "this is really good"

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