10 ~ Fever

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Jungkook stood there in disbelief as the robot sitting on the couch stared back at him. He had to be dreaming right, this had to be some weird dream. There was no way the robot just asked him why he hated it.

How could it even know that emotion or even recognize the expression on his face. His thoughts raced as he heard the robot say something but he was too shocked to even process what was being said and soon he watched as the robot shut down.

He glanced at the robot before he slowly walked forwards and he found himself staring at it...with it's eye closed...she truly seemed like a sleeping human.

NO NO NO he did not just call the robot she, that thing wasn't a human

"stupid robot" jungkook mumbled out as as he walked away from the couch and went to his bedroom. He quickly shut the door while he walked over to his bed and laid down but he couldn't go to sleep, he just kept thinking about what that robot had said earlier

He must have heard wrong...

Hoseok said the robot only had the basic emotions just like every other robot, it shouldn't know the word hate or the expression behind it...

"shut up jungkook, you know they are all the same. pieces of metal that don't know how to think" jungkook mumbled out to himself trying to stop his racing thoughts and soon he closed his eyes as he tired to sleep

However, hours went by but jungkook still couldn't fall asleep. He frustratingly opened his eyes as he sighed and his thoughts went back to the robot sitting on his couch

Robots only follow their owners orders, robots never do anything else because they can't.. Robots were all the same, encoded so they only follow their assigned humans instructions.

That's all they were, hunks of metal that were designed to only serve one human blindly like idiots. Like stupid idiots who could only function for one purpose.

That was why he hated them so much. They would never be anything other than pieces of metal that were stuck together.

Jungkook had to admit when he first saw the robot in the alleyway that night when it was raining he thought it was an injured human. He of course sprung into action to help her.

However, the female he thought that was injured in the alleyway turned out to be a robot, not a human. When he figured out the robots identity a part of jungkook wanted to leave the thing to rot and rust over. Even though he knew they were much too advanced to ever rust.

But still he wanted to leave the robot there, he wanted it to experience how his mother must of felt. How he felt.

Begin abandoned when it was clearly injured.

He hated robots with a passion but he doubted the robot would understand the feeling jungkook felt that day when he was left.

The day his mother died.

He sighed as he closed his eyes again but this time he finally fell asleep 

Jungkook happily sat on the ground and was playing with the toys while he and some other kids were waiting for their parents. 

Jungkooks school was a little outside the city and since his parents both worked inside the city he would always have to wait for a bit before he got picked up.

After some time jungkook smiled happily when he looked at the door to see his mother, he knew his father was still busy at work. 

"MOMMY" jungkook yelled happily and he ran over to his mother. His mother picked him up as she hugged jungkook tightly with a bright smile

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