34 ~ Remember

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System Damage: system can not be rebooted

System function: ERROR

System repair...

System repair: Downloading model IHAH memory

You stared at the human in front of you, the rain poured down as the male leaned towards you but your vision was blurry as you couldn't see their face. The male spoke out but you couldn't hear the words clearly

System alert: Downloading ERROR system damage


You were confused as you were in an apartment, although you had no system information it almost seemed familiar. You also felt a familiar warmth as you sat on the couch in the living room and you saw the male again. Your vision blurred as soon as you saw the human and he walked towards you...who was this human


You looked around in confusion as you noticed the bedroom around you. The large bedroom felt familiar but you had no memory of the place, or almost like your memory was damaged

You then noticed you were sitting beside the large bed and as you looked down your vision blurred again. You stared at the male and you felt hurt seeing the same human lying in bed as they seemed to be sick. You suddenly realized that the human was holding your hand and you felt... warmth

Maybe it was simply the warmth from their hand...


You stared at the human as he screamed, he seemed angry as he tightly held a letter in his hands. You couldn't hear his words though, as if you couldn't remember his voice. However, you felt the sadness as you walked away from the angry human

Then you were suddenly being carried, the rain poured down as the human tried to carry you on their back. You felt the human gently place you on the ground as they sat beside you. The rain continued as you stared at the male beside you although your couldn't move for some reason

You couldn't hear the humans voice but for some reason you knew that you needed to comfort him, as you reached forward towards the human you still couldn't hear his voice but soon he reached out his hand to you and suddenly you felt the same warmth again


You looked at the bright stars that seemed to be floating around the living room as you laid down on floor. You felt happiness as you stared at the bright stars surrounding you and as you turned to the side you could see the same human

Suddenly you wanted to reach out to him, to feel the warmth from his hand again

But...who was he

What was this feeling 

Downloading model IHAH memory: ERROR

You suddenly felt overwhelmed as you were standing at a small cafe counter. You stared to the side seeing the same human as you felt happy being beside the human

You...why couldn't you remember who he was


You walked down the city street as you could see the few humans walking around. You glanced to the side seeing the same human as he walked closely beside you and you felt the same comforting warmth

Then suddenly you...you could hear the human

"y/n, you know that you don't have to always sit on the couch" the male laughed

You felt happy hearing the humans laugh and you could hear your reply to the male as you walked beside the human

"but that is where I shut down" you spoke out while the human laughed again as he walked closer to you

"well we could always make you a room to stay" he spoke out "why, you do not need to do that. I can simply shut down on the couch, or I can wait on the couch I do not need sleep since I am a robot"

"yeah but..." the male seemed confused as he walked beside you and you stared as your vision was blurry trying to look at the human

"well, it's kind of like I want to make sure that you feel comfortable in the apartment. I want you to feel like you have a home" the male spoke while you felt the same warmth

"well, I feel at home as long as I am beside you"

The male seemed shocked while he spoke "y-you, y/n are you serious". You noticed the human was clearly embarrassed but soon you heard his soft voice as he spoke out "you are a stupid robot, but you're my stupid robot y/n"

Then there it was again, the same comforting warmth

why couldn't you remember him


The human was still blurry as suddenly you were laying as the male held you... and you noticed he was crying. You felt so much pain realizing the male was crying as he held you in his arms 

You knew he was important to you. You knew because the though of his smile and hearing his laughter made you feel happy. The feeling of his hand holding yours made you feel warm. 

You wanted him to be happy. You wanted to be by his side, even if you were a stupid robot you just wanted to stay with him... because you loved him

Then as the male held you in his arms and you could feel the same comforting warmth you knew that you truly loved him "I love you"

You had told him you loved him, so why couldn't you remember

You felt so much happiness and pain as the male held you in his arms tightly as if you were going to suddenly disappear. You wanted to hold the human tightly to try to comfort him but you noticed you couldn't move

You felt so much pain knowing that he was crying but soon he held you in his arms as he leaned towards you and suddenly you felt the comforting warmth again as he gently kissed you


Then suddenly you thought, even though you couldn't remember this human you knew that you remembered your love for him

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