2 ~ Master

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You remained sitting in your spot as the hours passed and soon the dark sky was lit up. The sunrise let light flood over the city setting every human into motion along with their robots

A few people walked by the small alleyway you sat in but no one stopped

You simply watched the humans walk by with their robots by their side. You didn't need to rest since your internal battery ran forever, never once breaking. So you just stayed there, you had nothing else to do, no orders... no where to go.

"excuse me, are you alright" your eyes lifted to see an elderly human. She looked down at your exposed leg and frowned seeing the injury

"oh dear, I'm sorry but I already have a robot. I would take you home if I could" she said while you looked at the tall woman beside her. The female that stood beside the old woman was holding a few large bags in her hands and had a stoic expression as she looked at you. Her eyes were a dark brown and as you looked at the woman you knew she was a robot...you couldn't help but wonder if this robot was like you, if you both were the same so your eyes focused on the tall robot

System scan: Newest facie2 model of robot
System search: facie2 model

Results found: The newest facie2 model released by seoulco robotics has come out last month and is different from all other robot releases. This new model has a unique face and body that is tailored to the assigned human, so every robot is unique unlike the previous facie model. The newest facie2 model is on the way to being the only model of robot around now due to it's massive popularity. The old facie model was scrapped.

You watched as the old woman looked at you once more before she walked away with the tall robot following her still holding the large bags.

As more time passed the bustling city faded as a calm washed over the city, there was still the sounds of cars and rowdy humans but the sounds were lowered as the night sky came into view

"what is a pretty thing like you sitting alone for" a very slurred voice spoke out. You turned your head looking up seeing a short older human male

"your blood alcohol level is high, would you like me to alert the authorities so you may get home safely" you said as you scanned the human with ease.

The male seemed surprised by your words and then you could hear laughter as the male stepped closer to you

"you're a robot. Does this mean someone left you here, if you're trying to help me that means you don't have an assigned human yet" he laughed brightly as he looked at you 

"you must be the newest model too, you have a unique face. I could sell you for a lot of money, so do you have a owner" the drunk male asked

"I have no assigned master, my name is-" before you could finish you heard a voice

"that's my robot" you looked over at the alleyway entrance seeing the same human male you met in the rain yesterday night. He walked passed the older drunk male and he went straight to you as he bent down. He gently put his arm under you as he lifted you from the ground so you were stable. You put less pressure on your injured leg while you attempted to stay stable standing with the male

"that robot clearly tried to help me, it is not assigned yet" the drunk male yelled out

"it's my robot, clearly you are too drunk to even hear correctly. We can always call the cops it you want" the human male from last night retorted and the drunk male scuffed "whatever, it's just a robot" then he stumbled away while the human male helping you stand began walking out of the alleyway.

"are you stupid or something, can you not even tell that he had bad intentions" the male spoke while he walked down the street and you walked with him barely using your injured leg.

You walked down the city street in silence as the human grumbled and you arrived in front of a small apartment building. You entered the apartment building and the males arm was still wrapped tightly around your waist as you walked into the elevator

You stood in silence but you kept glancing at the human male next to you as his fluffy brown hair seemed to he covering his eyes slightly.

Soon after the doors to the elevator opened and you stopped at an apartment door. The human put his wrist along the door and a small beep was heard as the door unlocked and he walked inside.

He set you on the couch finally letting you go but you couldn't help but look at the human because he began pacing around the room.

Your eyes followed the male as he grumbled "what do I even do with you, oh wait. If I get someone to fix your leg maybe I can send you back to seoulco robotics" after he spoke he quickly reached into his pocket. He pulled out a thin glass piece and began typing as a screen appeared

He put the phone to his ears and spoke "hey, I need you to come here tomorrow morning and fix a robot"

"YOU GOT A ROBOT" the other person screamed over the line while the male sighed heavily

"no you idiot, the thing is broken and I found it outside near my apartment. It hasn't been assigned to a human yet so I was thinking you could fix it and I could send it over to seoulco" the male spoke loudly

"alright, sure I guess. I mean you could always keep it-" but the male on the phone was cut off when the brown haired human spoke firmly "no"

"you're heart race is increasing again" you stated realizing the human in front of you seemed to be in distress.

He sighed as he simply ignored you and he spoke into the phone again "just come tomorrow okay, I'm hanging up"

Then you watched as he put his phone away but he looked at you with the same unknown expression

"your heart rate is still high, are you feeling unwell. I can call-" you were cut off when he spoke

"just shut it. I'm FINE. Just... just go to sleep or whatever you robots do" the male spoke out as you looked up at him from your spot on the couch

He was ordering you to sleep

He was giving you orders


You slowly sat up straight on the couch and the human male simply turned to leave the living room but you spoke out before he could leave "what is your name" you asked 

The human slowly turned to you and he grumbled out "jungkook, jeon jungkook" then he walked into his room and slammed the bedroom door shut

He was ordering you to sleep... so that meant

Master: Jeon Jungkook
Process complete: Master assigned

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