11 ~ Normal

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System on: Jungkook is in danger

Your eyes shot open while you immediately stood up from your spot on the couch. You moved quickly as you ran to jungkooks room and you slammed the door open seeing he was sleeping and he seemed to be sweating

You quickly pulled the desk chair to his bedside and you sat down placing your hand over his forehead.

System health scan: High fever

System recommendation: please seek medical attention if temperature raises further.

You gently removed your hand but you soon froze when you heard jungkook breath out


Jungkook looked up at you but he looked so weak and suddenly you found yourself saying his name out loud for the first time "jungkook"

"m-mom" jungkook sobbed out and then he suddenly looked desperate as he pleaded "d-don't go"

You watched as tears streamed down jungkooks face as he laid down in his bed weakly trying to reach out his hand. You knew you shouldn't have done it...you shouldn't have grabbed his hand and you shouldn't have called his name, it wasn't normal

But you just wanted jungkook to stop crying, you wanted him to stop hurting...because seeing him crying hurt you in some way

So, you gently grabbed his hand as you spoke out "don't cry jungkook, I'm not going to leave you. You can get some rest and I'll be right here when you wake up"

You then watched as he calmed down and his hand gently grasped yours as he seemed to fall asleep immediately as his body tried to get rid of the fever he had. 

You couldn't help but stare at jungkook in concern thinking about how he called for his mother so you decided it would be best to get his parents to come take care of him. You still held jungkooks hand lightly as a screen showed up

System call: Hoseok

"hello IHAH, why are you calling" hoseoks voice sounded out through the call system built into your program as you spoke "jungkook has a high fever and was calling for his mother. Could you please direct me to her so I may bring her here"

You heard a long pause and a soft voice "you...you can't get to her IHAH, jungkooks mother is dead"

You froze as you suddenly realized why jungkook had cried when he called out for his mother

"she died a while ago in a crash, apparently no one was around to help so jungkook was left there helpless. Apparently there was only a single robot and you know each robot is assignment to one human...well you can see there was a reason why jungkook didn't want you around"

Oh...that robot didn't help, no it couldn't. Now you understood why jungkook hated you so much.

"I see, thank you hoseok. I will take care of jungkook then"

System call: ended

You looked down at jungkooks hand which still held yours and suddenly you pulled out of his grip. You couldn't look at jungkook as you felt pure hatred...towards yourself. You hated how you must have reminded jungkook of his mothers death.

You simply got up and went to the bathroom as you placed a towel under the stream of cold water coming from the sink. You then walked back to jungkooks room and slowly placed the cold towel on his head.

Jungkook was frowning in his sleep as his hand seemed to be gripping the blanket in distress and you were surprised when his hand reached up to his head and he grabbed your hand again. Jungkook then brought your intertwined hands to his side as he seemed to be peacefully sleeping again

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