20 ~ Human

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This is what a human baby was. It was small and cried a lot...to the point where you wondered if the small human was always sad. But then when your parents would hold the small baby the human would simply giggle and smile brightly

You wondered what was wrong with the human until your mother told you "he cries when he is lonely"

So you wanted to stay by the small humans side 

However, the small human would cry until of your parents would come and get it... you wondered why it would cry when it would see you

You didn't want the human to be sad so for the next few months you stayed away. You simply walked around the house helping your mother or father with cleaning

Then as the baby got older you distanced yourself more since every time your eyes met the baby would cry

"y/n, it's alright to come closer" you mother was cradling the baby while siting on the couch and you spoke "the baby cries when it sees me...I don't want it to be sad so I am making sure to not get too close" 

Then you simply walked out of the room and towards the bathroom to clean up the area. You didn't want your parents to be too tried so you made sure to do all the house chores. After you cleaned the bathroom you went to stand up but you froze as you were startled for a moment

You had never realized, you had never looked into your own eyes... empty, cold, lifeless

Your mother, father, the baby...their eyes sparkled and you wondered why yours didn't. When they smiled their happiness showed so easily and now you finally realized why the baby cried when it saw you coming towards it 

The baby could not see that you looked at it with happiness since could not speak to the small human to show how happy you truly were



Unknown system unlocked

You walked out of the bathroom and you soon found yourself standing in the living room. You slowly walked towards the small human that your mother was gently holding "what is his name" you asked and your mother smiled "ah, so you're finally here to see him, his name is namjoon"

You looked the small human hoping to finally show him how happy you were

Unknown system activated

"hello namjoon" you said softly. Your eyes sparkled as a bright smile formed on your face and the baby giggled as it reached it's small hands for your face while your parents gasped

System Complete

"it worked, it actually worked. She is complete" your father said shocked at your smiling face as you held the baby's small hand


"how come this one isn't getting any bigger. Are you feeding her properly" the old woman scolded your father while you stood beside him. You smiled at the woman "don't worry I get lots to eat" you said. You didn't really eat but as the years passed you knew that no one could know you were a robot

"well she isn't growing at all, you should feed her more" the grandma looked at you concerned while your father laughed nervously before walking away with you

You walked back to the small house and you soon heard the loud yell of your name "Y/N" then you felt someone rush over and engulf you in a hug.

"namjoon calm down" your mother laughed while you looked at the now taller human. Since you were a robot you couldn't grow so the younger human now looked older

You rushed off with your sibling going to play in the large grassy yard. Namjoon was huffing tiredly while you quickly went to get some snacks for him so he could rest

As you arrived near the kitchen you stopped when you heard the concerned tone of your father

"people are getting suspicious. People are realizing that y/n isn't growing. What are we going to do" 

"if they find out they could take her away" your mother replied, her voice was soft and it sounded like she was crying

"I've been working on a new model, we... we would need some very important materials for it" your fathers voice was nervous and you heard them talking further but you didn't understand what they were talking about


"shut down y/n" you looked at your parents in confusion. You did not understand why they looked at you with such worry and fear. There heart rates were elevated while they stood with namjoon by their side

Namjoon looked like he was going to cry "no you can't" he pleaded and your parents looked at you intensely

"y/n we need you to shut down. Then we are going to fix you" you looked at them concerned

"what do you mean" you asked softly

"when you wake up you're going to be able to grow up just like us. Human" you stood there frozen while you looked up at your parents...Human

You could be human and all of you could live together as a family. The two smiled at you while you smiled back understanding

"b-but she won't remember me" namjoon sobbed out 

"don't worry, we have her memories right here" your father said holding up a small necklace with your name on it as took out a very small chip

"when you wake up the H chip will be downloaded. This will activate all the unknown systems and you will be just like you were" your fathers voice was soft while namjoon stopped crying "r-really" he asked and you mother smiled "of course. Though she might be a few years younger than you"

"understood" you said simply. All you would have to do was wake up after your system shut down and then you would download the chip, Then you could all live together happily

So you smiled at them brightly before you closed your eyes as your system shut down and all you could see was black



Chip H damaged: Processing incomplete

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