8 ~ Move

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"the fastest route to the grocery store is to take this alleyway" yoongi spoke while you simple followed the robot

Current order from jungkook: obtain groceries

You glanced at yoongi a few times as you both walked in silence and soon you noticed some people in the alleyway, from a quick scan you determined them to be humans. Specifically, it was two human males around their thirties and they seemed to be looking at you and yoongi as you walked.

The expressions on their face was hidden by their large hoodies and you simply ignored them and continued on your way.

At the other end of the alleyway you saw the large city street once again and you were met by the large grocery store across the street. You quickly followed yoongi inside and you looked around as yoongi spoke

"we will split up and then met here at the front after we are done" yoongi then simply walked away.

You decided to buy the groceries quickly so you wouldn't keep yoong waiting and soon you were picking up all the food you knew jungkook liked, well that you thought he liked based off of the food he had in his fridge.

You continued walking down the isles and noticed something

Jungkook: frosted sparkle cookies not found in fridge, do not obtain

You looked at the sweet as for some reason your couldn't help but stare at them, however,  soon a small voice brought you away from your thoughts "YAY" the small human screamed as they picked up a box of the bright colored cookies and ran to his father while he waved the cookies around as his father sighed but smiled afterwards taking the cookies

Suddenly you thought about chaemi and how she would look just as happy to have the colorful cookies and maybe jungkook would like them too...You then reached out your hand grabbing the cookies

Error: Do not obtain

System H: Ignore - obtain cookies

DANGER: too many activation's of system H
Unknown hardware attempting to be unlocked.

You continued looking around the store and soon you were done and you walked back to the front where you saw yoongi standing there.

You walked over and yoongi turned to you "completed right on time. At this rate we could be early to be returning to the cafe" yoongi spoke

You both quickly payed and then you walked out with the large bags of groceries while you began your silent walk balk to the cafe

You walked into the same alleyway you came from but you froze when you scanned the two men, right now their head was tilted perfectly so you could clearly see their expressions under their hooded sweaters this time.

System E: hatred

They were looking at you and yoongi in hatred.

Then you watched as the human approached yoongi and you "give us your money kid and no one gets hurt" the man growled at yoongi while he simply spoke back

"I can not do that. This money belongs to hoseok which means I can not hand it over. I must return to hoseok after I have finished the grocery shopping. Please move aside" 

The look of hate only intensified on the two humans faces and one of them yelled angrily "this things a robot"

"piece of junk, hand over the money or else we will turn you into scrap metal" then the guy pulled out something from his pocket, it shined in the light of the dark city streets and you found yourself immediately recognizing the dangerous weapon

"I can not do that" yoongi said while one man panicked "they can call the police can't they, we should go" he said while the other male laughed still holding the knife in his hand tightly as if he was ready to attack at any moment

"no they can't. All they do is listen to their humans and only if their humans are in danger they can call the cops. They seriously are just stupid hunks of metal"

Those words, you had heard them from jungkook before and it seems you finally understood the meaning behind them... It seems as though you finally understood, jungkook truly hated you.

"I mean look at that one, it's not even moving because it's not in her program to help this one out. It's pathetic" the man laughed out.

"please move aside. I must return to hoseok. I have now gone over the time limit I have told him to return" yoongi spoke while the man scuffed and then it happened. He kicked yoongis leg hard while he fell to the ground and the groceries he was carrying were still tightly in his grasp

Yoongi only wanted to bring the food back to hoseok, it was his order...It was what you two were meant to do

Order: return to jungkook

You wanted to scream as you felt your one leg move while you began walking away down the alleyway knowing that you needed to return to jungkook. You felt your anger rise as you heard the loud sound of another kick being sent to yoongi as the man laughed

"see that's pathetic, it just left the other one" 

System H: ERROR - this system has been overused and requires another system to be fully functional

No, why now.

Your feet kept moving as you walked further and further away from yoongi

"this thing is pathetic won't even let the groceries go it's so desperate. maybe if we cut off its stupid metal fingers it will have to let go" the man seethed out


Trying to access system H and unknown system

"we could just take its whole hand, the stupid robot wouldn't feel a thing" the other man said while you felt so much anger as your legs just kept moving away from yoongi. You couldn't help him. 

You could still hear the kicks as the males laughed and you begged yourself to stop walking

please, stop. I need to help yoongi


Unknown system unlocked: System A

System H and A: MOVE

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