Taking Hallie to the emergency room part one

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"Daddy it hurts" Hallie says in tears cause she was clearly upset cause her ears hurt her really bad

"I know Hallie i know" he says as he tries to keep her calm while they wait for Erin to come home from the store

"Logie i'm home" Erin says as she comes in with everything that she bought at the store

"Erin we have to take Hallie to the hospital cause her ears really hurt" Logan says to her

"Go I'll be there shortly cause I'm going to see if Kendall can watch the kids while we are at the hospital" Erin says to him

"Sounds like a plan to me" Logan says as he takes Hallie to the car so he could head for the hospital to get her checked out

Kendall was pulling in and he said that he will watch the kids while Erin and Logan go to the hospital

"Thanks Ken" Logan says to him

"Just doing my uncle duties is all" Kendall says to Logan as he goes in the house to tell Erin to go with Logan cause he could tell that Hallie was in pain by looking into her eyes

Logan was grateful for times like these he could rely on is old band mates to watch the girls if one of the girls had to go to the hospital for anything

"I got all the medical cards, insurance, names, birth certficates, and Hallie favorite stuffed animal and doll to hug. As well as some toys just in case we will be there a while" Erin says as she comes out to the car, so her and Logan could head to the hospital to get Hallie checked out cause they hate to have her be really sick

"Good plan cause it names me as the girls dads on all of the birth certficates" he says as they head for the hospital

Logan calls the lady from the orphanage to see if the girls had any bad ear infections in the past that caused them to go to the hospital


"What did the lady say?" Erin asks him

"She said that Hallie has had a lot of bad ear infections in the past, and the next bad infection she has. She will have to have tubes in her ears to help with the drainage" he says as he gets Hallie out, so they could head up to the emergency room

Hallie was still miserable as they headed into the emergency room to get checked out

"Hang on Hallie mommy and daddy will get you taken care of" he says as they enter the emergency room, so she could be seen

"It looks like we are going to be here a while" Erin says when she sees how many people were in the emergency room at that time

"We might as well get comfortable" he says as they stood in line, so they cold get Hallie registered

"I'm going to go home, and put everything away, and I'll be right back" Erin says as she leaves cause she knows Logan and Hallie will still be there when she returns

"Yeah you might as well bring us some items, so we can keep busy" he says as the line moves slowly

Erin leaves quickly as Logan put Hallie down cause she was getting heavy for him

"I know baby girl" he says as she hugs his leg as they wait in line still

"Yes may i help you?" the nurse asks at the window

"Yes my little girl ears really hurt hurt, and I gave her some pain medicine close to an hour ago, and she still in pain" Logan says to her

"Okay we need you to fill out some information on her, and then she can be seen by the doctor on call" the nurse says to him

Logan showed her everything that he had on Hallie, and who they needed to bill

"I need you to sign some forms" the nurse says to him

Logan signs and initals where he needed to

"It's going to be a while cause we are booked up" the nurse tells him

Logan sees that the waiting room is already filled up

"Where do i wait at?" he ask the nurse at the window

"We are going to send the cases that can wait down to the surgery waiting areas, and the main ones can stay here. I'm going to send you guys down that way" the nurse says to him

"Will we be called back?" he asks her

"Yes when we have free space we will come down for Hallie" the nurse tells him

Logan heads down to the waiting room with Hallie to wait out the outcome since her case wasn't major she was sent down there

"We are going to wait here doodle bug" he says to her when they enter the waiting room to wait for the nurse to come and get them

Erin joins them a few minutes later

"I got her checked in and everything" he says to her as she takes a seat

"That's good i hate to have her be like this" Erin says as she strokes Hallie's pretty hair that she has

As Erin stroke her hair it started to come out in clumps

"Is that Hallie's hair?" Logan asks her

"Yes it it" Erin says to him

Logan puts Hallie down, and goes tell the nurses that Hallie has more then a bad ear infection

"Daddy is going to get you taken care of" Erin says to Hallie as she holds her in her arms

"I have James bringing the other girls down to have them tested too cause their hair was starting to fall out as well" Logan says as he gets the rest of the medical records, so the girls could be checked in as soon as they got there with their Uncle James

The other girls had their dolls with them when James brought them into the emergency room

"I'm starting to wonder about that orphanage now" Logan says as he waits in line to get the other girls registered, so they could be seen as well to see what was causing their hair to fall out in chucks like this

"Me too Logan I wonder what these girls were exposed to" James says as they continue to wait in line, so the girls could be seen

"Luckily it died down a bit, and the girls can be seen finally" Logan says when he sees the waiting room start to be emptied a little bit

"I'll hold a area for us" James says as he goes to an area of the waiting room, so the girls could wait with Uncle James while Logan texted Erin to bring Hallie down, so they could wait together with the girls

"Luckily the babies won't have to go through any of this" Logan says as he approaches the window with the girls, so they could be registered to be seen as well

"We will be calling the girls back shortly" the nurse says to Logan

Logan goes and waits with James and the others. He knew the girls had Leukemia

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