Part 6

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Erin ran up to the ER to meet Logan cause they could not go back to be with Evan, and they had to wait in the waiting room until the doctor came out to see them, and tell them what was going on

"I hope we get answers soon" Logan says as he was going to get coffee for the two of them

"I hope so too Logan" Erin says as she was waiting

Logan and Erin took turns checking in to see how things were going as well at the house and things were going really well

(Much later)

Logan went up to the window to see if there was an update on Evan and he was allowed to go back and see what was going on and when Logan got to where Evan he saw that Evan was on a ventilator and was on life support

"Mr. Henderson Evan has COVID-19, and his heart is having a tough time dealing with it, so we are going to have him go to a different hospital where he will be in better hands" he doctor says

Logan was shocked that Evan had COVID-19 and he knew that they had to get tested as soon as possible to see if one was positive and then the whole family was going to quarantine until this pass

"How soon does all of us need to be tested?" Logan asks the doctor cause he needed to know

"As soon as possible if you can" the doctor tells him

Logan was going to have Erin go home and get the girls so they can be tested, and the guys are going to be tested as well to see if they have this illness

(Much later)

Everyone was tested and they were waiting for their results and the orphanage where Evan was going to be tested as well to see if they have the bad illness

"I hope the girls test are negative" Kendall says as he stayed close to Logan

Soon the doctor came into the room

"Two of the girls are positive for COVID luckily we caught it early so we can monitor them, and the other two girls we are having problems with their test, so it's half and half" the doctor tells Logan

Logan heart sank when two of his angels were positive, and that meant the whole family was on a roller roaster ride they did not want to be on, but they were going on it anyway

"Logan it's going to be okay you won't have to bury the girls or any of your kids they are going to fight this, and they are going to fight hard" James says as he was looking at him

"They are going to be okay, and after this illness leaves them, they will be back to normal, and this will be behind you" Carlos says cause the guys were negative and they were waiting for the other test to come back and see what the game plan was going to be right now cause they needed a game plan on what they were going to do in the meantime  

"I hope so Carlos" Logan says as he was going for his test 

(Much later)

Logan tested positive for the virus, and he wasn't as bad as the two girls were and the other set of quads they were not okay so they were going to be transferred to another hospital, and they were going to admit Logan and they were waiting on the babies results as well to see if they were sick 

"I want to be close to the kids with this virus cause the girls are really close to me" Logan says as he was getting into a gown, and he was going to be going up to a floor where he was going to be monitored a little bit    

"I know you do I will see if all of you can stay together through this whole thing" Erin says as she was going to see if Logan can be with all of the kids cause all of the kids were really scared down deep 

Logan was going to be with the kids cause the hospital had a family ward of the hospital, so Logan and the others were going to be together 

Happy Halloween 

Part 7 is up 

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now