The babies start to teethe: Leila

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"You are very smart Lexi Henderson" Erin says as she kisses Lexi before she did the gel on her gums

Lexi cooperated for mommy

"You did so good baby doll" Erin says as she kisses her as Logan came in to get Lexi and put her back to bed

"Come on sweetie it's bedtime for you" he says as he picked Lexi up and takes her to the nursery to tuck her in

"Yes Lexi it is bedtime for you" Erin says as she follows behind Logan

Logan changed Lexi and tucked her in her crib

"Night baby" he says as he tucks her in for the night

"We love you very much" Erin says as she looks at the baby that was slowly going to sleep that night

Logan and Erin kissed her and they went back to bed that night and they were hoping that the other two would get their first tooth in due time soon 

"We only have two to go cause the first two have their first tooth" he says as he got comfortable for bed that night

"Yeah Leila and Lily still have to get their first tooth so I hope they come in together" Erin says as she laid down that night

"I hope they are separate so we can spend time with them" he says before he fell into a deep sleep

"Me too they are cute girls and I love them to pieces" Erin says to him before she fell asleep 

(Days later)

"Who is it now?" Erin asks when they were sound asleep 

"It's sounds like Leila" he says as he got up to see what the little girl wanted and what was making her so upset 

Erin follows him just in case the others would wake up from the crying 

"It sounds like the other two are up" he says when he hears the other three wake up from their slumber 

"Lily is still sound asleep" Erin says when she doesn't hear the baby wake from her slumber 

"She is a heavy sleeper and only cries when she wants something other words forget it" he says as he goes to Leila's crib to see if she was okay or what was bugging her while Erin tended to the other babies that were crying their heads off right now

Erin didn't know that 

"Lily might whimper when she gets her first tooth in though" Erin tells Logan as she held the two that were crying up a storm in her arms at the moment

'She might I don't know right now cause it is too early to tell how she will be when she gets her first tooth in" he says as he holds Leila in his arms who was causing all of the trouble with her sisters right now

Logan turned on the lamp to see what was Leila's trouble

"I say we have three that are starting to teethe" he says when he saw the white sticking up in Leila's mouth

"Let's do the routine with her" Erin says as she takes the other two down for some formula since they weren't going back to sleep anytime soon at all and milk was going to do the trick for them so they could go to sleep on their own hopefully

"Yeah we have to and maybe these two can play with their toys since they are up and Lily is still asleep in her crib" he says as he turns off the lamp that was in the room so they could head to the kitchen for formula and the teething rings that was needed for the girls


"Erin we might as well see if they are in pain from their tooth coming in" he says to her when they came into the kitchen for what was needed for the girls that they had in their arms

Erin got the three teething rings out of the freezer for the babies that were up to see if they wanted to gum on them while the formula was being heated up for them so they could have some warm milk in their systems to help them go back to sleep on their own cause nothing was working as it should for the three Henderson babies that were up and were playing with one another in the one room that had all of the toys

"Okay girls here is a teething ring for you guys to gum one to help with the pain if you guys are in pain" Erin says as she hands the babies teething rings to gum on

Lexi takes hers and gums on hers while Lottie threw hers across the room

"Lottie" he says as he came into the room with the bottles of formula for the babies that were up

"I guess she is going to be the trouble maker of the group" Erin says to him as she sat down for a little bit cause L.J was kicking her right now and was making her uncomfortable

"Are you okay Erin?" Logan senior asks her

"Our little boy is just being a trouble maker is all like his one sister" Erin says as she rubs

"Oh great we are going to have two kids that are going to be trouble" Logan senior says to her

"Maybe I don't know what is going on with him I hope he behaves himself until it is time for him to come out" Erin tells him

"I hope so too" Logan senior says as he rubs his back a little bit

"Are you okay?" Erin asks him

"Just a little back pain is all" he says as he sits down to take some weight off his back  

"Maybe you should stop doing back flips all of the time" she tells him

"Hah ha I don't know what it is I suddenly got  a back ache is all" he says as he sits down to rest his back a little bit

"Maybe you are having sympathy pains" Erin tells him

"I don't think so" he says as he looks at her

V & C

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now