Logan's birthday

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The rest of the story will continue next week or the following week I just want to do a chapter on Logan's birthday and this one is going to be filled with a lot of love from the girls and Erin and L.J as well even though he is not born yet he will be in the story too I hope you guys like it, so enjoy

The older girls got up really early on Logan's birthday to give him the best birthday breakfast ever

"Girls what are you doing up at seven in the morning?" Erin asks  as she came down to see what the girls were up to cause they were causing so much noise and Erin was going to see what they were up to

"Making breakfast for daddy" Hallie says as she looks at mommy 

"Why?' Erin asks the girls

"It's his birthday, and he deserves breakfast" Heaven says as she was making Logan his morning coffee that morning since he was going to need a lot when L.J comes

"Okay I'll help you girls cause you girls have a good point there" Erin says as she takes over the stove since it was a hot surface and she didn't want the girls to get burnt as they were making breakfast that morning 

Erin helped with the coffee cause it was going to be hot right out of the pot and she did not want the girls to get burned at all that morning

"Mommy can i take the tray upstairs please?' Heaven asks her 

"Sure you can since you asked nicely" Erin says as she set the tray on Heaven's lap so she could head tot eh elevator with Logan's breakfast since all of the girls wanted to have breakfast with daddy that morning

Erin got the other tray's loaded up with the rest of the breakfast items for the girls so they could eat breakfast with daddy and she heard that the other babies were up from their slumber as well 


"Okay girls daddy is still sleeping so we have to be quiet" Erin says in a whisper as they head into the master to give Logan his breakfast and his cards that the girls made for him a few days before when Uncle Carlos was watching them when Erin had her appointment to check on L.J to make sure he was still growing the way he should 

The girls nodded as the babies started to crawl tot he bed cause they wanted to wake daddy up that morning on his birthday

"You girls are something else" Erin says as she set the tray down so the babies could go onto the bed and wake Logan up that morning for breakfast and enjoy his birthday  

The older girls helped with the babies while Heaven stayed behind with the tray for daddy that morning 

"Wake up daddy" the older girls say as they bounced on the bed with their sisters 

Logan woke up with a shock 

"Girls what in the world?" he asks when he felt the bed shake when he woke up and he saw seven of the girls on the bed that morning 

"Happy birthday daddy" the girls say to him 

"Thank you girls and it looks like you guys made a breakfast fit for a king" he says when he saw the breakfast that Erin helped make for him that morning for his birthday 

Logan and Erin spent the morning with the girls until he had to go tot he gym and work out  

"Daddy can i go with you?" Heaven asks him 

Logan was shocked that one of the girls wanted to go to the gym and workout with him on his birthday 

"Heaven are you sure?" he asks her 

She nods as she looks at him 

"Okay it looks like I am taking the van. Erin I'm taking Heaven with me to the gym" he calls to her 

"Okay that's fine" Erin calls to him cause she wanted to have the other girls help her set up for Logan's surprise party later on that night and she knew if one of the girls was with Logan it was going to make it a little easier and she could get some decorating done as well for the party cause she had a lot to do to get ready for the party since the venue was a little far away and close to the beach which was perfect

Logan lowered the ramp for Heaven and Heaven got on the ramp and Logan helped her into the van since she was little yet

"Okay Heaven let's go to the gym" he says as he starts to drive to the gym that morning with one of the girls 

Heaven was excited as she headed into the gym with daddy cause she wanted to build up her strength a little bit and walk on her own instead of being in the chair all of the time cause at school she was getting picked on by the other kids and she was hiding it from her parents really good 

"Let's see if there is a gym for you sweetie" he says as he headed in with her, so they could workout together and have some fun just the two of them which Logan was glad that he was going to have a workout buddy 

Logan was in luck cause there was a gym for Heaven, so he dropped her off while he went to the big gym to get his workout on


"Heaven sweetie aren't you suppose to be in your gym?" he asks as Carlos came in to workout with Logan a little bit since Alexa was with Erin and helping her get ready for the party that night which Logan had no idea yet 

Heaven nods as she was sobbing lightly trying not to have Logan see that she was crying 

"Heaven is there something that you ain't telling me?" he asks as he lift her chin up so they were seeing eye to eye 

V & C  

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα