Part 3

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"Okay girls I think I am going to bathe you first then I will do Evan, and then the babies" Logan Sr. says cause Erin was feeding the baby right now

The girls headed to the bathroom where Logan was going to bathe them and he was going to help Heaven into the shower cause she has a shower seat and that is how she gets a bath as well


The girls were in their robes heading to their rooms where Erin had their jammies out for them, and Evan had his robe on and ready for his bath or shower cause Logan was going to be careful with him for a while

"Okay buddy you ready for your first bath?" Logan asks him

Evan nods as he was looking at his oxygen cause he hated to have it ruin and he could not breathe at all

"I'm going to be careful and gentle with you buddy" Logan says as he was going to bathe him

Logan let him play with his bath toys for little bit cause he loved to play as Logan was washing him right now


Logan got Evan out of the tub and put him in his cute towel as well and he was going to get him dressed and back on his oxygen as well, so he could breathe a little better

"There we go you smell really good buddy wanna go see your sisters?" he asks him

Evan nods cause he was ready to see his sisters

"Okay I'm going to be bathing your other sisters cause I got to get in my trunks for their bath cause they love to splash" Logan says as he was going to dress Evan in his Thomas the train pajamas that night and they were going to settle in as a family of 12 that night for the first time

Evan loved his jammies that Logan and Erin bought for the first night home

"I think they will want to play what you want to play cause your one sister is like you she is special" Logan tells him

Evan went to find Heaven and play with her while Logan went to get the babies and get them bathe as well


"I swear you girls are water babies" he says as he was bathing them that night

Logan had a battle bathing the four other girls cause they loved the water and they loved soaking Logan to the one so he was going to get a shower that night before he bathe L.J and got him ready for bed as well cause he might be a little scared of his room and the darkness his first night in a new place as well

"Buddy tonight you will be sleeping in your room in a bassinet cause mommy and daddy will be busy with your brother and maybe your sisters tonight" Logan Sr says as he was taking care of the baby that night

L.J loves being with daddy and getting all cleaned that night

"Okay time to swaddle you and get you settled in your room cause I have to check on your sisters and by the sounds of it mommy is losing the battle" he says as he heard the girls screaming and yelling like wild animals right now

Logan got the baby swaddled and laid him down cause he didn't want the baby to get hurt if he had to lay down the law with the girls

"Okay girls by the time I count to 20 I better have quiet" he says as he looks at the eight girls cause he saw Evan was hiding right now behind the sectional

Logan went to 20 and the girls did not listen so he was going to have all eight go to their room to think things over and once he got the babies in their room he came down to take care of Evan and comfort him

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now