Seeing Evan

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Erin wanted to see Evan and see if he was going to be coming home as well

"Where we going?" Logan sr asks her

"To see Evan and see when he is coming home cause I am worried about him," she says as they head to his floor

Logan was okay with that cause he wanted to see his other son as well

(Evan's room)

"Hey buddy," she says as she comes in the room

Erin sees that Evan wasn't there

"Where did Evan Henderson go?" she asks the nurse

"I can see and I can give you a call," she says as they go down to the main entrance

Erin wanted an answer right that minute on Evan and why he was not in his room

The nurse was able to see that Evan was down in the ICU cause his heart started to fail during the night

"Is he on the list for a new one?" she asks the nurse

"Yes he is right now they are monitoring him to see what will happen," the nurse says to her

Erin wanted to come back that night to be with Evan and hold him as they were waiting for a new heart to come

"Let's go home and be with the others," she tells Logan

Logan took her down to the car so they could go home 

"Can we go back up and see him that way the girls have more time to work on the banner?" she asks him 

"Sure we can I bet he would love to see us" he says as he was going to see if the nurses can take them to the ICU to see little Evan 


"Hey buddy" Erin says when she saw Evan cause Logan stayed out with L.J 

"Hi mommy" Evan says as he was going to sit up a little bit right now 

"Easy does it sweetie" she says as she was going to be wit him right now

Evan was careful as he wanted to be with mommy

"Can I go home mommy I don't wanna be here I wanna see my sisters" he says as he was looking at him 

Erin was going to see what she could do to get Evan released cause she hated to see his heart break 

"Can Evan Henderson be released?" she asks the nurse 

The nurse was going to see what could be done to get Evan out of there 

"Honey I am going to get you out of here" she says as she was trying to see if Evan can climb onto her lap 

Evan cuddled close to mommy right now 

"I got you buddy" she says as she was holding him as she waited for an answer

The doctor was going to release him to go home and he was going to need to be on oxygen and a heart monitor as they wait cause that bed can go to someone else for all he cared 

"Buddy you get to come home, but you have to have some equipment" she says as she was looking at him right now 

Evan was okay with that cause he wanted to be with his sisters and his new brother. Logan called again and the girls were making a banner for Evan cause he was coming home to stay for a little bit  

Evan and L.J will get settled next chapter

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now