Logan's has sympathy pains

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Erin woke up to Logan throwing up in the bathroom

"Logan are you okay honey?" she asks as she heads into the bathroom to see if he was okay or not

"It's just last night supper isn't agreeing with me is all" he says as he goes back to throwing up 

"Oh baby I will take care of you" she says as she rubs is back as he was throwing up 

Soon one of the babies wake up from their slumber so Erin went to see about the baby while Logan was throwing up in toilet

(Quads room)

"Okay my darlings who isn't a happy girl?" Erin asks as she came into the room to see about the girls and who was the unhappy one

Erin checked all of the cribs and she saw that Lily was the one that was an unhappy camper

"Oh Lily it's okay sugar" Erin says as she picks the baby up and leaves the room with her to take her to the master to see if she had a temp or not cause when the babies or the girls were sick they got to sleep with mommy and daddy until they were all better and then they slept back in their room with their siblings once again


"Okay Lily girl I think you will be going to the doctor's tomorrow for sure" Erin says when she saw how high the temperature was that Lily had

Lily wanted to snuggle with mommy and that is all she wanted

"Okay once I see about daddy and everything we will go back to bed just the three of us" Erin says as she got up to check on Logan to make sure that he was okay as well and wasn't any sicker then what he was

"Who is sick?" he asks as he was leaning back against a cool wall 

"Lily she has a high temp and she keeps throwing up and I am not going to give her no medicine until i see what it is" Erin says as she helps Logan to bed so she could take care of both Lily and Logan 

"Oh no little Lily" he says as he looks at the bed when he sees the cute baby that was waiting for mommy and daddy to come to bed so she could go to bed

"Yes little Lily our sweet Lily" Erin says as she got into bed that night and in the morning she was going to take Logan and Lily to the doctor's to see what was going on with the both of them 

Lily leaned towards daddy more when she was sick or she just wanted some extra cuddles too which was okay with Logan cause he loved his baby girl a lot when she was sick or just wanted to cuddle with daddy 

"Well Lily the both of us are sick" he says as he holds her close as they started to go to sleep that night, but Logan was going to be up again throwing up in a few hours so sleep was welcome to him right now 


"Logan by the sounds of it you are going to the doctor's with Lily" Erin says when she saw Logan hunched over the toilet as well throwing up again

"Might as well go I have been feeling like this for days now and I can't shake it at all" he says as he was trying to catch his breath once again 

Erin decided she was going to make the appointments for both Lily and Logan when the doctor's opened that morning cause that gave her time to call for sitters, and see if one of the guys were free to come over and stay with the rest of the babies, and the little girls> James, Kendall and Carlos were both free so all three of the guys were going to come over and take care of the girls while Erin was at the doctor's with Lily and with Logan to make sure that they were okay and it was just a bug that they caught

(Much later)

"Okay Logan go sit down and I will sign you in" Erin says to him when they entered the doctor's office

Logan went to sit down cause he wanted to see what was going on with him and what was making him sick and feel just like Erin right now since she was pregnant too

Erin signed Lily in as well cause both doctor's were in the same office, so when Logan goes on back Erin will be waiting with Lily so she could be seen as well 

(Much later)

"Logan" the nurse calls from the doorway

Erin helps Logan up so he could head in to see the doctor as well and see what was going on with him and why he was acting like this 

"Logan can you tell us what brings you in?" the nurse asks him

"Yeah my chest feels funny, my nipples feel weird,  have been throwing up a lot lately, and I have been gaining a lot of weight around my middle" he says to the nurse as he was put in an exam room to wait for the doctor to come in to see what was going on with him 

"Okay the doctor will be right with you" the nurse says as she closes the door to the exam room

Logan decided to lay down cause he felt tired all of a sudden, so sleep was welcome right now in his mind so a nap couldn't hurt at all as he waited for the doctor to come, and he feel right asleep while he waited on the doctor to come in to see him

"Logan" the doctor says to him when he saw that Logan was fast asleep on the table 

Logan did not wake up at all, so the doctor was going to take some blood from him to see what was going on with Logan and then go from there 


"Well Mrs. Henderson Logan here is pregnant" the doctor tells her after a while and the test came back clear 

"Wait he is a guy" Erin says to him

"He has sympathy pains from the pregnancy so he has the same symptoms that you had before" the doctor tells her

"Thanks doctor what do i tell him?" she asks him

"Just tell him that he is pregnant for now and he will picture the baby and everything" the doctor tells her

Erin was going to go along with it and she will tell him the news later

V & C

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now