The wedding

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It took Erin a little while to come around after Logan told her that they were getting married that day on mother's day for the girls, and for the babies

"Whose gift idea is this?" Erin asks him as she looks at him, and the little girls who were scared just in case they were going to be hit by Erin cause one of them came up with the idea for the wedding for mother's day

"It was Hallie's idea for us to get married on mother's day, and I don't want to disappoint her even more then what she is cause she has been through enough in her little life. First her and her sisters were left at that orphanage when they were only a baby, and they stayed there until i adopted them cause couple who saw one of the girls they didn't want to adopt four little girls. Then all of them ended up here cause they have cancer, and are fighting to survive to stay on this earth. I want all of these girls to have a family with a mommy and a daddy who really love them. I want to give that to them" he says as he picks up Hallie cause she wanted to be held by daddy cause she saw that mommy was getting a little angry that she suggested the wedding on mother's day, and she was hoping that Erin will go through with it for the girls and the babies who didn't know what was going on cause they were too little to understand it all

Erin looked into the little girl eyes and saw that she was ready to cry if mommy and daddy didn't get married on mother's day and that they could be a family that she wanted and dreamed of in the pictures that she had drawn when she wasn't getting medicine to kick the cancer out of her

"See" he says when Hallie lays her head on daddy cause the chemo that she was getting was getting to her after all this time

Erin knew she could not say no to Hallie or any of the girls cause they were too cute to say no too, and she didn't want to break their hearts that mother's day

"Are you going to marry daddy mommy?" Hallie asks from Logan's strong arms where she was the most comfortable when she was really scared

"Yes princess I am going to marry daddy today" Erin says as she wipes the tears that were coming from Hallie's eyes cause she was way too cute in her little dress that she had on

The older girls were happy that they were going to have a family that is going to love them

"Okay girls we have to get ready for the ceremony" Logan says to the girls who were going to be flower girls for the wedding and Hillary was going to pull the four babies down the aisle in the wagon that one of the girls did for the wedding, so it was festive for the couple and it could be a memorable wedding for Logan and Erin

"Are you nervous Logan?" Kendall asks him as they stood at the altar

"A little bit but I am going to marry the girl of my dreams that is a wonderful mom to the girls already" Logan says as he takes his place as the music starts to play and the girls start to come down the aisle towards him little by little

Logan lets out some tears go when he saw all of the little girls come down the aisle in their cute dresses

"Those girls are cutie pies" James says as he continues to watch the little girls come down the aisle and go sit down, so they could watch the ceremony where mommy and daddy going to be married

"I know they are" Logan says when he sees Erin appear in her beautiful dress

Erin started walking down the aisle slowly towards Logan and she had the biggest smile on her face as she was walking towards him

"Everyone we are gather here today to unite this man and this woman in holy matrimony, and if anyone has any objection to why this two should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace" the chaplain says to the audience who came to watch Logan and Erin be married

No one said a word they were pleased about this ceremony that was going to take place

"Logan has written a special song for Erin, and he is going to sing it for her now" the chaplain says to the audience

Logan went over to the piano that was in the church to play and sing Forever for Erin. As well as another song that he wrote for her. Erin started to cry when she heard that song, and she knew that Logan really cared for her with all his heart. She didn't have a song for Logan cause the songs that he did for her was enough for her

"Logie that was beautiful" Erin says as she cries cause that was the most beautiful song that she has ever heard in her life that he played and sang for her

"Every word was meant for you" he says as he kisses her as they go up to do their rings since Erin didn't know about this she didn't prepare her vows cause this caught her off guard completely

"May i have the rings please?" the chaplain asks Kendall

Kendall started to search for the rings

"Kendall don't tell me you forgot the rings" Logan says looking at him

"I didn't I know they are in here somewhere" Kendall says as he continues to search for the rings that he remembered to grab that Logan had designed that week at the local jewelers that was in the hospital

Kendall was able to find the rings

"Erin repeat after me" the chaplain says as he hands Erin the ring that is going to go on Logan's finger

"I Erin Sanders take thee Logan Henderson as my husband to love and grow old with, and love and watch our girls grow and change" she says as she slips the ring onto Logan's finger

"Logan repeat after me" the chaplain says as he hands Logan the ring that is going to go on Erin's finger

Logan said the same thing to Erin that she said to him

"Logan that is a really pretty ring" she says when she sees the ring that he had picked out for her

"I knew you would like it" he says with a chuckle

"Do you Erin Sanders take Logan Henderson as your loving husband to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" the chaplain asks her

"I do" Erin says as she holds Logan's hands

"Do you Logan Henderson take Erin Sanders as your loving wife to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" the chaplain asks him

"I do" he says as he looks into Erin's beautiful eyes

"With the power vested in me by St. Jude's hospital I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride" the chaplain says to them

Logan kisses Erin deep

"I give you for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Logan and Erin Henderson" the chaplain says as Logan and Erin come up after they have kissed

Everyone cheered as Logan and Erin left the church and the guys followed with their girlfriends or wife down the aisle to where Logan and Erin ran off too

"I can't believe that we are married" Erin says to Logan as they kiss

"I can't believe it either" Logan says as they go back and get the girls cause they had to go to their reception that the hospital was giving them since they got married on mother's day, and finish celebrate mother's day for Erin that day cause that day was going to be jammed packed and he wanted her to experience everything that the girls had up their sleeve

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The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin