Band meeting

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"Guys band meeting at my house in a few minutes" Logan says as he was putting Heaven in her car seat so they could go home

"Okay see you in a bit Logan" James says as he went to his car so he could head to Logan's house and see those girls and see them again cause he loved those girls the same

"Is Kendall coming?" Carlos asks him

"Yeah I am going to call him on the way home and when all of us are at the house we are going to think of what we are going to do to settle this cause i think she is getting bullied at school and her sisters are keeping quiet about it" Logan says as he got into the van to go home and get everything ready for the emergency band meeting to talk about Heaven cause if Logan drags Erin into this there is a chance that she could go into labor and Logan did not want that at all with her being so close to delivering the baby

Logan called Kendall as soon as he was pulling out of the gym and headed home to see the girls and everything and Kendall says that he was going to be there for the meeting, and they were going to see what they could do about Heaven and go to the school on Monday and talk to the principal and her teachers and see if she was being bullied at school and if she was they were going to call a conference with the kids parents who are picking on little Heaven cause she is different then most kids that go to that school cause Logan will not stand for bullying with his kids at all cause he was going to protect his girls full force and no one was going to mess with papa bear at all with his girls

"Okay now to discuss what we are going to do about this matter" Logan says as he was driving home from the gym that day with Heaven in her car seat crying up a storm

Logan was trying his hardest not to get mad in front of her and he was hiding his pain that he had felt for her since they left the gym to go home and he kept telling her that he loved her when she was thinking about killing her self as they were heading home from the gym that day 

"Sweetie daddy loves you with all his heart, and he will die if something happens to you" he says as he was driving home and he was calling Erin to tell her that he was on his was home from the gym already 

"Daddy stop the car" she tells him as she got ready to fall out of the car and onto the road cause she was ready to end her life right then and there for sure and she was never going to look back at what her life has become 

"No sweetie" he says as he calls the guys for a important band meeting right then and there cause Heaven was going to commit suicide 

As soon as Heaven opened the door she heard Go Cubs Go 

"Please stay here sweetie" he says as he stopped the car to have her stay in her seat as he continued to head home

Soon all three of the other guys came to have a emergency band meeting with Logan since Heaven was going to kiss herself and that was important enough right now to talk some sense into her and have her not end her life cause she has her whole life ahead of her to live and she has the opportunity to be a big sister to L.J when he comes soon 

"Logan she needs help and while she is getting help we can talk then cause we need to get her serious help right now" Kendall says as he looks at Heaven who was ready to get out and fall into the road to have a car end her life since she has been bullied so much in her life, and the kids at the gym and at school as well 

"Let's go" Logan says as the guys put the child lock on so she doesn't get out of the van as they were heading to the hospital or some place to get her some help 

(Counseling center)

Logan called ahead and they were able to get her in right away, so she could get the help that she needs right now  

"I say we call the school to see if she is getting bullied there as well and see how long this has been going on and she has not said a thing about this matter" Kendall says to Logan as they were waiting to see what was going on with Heaven since she was in talking to someone  

"Talk to her teachers and anyone who she is with and see if any of them see that she is being bullied and what they might be doing to step in or what we can do to have it stopped cause it is getting out of control now" James says as they were still talking in the waiting room  

"Until then Logan have her stay in her own room away from her sisters" Carlos says to him as they were coming up with ideas on what they could do with her for now  

"I doubt that might happen cause we don't have much room for the girls to have their own room they end up sharing a room with one of the other girls" Logan says as he was still talking tot he guys to make time go faster  

"Have her room mate stay with one of the other girls until this passes cause she needs her space away from her sisters and maybe the babies too Logan " Kendall says to him

"She might go goth later on if that happens" Carlos says as he was looking at Logan 

"Right now I don't know what else we could do with her right now since she is like this, and I hate to ask Erin" Logan says as he was looking at the guys for support to get him through this tough time

"She could stay with one of us for a while Logan" James says to him

"Alexa will love to have her stay at the house, and she could roll down our driveway" Carlos suggests to Logan to break the silence

V & C

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