L.J is born last part

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Don't worry i am going to finish Logan's fantasy in time as well, so here we go  

"Erin you nervous?" he asks her

"A little bit" she says to him as the nurses were still getting everything ready for delivery

"Soon it will be over and we will be holding him" he says to her as he was getting everything ready like the camcorder

"I know i can't wait" she says as her lower half was covered as the doctor came into the room

The doctor checked her to make sure she was fully dilated and ready to give birth

"Well Erin you are fully dilated you ready to push?" the doctor asks her

Erin nods as she looks at the doctor

"Since everything is ready you can go ahead and push" the doctor tells her as he got ready to deliver L.J

"Go ahead Erin I am right here" Logan says as he gave her his hand 

Erin started to push with all of her might to bring L.J into the world 

"Am i bringing him down?" Erin asks out of breath 

"That was a good push" the doctor says to her as he kept an eye out for the head 

"Erin you got this" Logan says to her as he  was going to get behind her to help her keep her motivated as she was delivering the baby 

"Erin several good pushes and you will have a baby in no time" the doctor tells her as he made a small cut so she wouldn't tear as she was having the baby 

"Okay" she says as she goes back to pushing L.J out

Erin pushed as Logan counted for her

"Keep going Erin you are doing so good" he says as she continued to push L.J out and into the world

"Logan shut it" she tells him as she went back to pushing L.J out and into the world 

Logan shuts up, and went back to coaching her as she was having the baby 

"Soon he will be here, and it will all be worth it" he says as a mask went on Erin to help her breathe a little better as well    

Erin didn't argue there she knew he was right 

"Okay the head is coming view now" the doctor says when he saw the head 

Logan got excited to see L.J for the first time and see what he looked like as well cause that was going to be a very special day as well. The girls were going to meet him once he was all cleaned up 

 "Soon Erin he will be here" he says as she continued to push really good 

Erin kept pushing until the head was out 

"Logan you wanna meet your little boy?" the doctor asks him

Logan got up to see L.J head

"Erin he has a full head of hair" Logan says when he saw his son for the first time 

"He should i had a lot of heartburn the whole time" she tells him 

Logan went back to the side so he could coach her and watch as L.J be born as well cause he was excited to have a little boy after all of this time

"Not too much further to go and he is here and in our arms" Logan says as he took his place next to Erin 

Erin smiled at him cause she knew he was right about that part

"Erin you got this you can do anything" he says as he was going to coach her through the rest of the delivery 

Erin kept pushing and breathing as she delivered L.J and bringing him into the world cause this was quite a marathon having the baby 

"Keep going Erin you got this" he tells her 

"Erin hang on the cord is around the baby's neck" the doctor tells her 

Erin pants as they waited for the cord to be removed from around his neck 


"Okay go ahead and push" the doctor told Erin 

Erin pushed with all of her might 

"Okay one little push and he will be here" the doctor tells them 

"Logan can you do it I am too tired?" Erin asks him 

"Erin you got this if you wanna rest for a little bit that is okay, and the contractions can bring him out" Logan says as he was drying her forehead a little bit to see if that helps in anyway getting the baby out 

Logan got her ice chips as she rested for a few moments and catch her breath, so she could deliver the rest of L.J 


"Okay Erin you ready?" the doctor asks her

"Ready" she tells him as she gave every push her all

On the last push they could hear L.J cries

"Here he is" the doctor tells Logan and Erin

"Hey buddy welcome to the world" Logan says to him

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt