Logan adopts four little girls

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Logan loved having all four girls home, and getting them ready for their first Christmas which he went way overboard for, but he had an excuse cause they were his girls, When the girls go down for their nap he was lonely cause all four were napping and he wanted to play with them, but they could not yet. He decided he was going to give the girls one more present that year for Christmas, and that was a big sister someone that could show them the ropes of how to be little girls, and play with them when he didn't feel like it.

"Kendall do you mind watching the girls while I go down to the local orphanage?" Logan asks him

"Sure if you come back with another little one I can't wait to be that one Uncle" Kendall tells him

"Thanks Ken I knew i had your back" Logan says as he leaves to head to the orphanage to see what little girl or girls could use a home that holiday season

Logan was excited to be adding to his family since the babies were going to have a big sister or sisters that they could hang around when they are older, and there could be competitions with the girls over whatever when they are older


Logan pulls up to the local orphanage and heads in to see about the girls that were available for adoption

"Hello can i help you?" one of the workers as Logan

"Yes I'm here to adopt a little girl" he tells the worker

"What age group are you looking at?" the worker asks him

"2-4 age group" he tells the worker

"Follow me I'll show you the cutest set of sisters that are two" the worker tells him as she shows him to the room

"Are they potty trained?" he asks the worker

"Yes all of them are potty trained" the worker says with a chuckle

"That's good cause i have a set of quads at home, an they are the cutest things, so i want to give the a big sister to play with" he tells the worker

"These girls are a set of quads they were left here when they were six months old" the worker says as she opens the door to reveal the other set of quads

Logan was in aww when he saw the girls around one of the bed that had their sister

"That's Heaven that is in the bed" the worker tells him

"What's wrong with her?" he asks the worker

"She is very weak and dehydrated, so she is sick" the worker tells him

"Say no more I will take these four as my girls cause it looks like they need a home this Christmas season" he says as he goes over and picks up Heaven from her bed

Heaven's sisters Hannah, Hallie and Hillary follow behind their new daddy

"Heaven has some medical problems that i will go over with you before you take them home" the worker tells Logana s they head for her office

"I don''t mind cause one of the babies had some medical trouble as well" Logan says as they enter her office to do the paperwork on the girls, so he could take them home

Logan found out that Hallie and Heaven had to wear glasses cause of their bad eyesight that they had. Heaven has cerebral palsy and has trouble walking, she also has ashtma and needs to be on an inhaler to help her breathe a little better

"These girls were the last ones that we were hoping that they would be adopted out, so we could close our doors" the worker tells him

"Why are you closing?" he asks her

"Lack of funds for medical care for the girls. If they didn't get adopted by Christmas they will have to stay here" the worker says as the judge comes into the room, so the adoption could be finalized

"Well these girls are going to have a Merry Christmas for sure" he says as he signs his name on the papers that needed signed

"I have gifts coming for them since they were the last ones here at the start of December. I decided to order their gifts, so they had a great last Christmas here at the orphanage" the worker tells him as she gets the birth certificates and the girls social security numbers

"Thank you very much they will appreciate it, and I wil send you a thank you card in the mail when the gifts come, and I'll send pictures of the girls opening their gifts on Christmas" he says as he gets prepared to take the oath of adoptive parents

Once Logan took the oath he went up to the girls room to get Heaven's wheelchair and crutches and anything else that the girls needed to come home with him

"Here you can have the orphan bus to take them home, and it has a hitch, so you can pull your other vehicle behind it" the worker tells him

"Thank you very much" Logan says as he gets the van lined up, so it could be hitched onto the bus that sits eight comfortably

Logan got the girls buckled into their car seats, so he could take them home to their new home, but first he had some shopping to do for them like get their bed, clothes and everything that they needed

"Don't worry girls I will love you no matter what happens you and my other set of quads are my girls until the end of time" he tells them after he got them all buckled in

Logan saw that there were beds on top just in case he went somewhere with all eight girls there were room for them to stretch out

"Now to go shopping for your guys bedroom" he says as he starts the new bus that was given to the orphanage a couple of months back

Heaven, Hannah, Hallie, and Hillary were glad to be going to a new home in time for the holidays

(Much later)

All four two year olds were happy with the beds that they picked out to go into their new rooms. As well as the clothes that their daddy picked out for them

"I have a question will you girls want to stay together or be separated?" he asks them after he got the beds and everything into the van

"Together" they said together

"Okay I will keep you girls together" he says as he heads to his house with his new girls in tow

(Logan's place)

"Okay girls we are here welcome home" he says after he shuts off the bus engine

Logan unbuckles each of the girls and helps them off the bus. Logan carries Heaven into the house since she is still weak. Once the girls entered the house there were amazed at how big it was, and the tree that was lit up in one of the rooms

"I'll get the beds unloaded and together while you introduce the girls to the babies" Kendall tells Logan once he entered the house

"Thanks Kendall put the beds in the huge bedroom that is empty at the moment" Logan tells him

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The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now