Logan's fantasy part 2

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"Okay you four daddy is coming" he says as he gets up when he heard the babies start to cry all at once

Logan got up slowly and he headed for the nursery to check on all four babies and he was going to see if any of the girls wanted a snack as well cause a snack sounded great right about now, and maybe later they could watch a movie too while they had their snack

"It's okay girls daddy is right here" he says as he picked one of the girls up to hold her in his arms again

"Lottie it looks like you need a bath sweet girl" he says as he took her to the bathroom to give her a bath and clean her up a little bit since she had a big blow out ruining her pretty outfit

Logan decided to bathe all four of the babies and two of the girls hated the bath, but were okay when they were all clean up and had different outfits on

"Okay my adorable girls once daddy gets you dressed we can have a snack and you girls can play" he says as he picks all four of the girls up from the tub once they were all clean again and their hair smelled good

Logan had all of the girls dressed and had the older girls go down for a snack and all of the girls had their snack and had their juice and once snack time was done the girls decided they were going to play with their baby sisters to give daddy some time to himself which was a pleasant and a nice surprise for Logan that way he could do what he needed to do since L.J was going to be coming soon and there won't be much time for him to have some Logan time he will help Erin with the kids

"Daddy you okay?" Hallie asks him as she came over with her Doc McStuffins kit that Uncle Carlos gave her 

"Daddy is sick is all and he needs his rest baby" he says as he laid down on the couch and closes his eyes to relax a little bit

Hallie went to play with her baby sisters as well as her other sisters while daddy was resting at the moment and having some daddy time which was overdue cause Logan has been working lot and taking care of the girls as well and since the one set of quads were older they were going to be helping with the babies when their baby brother comes which was going to be a big help for Logan and Erin

(Logan's fantasy continue)

"Logan are you okay?" Erin asks as she came into the house with the guys from BTR

"No i need to go to the hospital now" Logan says to her as he felt the contractions coming on stronger little by little

"Okay Kendall can you drive cause I'm too big to get behind the wheel?" she asks Kendall

"Sure cone on Logan let's head to the hospital" Kendall says as he helped Logan up so they could head to the hospital James and Carlos were going to stay behind  and watch the little girls to make sure that they were okay while Logan and Erin was at the hospital

Erin helped Logan into the car so they could head to the hospital to see if the baby was going to be coming

"Breathe baby" she says as she was comforting Logan as he was having his contractions

Logan was doing his deep breathing exercises as Erin got in with him as Kendall started the car so they could head to the hospital

"And we're off" Kendall says as he backed out of the driveway and heads to the hospital, so Logan could have the baby and Erin will have to wait in the waiting room cause she won't be allowed back there with Logan as he was having a baby and she will be surprised if they let her in to be with him

"I guess we are" Erin says as she was timing the contractions and keeping Logan calm as he was having the contractions, and as he labored as well

Erin had Logan go to his happy place as he was in labor with their little one

"Not too much farther now we are getting close to the hospital" Kendall says as he was taking the back way to the hospital cause it was quicker and he was going to have Logan go through the back of the hospital so no paps or fans will see Logan going into the hospital cause that was going to cause trouble

"That's good" Erin says as they were approaching the hospital slowly

Kendall drove under the hospital where a nurse was waiting with a wheelchair for Logan so they could head up to labor and delivery and Logan could have the baby

"You going to need a wheelchair too?" the nurse asks when she saw Erin and how big she was with L.J

"No I don't think so" Erin says as she got Logan into the wheelchair so they could head into the hospital with Logan and James and Carlos were going to bring the girls when everything was settled and Logan was checked in and had his happy medicine in him

Logan squeezed Erin's hand when he felt a contraction come on as they were heading upstairs

"Logan it's going to be okay" she says as they got into the elevator to go up to labor and delivery so he could have the baby

"I hope so Erin" he says as they were heading upstairs, so his doctor could see where he was dilated

Logan and Erin were in the elevator before they knew it and were on their way to meet the newest Henderson

"Logie do you want another boy or girl?" Erin asks him

"Another girl cause the eight we have is perfect and this one can be another daddy's girl" he says as he was rubbing his bump as they got off the elevator to head to his room where he was going to be until it was time for the baby to be delivered

(End of fantasy)

Logan was woken up by one of the babies crying

"Okay girls daddy is coming" he says as he got up to see who was crying and if they were hurt

Logan saw it was sweet little Lily that was crying her little eyes out for daddy

V & C

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now