Four ear infections

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Logan was sure glad that all of the girls were sick at the same time. That way he could care for all eight of them. He loved it the most cause all of the girls were extremely cuddly, and wanted to cuddle with daddy a lot. Which he didn't mind at all. The babies were back to their normal selves after a few days. When all eight were sick Logan kept them in the house, and didn't take them out for anything. He was afraid they were going to get worse, and he didn't want to risk it with the babies having a weak immune system

"Hey babe" Erin says when she sees him

"Hey" he says as he kisses her cause all of the little girls were fast asleep like little angels

"What should we do while the girls sleep?" Erin asks him

"We can start planning the wedding" she suggest to him

"Yeah let's get started with that cause I don't want a very big wedding" he says as they head to the kitchen to start planning their wedding

"Me either" Erin says to him

(Much later)

"We are going to get married on the set, and have the reception someplace in town" he says after they picked where they were going to get married

"When are we going to get married?" She asks him

"I was thinking Valentine's Day cause it's the most romantic day of the year" he says to her

"I like that idea cause mostly everyone will be free" she says to him

Soon they could hear crying from the two year old room

"Now we got to go back to being parents" he says to her

"Of course" she says as she follows him up to the bedrooms to see if the babies were okay

All four of the babies were still asleep in their cribs

"I can't believe how long their hair is getting" Erin says to him

"I know it's getting a little curly too I love that about the babies" he says as he goes to the others room to see who was crying

When Logan and Erin entered the room they found Hallie and Hillary sitting up in their beds

"Girls are you guys okay?" He asks as he runs into the room to check on the girls to see what they were crying about cause he wanted to make it all better for them cause he was their daddy

Logan picks Hallie up and Erin gets Hillary who wanted to be with daddy too

"Girls does anything hurt?" he asks them

"Our ears hurt daddy" the girls says between sobs

"Mommy is going to get the medicine to help ease the discomfort" Erin says as she goes and gets the medicine that has the flavor in, so the girls can take it

Erin returns with four teaspoons, so her and Logan can give the girls their medcine cause they could start to feel better

"Heaven and Hannah me and mommy will get to you girls very soon" he says as he gives Hallie her medicine

Logan and Erin was able to get the medicine in the girls after quite a battle

"I think the girls want to cuddle with their daddy" Erin says looking at Logan

"I think so too" he says as he helps Heaven up, so he could carry her downstairs, so he could hold her as the others follow behind daddy

"I can see it in their eyes that their ears hurt" Erin says as she fixes the girls beds after they woke up from nap

Soon the babies woke up from their nap

"They might as well play with their toys while I'm with the two year olds" he says as he goes into the nursery to get the babies who were up

All four were very happy to see daddy after their nap

"I take it by your smiles you girls had a good nap" he says as he comes in with Heaven who had her head on his shoulder

Logan lowered the bars on the cribs, so the girls could use the steps to get out of their cribs

"Lexi do you need changed?" he asks when he sees her over by the changing table waiting her turn

She nods

After I put the bars back up I'll change you" he says to her

Lottie got behind Lexi, and Leila got behind Lottie

"I believe all three of you need a diaper change" he says as he looks at the line

Erin was going to go to the store to get a few things, and she will return later


"Okay my darling daughters what would you guys want to watch?" he asks as he comes down with all four babies

All four had an opinion on what they should watch with daddy since the baboes were playing in their playpen

"Girls one at a time" he says as he signals them to stop talking, so he could take a vote on what the girls wanted to watch

Since the vote didn't work he went in the girls birth order to ask what they wanted to watch with him

"It says you girls were born at the same time no different times" he says as he looks at the birth certificates that he had of the girls

All four nod their head

"Oh great" he says as he thinks of a way to settle this quickly before their ears start to hurt more cause of all of the yelling that was going on in the room

Since the girls weren't agreeing on a movie he decided to put on Big time Movie for the girls to watch. Which ended up working out cause they saw daddy come onto the screen

"What movie is this daddy?" Heaven asks him

"It's a movie i was in with Uncle Kendall, James, and Carlos" he says as he starts the movie, so they could watch it

Hallie's ear were still bugging her

"Hallie do your ears still hurt?" he asks her

She nods with tears falling down

"Come here and we can snuggle" he says as the girls went to get their couches

Hallie held her ears during the whole movie

"I think your ear infection is worse then your sisters" he says as he strokes her hair to help her deal with the pain until Erin came home, so he could take her to the emergency room to get checked out

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The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon